Chapter 237

Fortunately, the strength of his juniors and younger sisters is still too weak, so the Dao Fa problem can’t affect them.

“…I don’t know whether I should cry or smile.” Duobao grinned and shook his head.

“Cultivation is always like this, constantly searching and discovering.”

“Pursuing perfection, discovering imperfection… the standard is always changing.”

Duobao’s thoughts turned, and then he focused completely on the closed loop of time and space.

“Tao Xing is nothing more than the cognition of everything… and time and space exist in time and space… which can double the power of Ascension… but the biggest effect is that this time can be superimposed infinitely.”

“Simply put, in the closed loop of time and space, time and space are eternal, moment is eternity, and eternity is also moment!”

“If you handle it well, you can use this eternal time to think, to insight, to understand the Tao… the Taoism will naturally increase!”

Duobao slowly sorted out the related issues of time-space closed loop.

“This should be the correct usage of space-time closed loop!”

“The time period from the first opening of the prehistoric world to the immeasurable calamity, as a closed loop of time and space, reshaping again and again, wandering in this closed loop of time and space, and looping back and forth.”

“In this process, through the changes of heaven and earth, the various parties have great calamities, and the experience of observing the Tao, you can even form time and space on its own, integrate your own understanding, into it, change the closed loop of time and space… let it change according to the understanding of own. ”

“When the time and space change in a closed loop, it is also a sorting out of one’s own way, Ascension.”

Following Duobao’s thoughts, some air gradually appeared around him.

The breath is weak but with a sense of greatness.

When it appeared, the entire prehistoric world seemed to be still.

In the Purple Cloud Palace, Hongjun was still thinking about how he would guide Duobao to bring the prehistoric world into a better development, but he was shocked when he suddenly discovered the changes in the prehistoric world.

Hongjun widened his eyes and looked at Duobao in the Kunlun Mountain, and looked at the gradual flow of time and space around him. He was astonished as the ancestor of Dao.

“Eternal time and space!”

At the same time, all major Sages in the prehistoric world looked at the prehistoric world in amazement.

As I can see, the entire predicament is in an instant, as if time has stagnated…everything and everything stopped moving in an instant.

This stagnation only lasted for a very short time, and it passed by a single thought.

Before the eyes blinked, the prehistoric world resumed its operation.

However, the hearts of the sages are full of unspeakable shock…the mood cannot be calm for a long time.

What’s even more strange is that they don’t even know where the shock in their hearts comes from!

They are just shocked…seems for no reason.

They looked hard at the wild world, explored with all their strength, and wanted to find the source of the shock.

However, with their Sage capabilities, they still haven’t noticed any changes.

It’s as if everything is just an illusion!

However, the Six Saints know that this is definitely not an illusion!

They are Sage, there are no delusions, no hallucinations, and the shock in their hearts is so strong… This means that just now, something must have happened.

It’s just that they couldn’t find it!

“Is it the moment of stagnation just now?” Nuwa walked out of the snail palace, stood in the chaos, looked at the wild world, pinched her fingers, and the pictures of mountains and rivers appeared in front of her.

Among them, the mountains and rivers are turning, the society is changing…the speed is fast, the swimming is endless, the strong power of good fortune is shown, and it communicates with the wild world.

Time and space, destiny, good fortune, Karma…Various laws of the Great Way appear, I want to simulate the prehistoric world and reproduce the previous scene.


Nuwa looked dignified, looking at the mountains and rivers that suddenly collapsed on top of the mountain and river map, and when he lifted his palm, good fortune Magic power fell into it, and the mountain and river map suddenly recovered and flew into her body again and disappeared.

“I can’t calculate it…There is an inexplicable force to stop it!” Nuwa took a deep breath and looked in the direction of Kunlun: “Duobao…Did you make it again this time?”

Before, from the performance of Sanqing and others, she calculated that the source of all these changes was Duobao.

They Sage couldn’t calculate it, and they did all these incredible things.

From these things, Dubao should be sanctified.

Moreover, it seems that Dubao is a little different!

In him, there seem to be other variables that cannot be understood!

Moreover, Nuwa felt that in the predicament, all variables, on the one hand, were not under control, the source would be Duobao.

Now…should be no exception.

In the west, on the Sumeru Mountain, Zhundi was sitting under the Bodhi Tree, in front of him, lying on top of the ten second rank golden lotus, closing his eyes.

The lead seems to be asleep.

In him, a dreamy breath appeared, and an illusory world existed in the form of a dream.

In the dream, everything is still in a state of chaos, heaven and earth are not divided, Yin & Yang has not appeared.

A great god-tier mansion fell asleep in the chaos.

I don’t know how long it has passed. Suddenly, Wei God-tier Di woke up, opened his eyes, and the thirty sixth rank golden lotus appeared under his body, like an illusion.

Shendi looked at this chaotic world, seemingly dissatisfied, and grabbed his hand, a golden thunder appeared from it, shaking his hand and throwing it into the chaos.


