Chapter 281 Jade Lake’s Pray

Moreover, she said such an important thing so easily?

Not afraid of knowing it yourself?

“I know, Haotian is very happy, after all, that is the Heavenly Emperor!”

“As long as he becomes the Heavenly Emperor, then everything he dreamed of before can become reality.”

“I am happy for him.”


As he was talking, suddenly Yaochi turned his head to look at Duobao, his eyes complicated.

“But?” Duobao was puzzled, and his heart was guilty by Yaochi’s gaze, feeling inexplicably as if he had done something wrong.

“But what?” Duobao asked.

After speaking, he actually heard a bit of guilty conscience from his own words.

“Damn it, why am I guilty?”

Yaochi stared directly at Duobao: “However, the master said, the future is only the future. The Heavenly Emperor and Queen Mother originally belonged to us.”

“Originally?” Duobao felt like he understood something in a daze, but when he thought about it carefully, it was so hazy and he didn’t feel so real.

“What is Yuanyuan?”

Yaochi frowned, and a deep doubt appeared on his pretty face.

“You don’t know?” Yaochi asked.

Duobao was also dumbfounded: “Should I know? What do I know?”

Yaochi stared at Duo Bao for a while, and finally determined that he was not acting, he really didn’t seem to know.


Yao Chi asked silently in his heart.

Since the master said that their future is in the hands of Dubao… Then why Dubao himself is not clear?

In theory, shouldn’t this be?

Yaochi did not explain, but Duobao was even more puzzled: “Master Yaochi, please state clearly.”

He felt that the things he should know but didn’t know in Yaochi’s mouth might be important to him, and he had such a hunch.

“You really don’t know?” Yaochi asked again.

Duobao shook his head: “I really don’t know, so I have to ask Uncle Master to say it clearly.”

Yaochi hesitated, but still didn’t understand and explain, just stared at Duobao: “Since you don’t know, I don’t know, should I tell you.”

Although I don’t know why Dubao is not clear about all this, it is obviously not normal.

Sometimes, abnormality is actually normal, just because I don’t understand it.

“Of course it should be.” Duobao said, but looking at Yaochi’s hesitant face, he couldn’t help but guess: “It’s not that the master didn’t let you say it, right?”

“That’s not true.” Yaochi shook his head. Although the master had some instructions before they left, there was no clear statement in it, and he couldn’t tell Duobao.

Mainly, they didn’t know that Dubao didn’t know about this, and thought he knew, so they didn’t ask.

Now, facing such a problem, she didn’t know for a while that she should deal with it like this.

To tell or not to tell…this is a question.

In the past, Master Hongjun came to tell her what she should and shouldn’t do. If the master didn’t say it, Haotian would also.

She just needs to listen.

Now, the master is no longer there, and Haotian is no longer there, she needs to make her own decision.

“Are you entangled?”

Duobao saw Yaochi’s hesitation, did not ask further, and changed the subject.

“Yes.” Yaochi.

“Do you want to tell me?” Duobao asked.

Yaochi nodded: “Yes.”

“If this makes you entangled, then you still don’t tell me.”

Although he was very curious about what he should know in Yaochi’s mouth, and he also felt that it seemed to be very important to him.

But since Yaochi was so entangled, he didn’t insist anymore.

No matter how important it is, I feel that as long as it is not necessary, if it is troublesome to others, I still don’t want to trouble others.

He is not a person who is unwilling to ask for help, but if the other party is embarrassed… Then unless forced to do so, he would rather bear it himself.

It doesn’t matter whether he is the Virgin, or he is a good person, or even if he is unpleasant… he can accept it.

He is such a character.

Yaochi stared at Duobao blankly, watching carefully.

“Why? I have flowers on my face?” Dobo touched Own’s cheek and said.

Yaochi shook his head and suddenly smiled.

That beautiful, frowning little face burst into a bright smile for an instant.

Dubao looked dumbfounded.

“You really should smile more…” Duobao also smiled and said, “That’s how you deserve your face.”

“Are you kidding me?” The corner of Yaochi’s mouth raised, obviously very happy: “Little Master Duobao?”

“Of course not.” Duobao didn’t panic, molesting Uncle Master, this was a big crime, but he didn’t panic at all, because his heart was always calm and pure.

He didn’t have the slightest malice in his heart, so naturally he wouldn’t panic.

“I suddenly wanted to tell you.” Yaochi didn’t care, stared at him for a while, then suddenly turned to look at the blue sky, and said casually.

“Huh?” Duobao was stunned for a moment, and then asked somewhat puzzledly: “Why?”

