Chapter 210 The Real Xiantian Spirit Treasure

Sage and Sage are completely two concepts.

Duobao himself thought for a long time, calculated for a long time, and had countless ideas, but no matter how he thought it, it didn’t feel right.

Not worthy of Sage Realm at all, at best above the quasi-sage, take a few more steps.

It’s still too far from Sage.

It is not Sage, it is really difficult to calculate the specificity of Sage Realm.

Duobao wants to know how powerful the real Sage Realm is?

Listening to Duobao’s question and looking at Duobao’s expectant gaze, Sanqing sat on the wax.

This stuff… do you ask us?

The real Sage environment, we can say, but it is completely different from the Sage you understand!

Facing Duobao’s question, Tongtian didn’t know how to answer.

“Master?” Duobao asked suspiciously.

Is this question difficult to answer?

Master, they are both Sage, it should be a very simple thing.

Facing Duobao’s urging, Tongtian suddenly took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, “Duobao, you are only the big Luo Jinxian now. Don’t be too far away. Sage is still too far away for you. It’s not something you can consider now. ”

While talking, Tongtian was speechless in his heart.

Is this what he said?

He was really flustered when he said this.

However, he can’t say that, in fact, you are already Sage, but if you are in the Sage realm that you have divided, it is really far away.

However, I really cannot answer this question!

Because, in fact, my strength is about the same as yours, even worse than you!

If you can, after you understand the real Sage concept, please tell me too!

Master also wants to improve!

Can he tell the truth?

That’s definitely not possible!

Taiqing, the primitive looked at the sky strangely.

“Is that so?” Duobao lowered his head somewhat disappointed.

It seems to be true.

After a long while, Duobao looked certain, raised his head, and said to Tongtian: “It is the disciple that is not right, it is indeed too high and far-reaching, the teacher is right, the disciple is only the big Luo Jinxian, and you shouldn’t think about things that far!”

Tongtian’s mouth twitched.

When did I train you? I just told you calmly.

My tone is very soft, don’t talk nonsense, you are such a genius, I am too happy to be too late, how can I train you!

Putting down the obsession in his heart, Duobao asked again: “Then Xiantian Lingbao?”

In addition to the dedication to the strength of Cultivation Base, Duobao is also very strange about the strength of Xiantian Lingbao. He hopes to get answers from Master, Master, and Second Master.

“Cough cough.” Hearing this, Tong Tian suddenly coughed, showing a confident momentum on his body.

If it were before the change, he really didn’t know how to answer Duobao.

But now, he has the answer.

“Duobao, didn’t you say that, Insight has completed a rule, but it is just an introduction, and it is the same for Xiantian Lingbao.”

“There is a Realm with a rule of zero, and Xiantian Lingbao also has the same Realm.”

“To put it bluntly, Xiantian Lingbao is just a tool.”

“You need to turn Xiantian Lingbao into an own thing like a law, and add the concept of own to it.”

“You have to understand that it is not that the Xiantian Lingbao is too weak, but that you have not found a real way to use the Xiantian Lingbao.”

Duobao was stunned when he heard it, Tongtian said, and he also felt absurd: “What the hell am I talking about?”

Too clear, the original gaze is even more weird.

What Tongtian said, even they couldn’t understand it, and it felt more like nonsense.

The principle of cultivation has zero, because its foundation lies in itself, with endless changes and a lot of space.

But Xiantian Lingbao is different. The Xiantian Restrictions are made by Xiantian, and in the chaos, Xiantian’s immortal aura is transformed.

The foundation is already welded, the upper and lower limits are fixed, and they cannot be changed at all.

The rule of zero is not applicable to Xiantian Lingbao.

Taiqing, Primordial is very worried, so there is no reason for this, completely nonsense, can Dubao really not see it?

Will it let him see the clues and then discover the true facts?

After all, in fact, Duobao’s current strength is almost the same as theirs.

Whether such a statement can be implemented, he will think about it for himself, and it will be clear.

Taiqing, Yuanyuan stared at Duo Bao closely.

“So that’s it!” Duobao nodded, knowingly, “Is it the wrong way to open it?”

He actually believed it!

He didn’t doubt it at all!

Looking at Duobao, he seemed to believe the general expression, too clear, and his original eyes burst out in shock.

So stupid?

Does he believe in such nonsense?

Suddenly, they had some doubts about the IQ of their own disciple.

“Turn Magic Treasures into the zero of own… breakthrough rule…”

In Sanqing’s surprised gaze, Duobao murmured, and suddenly raised his hand, and thirty-six turquoise water drops appeared in front of him.

Among the water droplets, the water flickered, and powerful spatial fluctuations were hidden in it.

Dinghai Shenzhu!

