Chapter 240 Borrowing Kunlun Mirror

“No wonder being the head of the female fairies… it really is a bit of a look!”

Duobao praised it in his heart.

In light of this momentum, she deserves the name of the Empress.

Moreover, even though he was sitting there, he did not diminish his demeanor at all, and he still looked domineering and unparalleled.


“This strength is too weak!”

In the breath induction, this Queen Mother of the West was surprisingly the breath of the female fairy he had sensed at the beginning, she was still just a golden fairy, and moreover, a golden fairy weaker than Emperor Two.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Duobao couldn’t believe it. The person in front of him turned out to be the prestigious Queen Mother of the West!

“Is it caused by the injury…affected by the previous Eastern Prince’s fall?”

Duobao guessed in his heart, somewhat amazed.

I really don’t know how strong the battle was back then. It has been so long since Queen Mother Xi hasn’t recovered yet.

Although he didn’t feel any injuries from Queen Mother West, Duobao felt that the facts should be about the same as he thought.

The reason why he didn’t find out was because he was not strong enough to find out.

After all, it was the famous Queen Mother of the West, and it was normal that he could not find out.

“Duo Bao?” Queen Mother West frowned slightly when she saw Duo Bao staring at him.

“Duobao is rude.” Realizing the displeasure of Queen Mother Xi, Duobao quickly apologized, but also found out that own was wrong.

In any case, Queen Mother Xi was also a woman, and it was really impolite for him to stare at each other like this.

“That’s right, Duobao came here this time to borrow the Kunlun mirror from Her Majesty the West,” Duobao said.

“Kunlun mirror?” Queen Mother of the West looked at Duobao in amazement: “How do you know Kunlun mirror is in my hands?”

You know, Kunlun mirror is her companion Magic Treasures. She has always been regarded as the biggest hole card and has never been used in front of anyone.

It was the first time it was used when Wanxian was fighting against the monster clan. With the power of the Kunlun mirror, it only escaped from that battle.

However, the Kunlun mirror is the treasure of time, and it is extremely secretive. Although she used it at the beginning, she is confident that no one can tell that she is using the Kunlun mirror, but only thinks she is using other means.

Therefore, in theory, no one in the prehistoric lands should know that she has a Kunlun mirror.

“Huh?” Duobao was shocked at the words of Queen Mother Xi.

Shouldn’t i know?

There is no doubt that Kunlun mirror is in the hands of Queen Mother Xi.

But, looking at it now, it seems that he has overlooked something!

Queen Mother West stared at Duo Bao warily.

Duobao looked at the vigilant Queen Mother West in amazement, flashing like electric light and flint in his brain, and soon thought of the reason.

“It’s because the Kunlun mirror is too strong and I am guilty of it, so I have never dared to show it…”

When the thought came here, Duobao was suddenly stunned.

No wonder the Kunlun mirror appeared so few times in the original predicament, and there was this reason.

If this is the case, then…understandable.

It’s just that understanding belongs to understanding. Facing Queen Mother Xi’s question, Duobao didn’t know what to answer for a while?

Could it be that I grew up listening to your legend?

That’s why you know that the Kunlun mirror is in your hands?

If this is said…who believes it?

“Is it counted?” Looking at Duobao who didn’t know what to say, Queen Mother Xi slowly figured out the reason and relaxed her vigilance.

Duobao’s strength has made her unable to see clearly, obviously, it is already above her.

She is not Duobao, but Duobao may not be her.

The Kunlun mirror is in her hand, he must have calculated it too.

In this case…

Queen Mother West sighed in her heart, and with a thought, the Kunlun mirror appeared in her hand and looked at Duobao: “The Kunlun mirror is indeed in my hand…Are you borrowing it or using it?”

The words she used are already obvious.

The strength is not as good as Duobao, even if Dubao wants to grab it, she has nothing to do.

Now Kunlun has been blocked, and she can’t get out. She can’t cope with Duobao alone, not to mention that there is Sanqing behind Dubao.

Queen Mother West was very helpless.

The strength is not as good as that of human beings.

“Is it really a chance?”

There was a touch of bitterness in the depths of Queen Mother Xi’s eyes, and she was afraid that it was not the wrong perception that Dubao had calculated on her!

Where is the chance, it is simply a calamity.

“Wait…” Suddenly, Queen Mother of the West looked at Duobao in amazement, “Couldn’t, he was counting on me since the time the mountain was sealed?”

Think about it carefully, it seems to make sense!

He knew that Kunlun mirror was in Own’s hands for a long time, so he did something like this, in order to prevent himself from discovering and fleeing… In this case, his inexplicable movements can be understood.

“Since you like it… Kunlun mirror will give it to you!”

Thinking of this, Queen Mother West wanted to work hard for the first time, but thinking about her current environment and the huge power gap between herself and the other party, she finally let go of this idea bitterly.

The calculation is so deep, it shows that it is for the Kunlun mirror.

At this time, since the other party dared to show up, he naturally had full confidence.

If she doesn’t resist, it’s okay. If she resists, not only will the baby be gone, but she will also fall.

