Chapter 283

“My heart is fascinating… never saw it.” Duobao said regretfully.

To be honest, for Dijun, he is indeed known for a long time, but unfortunately, he has not seen it so far.

This is a real big brother, the first supreme of the monster race.

Even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, who was born in the arms of Xiantian’s most treasured chaotic clock, can only rank second.

To say that this is purely based on brotherhood, and concession… is not realistic.

Duobao believed that Emperor Jun must have his own ability…Even Donghuang Taiyi had to convince himself of his ability, otherwise, he would not be able to sit firmly in this position.

“I haven’t seen it!” Yaochi took a breath, and then looked at Duo Bao a little speechlessly: “Since you haven’t seen it, how can you be sure that Emperor Jun, he is the Heavenly Emperor?”

This guy shocked her, saying so true, I thought he had actually seen it!

But think about it carefully, with his words, it is not like someone who has met Dijun, otherwise, he would not be able to say such words!

This is too worthy of Di Jun, although she also admits that Di Jun is a human being, but she can reach the real Heavenly Emperor Realm as Dubao said… it may not be impossible to replace it with another world, but it can be replaced with Honghuang, that is basically definitely not working.

After all, the power of heaven is in Heavenly Dao’s hands.

If you want to seize power from Heavenly Dao… not even a few Sages!

“He is not the Heavenly Emperor?” Duobao was puzzled and looked at Yaochi in amazement, bewildered by these words.

Emperor Jun himself is Heavenly Emperor!

Yaochi was dumb, and what Dubao said was true.

She couldn’t find the right words to refute.

Most importantly, she seemed to finally understand one thing.

“Duobao… do you want to train Haotian to become a true Heavenly Emperor?” Yaochi asked Duobao in a daze.

It seems that for various reasons, Duobao doesn’t understand the basic situation of the land.

He seems to have his own unique set of theory and cognition.

It’s just that his theory and cognition are too absurd for Hong Huang.

But what is even more bizarre is that such absurd cognition, falling on him, seems to have become real.

This is more absurd than absurd, more bizarre than bizarre.

This is incomprehensible.

Yaochi finally understood why the master valued Duobao so much.

But more puzzles appeared in my mind.

Duobao was very surprised. Hearing what Yaochi said, he was somewhat nonchalant: “How do you… think so?”

“Huh?” Yaochi Yimeng, what’s wrong?

Is there any problem with my words?

Duobao smiled bitterly: “How can I dare to say that I can cultivate a Heavenly Emperor?”

“I’m just a big Luo Jinxian myself, Heavenly Emperor… at least I must be a quasi-sage, right?”

“Uncle Master, are you taunting me?” Duobao looked at Yaochi suspiciously.

Yaochi shook his head quickly, helpless in his heart… taunting you? How dare I?

How can I have that qualification!

“…” Yaochi: “What do you plan to cultivate Haotian into?”

Yaochi was helpless, so there was no way to say it. After thinking about it, she asked in a different way.

“Don’t use the word cultivation, it’s too big.” Duobao shook his head, then he thought about it, and slowly said, “Master Haotian has a bad foundation now, and there are so many things that he lacks.”

“For example?” Yaochi was startled, there are a lot of things lacking?

Why didn’t she find out before?

Now… think about it, there seems to be nothing lacking, right?

“Uncle Haotian will be the Heavenly Emperor in the future. As an emperor, he must have peerless domineering, unparalleled foundation, super strength, and more importantly, he also needs to have the ability to tame his subordinates!”

As Duobao said, he suddenly remembered the wretched Jade Emperor who was beaten by a monkey and hid on the table and floor… he couldn’t help but a toothache.

Although it was just acting, but acting to such an extent, it is indeed a bit too much.

Dignified Heavenly Emperor, why bother to seek perfection like this.

The Jade Emperor of later generations should not be low in strength, but the various methods… are too far-fetched.

Every one of them can be used, and the entire Heaven Court is full of spies planted by other forces.

Either the Three Religions, or Buddhism, and there are even hidden spies from other major forces that have not been exposed.

Even the magnificent Tota Li Tianwang, his position in Heaven Court is not low, he is considered to be someone who can be used by the Jade Emperor.

But it was also entangled with the ancient Buddha of the Buddhist temple, and the Linglong Pagoda in his hand was also sent out by the Buddhist temple.

In the entire Heaven Court, perhaps the only person who can say is him, there is only one Taibaijinxing!

Of course, in the dark, he must still have own subordinates and forces, but on the bright side… he is really just a puppet Heavenly Emperor.

Thinking about it like this… it turned out to be a bit aggrieved.

Duobao panicked for Haotian.

“It seems to be too!” Yaochi heard Dubao say that, thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

“Then what are you going to do?”

Duobao: “First, let Master Vast Sky be in the black hole sky and tame all black holes…The power of black holes is the best at refining.”

“The power of the black hole washes the body and mind, over and over again, it can make the Realm and the strength of Master Void Master imaginary, and give a preliminary condensed.”

