Chapter 226-Trial Upgrade

This is the pure physical force produced after the body cells fold and make the body countless times stronger.

Originally, the power of the physical body was invisible and would not rush out of the body.

Ke Duobao’s body is really too strong, especially since he has insight into many laws, and his own perception of various avenues and laws has reached the limit.

Laws, Taoism, and perception, as the cells fold, the body becomes stronger, and unconsciously, it is cultivated into the cells.

Furthermore, these divine lights were born.

Shenguang is so powerful that it seems to be able to crush the void.

The starry sky where Duobao’s body was was held down by the divine light.

Duobao opened his eyes, and the entire starry sky seemed to move with his movements.

He didn’t use his own power, it was just because of his strength that caused the starry sky to tremble uncontrollably and follow.

“Is it the limit?”

Duobao whispered to himself: “Forty-five cell folds…Is this my current limit?”

“Da Luo Jinxian…”

Duobao looked closely at himself and saw a powerful and unparalleled light on him.

He stretched out his hand and wiped it off, with a click, breaking it abruptly.

The original intangible was just a manifestation of power, but under his palm, it turned into reality.

“Has this level been reached?” Duobao was a little surprised, looking at own palm.

The palms are as white as jade, slender and slender. There is no doubt that this is a pair of beautiful palms.

But under the palms of these hands, there is no longer any illusory and intangible things.

When the power reaches a certain level, as long as he is willing, he can grasp it whether it is false or intangible.

Such as light, such as phantom.

The monkey fished for the moon, and what he fished out was water. If he was replaced, the thing he fished out was the moon.

The fish in an ink painting, outlined in pen and ink, is only concrete, and if he reaches into it, he can catch a live fish from it, if he wants to.

“Is this all just the big Luo Jinxian?”

Duobao felt his current strength and was shocked.

Although his strength is Ascension, this is a good thing, but he is even more shocked.

His current strength has reached a level he couldn’t imagine, and even nihility and fantasy things can become real under the palm of his hands.

But even this kind of strength can only be Da Luo Jinxian, which shocked him, but at the same time was a little bit shocked.

Da Luo Jinxian can be strong to this level, what about the quasi-sage?

What about Sage, all ants under Sage?

“Perhaps…” Duobao pondered, “Is my previous calculation of Realm’s strength really correct?”

He originally thought he was right, but now, he is a little uncertain.

Because he has always been just a person of great Luo Jinxian strength, even Realm is still only Celestial Immortals.

Although, until now, Realm is not that important to him anymore.

Realm’s suppression can no longer affect him.

But, in the end, he is still only Celestial Immortals Realm, Da Luo Jinxian’s strength.

A Celestial Immortals Realm, a person with the strength of Da Luo Jinxian, guessed, is the estimated quasi-sage really correct?

“Heh…” Duobao shook his head and laughed at himself: “Sure enough, I was a little arrogant in the past.”

“The strength of the Taiyi Golden Immortal is so daring to guess the quasi-sage… It’s really… funny!”

Duobao sighed, for his innocence and arrogance.

“However, no matter what, I now have the strength of Da Luo Jinxian.”

“It’s still the Lich period. In this period, Da Luo Jinxian’s strength is not weak.”

“All these years of hard work can be regarded as results.”

Thinking of this, Duobao was a little excited again.


Suddenly, Duobao noticed an inexplicable change in the starry sky, turned his head and looked around, stunned.

After a while, a smile of relief appeared on his face.

“It’s so good, so good.”

This is the first time he is so happy.

Because he discovered that the juniors and sisters in the starry sky are finally cultivating earnestly, rather than just perfunct him in the same way as before.

He was really relieved to see that they were either carrying their own cursed powers, or they were heading to various forbidden places or territories, and there was no more fear on their faces. He was really relieved.

Such them, those who really worked hard, seemed to have a kind of light in the eyes of Dubo.

A kind of warm light in the heart.

“You finally understand.” Duobao smiled, smiling happily, even with the urge to cry.

He has done so much and buried so many layouts, and finally it is effective.

These younger brothers, younger sisters, are finally considered sensible.

Although all of them are a bit miserable and embarrassed now, most of them are not much different from beggars.

However, in the eyes of Duobao, it was especially sigh, happy and excited.

“Not bad.”

Duobao nodded repeatedly, for them and for himself.

Finally, his hard work was not in vain.

In a good mood, he looked at the two families of Lich in the starry sky and shook his head secretly.