Under the balance of the two, she can only abandon the Kunlun mirror.

“As expected of Sanqing disciple!” Queen Mother Xi thought angrily in her heart.

“Gave me away?” Duobao took the Kunlun mirror thrown by Queen Mother Xi, and looked at Queen Mother Xi’s strong smiling cheek, a little dazed for a while.

“Why?” Duobao asked puzzledly.

He just came to borrow the Kunlun mirror, how does it feel that he is here to grab something?

“His Majesty!”

Lu Wu looked at Queen Mother Xi who was strong and laughing and looked at Duo Bao, and suddenly an anger surged into his heart.

“Thief, I kindly brought you in. I didn’t expect you to be so ambitious that you would die for me!”

Queen Mother Xi was humiliated, and Lu Wu was very angry, thinking that he was responsible for this.

It is believed that Duobao relied on his status as a disciple of Sanqing, so he came to humiliate Queen Mother West and take the treasure.

Under the anger, the magic light flashed on his body, his body quickly became larger, and the human shape and appearance changed accordingly, turning into a tiger face, and nine tails appeared behind him.

Grasping the huge palm, a mountain-opening axe appeared in his hand, carrying boundless anger, and slashed towards Duobao.

The void shook, and the mountains shook.

Lu Wu naturally has some strength to become the god of guarding the mountain of Queen Mother West.

The strong wind pressure hit, Duobao frowned, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the mountain-like axe.


Slightly exerted force, the big axe shattered, and the afterwave of powerful force spread to Lu Wu with the big axe.


Lu Wu’s huge body like a mountain was instantly knocked into the air, floating in the air, his body became smaller, and his breath of anger dissipated at a speed that could be sensed.

“So weak!”

Duobao was stunned, and when he caught his hand, Lu Wu, who had become the size of a kitten with nine tails and looked like a kitten, caught Lu Wu in his hand.

He hadn’t planned to hurt Lu Wu, but just counterattacked casually, but he didn’t expect that Lu Wu was so unbearable that he could hardly bear a counterattack with little strength.

under a single strike, almost died.


Queen Mother West looked turbulent, she couldn’t help but roared, Magic power gushing out like a tide, the space around her was distorted, and she stretched out her hand at Duobao.

The Kunlun mirror flew up, and the power of time flowed, turning into a light of time, and he wanted to freeze Duobao.

Duobao didn’t move, but just stood there, and the light couldn’t go down at that time.


In just a moment, the time divine light couldn’t bear the fluctuation of his body’s strength and broke away.

Duobao’s Magic power fell on Lu Wu, and when he thought of it, a ginseng fruit appeared in his hand. He squeezed it lightly and crushed it, and the fruity pulp fell into Lu Wu’s mouth.

Following this, Lu Wu’s breath quickly recovered.

After doing all this, Duobao looked at Queen Mother West in doubt: “Your Majesty Queen West, what does this mean?”

“Duobao, you are deceiving too much. You come to the door and force my treasure Kunlun mirror. I gave it. Why should I hurt my god of guarding the mountain?” The Queen Mother held the Kunlun mirror. After coming out, he kept rushing towards Duobao, but he couldn’t fall anymore.

Being restrained by Duobao’s body, the divine light of time shattered one after another.

Queen Mother West is extremely grief and anger, can she be unreasonable if she is strong?

She has already bowed to her knees so humbly and bears heavy humiliation. Why do she still humiliate her so much?

Is Queen Mother Xi really so bully?

Hearing this, Duobao was even more puzzled: “I’m deceiving too much? I don’t have one!”

“Struggling for the most precious Kunlun mirror?”

“I’m borrowing… Am I not clear enough?”

Staring at Queen Mother West for a long while, Duobao gradually frowned: “Your Majesty Queen West, if you don’t want to borrow, you can not borrow, why bother?”

Duobao felt that Queen Mother Xi’s attitude was such that she definitely didn’t want to borrow, so she made such a gesture.

He asked himself, after he arrived, he was courteous and thoughtful. Except for staring at her for a longer time, which was a bit rude, everything else should be fine.

It stands to reason that if Queen Mother Xi is unwilling to borrow, she can just say, why did she act like this… I really don’t understand.

While puzzled, he was also very speechless.

This is Queen Mother West?

The first female fairy?

Just this little belly?

“Forget it!” Duobao sighed, put aside his thoughts, and threw the recovered Lu Wu to Queen Mother Xi: “Since your Majesty is like this, Duobao won’t stay long.”

“Since your Majesty is unwilling, then Duobao will not force it.”

“So, Duobao will leave first!”

Kunlun mirror is only, although if he can’t get it, it will make his Insight Time Law a lot slower, but it won’t be too slow.

His strength has already risen, and in Insight Law, he is much stronger than before.

It just took a little more time, the law of time, he still has the confidence to be able to fully understand the law, and get started with the law.

Queen Mother Xi took over Lu Wu, and the moment she started her hands, she immediately felt a vitality as vast as the ocean.

After doing this by Dubao, although Lu Wu was injured, now he has fully recovered.

Moreover, not only has it recovered, but its own strength has also grown tremendously!

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