Chapter 198

“Duobao…deservingly Dubao!”

Gonggong thought excitedly, his palms were itchy, and his heart was full of fighting spirit, and he was eager to find someone to discuss with him.

Not only because he is warlike as a witch clan, but also because… he is jealous!

For the Wu Clan, the best cultivation is to fight.

It’s not that Insight can’t, but the speed of Insight is far inferior to the speed of combat.

The Ascension of the cultivation effect here far exceeds his imagination.

He can feel that if he can also have evenly matched opponents and fight, the final Ascension he will obtain will definitely not be worse than these ordinary witches.

It’s just that ordinary witches can find opponents, but where does he go to find opponents?

These witch races are not his opponents, and they can’t even stand his slap.

With enthusiasm, I look forward to it.

Ordinary Wu Clan is definitely not his opponent, looking at this starry sky, only other ancestral witches can do it.

“Zhu Rong!”

A name suddenly appeared in his mind.


Gonggong stepped on the long river and was about to leave Star.

“Gonggong…hahahaha…come to fight!”

Before he left Star, a loud voice suddenly rang in his ear.

After the sound appeared, I saw a huge fireball outside Star, which was flying towards Star.

“Hahahaha… good job, look at the trick!”

Upon seeing this, Gonggong was overjoyed. He didn’t need to look for it anymore, and the opponent himself came to the door.

Gonggong shouted loudly, and the river flowed around him. After a breath, he formed a water giant in the stage.


In the starry sky, Zhu Rong stood among the fireballs and saw the changes in Gonggong. He immediately moved along with it. The flames around him dispersed and changed rapidly.

During this process, Zhu Rong’s speed did not slow down at all, but after he discovered the target, he became even faster.

When he arrived in front of Gonggong, the flames around him had already centered on him, forming a flame giant.



The flame giants and the water giants waved their arms, the mountains and rivers shook, huge power fluctuations, and a huge amount of water vapor dissipated towards the entire Star.



The two of them were in Star, constantly attacking. The mountains and rivers in the original Star were suddenly shattered by the aftermath of power.

As the two battled longer, the originally intact Star suddenly became riddled and devastated.


Just as the two were constantly fighting, making the broken Star even bigger, suddenly the law of water appeared, turned into a powerful current, and fell from the sky.


In an instant, whether it was Gonggong’s water giant or Zhu Rong’s flame giant, they were all washed away under this stream of water, revealing Zhu Rong and Gonggong at the center.



It’s not over yet. It seems that the battle between the two of them would have destroyed Star too much. The water rushed away the flame giant. After the water giant, it condensed again. Between the limbs of the two of them, it became a square shackle, locking the two of them. Hands and feet.

Under the shackles, the two only felt their bodies sink, and then their strength was locked by the shackles.

From the original capture of mountains and mountains, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, he has become an ordinary person who can only reluctantly act.

The shackles formed, the law receded, and the water flow dissipated.

Gonggong, Zhu Rong looked at each other, their fighting spirit was washed away by the current.

“Is it so stingy?” Zhu Rong glanced at the sky cautiously, and whispered: “Be careful, I will find Brother Duobao to sue you!”

Although he brought four shackles, he didn’t care.

Because at the same time the shackles appeared, there was still a message.

Because they are fighting too much and have too much influence on Star, they limit their strength.

It doesn’t affect their perception, but it won’t let them cause such great harm.

Gonggong rolled his eyes. After his fighting spirit had cooled down, he looked around because of the influence of the two of him. He could fully understand the Star’s reaction.

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense.”

“Can’t you fight yet!”

Gonggong reprimanded.

Zhu Rong immediately raised his head, patted his chest vigorously, and said viciously: “Fight, of course, and it won’t affect the harvest… Why not…”


Before he finished speaking, he was punched in the eye by Gong Gong.

“Wow, Damn it, despicable, you even attacked.” Zhu Rong yelled, and fought towards Gong Gong.

Gonggong dodged calmly, with the corners of his mouth raised, very proud: “There is no sneak attack in the battle, but it is good to be able to win!”

“Despicable man, I want to fight back!”


In the depths of the starry sky, Xiao Hong had calmed down, digested with ease, staying beside Duobao, her body flashing red lightly.

The original huge vacuum area next to it has been refilled by the water of Dao Yun.