Mingming Yaochi didn’t plan to tell him anymore, why did he suddenly change his attention?

“If it’s because of me, it’s actually unnecessary and embarrassing, I don’t need to know.” Duobao added.

“It’s not because of you.” Yaochi didn’t look back, his eyes faintly: “This is my own choice.”

“Do you choose your own?” Duobao was very polite.

“Do you know?” Yaochi, who looked up at the sky, said suddenly.

“Know what?” Duobao puzzled.

Yao Chi chuckled, her hair fluttered, and fluttered in front of her eyes: “This decision is actually the first decision I made by myself since I was born.”

“Huh?” Duobao was taken aback, looking at Yaochi, unable to believe her words.

own decision?


Although I don’t know how old Yaochi is, I can’t tell from the outside.

In the predicament, appearance has long been no criterion for judging age. Perhaps a seven or eight-year-old Loli is much older than a gray-haired old man.

Everything is determined by the heart. If the heart does not grow, the appearance will not change.

Just as his master is an old man, his second uncle is a middle-aged man, but his master is a young man.

In terms of appearance, it can even be said to be three generations of grandparents.

But who can say that the age of the three of them must be much older than who?

Yao Chi doesn’t know how old he is, but it is certain that he must be much older than him.

After all, she had followed Dao Zu Hongjun and had received three thousand guests.

In those years, almost tens of thousands, millions or even tens of millions will be calculated.

The time of the primordial land is not worth any money at all, even though one yuan will last for 129,600 years, it’s not that small.

But in fact, in comparison, it may not be much different in meaning than the year he understood in his previous life.

Duobao had previously thought that such a time unit was unreasonable compared to Honghuang.

All living here are long-lived species, and once breakthrough Celestial Immortals, they have an infinite life span.

Changing the Yuanhui to the year may be more suitable for this prehistoric famine.

However, he will understand later.

It was also not long ago that I entered the core of Heavenly Dao, where the law came from… to be precise, I didn’t understand until I entered the Gene Sea.

The reason why the time of the primordial world is so converted is actually the human race.

Because the measurement of time like this is centered on the human race.

In the human race, a year is already a long time…From this point of view, the human race must be the protagonist of heaven and earth.

Yaochi has survived for such a long time, yet he has not made a decision on his own…how does this sound so fantasy?

Even though he was in the prehistoric world of Fantasy, he still felt such a dream… it was simply unimaginable.

“It’s strange, isn’t it? I can’t understand it, right?” Yaochi didn’t look back, but he could feel Duobao’s current mood.

Duobao nodded immediately, this was more than strange, it was simply incomprehensible.

Judging from Yaochi’s performance, it doesn’t look like such a person who has no opinion!

“Maybe you can’t understand, and it’s hard to believe, but this… is the truth.”

A trace of happiness suddenly appeared in Yaochi’s eyes. That trace of happiness was very strong, and Duobao, who was so dense to the side, could feel that Yaochi at this time was very happy without careful perception.

Looking stupidly at the happy Yaochi, Duobao’s thoughts turned, and he slowly seemed to understand.

“Master, Haotian.”

He muttered in his heart, and gradually felt that Yaochi’s words were not so incomprehensible.

She should have never made a decision by herself.

Because in the past, there were Master Hongjun and Haotian in front of her, which blocked a lot of things for her.

She doesn’t need to make sure by herself, just listen to them.

All the worries and all the sorrows have almost nothing to do with her.

“This… is really a happy thing!”

After thinking about it, Duobao became a little sour, he admitted that he was envious.

He also thinks that he doesn’t need to make his own decisions about everything, and that others will consider everything for himself, and it will not fall to him at all.

Just like in modern society, many happy women do not need to make their own decisions. Any intrigue, any calculations, have nothing to do with them, because their husbands have blocked them.

This does not mean that they are worms, that they have no independent opinions, or that they have no own ability.

It’s just not necessary!

They were lucky to have met someone they could cling to… Yaochi was also very lucky to meet two people who could block everything for her.

“So, in this life, you need to meet the right person.”

“When you meet the right person, you will live a happy life, when you meet the wrong person… a life of misery!”

Duobao sighed in his heart.

“Duobao, what can I do to help Haotian?”

Duobao was still thinking, and suddenly heard Yaochi’s question.

“???” He blinked and looked at Yaochi, not understanding what she meant for a while.

“Your cultivation is really too bitter… Haotian may not be able to sustain it.” Yaochi continued, “What I can do to help him survive.”

“There must be such a way?”

“Please… teach me.”

Duobao was stunned, staring at Yaochi, his mood changed suddenly and complicated.

Understood, everything is understood.

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