It seems to be the first voice in the chaos, the chaos is exploded by Jin Lei, Yin & Yang separates it, and the chaos changes.

The heaven and the earth are formed, and the god’s mansion heads the sky, and the feet are on the ground, supporting the heaven and the earth.

Thirty The sixth rank golden lotus splits and turns into countless Xiantian spiritual treasures, Spiritual Roots, spiritual light, falling into the heaven and the earth, making the originally blank heaven and earth become wonderful.

Then, time passed, the divine mansion was exhausted and turned into all things, and the world has since changed and began to develop.

Everything in the following, just in accordance with the development of the prehistoric, changed rapidly, the beast appeared, the dragon and the phoenix Qilin, the battle of the Dao Demon, the Lich appeared… everything went well.

Until the development of the world reached the moment when the world stagnated just now.

The world in the dream is deducing great variables, the source of change.

All the power, from the chaos, the world opened up, the power that had been accumulating, suddenly condensed, and suddenly burst out at the moment when the event was about to happen.


That power was so powerful that the whole world was trembling in an instant.

The law of the infinite avenue collapsed, and after an instant, it disappeared again.

The dream world develops again, everything is so natural and smooth.

Zhundi’s eyelids trembled, he slowly opened his eyes, withdrew his own power, and looked at the lead.

Jiuyin also slowly opened his eyes, a trace of Taoism appeared on his body, and then disappeared.

The two looked at each other with solemn eyes.

Quote: “What happened just now?”

Zhundi shook his head: “I don’t know, with my two strengths, I can’t calculate… Is it Sanqing again?”

Zhundi was a little angry, so he didn’t know what Sanqing was going to do, and why, during this period of time, he kept doing things.

Moreover, if you do something, just do something, how can it be impossible for them to calculate.

They say that Sage is omnipotent, but recent events have made them so powerless.

“It’s not necessarily them!” There was a ray of wisdom flashing in the eyes of Su Ying.

Zhundi was puzzled, and looked to the lead: “Brother…what did you find?”

Then he shook his head: “No.”

Zhundi was disappointed.

Sui Yin said solemnly: “It is precisely because there is no discovery that it explains that this time has nothing to do with Sanqing… at least not what they did.”

Zhundi was puzzled: “Huh?”

He quoted confidently: “Although Sanqing’s strength is stronger than ours, it is by no means so bad.”

“With the strength of you and me, using the Dafa to prove Dafa in the dream…

“They don’t have that strength yet!”

Zhundi suddenly, thinking about it carefully, it is indeed the case.

Although Sanqing is strong, his brother is not bad.

To be honest, Zhundi still admires himself as a senior.

The Dafa he created in his dream allowed him to catch up with other sages with his later Sage.

Zhundi even thought that his senior brother’s strength was at least the top three among the sages.

Except for Sage, which is too high and unpredictable, the other Sages may not be better than their own brothers.

“It’s true!” Zhundi nodded slowly, and then asked: “Brother, look at this incident…who did it?”

“Looking at the predecessor, there is such a strength…there is only the master.” The leader said slowly, this kind of thing is not difficult to guess.

Zhundi’s heart moved: “Is it really a master?”

He continued to shook his head: “It may not be… Master Heavenly Dao fits well. It’s not his style to act like this.”

“It should not be the master!”

Zhundi stayed for a moment: “Who would it be then?”

With such strength, besides Daozu Hongjun, who else can?

I can’t think of a second existence no matter how I think about it!

The lead’s expression is even more solemn: “I don’t know, anyway… the prehistoric world seems to have changed, and it’s different from what we know!”

Zhundi thought deeply, and asked after a long time: “Senior brother, what do you think?”

The lead took a look at Zhundi, lowered his head, and sighed deeply: “Junior Brother, I’m afraid, we have to be ready.”

“Get ready?” Zhundi puzzled: “What preparations?”

“The prehistoric world has undergone tremendous changes. Although we can’t figure it out, we can boldly guess…what has happened recently is just a sign.”

“Sign?” Zhundi was horrified, and a kind of chill appeared in his heart inexplicably: “What sign?”

“A sign of a major change!” said Ning Ying, with a bit of bitterness in his voice: “Perhaps, Sage…may not be the strongest in the future!”

Sage is certainly not the strongest, there is Dao Zu Hongjun on it!

However, apart from Daozu, then Sage is definitely the strongest!

However, Zhundi understood the meaning of the introduction, and just thought about it for a moment, and suddenly his scalp numb, and asked in surprise, “Brother…what do you mean?”

Then he nodded his head: “Yes… Maybe in the future, Sage is just a Realm, and there will be other Realms on top of Sage… I’m not the absolute supreme anymore.”

Zhundi was stunned and horrified, but when he thought about it carefully, it was even more terrifying. His whole body was cold and filled with chill.

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