Sanqing recognized the identity of this bead, but what made them puzzled was that at this time, what did Dubao take out the Dinghai Shenzhu?

“The law of space contained in the Dinghai God Orb… is also the law of space in the prehistoric world… I want it to become own…”

Duobao raised his brows and looked a little frowning.

It’s not that it is difficult, but he is thinking, what concept should be added?

“Space… Heaven… It’s better to add the concept of heaven to the space!”

Thinking about it, Doubao suddenly let go of his brows, his eyes lit up, and he made a decision.

“The Sea God Orb itself can be transformed into the heavens. If the concept of heaven is added to it, it will be like the heavens… From now on, it will not be the twenty-four heavens, but the thirty Sixth Stage heavens!”

Duobao was inexplicably agitated: “The sky is supreme, bring space… aloft, dominate all sentient beings.”

This is not the original Dinghai God Orb, but after he simulated the Dinghai God Orb, he refined it with his Movement Technique.

“So, first join the concept of heaven!”

When Duobao thought, the Magic power in his body fell into the Dinghai God Orb like flowing water.

Along with his movements, a powerful wave of power suddenly appeared in the Dinghai God Pearl.

Sensing this fluctuation, Sanqing was dumbfounded.

“This feeling… such power…”

“What is Dubao going to do?”

“He really wants to turn this nonsense into reality?”

Sanqing was dumbfounded, looking at the ever-changing Dinghai Shenzhu in Dubao’s hands.

Feel the fast and powerful power and breath in it.

“What is the sky?” Magic power flowed into the Dinghai God Orb, fixing the original law in it, melting, and moving with his mind.

It is above this law that an inexplicable force has been formed.

This power is like rubber mud, it can be shaped at will, and it can be transformed into anything.

In Dubao’s plan, it should become heaven.

It was just that suddenly, he found that his concept of heaven had only one supremacy, and no other feelings.

“What is the sky?” Duobao frowned and thought.

If you want to create a sky, you must first understand, what is a sky?

Dubao has seen the real sky, but even if he has seen it, he still can’t understand what a sky is.


Heaven protects the world, it can be said that it is a barrier.


There are storms, thunder and lightning, and it is right to say that it is punishment.

Moreover, there have always been punishments of heaven, the saying of heavenly thunder.


Is the sky heavy?

Pangu god-tier opened up the world, clear air ascending to the sky, turbid air falling to the ground, it seems that the sky should be very light.

However, if the sky is light, then why did Pangu god-tier die because of his indomitable power?

Therefore, the sky is also heavy.


Heaven is in control of everything, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is power.

“What else?”

Dubao is musing.

After a long time, he shook his head: “Forget it, what is the real sky, and what does it matter?”

“I don’t want to create the real sky, just create the sky in my heart.”

“I myself think what sky is, so just create what kind of sky, why bother?”

Duobao was relieved: “Then, the sky should have power, weight, punishment, and barriers… As for the others, forget it, that’s all.”

The thought was certain, and then, in the Dinghai God Orb, that group of inexplicable power moved with it.

The four breaths of heaviness, punishment, authority, and barrier came from the Dinghai God Pearl.

Sanqing’s heart sank, and inexplicably, he felt that there was an extra presence above his head.

Taiqing’s complexion changed, and he looked at Duobao deeply: “Now, Duobao’s strength should be higher than us!”

Originally they thought that Duobao’s strength was just about the same as theirs, but from now on, Duobao had clearly surpassed them.

They couldn’t see the specific changes in the Dinghai God Orb, but the growth of its breath made them feel very clear and obvious.

“He… actually did it!” Tong Tian opened his mouth wide, muttering in disbelief.

He really just said casually, just to appease Duobao.

Unexpectedly, Duobao actually did it.

In the shock of Sanqing, one thing suddenly became clear.

Duobao is not stupid, he is strong!

In their opinion, it is nonsense, and Dubao believes it, not because he is stupid, but because he can do things that they can’t do.

So, he believed it!


In shock, Duobao’s transformation of Dinghai Shenzhu was finally completed.

Thirty-six Dinghai God Orbs were suspended in the air, like thirty Sixth Stage Sky, which gave Sanqing a great shock, and also brought them great pressure.

These thirty-six Dinghai God Orbs have surpassed Law Zero, breaking through the Realm of Law Zero… This also means that these 36 Dinghai God Orbs are also stronger than them.


Suddenly, Duobao yelled in surprise: “Finally done!”

Sanqing looked over.

Duobao was very happy. He looked at the Dinghai God Orb in front of him and felt the power in it. It was not as weak as before, but rather powerful.

Now, even he himself couldn’t destroy it anymore.

“Master… you are right. I really don’t know how to use it. Xiantian Lingbao is really strong!”

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