Chapter 218 Strange Puppet

Not long after leaving, suddenly Taiyi stopped.

Yellow Dragon felt Taiyi’s movement, turned his head and asked strangely: “Why don’t you leave?”

Taiyi looked back at the way he came, swallowed, and asked weirdly: “They have all become puppets, why don’t we go back?”

This mountain is so terrifying, there may be unpredictable dangers at any time.

They continued to move forward. They were brought by someone who had been here once by Yellow Dragon, and they still couldn’t guarantee 100% safety.

Step on!

Step on!

Suddenly, footsteps sounded.

Yellow Dragon didn’t have time to respond to Taiyi’s words, covered his mouth, and said condensedly: “Don’t make a noise.”

Taiyi nodded repeatedly, and looked at the mountain stream aside in horror.

Without Yellow Dragon’s reminder, how dare he make any noises at this time?

What I can see is a man covered in yellow clothes, with disheveled hair, walking strangely in the mountain stream.

His body was stiff, and his legs did not bend while walking.

This is not the main thing. The main thing is that when he saw it, Taiyi’s hair on his body stood up, and his vest was instantly wet with cold sweat.

The man moved stiffly, but his speed was not slow. After a few breaths, he had already left the sight of the two of them.

It wasn’t until a long time after he had left that Yellow Dragon dared to let go of the palm that covered Taiyi, and let out a long suffocating breath: “Huh~”

“What’s that?” Tai Yi asked in horror.

“Puppet!” Yellow Dragon replied: “It entered this mountain without blocking the invasion of that strange force, and became a puppet… to be precise, it was a witch race.”


Taiyi was shocked.

The Wu Clan has a strong physical body and an unparalleled bloodline. Can they even be unable to block the power here?

After being surprised, he reacted.

It’s really unpleasant, even those who have obtained Master Duobao’s teaching of the Dharma and cultivated into such a dreamy Taoism can hardly resist the power here.

Although the two groups of Lich are strong, they have not yet reached the point of abnormality, let alone the level of fantasy.

It is normal to be unable to resist.

“If you can enter this mountain, if you can’t resist it, you will become a puppet in the mountain, wandering in this mountain all day long.”

“If you don’t enter this mountain, if you attack outside, you will be turned into a puppet outside the mountain, wandering in the starry sky with the power of the mountain, spreading terror, and turning the creatures you encounter into puppets.”

The voice of the Yellow Dragon came: “We are in the mountains now. If we encounter danger and touch the power, if we can’t resist it, we will become puppets in the mountains, wandering in the mountains forever.”

Taiyi was horrified.

So dangerous?

I had already returned the Five Niu Orbs to the iron, so why bother to enter this mountain and go through such a great danger, it is not worth it.

“This mountain can be entered anywhere, but not out of it.”

Yellow Dragon explained as he walked, “You look back.”

Taiyi turned back as he said, and the entrance was clearly visible.

“There is a way back, but there is no way back.”

“What do you mean?” Tai Yi asked in surprise.

“I have tried, but I can’t walk the road I can see when I look back. Once I go back, it will immediately touch the power in the mountain.”

“That’s why I escaped for the third time.”

“This is a trap, you can see it, you can’t walk.”

The Yellow Dragon’s voice was low, causing Taiyi’s heart to sink.


Taiyi was angrily: “Where did these weird things come out? Isn’t this going to play dead people?”

“What do you mean?” Yellow Dragon said quietly: “So powerful, so weird, besides our big brother, in the world, who else has this ability!”

Taiyi: “…”

He didn’t dare to say any more, if he really let the big brother know, I’m afraid it won’t be as fruity as he is.

“Big brother, don’t you want to play us to death, right?” After a long time, Tai Yi couldn’t help but said.

“He didn’t want to play us to death, he was just helping us to cultivate.”

Yellow Dragon’s tone suddenly calmed down, as if he was talking about things that had nothing to do with him: “In his opinion, these are cultivation.”

“Cultivation? Is this cultivation?” Taiyi Bucha: “This is life-threatening!”

“Isn’t cultivation just killing your life?” Yellow Dragon said calmly: “Don’t you understand this until now?”

Taiyi choked, he understood, of course he understood, how could he not understand after so many experiences?

However, he still couldn’t help but want to complain.

Want to vent!

“Since we came in, the lifespan that has been reduced, and the dangers from this place, everything is urging us to become stronger, because if we don’t become stronger, we won’t be able to go out at all!”

“I can’t survive either!”

“The big brother said, I hope, ten thousand years later, I will see us again.”

“I believe that when he said this, he was absolutely sincere, and… what’s more terrifying…” Yellow Dragon did not continue.

But Taiyi already understood what he wanted to say, and then said: “What’s even more terrifying is that he really thinks we can go out!”

