Chapter 202: The Disappearing Lich

If it is really under such a crisis and is facing danger all the time, then the strength of Ascension is naturally different.

Everyone looked at each other tacitly and saw the excitement in each other’s eyes.

Some of their original thoughts about Duobao disappeared in an instant, but instead they were deeply grateful.

Perhaps they can also become real Turbo cultivators!

“Don’t rush to express your stance.” Duobao waved his hand and said solemnly: “It’s just this opportunity to get back life.”

“If you choose not to take it this time, then I will use up these lifespans.”

“In the future, you will never have a chance to get it back again.”

“In other words, if you don’t take it this time, then your lifespan will always stay in ten thousand years in the future. If you want a longer lifespan, you can only breakthrough Realm, or other methods.”

“Breakthrough Realm!”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and they could feel the indescribable pressure in an instant, which suddenly occurred, and they were overwhelmed, and they were a little out of breath.

The pressure is there immediately.

Their current strength is quasi-sages in Honghuang, and according to Realm, they are also golden immortals.

Want to breakthrough Realm… Isn’t that the Taiyi Golden Immortal?

Thinking about it this way, the pressure is even greater!

You know, in their guess, Taiyi Jinxian is almost comparable to the existence of Sage… They didn’t hope to break through Sage. Suddenly they have to break through Taiyi Jinxian, who is only slightly worse than Sage. Ascension life.

The pressure is increasing!

Everyone was silent, staring at each other, the excitement, anticipation, dissipated in their eyes, replaced by a deep heaviness.

Suddenly, just at the beginning, they could already understand what Dubao said, the feeling of those cultivators who were cultivating on the edge of Death.


It’s nothing more than breakthrough Taiyi Jinxian, the key is only ten thousand years… can they do it?

Everyone looked at each other and didn’t speak.

Because they have no confidence.

The breakthrough Taiyi Jinxian didn’t have much confidence, let alone limited the time, only a mere ten thousand years.

“If there is unlimited time…” A thought suddenly appeared in Tai Yi’s mind, and then his body shook. After staying for a long time, he suddenly shook his head and laughed.

Taiyi sighed suddenly.

His movement immediately attracted the heavy eyes of everyone, looking at him puzzled.

How could he laugh at such a serious matter, such a serious moment?

“Sure enough, we are accustomed to infinite life and infinite time.” In the eyes of everyone, Tai Yi said with a mockery: “It’s like what Dubao said.”

“We have never experienced a real crisis, or we have never experienced it, such a crisis of short life span and death at any time, and we have never cultivated in such a crisis.”

“In other words, we have never been in such a long time crisis, cultivation!”

Ten thousand years of life is very long for ordinary people, but for them, isn’t it anytime?

They have experienced a life-and-death crisis, but they have never had such a huge pressure, and have never lasted such a long time.

Hearing Taiyi’s words, everyone was silent.

Yeah…it seems, indeed!

Duobao looked at them quietly, without speaking.

The primordial world is very powerful, and the powerful creatures in it can easily get immortality that countless people in other worlds have pursued for a lifetime.

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

It is a benefit, but also a disadvantage.

“I’ve decided, isn’t it the ten-thousand-year life span!” Tai Yi took a deep breath and suddenly said loudly, “It’s done!”

“Just fight it. After ten thousand years, whether you live or die, it all depends on your good fortune!”

Taiyi said to Duobao seriously and solemnly: “I choose the second one.”

He glanced at the lifespan in Duobao’s hands, and then moved his gaze away: “This eternal life…I don’t want it!”

“Just fight for a ten thousand year life, if you succeed, you will be one, and if you lose, you will lose the loess… Enough!”

Everyone stared at the heroic Taiyi, and after a while, Qi Qi smiled in relief.

Yes, just do it!

If you just give up, you will always feel unwilling!

Everyone smiled and looked at Duobao.

Duobao also smiled and put away the golden lifespan: “It seems that you have all made a decision. Have you decided? Don’t change it?”

Everyone nodded and solemnly said: “If you don’t change it, just do it!”

Duobao was a little relieved.

It seems that although these people live in a relatively stable and wild world, they are by no means inferior to those in other worlds who are struggling with life and death!


Duobao yelled, and suddenly smirked at everyone: “Yes, I forgot to tell you that although you are now golden immortals, you don’t need to break through Taiyi golden immortals in order to gain life.”

Everyone was stunned, they were already prepared, they were startled by Duobao’s sudden words.

“What’s the meaning?”

Duobao explained with a smirk: “Although you are golden immortals, you still haven’t reached the golden immortal limit.”

“There are also several stages in the limit. You need to step through these stages before you can reach the golden immortal limit and be eligible to attack the Taiyi golden immortal.”

