Chapter 222

“Otherwise, we can only use the source.” Yun Xiao shook his head, also very helpless.

Bi Xiao looked at the two Big Sis pitifully.

“Use it, now is not the time to save.” Qiong Xiao said: “With this injury, we can’t escape at all.”

“This is not a place to hide, we can only hide for a while, not for long, we still have to go out after all!”

Bi Xiao looked helplessly, looking down at the wound on her body. The originally exquisite and lovely little Loli now looked like a beggar.

“All right!”

Bi Xiao said unwillingly.

She herself actually knew the current situation, and it was really not the time to save.

However, the source of law is really precious, and its greatest use is to help cultivation, which can greatly increase the speed of ascension cultivation.

They were able to survive to the present after those ghosts appeared, thanks to the existence of Fayuan.

If they don’t have the strength of Fayuan Ascension, they are afraid that they would have died under those ghosts a long time ago.

Such a precious source of law can only be used to recover from their injuries. They didn’t have much at first, but now they have to waste some more. It really hurts.

Seeing the recovery of Bi Xiao’s pitiful usage source, Yun Xiao couldn’t help but shook his head: “Bi Xiao, don’t linger, we don’t have so much time.”

“Those ghosts will come again soon.”

“Hurry up to recover from the injury, and use the rest for Ascension strength!”

Hearing this, Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao all looked at Yunxiao in amazement: “Big Sister, all used up?”

“Yes!” Yun Xiao nodded heavily: “Use it all.”

“The source of the law can’t be stored. Use as much as you can get. Ascension strength as much as possible. Otherwise, we really don’t have much possibility. We can escape under those ghosts again and again!”

Not long ago, the originally calm starry sky suddenly became chaotic.

Suddenly, countless strangers with smiling faces appeared.

All of them are smiling, no matter when they are smiling.

They have never seen anything other than a smile on their faces.

After these guys appeared, they hunted down all the creatures they saw.

Their strength is incredible, none of them are their opponents, they can only continue to flee.

Just like that, not many people can escape.

Sanxiao was also able to escape because each had some means.

“I don’t know if the other brothers…can escape?” Suddenly, Qiong Xiao said with a worried expression.

They escaped, but those brothers don’t know.

“Regardless of whether they can escape or not, it is not something we can think of now.” Yun Xiao’s injury has been recovered, and he is using his last source of law, quickly Ascension own strength.

“All we can do is to live now!”

Yes, stay alive!

They are simply not qualified to think about anything else!

“All right!”

Bi Xiao, Qiong Xiao lowered his head unwillingly.

“Hehe, I found you!”

Just as the three of them were using the strength of the last source of law Ascension, suddenly a laugh came from their ears.

The three of them looked in shock.

I saw a smiling young man looking at them with a smile.


In an instant, Yun Xiao raised his hand, and countless golden gravel appeared in his hand. As the gravel turned, it blocked the three figures, forming a golden Yellow Dragon roll, rushing towards the youth.


Yunxiao retreated, his chest became stuffy, and blood flowed out of the corners of his mouth.

A pair of crimson scissors suddenly flew out of the tornado and flew towards the youth.

The head and the tail crossed, and with a click, the young man was cut into two pieces.


At the same time, it rained suddenly in the river.

The river is full of water, but the traces of rain can still be seen clearly.

The rain is extremely icy, and all things, water, air, and even space, wherever it goes, are frozen.

The young man’s broken body was also frozen.

Chijin Scissors flew back, Bi Xiao caught it, and his expression changed greatly: “No, that’s not his real body!”


After the sound fell, a vigorous force appeared, restoring everything that had been frozen, and then three cyan vines came out of thin air and flew towards the three of them.

The expressions of the three of them changed drastically, and they used all kinds of spells and methods to stop them.

However, the tiny vines are so powerful that they can stop them.

Passing through the attacks of the crowd with ease, as if it did not exist, it still flew towards the three of them.

As soon as it was about to fall on the three of them, Yunxiao suddenly controlled the golden gravel to block Bixiao and Qiongxiao’s body: “Second sister, little sister, you go quickly, I will block it!”

In Yunxiao urged with all his strength, and even borrowed the power of the source of the law that had not been digested in his body, and finally barely blocked the three vines.

“Big Sister!” Bi Xiao cried out.

Bang bang bang!

The vine kept attacking Yunxiao, and Yunxiao’s mouth was bleeding, and he kept backing away, and his body was shocked with countless wounds.

“Hurry up, I can’t stop it for long!” Yun Xiao shouted loudly without looking back, “Don’t let my sacrifice be in vain.”

