Chapter 270

Dubao is inexplicably fearful, and can destroy the entire ancient civilization in an instant. What is the moral danger?

What are the Lich races doing?

Are they just watching?

They are in charge of heaven and earth, shouldn’t they rush forward when encountering such a crisis?

Otherwise, how do they deserve to be in charge of the world?

“Could it be that…they have already lost?”

Duobao took a deep breath, this guess was terrible.

It’s terrifying, if this guess is true…then he can no longer imagine what the future will become.

Civilization, order, ethics, everything that was established before, are all gone.

Survival now seems to be the only need of all living creatures in the prehistoric world.

“Master, how about them?”

“Are you watching?”

“Can’t they solve it?”

Suddenly, Duobao thought of several Sages from the predecessor, and then thought of the Taoist ancestor Hongjun above Sage, and his mind immediately relaxed a lot.

“There is a respected master, Master, they are…should still be within the controllable range!”

“Moreover, the real situation may not be as bad as I thought.”

“After all, this place is prehistoric!”

Honghuang is the most powerful world in the chaos, even if there is an invasion by foreign enemies, how many can be comparable to the Honghuang world?

Six Sages, Dao Ancestors, they are all peerless powerhouses.

Looking at the heavens and all realms, it is rare to be able to become a Daluo, let alone a quasi-sage, Sage and even a Taoist ancestor above Sage.

Thinking of this, I relax a lot.

Looking at the chaotic simulation of the prehistoric world, it is even more unhappy: “Smoke and miasma.”

It felt like seeing an originally clear river, suddenly becoming muddy, and there was a lot of rubbish there, floating, and a stench came, and I couldn’t help covering my nose.

“The world is chaotic, order collapsed, this is a garbage dump!”

Duobao couldn’t help saying that, with a thought, he landed on the first stage of the simulated prehistoric world.

“Rebuild order!”

This is the world he created. He cannot change the real wild world, but he can solve it by simulating the wild world.

It’s just that the world he opened up doesn’t want it to be a garbage dump, looking at Ge Ying.

A divine light fell in the eyes, shining in the simulated prehistoric world.

Then, simulating the wild world, Five Elements manifested as five rivers.

But just as Dubao guessed, the original smooth and clear Five Elements river has now been filled with endless negative emotions, making the flow of Five Elements difficult, and this has also led to changes in the corresponding rules. The chaos is overwhelming.

“The Lich holds the world, the cultivator holds the Five Elements…Look at this situation, the Rogue Cultivators of the prehistoric world are basically abandoned!”

Seeing the negative emotions in the river, Duobao sighed again, somewhat shocked.

He knew that Honghuang’s current situation was not good, but he didn’t expect that it would be difficult to see such an extent.

This is just a simulation of the changes brought about by the real prehistoric world, which is already the case. If it is the real prehistoric, wouldn’t the entire Five Elements smell bad now?

Even, Duobao looked at the Five Elements cycle and guessed in his heart: “Or, Five Elements is about to be completely contaminated!”

His Five Elements cycle here has only been affected a little, and it has become like this. What about the real prehistoric?

“Five Spirit Orbs!”

With a thought, five spiritual orbs of gold, wood, water, fire and earth appeared in front of him.

The five-color light shines, stimulating the Five Elements law, generating endless energy of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, rushing toward the Five Elements cycle.



A thunderous roar sounded, and all the negative emotions were washed together in the Five Elements cycle and circulated in the Five Elements cycle.

Detective Duobao grabbed it and grabbed it out.


The sky and the earth trembled. In an instant, all the creatures here shook their bodies, and they couldn’t help but look to the sky. Looking at the sky as usual, the mood improved inexplicably.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to become brighter.

“What happened to me… before?”

Some creatures walked out of the Closed Door Training cultivation place, looking at the sky with bright eyes, recalling their previous state, suddenly full of doubts, feeling that the whole person was gray before.

He was full of negative emotions, and even rushed out desperately to grab a Divine Armament, and even the magic soldier could…only in this way could survive.

I didn’t think it before, and didn’t think there was anything wrong with this, what’s wrong with this kind of thinking!

After all, this is the current situation in the precipice, and survival is the biggest problem.

But now, they suddenly realized that their previous state was indeed wrong…

“The Great Tribulation?”

Some creatures said in shock, realizing the problem.

“A great calamity occurred in the prehistoric age, and we are all blinded by the calamity, our minds…”

Thinking of the horror of robbery, everyone couldn’t help but shudder, with fear in their eyes.

Under the catastrophe, the creatures will unconsciously do things that they don’t usually do, become impulsive, respond to the catastrophe without realizing it, and leave ashes.

