Chapter 249

“I’m not dead?”

Duobao opened his eyes, and everything he saw in front of him immediately stunned him.

“what happened?”

What about such a big black whirlpool, something that makes him feel dangerous?


Looking around, the area is calm, there are no law creatures, nor the dangerous dark whirlpool.

Looking at oneself, warm energy is continuously falling into the body, and the body is recovering at the speed of a rocket.

In just a few moments, his injury recovered a little bit, and it is still going on.


Duobao keenly discovered that the source of all this was the sudden energy.

This energy is very powerful, and the effect is even more extraordinary.

Even the injuries he suffered from self-immolation can be recovered.

In terms of quality, its power is even higher than his.

Duobao concentrated, his spiritual thoughts fell, and he wanted to find the source of this energy.

Follow the energy, but find nothing, what can be sensed, except for energy, is energy.

“Not found!”

Duobao frowned for a moment, and then stretched out: “Is it the master or the uncle, the second uncle, they found out about my situation, did they rescue me?”

He didn’t find anything that he could, and those who had the motive to save him were the only ones who wanted to come.

Hongjun, who had just returned to the Zixiao Palace, kept rolling his eyes: “You little heartless, can’t you be the master?”


The door of Zixiao Palace opened, his head was already full of blood, and even Sanqing, whose whole body was stained red with blood, was overjoyed, didn’t get up, and went in on his knees.

“Master, Duobao is in an accident, please help him.” As soon as he saw Hongjun’s figure, Tongtian immediately knocked his head and pleaded loudly.

“I beg Master to save Duobao!” Taiqing, the two primitives pleaded together.

Seeing the embarrassed appearance of the three, Hongjun sighed a long, waved, helped the three of them up, and kept shaking their heads: “Look at you, do you still have Sage’s appearance.”

He reprimanded, but his face was full of distress.

After all, Sanqing is also his disciple.

“Master, Duobao… please help Duobao!” Tongtian seemed to have not heard Hongjun’s words, but kept begging.

The same is true for Taiqing. Even though he always pays attention to demeanor and the primitiveness of Face, he doesn’t care about that much at this time, just looking at Hongjun with pleading eyes.

They knew that Duobao’s strength had surpassed them.

Not to mention that they couldn’t find Duobao at all. Even if they found Duobao, they couldn’t deal with the dangers he encountered.

Only Master Hongjun has such strength!

Hongjun waved his hand to give birth to a breeze, and softly fell on Sanqing’s body, rolling away the blood stains on them.

Then, in Sanqing’s anxious gaze, he whispered: “Don’t worry, Duobao is fine.”

Sanqing was stunned, all right?

Hearing what Hongjun said, the three of them regained their senses, and then felt overwhelmed, and were overjoyed.

It should be fine, because the ominous feeling in their hearts has disappeared.

Tongtian suddenly bowed to the ground: “Thank you, Master, for taking the shot!”

Taiqing sits cross-legged, not anxious, looking at the movements of Tongtian, with a calm and breezy appearance.

Originally tidying his own clothes and combing the messy hair, like the anxious him before, he is not him at all.

Duobao is okay, so naturally they are not in a hurry.

Seeing the movements of his three apprentices, Hongjun rolled his eyes secretly.

Just looking at the current appearance, it is indeed a fairy style, an enron, Sage style.

Haotian, Yaochi walked in at some point, staring at Sanqing’s sudden change of painting style, dumbfounded.

Is this still the embarrassed and anxious Senior Brother Sanqing they had seen before?

The tear marks on Yaochi’s face were still there, and he looked at Sanqing dumbfounded, almost unable to believe his own eyes.

“So… is this all right?” Haotian suddenly understood Sanqing’s performance.

It was because of Dubao’s accident before that it looked like that. Now Sanqing calmed down. Obviously, Dubao was okay and the danger was relieved, otherwise Sanqing would not behave like this.

“Get up.” Glancing at the peaceful and primitive Taiqing and Primitive, as if nothing happened, Hongjun said to Tongtian.

Tongtian stood up immediately: “Thank you, Master.”

“Sit down.”

Taiqing suddenly asked, “Master, dare to ask what trouble Duobao has caused this time?”

To tell the truth, the word misfortune is really useful.

Hongjun felt deeply: “He broke into the core of Heavenly Dao, within the source of the law.”


Hearing this, Yuan Yuan tore off one of his own hair and looked at Hongjun in shock: “Where does the law originate?”

Of course he knew the origin of the law.

That was derived from Heavenly Dao. He was curious and wanted to go in and take a look.

But as soon as he saw those rule kings who had swallowed other laws and grew up, and then counted their numbers, he wisely retreated in an instant.

Too fierce!

Those rule kings, one by one, are more powerful than his Sage… once he gets in, he may not be able to get out.

Sanqing understood it, no wonder they couldn’t find Duobao.

