Chapter 267

After the disappearance of the Lich in the predicament, countless sects, forces, and dynasties suddenly appeared.

They occupied a lot of spirit mountains, Sacred Land, and formed their own forces.

This is not for hegemony, but for survival.

Because, in the first change, the old man of the Hundred Soldiers ancestors fell for the backlash because they spied on the unknown great existence.

It doesn’t matter if he falls, but the entire predicament has also changed.

Suddenly, there were countless Divine Armaments, magic soldiers.

That is another weapon among Xiantian Lingbao and Houtian Magic Treasures among the unique and prehistoric.

The most powerful ones are not inferior to Xiantian Lingbao, but they are all magical.

Get Divine Armament, the person of the magic soldier, because of their different personalities, being killed by the magic soldier, Divine Armament greatly expands their character.

The better the good, the worse the evil.

The wicked hold the magic weapon and calculate the common people, and the good person holds the Divine Armament to protect the common people.

It was originally a peaceful prehistoric, because these Divine Armament, the master of magic soldiers, became chaotic, and battles were happening everywhere every day.

Almost everywhere, you can feel the strong battle fluctuations not far from each other.

No one dares to go out to the theater unless he is really confident in himself.

Because they all know that for the creatures that are fighting, one party must control the Demon Armament or Divine Armament.

Either protect or kill.

Every day, new forces rise and new forces fall.

In the predicament, everyone is in danger, and not many people dare to be nosy, because no one knows whether the two sides of the battle, whether there is one, has a magic weapon that they can’t compete with, the Divine Armament.

The cost of meddling is likely to be own life.

After experiencing countless blood and tears of education, almost all creatures have become selfish.

“Hand over the Blood Demon station…Spare you for your life, otherwise, die!” Beyond a mountain in the wild, two forces are opposing each other.

One of the leaders is a creature with a pair of snake eyes and a weird big sword in his hand.

His eyes were gloomy and cold, and there was no emotion in his voice.

“Xia Demon Monarch… The Blood Demon platform is a demon soldier with a deep demon nature. I must bring it back to the dynasty, suppress it, and eliminate the demon nature.” The man who spoke was a blood-stained young man with a righteous expression. Holding a white jade spear, he held a palm-sized bloody ink platform in his arms.

call out!

The cold Sword Ray flashed past, and the young man speared a little, and back again and again.

Xia Demon Monarch held a sword and attacked continuously.

Sword Ray was cold and silent.

“Sneak attack!” The young man was furious, and his spear was tapped. With great difficulty, he was able to withstand Xia Demon Monarch’s continuous attack, and shouted angrily: “Shameless!”

“I’m Demon Monarch… Are you shameless with me?” Xia Demon Monarch couldn’t attack for a long time. He retracted his sword and retreated, with a long sword lying in front of his chest. A magic snake appeared behind him, huge as a mountain, with a forked snake letter in his mouth. Spit it out, curling up a weird big sword!

“That’s my pleasure!”

The youth choked, it was true, and Demon Monarch was preaching morals, he was dizzy.

“Demon Monarch…do you really want to?”

The young man looked at the giant magic snake on Xia Demon Monarch with fear, and tightly held his own spear, the Magic power was running, and a white jade spear also appeared behind him.

However, compared to the magic snake, its breath is much weaker!

He was not as strong as Xia Demon Monarch. He had gone through a lot of battles and was seriously injured. At this time, he showed his appearance, and he could also see obvious differences.

“I said, as long as you hand over the Blood Demon station, I will let you go!”

The youth immediately hugged the Blood Demon station and said loudly: “Don’t think about it!”

“Then, don’t blame me!”

When the words fell, the magic snake method disappeared.

The young man was shocked and flew out suddenly.

In the same place, the magic snake reappeared, and a drop of blood slowly slipped on the big sword wrapped by the snake letter.


The young man fell heavily on the ground, and the Blood Demon platform rolled out, immediately emitting a strange light, which made it tickle to make people wait for it to be held in his hand immediately.

Xia Demon Monarch’s figure flashed and appeared in front of the Blood Demon platform, lowered his body, and picked up the Blood Demon platform.

“do not want!”

The young man yelled unwillingly, struggling to get up, but couldn’t get up.

The blow of the magic snake’s magic phase completely defeated him.

At this time, the bones in his body were broken, the blood vessels were broken, and the magic power was chaotic. If there is no peerless elixir, whether he can survive is a problem, let alone stop Xia Demon Monarch.

He was really hurt too badly.

It could have been supported, but Xia Demon Monarch made a full shot and directly broke his final defense.

Xia Demon Monarch ignored the youth, and a strange light flashed in his eyes while holding the Blood Demon stage, which looked exactly like the light on the Blood Demon stage.

call out!

Xia Demon Monarch glanced at the young man suddenly, and the magic snake magic appearance disappeared again.


A red light flashed, and a frowning old Dao wearing a red shirt suddenly appeared, waving his hand to smash the magic snake.

“Xia Demon Monarch, you have already got the Blood Demon station, so why kill someone?” Hong Yun said coldly.

“You can control it!”

