Chapter 208-Duobao’s Doubts

Ominous, terrifying, and uncomfortable.

Sanqing stared at the red gold Lotus flower in Xiaohong’s hand in astonishment.

It was so easy for Taiqing to resist the urge to throw Xiaohong out.

This is really…

“The lotus seeds that are eaten are in the body. Through the transformation of ominous power, they have both merits and virtues. They have the original defenses of unparalleled defense and the strong ominous power!” Duobao squinted slightly, and through the control of the ominous power, It is easy to sense the essence of Chijin Lotus flower.

“Although there is no Xiantian Restrictions, and the number of Xiantian… through the five grains Samsara in the body… but in terms of power, it has surpassed the general high-grade Xiantian Lingbao, and almost reached the level of the best Xiantian Lingbao.”

Duobao bowed slightly to Taiqing, took Xiaohong from the master’s hand, took the red gold Lotus flower in her hand, and examined it carefully.

“I’m sure, it’s comparable to the best Xiantian Lingbao!”

Duobao nodded and looked at Xiao Hong in surprise. He didn’t expect that the ominous creatures had such talents.

“…” Suddenly, Duobao shook his body: “Compared to the best Xiantian Lingbao!”

The best Xiantian Lingbao is not a simple thing in the prehistoric, but the powerful Magic Treasures second only to the Xiantian treasure.

Such things are not low in the entire prehistoric state.

Xiao Hong ate a golden lotus seed and, with her own talent, produced a red-gold lotus flower, which was comparable to the best Xiantian Lingbao.

Although it is based on golden lotus seeds, the ability to produce Magic Treasures comparable to the best Xiantian Lingbao also proves Xiaohong’s strength.

Such strength…In contrast, in the midst of the predicament, it shouldn’t be weak anymore.

However, in the Realm divided by Duobao, Xiaohong now only possesses the strength of the Golden Immortal, and there is still a little distance from the limit.

This kind of strength produces the best Xiantian Lingbao…

“No!” Duobao frowned, lost in thought.

“It always feels like something is wrong!”

Suddenly, the atmosphere seemed to be different, and I always felt that something extraordinary was going to happen.

Sanqing felt the heaviness.

Soon, they found the source of the heavy…Dubble!

This sudden feeling was all due to what Dubao was thinking.

“Duobao…what are you thinking?” Tongtian asked in a deep voice with doubts in his eyes.

Taiqing, Yuan Yuan stared at Duobao together, with a hunch in his heart.

“Does… this kid really needs to understand the real situation?”

This is nothing extraordinary, after all, it is a fact.

It’s just that Dubao will understand it sooner or later if he thinks badly.

Even if I understand it, it’s no big deal.

But…for some reason, Sanqing was not so happy after thinking that Dubao might understand the real situation.

Deep down in their hearts, they even vaguely wanted to prevent Duobao from discovering the real facts.

“Why is this?” Taiqing and Yuan looked at each other, and found that the other party had the same idea as own, and they were suddenly more puzzled.

Duobao’s cognition was wrong, and now I want to understand that it is a good thing to return to the right path.

But why… they would faintly hope that Dubo would not understand, and faintly hope that Dubo… continue to make mistakes!

“I’m thinking… Xiantian Lingbao doesn’t seem to be as strong as I thought…” Duobao held the red gold Lotus flower and asked Tongtian, “Master…Is that right?”

The sky remained unchanged, and calmly asked, “Why do you think so?”

“Xiantian Lingbao, adhering to Xiantian Restrictions and carrying the principles of the Great Dao, can not only help enlightenment, but its power is also powerful. In the predicament, it is an infinite treasure.”

“Why do you think Xiantian Lingbao is not strong?”

Taiqing, Primitive’s heart jumped, the feeling in his heart became stronger, looking at Duobao.

“Yes…” Duobao nodded. He acknowledged these effects of Xiantian Lingbao, but…

“Where are you confused or puzzled…you can tell, I am your master.”

“Teacher, teach the profession to solve puzzles.”

“If the disciple doesn’t understand, shouldn’t it be answered by the master?” Tongtian smiled and said, “What? Don’t you still believe in being a teacher?”

“Even if you can’t believe in being a teacher, there are still your masters and uncles here, who can’t be answered by the teacher, can’t they also answer them?”

Duobao shook his head quickly: “The disciple dare not.”

“Don’t dare…then there is it?” Tongtian raised his brows, pretending to be angrily.

Duobao was taken aback: “No disciple, just…”

“Just what?” the original asked.

“It’s just…” Duobao glanced at the three of them. At this moment, all the doubts accumulated in his heart were piled up, clearly visible, and could no longer be ignored.

“The Dao Law, Xiantian Restrictions in the Xiantian Lingbao does carry the Dao Law, but the Dao Law carried in it is not so mysterious.”

Duobao spoke out the doubts in his heart.

“Xiantian Lingbao, who only carries the principles of such a degree, doesn’t seem to be that strong!”

Taiqing, primitive, the corners of Tongtian’s eyes twitched, and his heart was shocked: “Not that strong?”

Dao law, that is already the Dao!