“Washing?” Yaochi’s eyes widened, echoing his previous experience. It was almost a situation of struggling on the edge of life and death… Do you call this washing?

Divine Sense fell into his body, and after a closer look, Yao Chi was speechless again.

Indeed, after experiencing that time, the Magic power in her body, her body and even her mind all had a lot of Ascension.

The effect is really not weak.

If it can go on for a long time, the strength will naturally have to be Ascension and refined.

It’s just that the environment is too bad, it’s really scary…it’s hard to keep going.

Yaochi concentrated, looking at the calm Duobao, and sighed in his heart: “For him, our strength is indeed too empty.”

“He is indeed qualified to say this!”

Although they are both Da Luo Jinxian, but compared with Duobao’s Realm, they are just Xuanxian.

What qualifications does a mere Xuanxian have to speak?

“Haotian.” Yaochi had the answer in his heart, but he was even more embarrassed, muttering silently, and then asked Duo Bao: “The method you just said can help Haotian… teach me.”

She also had a general understanding of Duobao’s situation, combined with the reaction and attitude of the master before and after, she also guessed something in her heart.

No more questioning, no more words.

“Okay.” Duobao was about to say. Hearing Yaochi’s words, he had to let go of his thoughts and turned to look at Yaochi. With a wave of his hand, a blue light flew out and fell into the center of Yaochi’s eyebrows.

“Jiufeng towards the sky?”

A Dao Fa appeared in Yaochi’s mind, several red golden Xiantian Daowen appeared in her head, and she subconsciously read it out.

Duobaofufu, you really don’t need to read it out.

“The so-called dragon and phoenix harmony… Since the ancient times of the tribe, the ancestor dragon and ancestor phoenix turned into dragon veins, suppressing the immortal volcano, and after turning into the way of dragon and phoenix in their own way, dragon and phoenix became the symbol of emperor and queen. ”

“The emperor is a true dragon, and the queen is a true phoenix… It directly replaces the original emperor, the queen is lucky.”

“Uncle Haotian has the Heavenly Emperor’s fate, and you have the Queen’s fate…It’s equivalent to having a true dragon and true phoenix fate.”

“I help Master Uncle Vast Sky sharpen my foundation, and pass all the information about the emperor I know to Master Uncle Vast Sky through various trials.”

“As long as he can get through it, he can get the corresponding harvest.”

“I can’t say that it will definitely be able to have the true Heavenly Emperor majesty, ability, at least the foundation.”

Yaochi couldn’t help but interject: “You are so humble!”

Although she has only experienced the same many trainings set by Duobao, she can already imagine the difficulties of the following trainings.

Once Haotian can survive, he will definitely have the ability to become the Heavenly Emperor!

“…” Duobao paused, looked at Yao Chi weirdly, and continued to say: “The dragon and the phoenix are connected by luck… This nine phoenixes are facing the sky, and the master can cultivate true phoenix energy. Luck is connected to the Qi machine of Uncle Haotian.”

“When Master Haotian can’t support it, it can help him share the pressure.”

Yaochi was overjoyed: “That’s it.”

She didn’t have the confidence to sustain the training of the black hole sky, even Haotian, she didn’t have much confidence in it.

But with these nine phoenixes in the sky, the two of them work together, and think they should be able to support a little longer.

Until now, she was not sure, with own help, whether Haotian could continue to support it!

“So, thank you very much!” Yaochi thanked Duobao happily.

Duobao shook his head: “Uncle Master, you are welcome…”

Halfway through, I added another sentence: “Uncle Master is sure not to participate together… The benefits are really a lot, and it’s not difficult.”

Hearing this, Yaochi rolled his eyes unconsciously, isn’t it difficult?

That’s just not difficult for you.

“No, thank you for your kindness, but Uncle Master can’t bear it.” Yaochi sighed, and then Lotus Position sat down and began to cultivate.

Duobao looked at Yaochi who had already begun cultivation, and understood her intentions, so he couldn’t persuade him anymore.

He doesn’t understand, it’s really not too difficult to train like this!

Compared to the trials in the dark trial field, it was really not a grade of existence.

Can’t you afford it just like this?

“Are they really the Heavenly Emperor and Queen Mother of the future?”

Duobao asked in his heart, but didn’t say anything.

Yes, he admits that the training of the black hole sky is very difficult for both of them to bear, but there is no life-threatening danger with him watching…Is it unbearable?

“Is it really just a related household?”

Duobao thought, feeling that he somewhat understood why the future Haotian God was so useless.

From the current situation, you can roughly see the clues.

Can’t bear any hardship… Heavenly Emperor, Queen Mother… If it weren’t for Master Hongjun, they really wouldn’t have the right to sit on it!

“This is also strength!”

After thinking for a long time, Duobao sighed.

A relationship household is a relationship household, but a relationship is also a kind of strength.

“Forget it, that’s it…I have done everything I can do. They can’t bear it, so who can blame it?”

“Anyway, I have done everything that Master explained, and the rest is up to their own choice!”

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