Xia Demon Monarch’s eyes flashed with a strange light, and the magic snake reappeared, and he rushed towards the red cloud.

Hong Yun frowned tighter, flicked his sleeves lightly, and violently shattered the magical snake art.


A strong red light suddenly appeared on Xia Demon Monarch, and after that, a bloody red light appeared on the Blood Demon platform in his hand.

The red light fell on Xia Demon Monarch, and after that, Xia Demon Monarch’s figure grew bigger and soon became like a mountain.

“No, senior quickly stop him. He is urging the Blood Demon station. It is a big evil thing, a ninth-grade magic weapon.”

“Once he is fully urged, he will immediately become a demon puppet, and all the creatures within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles will be slaughtered by him to create a demon realm!” Upon seeing this, the young man said in a loud voice.

Hong Yun waved his hand, his frowning brows loosened, as if he had made a decision, the whole person relaxed, “It’s okay!”

As he said, without waiting for the young man, he waved his hand, and the ordinary red light still fell, instantly beating Xia Demon Monarch the size of a mountain into powder.

The young man was dumbfounded, his mouth opened wide, and the whole person was stupid.

Be yelling!

Xia Demon Monarch died, and the Blood Demon platform fell to the ground, emitting endless red light, with a strong and fierce intent, spreading to the surroundings.

Wherever the red light went, the flowers, grass, and trees withered instantly, and even the rocks and the earth were dyed red.

It looks like the Blood Demon station.

“No, the magic soldier is activated… it’s over, it’s over, the devil’s domain is about to appear!” The youth was desperate.

The purpose of all demon soldiers is to create a demon domain, kill all living creatures in it, and turn it into a forbidden place for living creatures.

Its existence is a great harm to the prehistoric world, because once it is generated, it will swallow the surrounding Spiritual Qi, laws, Taoism, everything will be swallowed by it, and it will not be able to allow the cultivation of creatures at the same time, even more so. Completely destroy this area.

Earth veins, air eyes, everything will cease to exist.

If there are enough demon realms, it will even affect the prehistoric world, causing it to fall into ruin.

According to their power, magic soldiers can be divided from first rank to ninth rank.

The first rank is the weakest, the 9th rank is the strongest!

Once the magic soldier is activated, almost no one can stop it.

The Blood Demon platform is the strongest Ninth-Rank Demon Soldier. When it is activated at this time, the youth can hardly think of any way to stop it.

“Amidst the precipice, from now on there will be one more Demon Territory… and it will still be the 9th Grade Demon Territory!”

The young man knew that he was going to die, and under the demon realm, no creature could survive, and he was no exception.

However, he is more worried about the influence of Demon Territory on the prehistoric world.

“Witch…Where have you been?”

The young man couldn’t help yelling in his heart.

Originally, the witches were in charge of the land, and the vitality of the earth belonged to the witches. If the witches were still there, how could the demon soldiers succeed.

However, not long ago, I don’t know why, the witch races in the wild land disappeared together, and there were no more witches who were originally scattered across the wild land.

In this way, the idea of ​​ruling the earth becomes a joke.

So let the demons rise to the advantage, and do harm to the predecessors!

Before, he never felt how good the Witch Clan was, but at this time, he missed the Witch Clan very much.

“It’s a righteous man!” Hong Yun saw the young man’s mind, chuckled, waved his hand, and was shining red. The Blood Demon platform that wanted to turn this place into a demon realm suddenly flew into his hands.

The red light that flooded the world disappeared.


Is he stupid again?

Can a fully activated magic soldier be interrupted?

Moreover, this is the 9th Grade Demon Soldier?

Is the strongest magic soldier!

Such magic weapon activation can be interrupted!

The young man looked at Hongyun in disbelief: “Who is he?”

The Blood Demon platform fell in Hong Yun’s hands, and the red light instantly converged, and even the power that had always existed in him to lure creatures disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed before.

The young man looked stupidly, completely unable to believe his own eyes.

It’s so quiet and well-behaved, it looks like the Blood Demon platform of an ordinary stone platform. Is it really a 9th grade demon soldier?

How do you feel so dreamy?

Hong Yun touched the Blood Demon platform in his hand, frowning again: “Demon Armament, Divine Armament… Old Man of Hundred Soldiers… Ay!”

He remembered the change, the moment when the old Baibing died.

Looking at the weird mountains created after its death, watching the endless weird creatures coming out of it.

They inferred at that time that Honghuang will usher in a big change.

But they never expected that the change would be so huge.

Now the prehistoric has changed, they don’t even know each other.

There are countless demon soldiers, Divine Armament, and the disappearance of the Lich family, which has changed the prehistoric forces and completely plunged into unprecedented changes.


The more I thought about it, the more complicated it became, Hong Yun sighed again.

“Senior?” The youth shouted cautiously.

Hongyun glanced at him, and suddenly waved, a red light fell.

The youth resisted subconsciously, but could not resist at all.

When he saw it, the red light had already fallen into his body.

Originally he thought he was going to die.

After all, after using the Blood Demon platform, Xia Demon Monarch, a much stronger existence than him, also turned into a fan under this seemingly ordinary red light.

How can he be an exception?

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