Chapter 233

At a glance, all the creatures of the whole world fell into his eyes.

This is a prehistoric world, in which there are also creatures, ordinary human races, and the aloof Sage, Taoist ancestor.

However, when he looked over, his divine mind swept across everyone, but no one was able to detect his probing, not even a trace of induction.

“too weak!”

Duobao was stunned, and already had the answer in his heart.

This should be the other side of the prehistoric world, which is a prehistoric world derived from the concept of the prehistoric.

However, compared to the prehistoric world he was staying in, this prehistoric world was much weaker.

“How come you came here?”

When Duobao raised his hand, he caught a time rule.

Sun Wukong, who was next to him, trembled all over his body, and his eyes were full of horror and fear.

Who is this person in front of me?

It’s so scary!

He is already a great Luo Jinxian, and he has naturally come into contact with the law, and even his Insight for the law is not low.

Of course, he recognized the cloud-like breath that Duobao’s detective grasped. It was the law!

That’s the law!

Sun Wukong yelled in his heart.

The law is in his heart, and it is the supreme existence. According to legend, as long as you fully master a law, you can achieve Sage that is even higher than the Da Luo Jinxian.

He had just stepped into the Daluo Jinxian, and he was still a newcomer among the Daluo Jinxian, and it was even harder to imagine the existence of Sage.

The law on the contrary naturally exists at the same level.

He couldn’t tell whether the law he grasped in Duobao’s hand was complete, but compared with the law he mastered, its integrity was much stronger!

It can be said that if the law he masters is a stream, then the law in Duobao’s hands is like a sea.

“Dare to ask, who is senior?” Sun Wukong’s expression suddenly changed very respectfully, and there was no trace of monkey arrogance and domineering nature at all.

Even Sun Wukong found that his own voice was trembling.

“Huh?” Duobao was still wondering why he found the branch of the river heading to this world from the river of fate in the wild world, and suddenly heard the trembling voice of Sun Wukong.

Turning his head and looking around, he saw Sun Wukong looking at himself with horror and horror.

Duobao smiled and asked Sun Wukong, “Are you afraid of me?”

“Yes.” Sun Wukong didn’t dare to lie, and replied respectfully.

Under Dubao’s question, he was very honest.

Da Luo Jinxian, once proof is forever proof, transcends life and death, has condensed concepts, and will not die at all.

Even the legendary Sage, rumors, it is impossible to really kill a big Luo Jinxian.

Therefore, in theory, he who has made breakthroughs in Da Luo Jinxian is invincible!

However, Sun Wukong has a hunch that if he really angers the person in front of him, he really has the ability to completely kill own.

This person… is the supreme powerhouse far surpassing Sage!

Sun Wukong had an idea in his mind.

“Hehe.” Duobao smiled and looked at Sun Wukong with great interest. Is this still the lawless Monkey King who went to the underground palace and made trouble in the heaven?

If it weren’t for him so much, Dubao would almost think the monkey was a fake!

“Monkey, you are different from the monkey in my mind.” Duobao said.

Sun Wukong respectfully remains the same: “It’s all ignorant in the past. I just made those dramas. Now I understand it and I am ashamed.”

“Ashamed!” Listening to Sun Wukong’s words, the smile on Duobao’s face slowly disappeared, staring at Sun Wukong in a daze, “Do you think that the things you did in the past…are wrong?”

“Of course.” Looking at Duobao’s cheeks that suddenly lost his smile, Sun Wukong was nervous, not understanding what he was saying wrong, as if it made the strong man in front of him unhappy.

Although I don’t know what’s wrong, Sun Wukong bit his head and said: “At the beginning, I was young and ignorant, and indeed did a lot of wrong things.”

Duobao closed his mouth and looked at the respectful monkey in front of him, how awkward he looked.

“The Monkey King…”

He was muttering in his heart, constantly muttering.

Once, when he was an ordinary human race, when he was a child, the happiest thing every day was to return home after school and wait for the start of Journey to the West.

At that time, what he looked forward to most was the appearance of Monkey King Sun Wukong.

I want to see what lawlessness he has done again, I want to see where he descends, demon, I want to… just want to see him.

At that time, Monkey King was his idol.

In his opinion, when Sun Wukong was at its peak, it was actually when he was making trouble in the Heavenly Palace.

That was the peak of his life, and it should be the time when he was most proud of.

【My old grandson, he used to break into the underground palace, make trouble in the Dragon Palace, fight the Heaven Court, be a demon, and become an immortal. 】

[When I entered the underworld, all the ghosts and gods called me the Great Sage, and when I went to the Dragon Palace, the Four Seas Dragon Sovereign had to call me the Immortal. 】

[On the heaven where I entered, the gods of the four directions, the gods of all directions, when they see me, they also need to pay a salute and call a great saint. 】

Duobao looked at the monkey and stayed for a long time, a long time.