In the origin of the law, shielding all the secrets, even if Duobao does not have an anomalous identity, is also impossible to calculate.

“This bastard… is so courageous!” Tongtian slapped his tongue, that is the source of the law.

The rule kings that exist inside are so powerful and numerous…no wonder Dubao has fallen into it.

“Inferior disciple…” Hearing Tongtian’s words, Primordial expression was grim, and he turned his head to turn to Tongtian and said seriously: “The third brother, Duobao, this disciple, is really too capable of getting into trouble, and it’s not worrying. .”

“Simply, you give him to the second brother, I will discipline him, I am not afraid of trouble.” The original righteous said.


Tongtian instantly took Qingping sword in her hand, looked at Primordial unkindly, and cut her ears: “Second brother, what are you talking about?”

“The third brother’s ears are a bit awkward, I didn’t hear clearly, please tell me again!”

Primitive eyes quickly glanced at the Qingping sword in Tongtian’s hand, and shook his head solemnly: “It’s nothing, the second brother is saying that Duobao is too capable of getting into trouble. You have to take care of it. This kind of thing can’t happen again.”

“Really?” Tongtianpi smiled at Primordial without a smile, and slid his fingers on the Qingping sword: “I thought that the second brother was trying to grab my disciple.”

“How come?” The primitive smiled slyly, turned his head, looked forward, and didn’t give a light to the sky: “How can you be a man like that!”

“Not just fine!” Tongtian put away the Qingping sword and said with satisfaction.

In Haotian, Yaochi’s eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and he looked at Primordial and Tongtian stupidly, his eyes full of strangeness.

Are the two people in front of them really serious and unsmiling original brothers and brothers Tongtian in their impression?

Could it be that these two are fake?

But it’s not right. This is the Purple Cloud Palace. Who is so bold to pretend to be two Sages?

Hongjun looked at it with a smile.

Sanqing is his disciple, and seeing them communicate like this, he is very happy, which shows that their relationship is really good, and they have no points for other reasons.

If it weren’t for his identity, he would want to participate.

“Cough cough.” Tai Qing coughed and reminded the two juniors: “Pay attention to the influence.”

Tongtian immediately looked at Taiqing, and squinted his eyes dangerously: “Brother, I remember that you seemed to have moved a while ago, do you think the same as your second brother?”


While speaking, Tongtian’s fingers flicked on the Qingping sword, and the sharp and loud sword sound immediately followed, echoing in the Zixiao Palace.

Taiqing looked at Tongtian dissatisfiedly, “My third brother, why do you think so?”

“Brother, how could you be like that? Duobao is your disciple, and also our disciple, so how can you and me, and why do you need to snatch it?”

“Don’t worry, I’m not the second brother, and I won’t rob your disciple.”

As soon as he said this, Yuanyuan immediately became displeased. Ruyi Scepter took the Sambo jade in his hand and looked at Taiqing: “Brother!”

Taiqing twitched the corners of his eyes and coughed again. He immediately changed the subject and asked Hongjun, “Master, is Dubao all right now?”

Hongjun was awakened by Taiqing’s words, and he didn’t react for a while. The play was so good that he was fascinated by it.

Feeling Sanqing and Haotian, the five Yaochi people’s weird eyes fell on them, and Hongjun also coughed: “Cough cough…well, it’s okay, the danger has been eliminated.”

“I want to wait for him to recover, he should go back.”

After Sanqing heard this, he immediately relaxed completely, and smiled at each other, and it was all right.

Although the bad feeling in my heart disappeared, I was still a little uneasy before Hongjun could say it personally.

Now, completely relaxed.

“That’s the case, that disciple waits to retire.” Taiqing stood up and saluted Hongjun.

Primitive, Tongtian also stood up and saluted together: “The disciple retire.”

“Let’s go, let’s go… it’s okay, don’t bother me.” Hongjun waved his hand impatiently, and then said: “Don’t panic when you encounter anything, but you are still Sage, are you still in this dim situation? ”

Sanqing nodded repeatedly, respectfully.

“Duo Bao is your disciple and a disciple of the veteran, even if you don’t come, can the veteran still watch him have an accident?”

Hongjun continued: “When you encounter something, you must be calm and calm, and you must…”

As he was talking, Hongjun’s expression suddenly changed, and it became very ugly in an instant, and he couldn’t say anything further.

Sanqing suddenly felt frightened, and that bad premonition struck again, and it was even more fierce than before.

This feeling came, causing Sanqing to immediately look at Hongjun together, his eyes full of worries and doubts.

Didn’t it mean that Dubao is no longer in danger?

So what’s the feeling now?

Is it possible that the master can have an accident when he makes a shot?

Under Sanqing’s worried, puzzled, and puzzled eyes, Hongjun’s face was pale, and he suddenly cursed: “This little calf…”

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