Chapter 215

There are still a lot of creatures without a curse, but it is foreseeable that all creatures will be unavoidable in a short period of time.

“The data is almost collected.” Duobao looked at it carefully, and countless information appeared in his heart, and the ominous force in his body turned and quickly perfected.

“It can almost be used on Junior Brothers and Junior Girls.”

In the starry sky, from Dubao’s body, a wave appeared, hidden and fast, and after a few breaths, it spread all over the starry sky.

No one found the lich in the starry sky.

Under the volatility, the ominous lurking in the starry sky, followed by subtle changes.

“Sure!” After a long while, Duobao sensed the situation in the starry sky and nodded in satisfaction.

“Then next, it’s the younger brother, it’s time for the younger sisters to enter the venue.”

Duobao suddenly raised his head: “There are also these career positions…Should they be directly handed over to Junior Brother, Junior Sister, or let them compete for it?”

“If you hand it in directly, I’m afraid they won’t cherish… the so-called easy-to-get things will not be cherished, no matter how precious.”

“Let’s fight, let all the liches participate… the final winner, get the position.”

“They are all the famous talents of Kunlun in the future. If you want to compete with some little witches and little demons, it should not be difficult to stand out.”

Thinking, made a decision.

“Then fight for… an ominous career position… this is a conferred god!”

Duobao suddenly laughed: “The Great Conferred God, then I will also have a little Conferred God!”

“Huh?” As he was thinking, he suddenly felt dozens of familiar thoughts. Not only was he surprised: “It really belongs to Cao Cao, so Cao Cao has arrived.”

In Duobao’s Immortal Cave, Jin Ling, Guangchengzi, Taiyi, Sanxiao, Xuandu and others all stood nervously in Immortal Cave.

They have all completed the transformation of the foundation.

However, this time with the lessons of the Yellow Dragon, other accidents will inevitably occur. It is after all the juniors and juniors have all transformed and completed the foundation, they all arrived together.

However, when they were in a good mood, after they came to Dubao Immortal Cave, the bad premonition in their hearts became stronger, which immediately made them even more anxious.

“You are here.” When the disciples were nervous, Duo Bao appeared out of thin air, smiled at the juniors and younger sisters, looked up, and kept nodding: “Yes, yes, it’s all done, this time it’s okay.”

Although Duobao is complimenting them, they should be happy, but in fact, everyone’s heart is even more nervous, and there is even a feeling of fright.

Because that bad feeling became stronger several times after Dubao appeared.

Everyone was sure in an instant, it must be the big brother who planned to do something to them.

It’s just that they don’t understand, what does the big brother want to do to them?

Can they bear it?

Everyone was very upset and didn’t speak, like a quail, looking at Dubo cautiously.

Duobao was surprised: “What’s the matter with you? Why are you so careful?”

These juniors, why do juniors feel weird?

He obviously behaved so amiable, and even had a kind of kindness, but depending on their performance, he was not like a kind old grandfather, but more like a Devil.

“Big brother, I’m waiting to report!”

Duobao felt that there must be three black lines on his forehead.


Why are these words so awkward?

He shook his head and didn’t care about it. He smiled at the crowd and said, “You just came here, and it happens to be the place for your cultivation. I have already fixed it.”

The disciples looked at each other.

cultivation site?

Isn’t Kunlun Manor?

In the Kunlun Manor, they had suffered a lot, and they had lingering fears.

I thought Kunlun Manor…

Tai Yi asked boldly: “Big brother, isn’t Kunlun Manor a place of cultivation?”

Duobao shook his head and laughed, “How can Kunlun Manor be considered a land of cultivation?”

“That Dingtian is a place for training, how can it be related to cultivation?”

As soon as this remark came out, the disciples were even more shocked, shocked, and frightened.

Based on their understanding of the big brother, since he said this, it means that the land of cultivation in his mouth is more dangerous than Kunlun Manor.

Inexplicably, all the disciples had their minds retreating.

Just looking at Duobao’s smiling face, he didn’t have the courage to say anything.

“You come with me.”

Duobao didn’t know their thoughts, waved his hand, and took the younger brothers and younger sisters into the starry sky.

“here it is?”

The younger brothers and younger sisters looked at the strange starry sky in front of them, and blinked together.

Deep, broad, boundless, Star flashing, bright Galaxy Cluster… Doesn’t it seem as scary as they thought?

“This is called the Dark Proving Ground, and it will be your cultivation place in the future.”

Duobao explained that one sentence made the disciples who were just a little relaxed, their minds instantly tightened.

Dark… Proving Ground?

Just hearing the name makes you feel palpitating.

Sure enough, this starry sky did not seem so harmless on the surface.

“How to cultivate?” a disciple asked.

Duobao raised his hand, countless books appeared in front of him, waved his hand again, and fell in front of the disciples.

“This is the basic Taoism for your next cultivation.”

