Chapter 204

As the saying goes, after the storm, you see a rainbow.

Only after experiencing the blows of wind and rain can you be qualified to see the most beautiful rainbow.

If the human race wants to become the protagonist of heaven and earth, it will inevitably experience the strongest blows and tribulations.

It seems that the development of Human Race is very good, but in the long run, this is not a good thing.

Without experiencing too much danger, it is difficult to withstand the treatment of the protagonist of heaven and earth.

Sometimes it’s too smooth, which may not be a good thing.

If you don’t experience hardships in the front, and go smoothly, after you reach the peak, you will experience a blow, and there is a high probability that you will be ruined.

This kind of power can only be regarded as a big power, but it is not qualified to be the protagonist of heaven and earth.

What is the protagonist of heaven and earth? It is a race that can experience countless blows, destruction, still not give up, indomitable, unyielding, and can stand up again no matter how many times it falls, that is the real protagonist.

The current human race…development is very good, but it is too smooth.

Nuwa looked puzzled and couldn’t help but worry.

“Duo Bao reversed the trend?”

The human race was destined to have many tribulations, and these tribulations were to complete the human race. This is the general trend of Heavenly Dao, and no one can reverse it.

Even she did not dare to intervene.

Otherwise, causing Heavenly Dao backlash, it will not be worth the loss!

Moreover, it is not necessary!

However, the current human race… really made her feel uneasy, and she was very curious about what Duobao did in the human race.

What is even more curious is how he reversed such a general trend and made the development of the human race so smooth.

“Let me see…”

Nuwa secretly said in her heart, and then carefully calculated.

This time, under purposeful calculations, she quickly got the answer.

In the eyes of Human Race, a crystal clear water drop suddenly appeared.

In the water droplets, the space changes and the dimensions are endless, she is dazzled to see.

In the general trend of the human race, I saw one big and one small, two roads.

The big one, she is no stranger, it is her big brother, Taiqing Sage’s Gold Core Avenue.

But the small one is very strange.

“This is the way Dubao made?” Nuwa was surprised.

Above this trail, she felt a different breath.

Not strong, but detached.

Looking at the bitter path, Nuwa squinted slightly. After looking at it for a long time, she actually felt the feeling of being out of control.

“This feeling…”

This feeling is unfamiliar, but after careful induction, it is somewhat familiar.


Suddenly, Nuwa’s eyes widened, almost bursting out.

I should say, Nuwa is a peerless beauty, who makes such an action and is still beautiful.

“Sister Nuwa, what’s wrong with you?” Taiqing Sage asked suspiciously when all the saints noticed Nuwa’s sudden movements.

They couldn’t help but couldn’t find out. Nuwa’s movements were very light before. They didn’t pay attention to it, so naturally they didn’t notice. But Nuwa was surprised by her sudden discovery. With a big move, she naturally couldn’t escape the eyes of the sages.

Facing the puzzled gaze of the sages, Nuwa gave a complicated look, focusing on Tongtian Sage for a while before shook his head: “It’s okay.”


She finally understood!

“That’s it! That’s it!”

Nuwa kept sighing, surprised, shocked, and couldn’t tell what her expression was.

In short, it’s hard to say.

Among the human race, the suffering left by Duobao, Nuwa finally found the person she had not been able to find.

That is, in Fuxi’s mouth, Emperor Jun, the man behind Taiyi, the true master of the gate of dimensions.

“Duobao!” Nuwa muttered this name silently in her heart, contacting the disappearance of the Lich clan and the relationship between Duobao and Sanqing. After Sanqing’s sudden weird movements, immediately, all questions were answered.

Nuwa’s eyes were strange, as if it contained some information, Sanqing frowned slightly.

Did she find something?


Duobao is not among Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao Sage cannot calculate either.

Unless you see it with your own eyes, no one can calculate everything about him.

Sanqing exchanged his eyes.

“Since the three senior brothers really don’t want to say, then we have to go to the teacher.” Zhundi looked at each other, and Zhundi stood up and said calmly: “The disappearance of the Lich Clan is not disappearing, and we can’t wait for it. See it.”

“Since the three senior brothers all said it was not your work… it’s better to figure it out.” The lead also said.

Sanqing glanced at each other, and looked at the lead, Zhundi, the original Tianzun said in a harsh tone: “So, the two juniors can’t believe us?”

While talking, Sanqing stared at the lead and Zhundi.

After taking the lead, Zhundi could feel the invisible pressure, and if they were replaced by someone else, they would also compromise.

There is no need to offend Sanqing for this.

But this matter is not simple, and you can’t give up so easily.

The Lich family doesn’t matter, but the great cycle of heaven and earth they control is not good!

Speaking directly, they are interested in the karma in the great cycle of heaven and earth.

Now that the Lich is not there, Sage is in charge of the world for the time being.

The position in it naturally fell into their hands.

Originally, the two did not dare to think too much.

It is the disappearance of the two families of Lich, which is also a matter of the East, and the three of them will say that they are Westerners and cannot interfere in the affairs of the East.

At most, for their Sage’s sake, assign them some insignificant positions.