“Wait…” Suddenly a creature realized the problem.

It stands to reason that under the anger of the catastrophe, unless you have survived the catastrophe, it is basically difficult to wake up once you are in the catastrophe.

They are now awake, does this mean that they have survived the catastrophe?

However, after a closer look, the sentient beings immediately shook their heads.

Theirs told them directly that the catastrophe was not over yet, they just came back sober by luck.

“So, is the reason for this world?”

They are not fools, combined with the changes before and after, many clues, the thoughts in their minds turned, and they immediately guessed the reason.

“Thank you senior!”

Unanimously, all the creatures knelt down to express their own gratitude.

This is a life-saving grace, if there is no action from the master of this world, they will not be able to wake up and restore their sanity.

Thinking back to the previous state of own, everyone has lingering fears.

If they continue in that state, they will most likely sink forever, until they die, and they should leave.

Duobao was looking at the negative emotions he caught from the Five Elements cycle, watching carefully.

He wanted to find a clue from it, perhaps allowing him to discover or guess the cause of the great changes.

But after looking at it, he suddenly felt a little familiar.

When I was thinking hard about where I was familiar, I suddenly felt all living beings kneeling and thanking me.

Stopped his movements and looked at the prehistoric creatures kneeling on the ground.

These creatures are very scared, and at the same time they are grateful, they are even more frightened.

In terms of breath, all of them are weak and pitiful.

In Dubao’s eyes, it was even more like an ant.

“Hey, they are all poor people!”

With a sigh, Duobao waved his hand and whispered softly: “You don’t need to be polite, it’s your fate to be able to come here. After this great change, with your strength, it’s not enough to survive.”

“If you don’t mind, just stay with me for the time being and wait until the great changes are over before you go out, okay?”

Although he cleaned up the negative emotions of the simulated prehistoric, the changes in the prehistoric world remained the same.

These creatures are so weak, if they go back, they will be contaminated again, and there will be problems.

Since he had saved these creatures accidentally, he didn’t want them to die.

Otherwise, isn’t he saved for nothing?

However, it was just a piece of persuasion, he didn’t force it to listen to it.

Duobao’s voice was not loud, it fell in the ears of sentient beings, but it was like thunder, and even with great power, a sense of awe suddenly rose in their hearts.

It felt like hearing the words of an extremely great being.

“Thank you Dao Zun!”

All living beings stood up with the words, unanimously, suddenly blessed to the soul, saluted together, and respectfully said: “Thank you Daozun!”

“Dao Zun?” Duobao was stunned, why did this address appear again?

When he appeared before, he didn’t care much.

After all, those creatures don’t know the depth, strength, or weakness, so they bark.

It doesn’t matter once or twice.

However, now these creatures have actually called out this title again… and they have not discussed it, and they are crying like a heart.

There is something wrong with this.

Duobao suddenly panicked. The word Dao Zun will not really be implemented, right?

He actually doesn’t like this title, but he doesn’t think he deserves this title now.

You know, there are some names among the prehistoric ones that cannot be barked.

For example, emperor, king, respect, holy, heaven, lord… etc. etc.

Each of these words carries invisible power, is extremely noble, and comes with luck.

If you call these names, you will naturally receive the air luck and power protection of the corresponding words, but at the same time, you also need to bear the air luck and power of the corresponding words.

Looking at the predicament, how many people dare to use the nickname “Zun”?

You know, even his master, master, and second master are just respect.

Master, Taiqing moral god;

The second uncle, Yuqing Primitive Tianzun;

Master, Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun.

How capable he is, he is actually called Dao Zun.

This is going to happen!

The more Treasure thought, the more panicked he went, following the name of Dao Zun, pursuing him.

He wanted to find out how exactly this name came from, and how did it fall on him again?

More importantly, how much luck has been reduced by this name.

He thought he couldn’t bear this name, but he was called this name again…that would be a loss of luck.

The reason why he is still fine now is definitely because he was blocked by his luck.

Once the luck is exhausted, it is his turn to be unlucky.

I searched all the way, and soon I found the origin of the name of Dao Zun. It was when he suppressed good fortune Calabash in the mountains, he was grateful by countless creatures, and thus gained the name of Dao Zun.

Later, other creatures called it this way, so it was decided.

“Damn it!”

Duobao was frightened and angry, is this prehistoric so casual?

Can such a powerful name be given by ordinary creatures?

So, isn’t anyone, no matter what, can get any name?

Called Tianzun, the ancestors can do it?

“Is this control so loose?”

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