Chapter 220 Ginseng Fruit Tree

Di Jun was in a heavy mood and couldn’t be happy at all.

He could guess that the source of this catastrophe must be Duobao, but he could not guess Dubao’s thoughts.

Duobao’s thinking and thinking are inherently different from normal people.

Now, when something like this suddenly happened, he couldn’t guess according to normal thinking and logic.

Originally, he was going to ask Duobao what he wanted?

However, after thinking about it carefully, he didn’t move.

Who is he, the supreme demon race, when will he change his own behavior, to accommodate, and to compromise because of the actions and thinking of others.

There may have been, but since he became the supreme of the monster race, there is no more.

As the supreme, you should have the supreme appearance, and more importantly, you should have the supreme pride.

He firmly believed that no matter what Dubao wanted to do, at least he would not want to kill them.

Therefore, with this knowledge, he has confidence.

Whether it’s a catastrophe or a catastrophe, just rush through it!

Since its establishment, the Demon Race has experienced countless calamities. If he retreats and compromises every time, there will be no demon race as the overlord of the world.

Di Jun looked at Di Jiang, he believed that Di Jiang should have guessed the probabilities, and he had the same idea!

Di Jiang nodded heavily, did not speak, but already understood the other party’s thoughts.

“Let’s go together!” Di Jiang said.

For the first time, the two groups of Lich joined forces to instill their respective Magic power into Fuxi.

Among them, Fuxi is the best at calculating.

Fuxi gained the magic power of everyone, and his magical powers rose greatly, and there was a feeling of omnipotence faintly.

He knew that this was an illusion, suppressed this feeling, settled his mind, held the Hetu Luoshu, and operated the calculation method.

Heaven, earth, thunder, wind, water, fire, mountains, ze, and the eight kinds of Taoism appear out of thin air.

This is the eight-way algorithm he cultivated, counting heaven, earth, man, god, ghost, beast, king, and wrong.

The sky is the weather, the earth is Feng Shui, people are racial luck, gods are divine residences, ghosts are dead souls, beasts are animals and beasts, and the king is Heavenly Dao.

Badao builds the core of calculation based on the Eight Principles.

The sky corresponds to the sky; the earth to the ground; the thunder to the man; the wind to the god; the water to the ghost; the fire to the beast; the mountain to the king;

To calculate the corresponding things, you only need to use the corresponding arithmetic.

This time I was going to calculate the Great Tribulation, which was a secret, Feng Shui, Qi luck, dead soul, and variable.

Once the calculation was inaccurate, Fuxi gathered everyone’s strength to unfold the Eight Dao algorithm, unable to determine what was happening this time, so he simply calculated it based on it.

Meteorology, Feng Shui, Qi Luck, God’s Mansion, Soul of the Dead, Beasts, Secrets of Heaven, Unusual Numbers, and the Eight Paths are all performed.


“How is it possible?” Fuxi whispered in shock.

With the strength of their sixteen people, there is still no clue.

Fuxi was confident that with his current situation, even if Sage took the shot, he could at least figure out a clue.

After all, this matter is related to them.

Looking at Fuxi’s shocked expression, Dijiang and the others already had an answer.

Dijiang cast a look at the other ancestor witches, and suddenly the ancestor witches understood and nodded!


Suddenly, Fuxi heard a series of voices, and when he looked back, he saw that the twelve ancestor witch was pale, and he actually vomited twelve drops of Blood Essence from his mouth.

“I am from the blood of the Father God, in Blood Essence, I am extraordinary, maybe it may be helpful!”

Emperor Jiang handed Fuxi the Blood Essence of the ancestors.

Fuxi was taken aback for a moment, and after receiving Blood Essence, he suddenly felt an inexplicable force.

Twelve drops of Blood Essence merged in his hands, and there seemed to be a great existence watching him.

“Pangu god-tier!” Fu Xi was shocked.

That feeling disappeared in an instant, and Fuxi knew that it was not an illusion.

I took a deep look at the Twelve Ancestral Witch, borrowing the power of Blood Essence, and started to calculate again: “The Twelve Ancestral Witch is indeed the bloodline of Pangu god-tier, and their Blood Essence can communicate with Pangu god-tier!”

The Eight Paths algorithm started to work again, Skyrim, Destiny, Qi Number… everything appeared in front of everyone.

However, everyone did not see the slightest joy, because they still did not find what they wanted, clues.

In the depths of the starry sky, Duobao suddenly felt the emergence of a strange power.

That power was great and vast, which awakened him.

Opened his eyes and looked at the power sensor, he saw that the emperor and the first class were gathering together, under the leadership of a middle-aged man of the wind god, running a strange calculation method, as if calculating something.

Duobao looked over Fuxi’s head and saw a stalwart figure in his eyes: “Pangu?”

Dubao’s heart trembled.

How can the power of Pangu god-tier appear?

“Can even ordinary witches communicate with Pangu god-tier?” Duobao was shocked, and the strength of the witches was stronger than he thought.

He saw that the core of constructing that stalwart figure was the twelve drops of Blood Essence.