Compared with the performance of his junior brothers and younger sisters, the performance of these Lich races is much worse.

The younger brothers and sisters, some have already gained the cursing power, and with the help of the cursing power, they have been able to resist the chase of the creatures transformed by the ominous ginseng fruit, and even destroyed many ginseng fruit creatures and returned to the ginseng fruit tree. , Re-growth.

However, the two groups of Lich were still chased by the ginseng fruit creatures, and fled in embarrassment.

Only Di Yi, Di Jiang and others can reluctantly resist, but they are also reluctant. They can only protect themselves, but it is difficult to separate their power to protect other monsters and witches.

In contrast, the performance of the juniors and younger sisters is even more prominent.

“I put all my power in the most dangerous places, but unfortunately… you haven’t found it… it really is just a little witch, little demon.” Duobao sighed, not sad, but very happy.

Of course his younger brother and younger sister performed so well, of course he was happy.

Especially under the background of the two families of Lich, it is even better.

“However, this is not enough!” For a moment of happiness, Duobao looked at him with a solemn expression.

After all, these witches are just ordinary witches, and being able to compare them is not something to boast about.

Compared with real great witches and great monsters, they may not be comparable, let alone an ancestral witch, supreme.

“Can’t be proud!”

As Dubao said, he stretched out his hand and volleyed a little.

My fingers pierced through the air, crossing the endless distance, and came to the ominous ginseng fruit tree, and clicked on the dense tree.

With the drop of Dubo’s finger, the whole ominous ginseng fruit tree suddenly seemed to become transparent, with cyan veins and radiance, flowing on the fruit tree, conveying inexplicable energy.


The ominous ginseng fruit tree trembles, and the leaves rustle.

The two groups of Liches, who were caught by the ginseng fruit, looked at the ominous ginseng fruit tree in amazement.

“What’s wrong with this ghost?”

Someone asked in surprise.

“The breath is stronger and more terrifying!”

Suddenly, someone shouted in horror: “Look!”

Look? What to look at?

Everyone was surprised and looked at the ominous ginseng fruit tree with his horrified gaze.

When I saw it, I saw that on the ominous ginseng fruit tree that had only a few ginseng fruits, countless ginseng fruits suddenly grew.

Like weeds after rain, dense ginseng fruit grows out of the dense branches.




A series of baby-like innocent and innocent laughter fell in everyone’s ears, making everyone’s heart chill and creepy.

“This ghost…what else is coming out of the moth?”

A demon shouted in horror.


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and the branches swayed, and the ginseng fruit on the tree also shook.

The chill in their hearts made them unable to laugh at all, and their eyes were filled with fear.

“This thing won’t fall, right?” Suddenly, a demon whispered.


The ginseng fruit that swayed for a while before the words fell, was shaken down from the branches.

In an instant, all the liches looked at the talking monster together with weird eyes.

You are a crow, right? So crow’s beak, if you say it, it will fall off?

The ginseng fruit fell, and in the horrified eyes of everyone, it turned into a smiling young man.

Hehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it didn’t take long for the entire space to stand more than half of it, and the number of them was more than the liches who were caught here and turned into fertilizer.

“It turns out… those ghosts are the ginseng fruit!” Some Yaozu said suddenly.

The liches listened, but they didn’t even care about him.

“Great disaster, great disaster!” The liches kept muttering desperate and cold hearts.

“Hazard, this is a catastrophe!”

“Could it be that my lich clan will die under this little ginseng fruit?”

The unwilling voice came, causing everyone to tremble, fear, unwilling, despair… all kinds of emotions erupted.

In desperation, suddenly there was a demon clan that completely disappeared. Not only was there no sound, but even his entire demon disappeared.

“He was digested!” The Lich next to him looked at the disappearing monster clan with a sad expression on his face.

This scene was in their expectations.

After all, they have become fertilizers, fertilizers, and they will be completely digested sooner or later.

It’s just that when this time, after the real arrival, can you feel that powerless like an abyss.

They can only watch, and they can only do so, they can no longer do anything.

Many of them, liches, in the prehistoric land, can be regarded as personal belongings. It can be said that they have been in the prehistoric land for countless years, but they did not expect that they would die here in the end.

Moreover, it is still such a humiliating way to die!

Become fertilizer!

They thought that they would die, but never thought that they would die like this!

“I would rather die in battle!” A Wu clan looked up in grief and shouted unwillingly.

The liches were silent, yes, in comparison, they really would rather die in battle than die so humiliated and humiliated!

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