This is the biggest difference between them and the big brother.

Not only is it cultivating Dao Fa, but even this dangerous and terrifying starry sky, they don’t think they can go out, but the big brother thinks they can go.

They really want to say that they can’t, but they dare not say.

And, more importantly, based on what they know about the big brother, even if they say it, the big brother will not believe it.

This riding a horse is a pit!

“The big brother is really not afraid of playing us to death?” The more he thought about it, the more angry, Tai Yi couldn’t help but angrily said.

“Don’t be afraid.” Yellow Dragon said calmly: “By the means of the big brother, even if we die, he can resurrect us. I have no doubt about this.”

“It’s just that if we really die here, it means we can’t pass this little test.”

Taiyi’s eyes widened as she listened: “Little experiment…you call this a little experiment?”

“…In the eyes of the big brother, it’s like this.” Yellow Dragon paused and said calmly: “It’s just like the Dao Fa that looks like a dream to us, but it’s just the basic Dao Fa in his eyes.”

“In our opinion, this is a place like purgatory, and in his opinion, it should be just a small trial.”

“If we can’t get through, he won’t think that our ability is not good enough, he will only think that we are not working hard enough… be lazy…”

“If it is dead, you can imagine the expression of the big brother when he comes to life after he is resurrected.”

“That must be wonderful!” Taiyi’s heart is sad: “And we, we will also be very miserable… then…”

Thinking about it, he not only gave Lingling a chill.

“Just know it!” Yellow Dragon sighed: “So, work hard, don’t let yourself die.”

“Here, death is not the end, but the beginning, the beginning of another more terrifying nightmare!”

“With the temper of the big brother, once we fail this little trial, we are afraid that he will be thrown into a place that he himself considers to be horrible. The name is…punishment!”

Taiyi’s eyes twitched, and his heart was sad: “Yes, big brother really did it!”

They couldn’t pass this little trial, what about the terrible punishment?

They couldn’t get through it even more!

However, it doesn’t matter, they believe that the big brother must have a way to get them through.

It’s just that, in order to pass, what kind of suffering they will endure, it is impossible to imagine.

“Now this is just a simple model, I believe all of our brothers would not want to experience the punishment of the big brother…”

“I definitely don’t want to!” Tai Yi shook his head firmly.

That’s horrible!

In comparison, he would rather be turned into a puppet by this mountain.

However, in this case, it also means that he has failed, and the result…

“Forget it, let’s cultivate honestly!” Tai Yi said bitterly.

Yellow Dragon corrected: “No, it’s desperate cultivation.”

“Yes!” Taiyi.


In the depths of the starry sky, Duobao is still cultivating, and the number of times his cells are folded continuously. Ascension, because of his own strength.

Therefore, in this short period of time, the number of times his body cells fold, Ascension rises.

By now, there was an eternal breath in his body.

Wanfa does not grind, Wanfa does not invade. Compared with the chaos real body of the Chaos Demon God, it is many levels higher.

Duobao is still cultivating.

Xiao Hong suddenly opened her eyes, and quietly glanced at Duo Bao, his dark eyes turning gurglingly.

“Dad?” Xiao Hong called out cautiously.

Duobao didn’t move, but he was still cultivation.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Hong’s eyes flashed with joy: “Dad?”

She called again.

Duobao still didn’t move.

Now, Xiao Hong was relieved.

He stood up, circled around Duobao, and smiled happily: “Dad, Xiaohong wants to go out and play, just for a while, okay?”

She was a child after all, and she was a child who hadn’t been born for long, and she was so curious that she couldn’t stand it at all.

She has been patient enough to be able to sit here with Duobao for so long.

However, after sitting for so long, it was at the limit.

Duobao remained silent, sitting quietly.

Xiao Hong bit her hand and said cautiously: “Hey, Dad, if you don’t speak, I will be your default?”

Duobao was calm.

“Great, thank you Dad.” Xiaohong waited for a while, but Duobao didn’t speak, and jumped up happily.

“Don’t worry, Dad, Xiao Hong will go out to play for a little time.” Xiao Hong stretched out her fingers and compared the distance with two fingers a little bit, indicating that it was such a little time: “After playing, Xiao Hong will come back to accompany her father. ”

With that said, Xiao Hong cheered, jumped and flew towards the starry sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“This girl…” After Xiao Hong disappeared, Duobao opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Hong’s disappearing figure with a faint smile: “It’s good for fun, after all, it’s a child.”

He had discovered it as early as Xiaohong stopped cultivation.

No action, just want to see what this girl wants to do.

It turns out that I want to play, just play if you want, as long as the starry sky is not out, just play whatever she wants.

Dubao doesn’t mind this.

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