In Duobao’s mouth, dare to say that it is not that strong?

If they were replaced by others, they would definitely reprimand loudly, but if they were replaced by Duobao…it seemed that they had no reason to reprimand.


Tongtian suddenly asked: “Duobao, have you fully understood the laws of the great road now?”

The trio knew Duobao, and if it hadn’t been the case, he wouldn’t say such a thing.

Moreover, with such an incomprehensible strength as Dubao, if it is said that his Insight has developed a complete law, then everything can be explained.

“Yes.” Duobao nodded, looking at Sanqing suspiciously, and said, “The disciple got the other twelve Dinghai God Orbs by luck.”

“Dinghai Shenzhu!”

Hearing this name, Sanqing was even more surprised.

Yuan Yuan glanced at Tongtian, and said to Duobao: “If I remember correctly, the Dinghai God Orb contains the law of space… a full set of thirty-six, containing thirty-six Xiantian Restrictions, if all are collected. , Then it can be integrated into a complete law of space.”

“…Are you all gathered?” Primordial asked in surprise.

They all knew the power of Dinghai Shenzhu.

The complete thirty-six Dinghai God Orbs are no worse than Zhuxian’s Four Swords, and no worse than ordinary Xiantian treasures.

Thirty-six Xiantian Restrictions, all of which carry the laws of space…if they are gathered together, they can be integrated into a complete law of space.

If you are talented, you can rely on it to insight to develop a complete law of space, and then use the law to prove the truth.

However, even though they all knew the power of the thirty-six Dinghai God Orbs in the full version, they didn’t even bother to collect these 36 Dinghai God Orbs.

One is because they themselves are destined to be holy, do not need to rely on the sea god orb, and they also have the Xiantian Supreme Treasure, and the Four Swords of Zhuxian that are no worse than Xiantian Supreme Treasure.

The other is also because of the sea god orb, the heavenly secret is destined to be difficult to gather, that is, they have become holy, and it takes a lot of luck to gather them, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Moreover, it is not so necessary, so they did not do it.

Tongtian Sage, who obtained the Dinghai God Orb, gave it to his disciples.

However, I didn’t expect that the Dinghai God Orb, which Sage had to spend a lot of money to gather, would be gathered by Duobao.

Taiqing couldn’t help taking a closer look at Duobao.

The complexion is ruddy, the aura is complete, and there is no sign of damage to the luck.

Moreover, when he looked at Duobao, he could still feel an aura of great merit, which represented that Duobao was a man of great merit.

“Hiss~” Tai Qing was shocked, merit?

Duobao has always been in Kunlun. Where did he get such great merit?

Although he could no longer see the specific merits of Duobao, in terms of induction, the merits of his body were not in the minority.

With such merit in his body, it is no wonder that he did not lose his luck by obtaining Dinghai God Orb.

Although merit is not qi luck, merit in the body can also suppress qi luck. Even if qi luck is greatly damaged, it can also ensure that oneself will not be affected by the great loss of qi luck.

There are countless Xiantian spirit treasures in the prehistoric times, and every acquisition of one needs to consume one’s own luck.

If you don’t have enough air luck, even if you get a spirit treasure, you will also be backlashed by your air luck, which will cause disasters.

This is why Yuanyuan accepted twelve disciples, and 11 of them gave Magic Treasures, but Yellow Dragon did not.

The Yellow Dragon is a dragon clan. Affected by the karma accumulated by the Dragon Clan’s Previous Era, it has very bad luck.

Now that he has accepted Yellow Dragon as his disciple, Yuan Yuan will not be partial to him because of his origin. It is only because of Yellow Dragon’s own problems that he treats it like this.

It’s not that he doesn’t like Yellow Dragon!

“Yes.” In the shocked eyes of the three, Duobao slowly nodded and continued: “The disciple has obtained thirty-six Dinghai God Orbs, from which he can insight into the complete law of space.”

“Later, the disciples discovered that it seems that this superb Xiantian Lingbao… is not so powerful!”

Dubao’s eyes were puzzled and puzzled.

He doesn’t understand, why is this happening?

In his impression, Dinghai God Orb should be very strong, and the full set of 36 Dinghai God Orbs is even stronger.

Among the prehistoric, it can almost be regarded as one of the strongest Magic Treasures.

However, after he insight of all the laws of space, and then looked at the Sea God Orb, he felt that it changed immediately, and it seemed that it was not so powerful.

Even if he was willing, he could easily smash the Dinghai God Orb.

Is this still the Xiantian Lingbao he knew?

Is this still the Dinghai God Pearl in his impression?

Not only the Dinghai God Pearl, but also other Xiantian Lingbao, in his current view, they are all so weak, so… not in line with his impression.

Is he wrong, or is this Lingbao wrong?

Or is it all wrong?

Duobao spoke out the doubts in his heart one by one, then looked at Sanqing and waited for their answer.

Sanqing looked at each other, silent, thinking, and shocked.

Sure enough, Insight has developed a complete law, and it has indeed proved that it has reached the realm of Sage.

No… To be precise, according to Duobao, he hasn’t preached yet.

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