Bi Xiao waited to talk about it, but was grabbed by Qiong Xiao and flew away without looking back.


At this moment, the vines smashed the gravel defense.


The mighty power fell on him, Yun Xiao couldn’t help it anymore, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, losing the power to resist.

The vine flew around in the air, then fell onto the clouds and tied it up.

“Second sister, third sister…you must live!” Locked by the vines, Yun Xiao no longer had any power, and prayed silently in her heart.

“Did you run again?” The young man flew to Yunxiao and landed, looking at Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao who had disappeared, he didn’t care, he laughed.

call out!

The young man flew up, and the clouds locked in by the vines soared, following him, and soon out of Star.

The young man flew through the stars for a long time, and finally came to a place of emptiness and stopped.

Taking out a cyan leaf, cyan light flashed, a door opened from it, and the young man walked in with Yunxiao.

As soon as Fang entered, what caught his eye was a huge and incomparably big tree.

The big branches are luxuriant, with invisible tops, and full of greenery.

Under the big tree, there is a void as the ground, and countless creatures are buried in it.

“Guangchengzi? Manjusri? Dage?” Looking at those people, Yun Xiao couldn’t help but cried out.

There are countless creatures under the tree, most of whom she doesn’t know, but some do.

The young man took the clouds and came under the tree. With a wave of his hand, the vines took the clouds and buried them in the void, and accompanied the creatures.

After doing all this, the young man flew out again.

Looking at Yunxiao, Zhao Gongming looked bitter: “Eldest sister, you are here too, second sister and third sister… are you okay?”

Yun Xiao: “They are okay, they ran away.”

Zhao Gongming heaved a sigh of relief: “That’s good, this is good.”

Guang Chengzi said desperately: “Is this okay? We are all going to become fertilizer!”

Hearing Guang Chengzi’s words like this, Yun Xiao only realized what was strange about him.

His own Magic power, energy and blood are being drawn by inexplicable power, the amount is not large, but the victory is steady.

She looked at the big tree above her head and realized something in a daze.

“Those ghosts brought all the creatures they caught here, turned into fertilizer, and nourished this ghost tree.” Zhao Gongming explained.

Yun Xiao’s face flushed red, and he wanted to resist, drive away her locks in her body, and extract her Magic power, the power of Qi and blood, but it didn’t work.

“Don’t waste your effort.” Manjusri sighed: “This ghost tree is stronger than those ghosts, and it can’t break free, otherwise the ghosts will not leave so relieved.”

After working hard for a while, Yun Xiao gave up. It was true that he couldn’t make it.

Not to mention that she is still locked by the vines, and she has no power. Even at her peak, she can’t escape from falling here.

“How long have you been here?” Yun Xiao asked.

Hearing that, everyone looked towards Manjusri together, because he was the first junior to come here.

After receiving everyone’s eyes, Manjusri was even more bitter and sad: “Those ghosts are too strong…I was arrested as soon as they appeared.”

“When I came, this tree was not so big, it was still very small…only a hundred meters high…”

Everyone looked at the big tree above their heads. It was more than a hundred feet, and more than a thousand feet.

“Junior Manjusri…you are… miserable!” Looking at Manjusri, Yun Xiao expressed sympathy from the heart.

They all knew that this time, it must have been done by Brother Duobao.

Just like the name of this place, this is a trial for them by the big brother.

If you can get past it, you can satisfy your senior brother, if you can’t get past…then the result…

Everyone doesn’t know what the result will be, but it will definitely be countless times more difficult than it is now.

It is already a failure to be buried here as fertilizer, but it is also a failure, and there are gaps.

Like Manjusri, who has never escaped from a chase… There is no doubt that it is zero points.

Known by the big brother…

Manjusri’s eyes were full of despair, and he lowered his head, not wanting to speak at all.


Just when everyone was desperate, suddenly a sword sound came from their ears.

Everyone looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw a starry sky without seeing anything.

Here is where the ginseng fruit tree is located, forming a space of its own, and getting along with the starry sky outside in two dimensions.

“The voice came from outside.”

“Could it be that someone was caught again?”

Someone asked.

“No, if it were those ghosts, there would be no such movement.”

“Moreover, the sound is the sound of swords, and swords are used… those ghosts don’t know how to use swords.”

“Could someone come to save us?”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was pleasantly surprised.

However, soon, the joy on everyone’s faces dissipated.

“Hurry up, you can’t save us!”

Someone suddenly shouted.

This fruit tree is stronger than those ghosts, they are buried, they can’t get out at all.

Although the person didn’t know how to find it here, they could be sure that he would definitely not be able to save them.


Many people started yelling.

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