This is completely different from the energetic and lawless monkey in his impression.

“You are not the Monkey King…” Suddenly, his eyes fell on the golden red Kasaya that Sun Wukong was wearing, and he suddenly said, “Yes, you are now a Buddha.”

“You have been constrained, and you have obtained the right result. It is no longer the lawless Monkey King, or the Monkey King in the Huaguo Mountain who scorns the gods.”

Duobao was a little lost, and felt a sense of his idol being shattered, just like his long expectation was broken.

“The Monkey King…” Sun Wukong heard Duobao’s words and repeated it in his heart. Suddenly, a little impulse was born, but suddenly he saw Kasaya in his own body.

Following this, the impulse in his heart was immediately extinguished like a flame.

He was quiet again, standing calmly, head down, respectfully like a dog.

After discovering that Sun Wukong’s body moved a little, he calmed down again, and Duo Bao was even more disappointed.

“It seems that the monkey in front of me… is indeed a Buddha.”

Disappointed and lost, Duobao no longer looked at Sun Wukong, and walked towards the sky above the River of Destiny.

Sun Wukong watched Duo Bao go away calmly, his eyes calm, without the slightest waves, just like a mirror lake.

Not long after, Duobao walked away, and Sun Wukong could no longer see Duobao.

The power of the river of fate blocked his sight.

Sun Wukong continues to own cultivation, step by step towards the depths of the long river of fate, towards the oldest place in time and space.


After not taking a few steps, a wave hit him, trying to beat him out of the long river of fate.

This is the resistance created by the long river of fate to his counter-current time and space. Once he rushes past, he will be able to imprint his own existence to the previous era. If he cannot rush past, he will be beaten back to the original era.




The power of the long river of fate hit Sun Wukong.

Blood spilled from the corner of Sun Wukong’s mouth, and on his body, there were many wounds, and red blood flowed out of it.

The power of Destiny is very strong, even if he is a big Luo Jinxian, he can’t bear it.

Sun Wukong did not retreat step by step, not only that, he did not retreat but advances, step by step, walking towards the depths with difficulty.

More blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and even Dao Yun was mixed in it.

That is the law he cultivated, the avenue.

He was injured by the power of the long river of fate, and he had already damaged the foundation, so the blood mixed with Taoism flowed out.

The power of the long river of fate is still rolling in, hitting him, and the blood on the corner of his mouth has never stopped.

Normally, by this time, he had already given up.

His strength is obviously not enough for him to break through this era, he can’t make it through.

He should give up, return to the own era, recover from his injuries, accumulate strength, and wait for the next impact.

But this time, Sun Wukong suddenly didn’t want to give up.

He did not retreat, and walked forward abruptly against the power of the long river of fate.

Every step he took made his injury heavier.


Coughing sounded in the long river of fate, Sun Wukong was coughing up blood, and his injuries got worse.

The Dao Yun scattered on his body is thicker, permeating the long river of fate, showing an aura of lawlessness.

That is his way, the way of fighting.

Fighting the sky, fighting the land, lawlessness, the way of never surrendering!

Sun Wukong coughed constantly and moved hard.

His eyes were so calm from beginning to end, even if he was seriously injured, he didn’t shrink at all.

There is a breath in his heart.

This anger appeared inexplicably, so he didn’t want to give up.

He had shocked this era countless times before, and each time he failed.

This is the normal method of Da Luo Jinxian cultivation.

But now, he suddenly didn’t want to give up.

Even after suffering such a big injury, there was no thought of giving up in his mind.

“I’m Fighting War Saint Buddha…”

Sun Wukong walked slowly and hard, with firm steps, walking step by step in the wave of fate.

The wave hit him, causing more and more scars.

His body began to decay, and his golden hair turned gray.

That is the power of time, his eternal life, under the power of time, has faded from eternity.

Sun Wukong suddenly discovered something.

Da Luo Jinxian may not be unkillable, at least in this long river of fate, he will die.

There was a feeling in his heart that if he continued, he would die, he would really die!

“Die?” Sun Wukong grinned, sharp teeth sticking out of his lips, he was smiling, his eyes were still calm, there was no sign of flinching.

“Then die!”

Now, there are two roads in front of him, one is to go back, he is still detached from The Three Realms, the big Luo Jinxian, who is not in Five Elements, stands high.

As long as he recovers his injuries and accumulates strength, he will have the opportunity to attack this era again.

But if he doesn’t give up, then, either succeed, or…die!

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