Chapter 229

In the sea of ​​blood, Styx holds Yuantu in his hands, A nose double swords, and Karma Red Lotus stepped on his feet, fully armed and very vigilant.

From those weird creatures, he felt a deep danger.

Big murder!

Others may not realize the horror of these creatures, but he can only feel it because of the way he cultivated to kill.

He had palpitations, horror and even some fear.

“Who is that man? Chaos Demon God?” Styx looked at the creatures constantly walking out of the mountains in horror, his heart trembling.

The strength of these creatures has reached the limit of Da Luo Jinxian the most, and the strongest, even he can’t feel their depth.

too strong!

He turned to look at the figure in the long river of fate, the figure covered by the huge waves, with extreme fear.

“Hong Huang…it’s going to change!”

Styx took a deep breath, still unable to calm the fear in his heart.

Those creatures gave him a bad feeling, with extreme…no, to be precise, it should be pure and ominous.

They don’t seem to be malicious, because they represent evil itself.

Styx guessed that they themselves might be evil.

“Now, why doesn’t Sage show up yet?”

Styx was terrified, and for the first time there was the fear that his life was no longer in his grasp.

Even if he is standing in a sea of ​​blood, there are more than 480 million blood god sons, claiming that the blood sea will not dry, and the Styx will not die.

However, when looking at those weird creatures, there was still a fear that could not be suppressed.

Suddenly, Styx looked forward to the possibility that those high-ranking Sages would appear and be able to wipe out these weird creatures.

Otherwise, Honghuang will really usher in a big change.

He didn’t know exactly what the changes would be, but he could feel that it was definitely not a good thing.

In the chaos, the sages gather again, standing in the chaos, watching the changes in the wild world, watching the development in the fragmented mountains, there is no movement, they are just watching.

“This thing is very dangerous.” Zhundi’s face was solemn, and the Qibao Miaoshu had been taken out in his hand, holding it tightly.

Jin Lian also stepped on her feet, protecting herself and Zhun Dike.

The Nuwa Mountain and River Sheji figure protects the body, with the red hydrangea in his hand, watching the changes in the prehistoric vigilantly.

Only Sanqing, looking at each other, did not do any protection.

“If this stuff is allowed to spread, I am afraid that there will be catastrophes in the predecessor!” Nuwa said in a condensed voice, with a puzzled voice: “Why the master does not let us do it?”

She was very puzzled, originally when those strange creatures appeared, they wanted to do it.

Because after those creatures appeared, they felt a strong sense of ominousness and felt very bad.

Subconsciously, they are ready to appear and wipe out those creatures.

However, just when they were about to do it, Dao Zu Hongjun sent a decree, and they were not allowed to do it.

“Why?” The lead was also very puzzled.

He didn’t understand. Didn’t the ancestor discover the harm of these creatures?

Although their strength is nothing to them like Sage, but for the primordial sentient beings, it is a catastrophe that few people can stop.

If it is left alone, it is not clear what will happen in the future and what impact it will have.

The Tianji had already appeared when it appeared, and the chaos, even their Sage, was no longer clear.

“It shouldn’t be. It’s impossible for Master to be unclear about things we can all discover,” Zhun Di said.

These things feel really bad for them. Although they are not a secret, they can also sense that if they are left alone, the development they will bring is definitely bad, not a good effect!

The lead, Zhundi, and Nuwa were puzzled and discussed with each other.

Suddenly, Zhundi looked at Sanqing: “Three brothers, why don’t you speak?”

Sanqing was speechless, facing the dike’s question, just silent.

Suddenly, Zhundi, Nuwa’s gaze came over, her gaze was puzzled and puzzled.

Zhun Di squinted his eyes and suddenly widened: “No, this matter is related to you again, right?”

Hey? Why should I say it again?

“The figure in the long river of fate…what does it have to do with you?” Sui Yin asked suddenly.

The riots in the long river of fate also obscured their sight.

Although they, as Sage, go in and out of the long river of fate is easy.

Even if it is a riot, it can be easily entered.

However, in the long river of destiny at this time, I don’t know that the power of destiny exists, and there is another incomparably powerful force.

This power made them palpitations, and they did not dare to enter the long river of fate.

It was also this power that completely blocked their exploration, making them unable to see clearly the figures of the creatures in the long river of fate.

Sanqing suddenly looked at Jiuying, he seemed to have guessed something.

However, they still did not speak.

Other Sages can’t see, and they can’t see.

However, they were able to guess, and when they saw the figure, they knew that the man was Duobao.

“Duobao…what are you doing?” Tongtian was very tired.