“Did you find it?” Duobao said intently: “Want to figure out the source of the catastrophe?”

He caused the dark turmoil, originally because of his unconvincing junior brothers, junior sisters, but in this starry sky, there are two families of Lich.

They will also be affected by the dark turmoil.

Therefore, the heart is sensitive, and it is understandable to try to figure out the whole story.

“However, your strength is still too weak!”

Duobao shook his head. He could feel a force hitting the source of the dark turmoil, trying to clear the obstructing fog and see the truth behind it.

However, their strength is too weak to break through.

“Forget it, you are also affected… just help you!”

As soon as the thought moved, the power that blocked Fuxi and others’ calculations dissipated.

Following this, a bare fruit tree Tao Yun appeared in front of Fuxi and the others.

“Knowing the source of the catastrophe, and being prepared…If you want to come, it can help you better survive the next catastrophe and survive!”

Duobao whispered and closed his eyes again.

In front of him, a bare, ominous ginseng fruit tree appeared out of thin air.

Fuxi and others looked at each other.

Di Jun frowned: “This is the source of the catastrophe?”

On the ominous ginseng fruit tree, all the ginseng fruits have already left, turned into the source of darkness and turmoil, are preparing, and will soon erupt.

From the Taoism of this fruit tree alone, there is nothing bad at all.

Taiyi looked carefully, and suddenly cried out in shock: “This is a ginseng fruit tree!”


Everyone was surprised and looked at him one after another.

Isn’t the ginseng fruit tree Jin Yuanzi’s treasure? How would it appear here?

Is Jin Yuanzi here too?

But this is not right!

They also know Zhen Yuanzi, although the strength is not weak, but it is impossible to create such a powerful catastrophe, almost can make their Lich race feel annihilated.

“Are you sure it’s a ginseng fruit tree?” Di Jun asked Taiyi seriously.

Too First Stage nodded: “Yes, I’m sure.”

“I have been to Zhenyuanzi’s Wuzhuang Temple and saw his ginseng fruit tree.”

“What I saw that day is no different from the fruit tree in front of me, except that there is no ginseng fruit on it…not as powerful as it is!”

At this moment, the bare fruit trees stood quietly in front of them, but they moved their hearts and felt the invisible pressure.

Judging from the smell of this fruit tree alone, it is worthy of the source of the catastrophe.

“Could it be that this catastrophe was not caused by Duo Bao, but Zhen Yuanzi?” Zhu Rong asked in surprise.

Everyone looked at each other, and suddenly the figure of Zhen Yuanzi appeared in his mind, with a smile on his face, no matter how he looked at it, he was a good person, immortal.

No matter where you look at it, he doesn’t seem to be someone who can do such a thing?

Is it true that people are not in appearance?

Everyone was surprised.

Fuxi shook her head slowly: “It shouldn’t be him, Zhen Yuanzi, I also know him, he is not the one who can do such a thing!”

“Moreover, his strength is not enough, far from enough.”

“It should still be Duobao… the ginseng fruit tree, maybe he got branches from Zhen Yuanzi, replanted it, and remodeled it to become what it is today.”

Di Jun thought about it, and slowly said, “Except for Dubao, I really can’t imagine anyone else who can do such a thing.”

“The ginseng fruit tree is one of the top ten Xiantian Spiritual Roots. Can it be replanted?” Kunpeng asked inconceivably as if he had heard some joke.

“If you change to someone else, it definitely won’t work.” Di Jiang also understood, and said solemnly: “But, if it’s Duobao…it’s not surprising.”

“Anything impossible is not surprising with him!”

“So, this time he used the ginseng fruit tree to create a catastrophe to… to hone us?” Taiyi suddenly guessed.

Everyone was silent after listening.

According to their knowledge of Dubao, this possibility is very high.

Fuxi was the only one among the crowd, and Kunpeng was still shocked, amazed, and unbelievable.

Although they already knew about Duobao’s existence, they had never seen Duobao, they had only heard of all the incredible things he had done.

I’ve just heard, but I still doubt how incredible he is.

How could there be such a presence in the prehistoric… From the performance point of view, even if it is compared to Sage, it is not much worse!

Even what he can do, Sage may not be able to do.

For those who firmly believe that Sage, they are all ants, they can’t believe it!

After all, that Duobao hasn’t been sanctified yet!

“He is helping us. I guess he thinks that our strength improvement is too slow, right?” With clues, guessing again, no doubt, it was a lot more accurate, Di Jun said bitterly.

“Too slow!” As soon as the words came out, Fuxi suddenly, Kunpeng couldn’t help screaming in unison.

How long is this, only one hundred and fifty years, during this one hundred and fifty years, because they are still the quasi-Saint Realm, the road ahead is not big, and the progress is relatively slow.

But that’s the case, they have also reached the limit of the quasi-sage that they could not have imagined in the short 150 years.

And other people, whether it is Emperor Jun, Taiyi or Twelve Ancestral Witch, their progress in strength makes them envious and jealous.

Just like that, still not satisfied?

Put it before, I can’t even think about it, okay?

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