Chapter 231 Hongjun’s Destiny

After leaving the Zixiao Palace, he led Zhundi and left with some anxiety.

Behind them, Nuwa looked at their backs, a little strange: “Why go so fast?”

She originally wanted to talk to the two of them, but she didn’t expect that after they came out, she would leave directly, so she didn’t even have time to speak.

In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun suddenly sighed slightly.

Tongtian: “Master, why do you suddenly sigh?”

Taiqing and Yuanyuan looked at Hongjun strangely and shook his head without explaining.

What should come will always come.

Hongjun sighed, then looked towards Sanqing: “Tongtian, Duobao is a disciple. Do you know what he did this time?”

“Why make such a movement in the long river of fate?”

Because of the special nature of Duobao, Hongjun couldn’t calculate it, so he left Sanqing and asked what was going on.

Tongtian shook his head quickly: “Return to Master, the disciple doesn’t know the reason for Duobao’s action, even the disciple just learned about it.”

Hongjun was a little disappointed, didn’t even they know?

“The long river of destiny is related to the fortune of all lives, and there cannot be too much fluctuation, otherwise there will be catastrophe.” Hongjun paused and said in a deep voice.

Raising his hand and grabbing it, a large group of Karma, fate appeared in his hand.

Of course Sanqing knows it, and Tongtian has some guesses in his heart: “Master, this is Karma caused by the fluctuating destiny, destiny changes?”

Hongjun nodded: “Yes, I will suppress it, otherwise the destiny of sentient beings will be changed with the current movement of Dubao’s child.”

“And he himself will be backlashed by sentient beings because he has changed the fate of so many sentient beings.”

“Master, you can help him.” Yuan Yuan said in a hurry.

Hongjun: “There is no need to worry. With that kid’s current strength, unless Heavenly Dao makes a move, he won’t be injured.”

“And now, Heavenly Dao is on his side, so for the time being, he will be fine.”

Taiqing’s heart moved, and he heard the meaning of Hongjun’s words: “There will be nothing wrong for the time being?”

Hongjun nodded and sighed in Sanqing’s worried gaze, “Yes, for the time being, Heavenly Dao is still on his side, but fate has a long relationship with all beings.”

“If he continues like this, the more disturbing the fate of the accumulated Karma, the greater the impact will be. Heavenly Dao will also be affected. At that time… may really force Heavenly Dao to treat him Shot.” Hongjun said.

“I’m going to find him now.” Hearing this, Tong Tian immediately stood up, raised his hand with a sword in the Purple Heaven Palace, broke the passage, leading to the long river of destiny, and was about to step in.

In Taiqing, the original two followed closely, and were about to go in.

Just when the three of them were about to enter, Hongjun reluctantly shook his head and waved his hand to stop the three of them.

“Master?” Tongtian suddenly looked at Hongjun in puzzlement and shouted.

Hongjun waved his hand again, and Sanqing returned to the futon and sat down: “Don’t worry, there is still plenty of time. With the strength of that child, there is no problem in a short time.”

“But it’s only a short time.” Yuan said anxiously.

Taiqing didn’t speak, but looked at Hongjun.

Hongjun looked at the three disciples of own, smiled slightly, and then his face was solemn: “I know your thoughts, but even if you want to save him, can you save him?”

“Why can’t it be saved? Let’s go in and bring him out?” Tongtian was even more puzzled: “What’s the problem with this?”

For them, the long river of fate is not a forbidden place, and they can enter and leave freely.

Moreover, they are confident that as long as they enter, see Duobao, and say hello, he will naturally follow them and leave.

Don’t worry about it at all!

No matter how you think about it, I can’t think of any problems in this process.

“If it was the long river of fate before, of course, with your strength, you can go in and out at will, but now… it won’t work.” Hongjun said quietly.

“Now? What’s wrong now?”

Sanqing puzzled, each looked at Hongjun doubtfully: “Could it be the waves of the long river of fate? Riots?”

This is not a problem. Those waves may be troublesome for other people, Daluo Jinxian, and even the quasi-sage, but for them, it is still not a problem.

It’s just that the master is not a person who talks casually. Since he said that, there must be a reason, and it must be a fact.

Master said that they can’t get in, then they definitely can’t get in.

Taiqing’s expression moved, and he speculated: “Is it because of Dubao?”

Taiqing’s words made Yuan and Tongtian tremble together, looking at Hongjun and asking: “Master… is it really because of Duobao?”

The difference between the long river of fate that was allowed to go in and out before and now is only one more person.

If you could get in before, but you can’t get in now, it can only be the one with more people.

“Yes.” Hongjun nodded to confirm their guess, and continued: “Duo Bao is in the long river of fate, and I don’t know what he is doing.”

“Because I stayed for too long, it caused a long-term counterattack, a riot…”

Tongtian is very anxious: “So, he shot?”