He didn’t understand, how long did he leave now, and why did Dubao make things happen again?

Moreover, this time, if you are not careful, it may become a catastrophe.

The other Sage couldn’t see the power tainted by the old man of the Hundred Soldiers, and they didn’t know what it was, but they could know it.

Because, not long ago, they had just personally experienced the power and weirdness of this force.

Even if they were Sage, they couldn’t avoid it, and even if it weren’t for Duobao, they would be killed.

Originally thought that such power would be cautiously used by Duobao and limited to the starry sky.

If he and others strictly control Duobao, if he is not allowed to leave Kunlun, he should not be allowed to appear in the prehistoric world.

But I didn’t expect that this is how things would happen!

Yuan Yuan scolded the old man of Baibing secretly in his heart: “You said you are too, at such an age, so you have such a great curiosity?”

“No one else went to see it, you just want to see it… Let’s get into trouble now!”

If it weren’t for the old man of Baibing who had to be curious, and if he couldn’t see clearly, he would have to figure out Duobao’s situation and displayed his magical powers.

It was also his supernatural power that allowed him to pass through the veil of fate and touch Duobao’s power.

Then, it was counterattacked and affected by the power of Dubo, and then the ominous power was drawn out, which caused such a disaster.

“At such an age, how come there is no sense of danger at all!”

Taiqing also shook his head secretly and sighed.

But what made them feel relieved was that the ominous power tainted by the Baibing old man was much worse than the ominous power tainted by them before.

It should be that he was only caused by the counterattack by Dubo’s power, not Dubo deliberately.

Otherwise, it will be really troublesome.

However, Sanqing is also very strange, they also know how fierce the ominous power is.

Now that it has appeared, it should be eliminated quickly. Why does the master not let them do it?

On this point, they also do not understand.

“Really related to you!” Nuwa said in surprise.

Although Sanqing did not answer, silence is sometimes the answer.

“Who is that person?”

“What is that ominous force?”

Zhundi asked.

Taiqing sighed and shook his head: “Don’t ask, we admit that we know his identity as a person in the long river of fate.”

“We also know what the power in the wilderness is.”

“However, we cannot say in detail.”

“What can be said is that that force is called an ominous force, which is fierce and weird.”

The Sansheng’s heart tightened, even people like Taiqing said it was very fierce and weird, and it was really not easy.

Unconsciously, in his heart, the Three Saints secretly estimated the ominous power to several levels.

“Why can’t you say it?” Zhundi was puzzled, and continued to ask: “At this time, what else can’t you say?”

“Do you really have to wait until the irreparable disaster has happened before you guys say it?”

The Three Saints pressed Sanqing.

Sanqing just shook his head and said nothing.

It’s not that they can’t speak, but they don’t want to speak.

They really don’t want outsiders to know about Duobao.

I don’t think Losing face, but I don’t want Duobao to be known by these people, and I hate it.

Although, with Duobao’s current strength, even if they hold their hatred, there is no way to get Duobao.

However, when possible, they still want to protect Duobao.

After all, they are teachers.

Isn’t it right for the teacher to protect the younger generation’s children?

“Don’t ask.” Tongtian said solemnly: “This time, we know the whole story, and we really can’t say it.”

“However, we can promise that things will not be too bad and we can clean up.”

No matter what, the outflow of ominous power will eventually have a great impact.

They can’t figure out what it is.

But what is certain is that since the ominous power is a treasure, he naturally has the power to clean up the mess.

Big deal, in the end, if something really happened, let Dubao take action.

Sanqing had great confidence in Duobao, and as long as Dubao made a move, no matter how bad things were, he could solve it.

Therefore, it seems dangerous now, but in fact, it is still under control.

“Good good!”

Zhun Di was angry and stared at Sanqing: “This is what you said, if something really happens, if it can’t be resolved by that time… then you should go to Master by yourself!”

Speaking of Hongjun, Liu Sheng immediately heard Hongjun’s voice: “Come and see me.”

The Six Saints stunned for a moment, did not dare to neglect, and all walked towards the depths of the chaos.

It didn’t take long for the Zixiao Palace to appear in front of everyone.

Haotian, Yaochi was waiting outside the door early, waiting for the Six Saints.

“I have seen all the senior brothers, senior sisters…Master has been waiting for a long time, please.” Haotian Xu said with a hand.

The sages nodded to them, and then entered the Purple Heaven Palace.

In the palace, Hongjun sat cross-legged and looked at them calmly.

“Disciples see Master!”

“Disciples see Master!”

“Disciples see Master!”

Hongjun lightly forehead: “Don’t be polite, just sit down.”

The saints sit in accordance with their words.

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