“In this dark trial field, you only need to cultivate these Dao Laws to great success, even if you have passed the trial.”

All the disciples listened to Duobao’s words and opened the books in front of them.

After a while, all the disciples opened their eyes wide, looked at the books in their hands, and looked at Duobao again, and there was a strong disbelief in their eyes.

You are joking?

Is this kind of Taoism really something that humans can cultivate?

Like Yellow Dragon’s original performance, all the disciples were shocked by the Taoism recorded in the books in front of them.

These Taoisms are very powerful, and powerful are just like dreaming!

This is not like a real Dao Fa at all, but more like a Dao Fa that is generated by a random thought in the mind and cannot be cultivated.

Cultivation to Dacheng!

The disciples looked at each other, and after simply reading the Dao Fa, they had no confidence at all, let alone cultivation to Dacheng, even if it was a beginner… I felt that they couldn’t do it!

Big brother is embarrassing them!

Or is it playing them?

Moreover, basic Taoism… Are you sure that such a dreamy Taoism is worthy of the basic two words?

“What?” Looking at the shock on the junior sister’s face, Duobao was puzzled: “Is there any problem?”

Without waiting for the younger brothers, the younger sister answered, and continued to smile: “How about it? Isn’t it simple?”

“Don’t worry, the first time you are cultivating, Senior Brother will not embarrass you too much, and will not give you too difficult Taoism.”

The disciples looked at each other even more, almost wondering if they had heard it wrong?

Not embarrassed?

Isn’t this embarrassing for you?

Simple… If the word simple is conscious, you will be grateful to tears. It is so honored. I did not expect that one day, a word like this could also be used in such a dreamlike Taoism. 1

The disciples were trembling physically and mentally, staring at Duobao and wanted to talk, but in Dubao’s gentle eyes, they trembled and dared not say much.

They looked at each other for a long time, and suddenly looked at Jin Ling together.

You are the master sister, you go.

Jin Ling received the gazes of the juniors and younger sisters, frightened, shook the book in his hand at Duo Bao, and asked: “Big brother…how should I cultivate this?”


As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of the younger brothers and sisters looking at Jin Ling changed in an instant!

Are we asking you to ask this?

Jin Ling rolled her eyes secretly, she is not stupid, the senior brother is obviously thinking abnormally, if she asks and is trained, these juniors, the younger sisters will not help her share.

“How to cultivate?” Duobao wondered: “Normal cultivation is all right. It’s so simple. It shouldn’t be difficult for you.”

In any case, it is the great power of later generations, and it is basically stronger than the Yellow Dragon.

Especially Sanxiao, Zhao Gongming, Guang Chengzi and others… are even stronger by several times.

“Not difficult?” Jin Ling couldn’t help being speechless.

Looking at Duobao’s natural expression, he sighed: “Brother, we are all the first time to come into contact with this… dreamlike Taoism, I really don’t know how to start.”

“Why, big brother teach us?”

“Dream?” Duobao is even more bizarre, but it’s just ordinary basic Taoism. How can it be worthy of the word “dream?”

Looking suspiciously at a group of Junior Brothers and Junior Sisters, they suddenly felt that they were playing with themselves?

Don’t understand such a simple Taoism?

If all the disciples know about Dubao’s current thoughts, I am afraid that they will be unable to help but yell, let’s play with you, I’m afraid you are playing with us!

How can such a dreamy Taoism be cultivated?

How can you use basic and simple words to describe it?

Seeing the gazes of all the juniors looking at him, Duobao was silent. After a long time, he reluctantly sighed, “Well, this is only one time, not as an example.”

“Cultivation, after all, still depends on own.”

“This time, I will help you get started, and you will still have to go on your own afterwards.”

Originally he didn’t want to, but thinking about the situation of Yellow Dragon before, Duobao changed his attention again.

“Perhaps the Taoism I created is really different from their previous understanding, so it is difficult to understand, even if it is talented, it is also difficult to get started quickly.”

Duobao secretly said in his heart: “In order to avoid accidents, I’d better help.”

“It’s only this time. If I understand it in the future, it should be simple.”

Thinking about it, Duobao waved his hand and sprinkled a magic light on everyone, and said at the same time: “Now, you all sit down in the Lotus Position and exercise, I will help you get started.”

All the disciples acted according to their words, fearful and full of expectations.

Can such a dreamy Taoism really be cultivated?

Although these Taoisms seem to them very dreamy, they are basically impossible to cultivate, and they are not even normal Taoisms.

But looking at the information in it, if it can be cultivated, it will be as powerful as a dream.

The relative nature of dreams is dreams.

Dao Fa is dreamy, and the strength in cultivation is also a dream level!

After completing the cultivation, they are afraid that they can become top-notch powers in the prehistoric!

I was surprised in my heart, but also with anticipation, thinking about the power after cultivation, I couldn’t help but sway.

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