That’s a long river of fate. Once an accident occurs, the chain impact that it will bring is so great that it is unimaginable.

It’s no wonder why Heavenly Dao and Tianxin were originally on Dubao, but it was still possible for Heavenly Dao to take action against Dubao.

Everything is understood!

If this is the case, it can all be explained!

Taiqing, Primordial also came to understand, looking at Hongjun, anxious: “Master, please save Duobao.”

They have no doubts about Duobao’s strength. If he really makes a move, the river of fate will never be safe. He has enough power to counter the river of fate, even if it is one of the core and most powerful things in the prehistoric world.

The long river of fate can never hurt him!

However, the long river of fate cannot hurt him, but Heavenly Dao can!

And an accident in the long river of fate is enough for Heavenly Dao to take action!

“Don’t worry.” Looking at the three disciples who were anxious and worried, Hongjun said calmly: “Things are not as bad as you think.”

“Isn’t that bad?” Tongtian asked anxiously, worried that his own disciple might have a problem.

“Duobao didn’t deal with the long river of fate…”

Before Hongjun finished speaking, Yuan Yuan asked again: “Then how did he stop the riot and attack?”

Hongjun shook his head and did not rush to answer.

Seeing my three disciples who had always been calm, they became so anxious at this time.

Knowing that they were worried about Duobao, and that they really took care of Duobao, that’s why they lost their sense.

After taking a look, Hongjun just continued to say in Sanqing’s anxious eyes: “He didn’t make a move or counterattack. He just relied on his own powerful body to let the fate of the long river of attacks come back without success.”


Hearing this, Sanqing was shocked.

That is the long river of fate, the power of the entire prehistoric world, countless creatures… After the riot, even the power of a wave is enough to destroy the Daluo Jinxian, and a wave can make the quasi-sage headache.

If they were to shoot with all their strength, even these Sages would have to be cautious, guarded with all their strength, and didn’t dare to neglect.

With such strength, there is no action, no counterattack, and only relying on physical strength, can it be blocked?

How can this be?

When did Dubao become a body cultivator?

Doesn’t that mean that he is comparable to Sage by his physical body alone?

Under the shock of Sanqing, he looked at Hongjun suspiciously.

Hongjun nodded, affirming their guess: “Yes, Dubao’s current body is so powerful that it is comparable to Sage, and…the body alone is stronger than you!”

While talking, he looked at Sanqing carefully.

Listening to Hongjun’s answer, Sanqing was in a daze for a moment.

Is the physical body stronger than both of them?

It was only in a trance for a moment, and soon Sanqing reacted and looked at each other, both gratified and disappointed.

Although he knew that his disciple had already regarded them as masters, and the master’s strength surpassed them, once again he knew that even his physical body was stronger than them, but it was still shocking.

“So, you don’t need to worry, the long river of fate won’t hurt him, just worry about Heavenly Dao.”

“As long as he is out of the fate, with Heavenly Dao’s eyes on him, there will be no other things.” Hongjun said softly.

“In the long river of destiny, the power of Duobao’s physical body spread out, blocking the riots of the long river of destiny, and his power is distributed on the long river of destiny.”

“Entering it is equivalent to contending with the power of Destiny and Dubao at the same time… Therefore, you cannot enter.”

Sanqing blessed to the soul, Qi Qi bowed to Hongjun: “Please also Master to take action.”

Hongjun stood up: “I asked you to come, because I was planning to make a move.”

“I am really curious, why did that child enter the long river of fate for no reason.”

“What does he want to do?”

With that said, Hongjun took a step forward under Sanqing’s gaze and entered the long river of fate!


The sound of the waves rolling fell into his ears, Sanqing stared at the long river of fate closely, trying to see the specific situation clearly.

Who knows, the long river of fate that could have been clearly seen before, after Hongjun entered, instantly disappeared in front of them, and no longer could see clearly, only the waves echoing in his ears seemed to be saying something.

“Master…” San Qing was shocked.

For the first time, it turned out that the strength gap between them and the master was so big.

I knew there was a gap before, but I didn’t expect that the gap would be so big.

The long river of fate that was originally visible became invisible after Hongjun entered.

This is not the power of the long river of fate, but the power of Hongjun Daozu.

“Master is really a master!” Tong Tianman said in shock.

Taiqing, primitive is also very shocking.

“Perhaps, Master has reached the Realm classified by Duobao, the real Sage, right?” The original is also a shocking guess.

Taiqing nodded and shook his head: “Maybe it’s Sage, or maybe…just a quasi saint!”

Relatively speaking, he was the most calm, and he was not shocked by the shock in front of him.

“Quasi Saint?”

Primitive, Tongtian chanted this term in his mouth, each shocked, shocked, and aghast.

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