“In terms of your current strength, each breakthrough stage can increase your life expectancy. Therefore, in a true sense, your time is actually more than ten thousand years.”

Everyone was dumbfounded, they were all ready to fight hard, and in the end, you just said this?


As everyone gritted their teeth and looked at Duo Bao, Duo Bao suddenly patted his forehead, as if he had remembered something, and looked at Dijun and Taiyi.

“I almost forgot.”

In the eyes of everyone, Duo Bao suddenly waved his hand, and a force fell on Emperor Jun, Tai Yi.

After that, the breath of the two of them, Realm kept slipping, and after a while, only the golden fairy was left.

“Your Realm’s strength is still too vain, because of your simplicity, I will help you!”

“no need to thank me!”

Duobao smiled, and before everyone reacted, his figure gradually disappeared.

In the space, only Emperor Jun, Taiyi, and Twelve Ancestor Witches were soon left.

Everyone looked at each other, and there were a lot of things they wanted to say to Duo Bao, but Duo Bao had disappeared, and there was nowhere to say it.

Everyone was stunned, staring at each other, and didn’t know what to say for a while.


Before they thought about what they were going to say, suddenly the space vibrated, The next moment, everyone’s figures disappeared in the space.

“Dobo, I…”

In the space, there was only one unfinished word left, and it was unclear who said it.

“Hehe.” After playing with everyone, Duobao was very happy and smiled.

Spreading his hands, the golden lifespan in his hands appeared again: “Now, these things are all at my disposal.”


Duobao put away his smile, looked at the starry sky, raised his hand, and all the laws appeared and fell into the golden birthday.

In a short period of time, all the lifespans are constantly changing under the action of the law, and they have become various cultivation materials.

“Just call it Fayuan!”

Because it is a combination of laws and longevity, it can help enlighten the Tao, and cultivation is a powerful cultivation treasure.

Looking at the huge amount of Fayuan in front of him, Duobao pondered for a moment, waved, and threw it into the starry sky.

Smoothly, the rule that all the lifespans eliminated by the rebirth cursed yellow grass will become material in the future was set, and it was no longer concerned.

“Now, let’s do this first, let’s look at the future.”

Duobao whispered, then calmed down, and Lotus Position sat down.

He didn’t really want to kill the Lich and others, although he limited the ten thousand years of life, but also gave them the help of ominous power.

In addition, with these sources of law, I believe that as long as they are not too lazy, they will eventually be able to break through before the limit of longevity.

If there is such a person, it would not be a pity to die.

Such a person barely survives now, and will inevitably be buried in the future when the catastrophe arrives.

How can people who don’t know how to work hard, don’t know how to cherish, and just want to daydream, deserve a good life?


In the chaos, the six Sages gathered together, looking at the wild world, the atmosphere was very solemn.

“Lich…Where have you been?” Zhundi looked at the empty circle of heaven and earth, puzzled.

The demon clan controls the sky and the witch clan controls the earth. The two are in charge of the great cycle of heaven and earth, maintain the operation of heaven and earth, and help the development of heaven and earth.

Everything was fine originally, but now, the Lich races are mostly empty.

The Great Circulation of Heaven and Earth was even more empty, and there were few Liches in sight.

The responsibilities and things that should have been assumed by them are now being taken over by Heaven and Earth.

The world is still developing on its own, and after the early stage of great development, it has now stabilized.

After the Lich disappeared, Tiandi handed over the responsibility that the Lich should have assumed to his own six horses, that is, six Sages.

Heaven and earth can maintain the current operation, but that will slow down the development of heaven and earth. If someone helps to bear it, it will naturally be much easier.

It used to be a Lich, now it is the Six Saints.

Nuwa Liu’s eyebrows frowned, Yushou calculated, and after a moment, stopped.

Gained nothing.

She can’t figure out anything.

This made her feel very frustrated. The mysterious person that Fuxi said before was ignored, and she couldn’t figure it out if she couldn’t figure it out, but now, even the whereabouts of the Lich races, she couldn’t figure it out.

This made her suddenly wonder if she was a fake Sage.

The lead stopped the fingers that counted secretly, shook his head, and said in a puzzled manner: “Strange, it can’t be counted?”

“Is there something wrong with the Lich?” The lead said in a deep voice.

Nuwa shook his head: “It shouldn’t be. My feeling for Big Brother is still there. He is fine, but I can’t figure out where he is.”

Upon hearing this, all the saints looked at Nuwa in amazement: “You can’t figure it out?”

It’s just that they can’t figure out other Sages. You know, Nuwa and Fuxi are brothers and sisters.

It’s not surprising that she can’t count a Lich, but it’s strange that she can’t even count Fuxi’s own Big Brother!

This is really weird!

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