At this point, they can’t help it, after all, they can’t beat them.

But now, thinking that they had caught the handle of Sanqing, the two had an idea again.

Finding out the facts is not the goal at all, nor is it the goal to find Zu Hongjun, but getting more benefits is the fundamental.

“Why did the original brother say this, the junior brother is just trying to figure out the matter at all.” Zhundi said with an innocent look.

Primordial Tianzun got angry when he saw his hypocritical appearance. Before he could say it, Taiqing Sage interrupted aloud and looked at the two Sages and said, “Two brothers, what you want to do, just say it directly.”

Hearing this, Jiuyin and Zhundi laughed immediately, and he stretched out two fingers: “Heaven and earth cannot be without a master. We have a great human in the West, with a profound source of blessing, and we can win the emperor of heaven and the lord of the earth.”

Zhundi said: “We want two emperors and two honourable fruits.”

As soon as he said this, Tongtian immediately sneered: “Zhundi, you are afraid that you are dreaming, and your tone is too loud.”

Primitive Tianzun also scolded: “What a great appetite.”

The place of the sky, the fruit of the earth.

Heaven has the position of heaven, which represents the position of career, the position of fruit, and the speed of Ascension cultivation.

Heaven has emperor, demon, star, evil spirit, four positions.

Among them, the emperor is the supreme position comparable to the quasi-sage. The monster race has the Yin & Yang double emperor, the Five Elements five emperor, among which the emperor of the extremely Yin, the emperor of Jun, the emperor of the Yang, and the Taiyi.

Five Elements Five Elements Great Emperor is the Blue Emperor Nuwa, also known as Snail Emperor; Bai Emperor Fuxi, also known as Xi Emperor; Black Emperor Kunpeng, also known as Demon Master.

Five Elements Five Elements Great Emperor and Yin & Yang Double Emperor, both have no superior status.

Five Elements Five Elements Great Emperor, so far is not complete, only the Blue Emperor, the White Emperor, and the Black Emperor have returned to their thrones. The other Red Emperors and the Yellow Emperor have not yet appeared.

This is the supreme position comparable to the quasi-sage, and so is the position of the witch clan.

As soon as Zhundi opened his mouth, he wanted two thrones of emperor, two, and thrones, and it was obvious that his lion opened his mouth.

Especially although the two groups of Lich disappeared, most of the Liches also lost their career positions, but there are still people above these top-level career positions.

“Zhundi…too much.” Nuwa said coldly.

In other words, she is also the emperor of the demon clan, Zhun Di is in front of her, and is about to claim the top honor, isn’t it too bad for her.

“Zhudi…” Tongtian Sage took the own Qingping sword in his hand, and his eyes flashed with cold light: “Is the sword deceiving me wrong?”

Taiqing and Yuanyuan were not talking either, each took out Duster, Samboyu Ruyi Scepter, and stared at the lead and Zhundi unkindly.

“Three seniors, senior sisters, don’t be angry.” In the face of the angry three, Zhundi didn’t panic at all.

Zhundi said indifferently, “If it doesn’t work, it’s okay. Let’s go to Master and ask his old man for instructions. Isn’t it all right?”

They were sure of Sanqing’s role in this incident, and they didn’t dare to see Master, so the lion opened his mouth.

As for whether they can come up with these four top career positions, what does this have to do with them?

Anyway, they put forward the conditions, and whether it can be achieved is not a question they are considering.

If you can’t take it out…just ask Master.

Leading, quasi-di, confident, and not panic at all.

Sanqing, Nuwa stared at the two unkindly, almost about to do it.

However, after staring for a long time, he still didn’t do anything.

Sage did it, but the movement was too loud.

Moreover, for this matter, it is not enough.

Taiqing put away Duster, Yuanyuan put away the jade Ruyi Scepter, and Tongtian put away the Qingping sword.

“Why, figured it out?” Zhundi asked triumphantly, watching the movements of the three of them.

Knowing that you have to compromise… This time the Lich disappears, Sanqing must have gained huge benefits.

It’s just a mere four titles, in comparison, that’s nothing more than soup!

Although I don’t know what Sanqing has obtained, the introduction and Zhudi guess must be more than what they asked for.

Therefore, they determined that Sanqing would agree.

Taking the lead, Zhundi watched Sanqing in his spare time.

Amidst the triumphant gazes of the two, Tai Qing suddenly said softly: “Then go to see Master.”


Hearing this, Zhundi was stunned to take the lead in an instant, and looked at Tai Qing stupidly.

Zhundi couldn’t help but drew out his ears, wondering if he had heard him wrong?

“Big brother? What did you say?” Zhundi asked in disbelief.

Tai Qing looked at him calmly: “Since you insist, then go find Master.”

Sui Ying stared at Sanqing for a long while, and couldn’t help asking: “Aren’t you afraid?”

If this matter goes to Master, I am afraid it will not be so easy to solve.

As the person behind the scenes that caused all this, Sanqing is afraid that it will provoke the punishment of the master.

It was only after they recognized this point that they dared to open such a big mouth.

“Brother, the conditions are still open to negotiation… shall we discuss and discuss?”

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