In the water of Dao Yun, Duo Bao sat in a pan, looking at Xiao Hong with soft eyes.

“I’m a father too!”

“I am also a person with children!”

What happened to this inexplicable feeling of growing up suddenly?

I always feel like I am mature in a breath.

Duobao patted his own forehead: “I’m all familiar.”

The mood is slightly disturbed and complicated, with Xiao Hong’s figure in her heart.

The thoughts that appeared in his mind were all about Xiao Hong.

“Is this what it feels like to be a parent?”

Duobao is a little bit novel, and a little bit enjoys this feeling.

Before, he had no chance to become a parent, but now he has a child inexplicably without any preparation.

While at a loss, it’s more complicated.

“Xiaohong…As long as you don’t grow too long and don’t become a scourge in the future, Dad will make you the strongest second generation in the prehistoric world.”

Duobao thought proudly, “However, Honghuang is too dangerous, and Dad may not be able to protect you.”

Duobao frowned slightly, and was a little worried.

After a while, his body shook, and he said firmly: “However, it doesn’t matter. Dad can’t protect you. You still have Master. Master can’t protect you. You still have Master.”

“Anyway, as long as you don’t do too much, Dad can protect you.”

As soon as the thought came out, I was stunned again.

Is this what it feels like to be a parent?

Before the child showed up, he was thinking of giving him the best thing.

“In the beginning, my parents… did they have the same feelings for me?”

Between Duobao’s eyebrows, there was suddenly more sorrow.

“I have crossed, I don’t know how sad they should be!”

After becoming a parent, you will truly understand the mind of your parents.


After a long time, Duobao sighed and lowered his head.

In the starry sky, a blue light flashed, passing through the endless space, towards Duobao.

The speed of the blue light was very fast. After a few breaths, it arrived in front of Dubao, stopped and turned into a crystal clear blue water drop.

Duobao looked at the water droplets.

Above the water drop, the blue light flashed, like a Morse code, moving rhythmically, as if to say something.

Duobao was stunned: “It’s time to file a complaint.”

The water droplet is transformed by the law of water, Star. It travels through endless space and comes here in order to accuse Gonggong and Zhu Rong of the harm caused by it.

Zhu Rong still wanted to file a complaint with Duobao, but he didn’t expect the suffering master himself to come first.

“Good, good, I see.” The water droplets kept flashing, and the speed was so fast, Dubao quickly calmed down.

The laws he made, Star, had an extraordinary change when he incorporated a complete law into it.

Compared with the original dead thing, there is more spirituality.

It’s like coming alive.

Dubao didn’t care much about this at first.

But I didn’t expect that this kind of spirituality was so strong, and I knew that I was coming to sue.

Hearing Dubao’s words, Water drop seemed very dissatisfied, and the blue light on his body flashed faster.

Duobao Fu E: “Okay, I know, I will take care of them, don’t worry.”

With Dubao’s promise, the water droplet settled down, and the rapidly flashing blue light on his body stopped.

In the end, facing Duobao, the blue gate flashed in an orderly manner, seeming to be saluting, and then turned into starlight and flew into the starry sky.

“Hey.” Duobao shook his head and laughed blankly.

“Co-Gong and Zhu Rong?”

Duobao sighed: “It’s really the Witch Clan, but the ordinary Witch Clan can cause such a big movement, and the Law Star has come to file a complaint.”


While sighing, he suddenly raised his head.

In the starry sky, several stars of various colors appeared.

After he saw it, not long after, the starlight fell in front of him, forming various manifestations of laws, and various lights flashed on his body.

Like the previous law of water and starlight, they are all suing, and they are all accusing a group of witches for the harm they have caused.

Duobao had a headache when he heard it, so he stretched his hand over the Laws to calm them down.

“Okay, okay, I know everything, I will deal with them, don’t worry.”

This time, Duobao was really taken care of.

I didn’t intend to be troublesome, but now I can’t handle it.

It seems that the witches are really making trouble, and even Star himself has come to sue.

If he doesn’t deal with it, he’s afraid that he will not be at ease next.

“Okay, you all go back, Wu Clan… I will take care of it.”

Duobao said to the rules.

Light flashed on the bodies of the laws, and then Qi Qi turned into starlight again and returned to the starry sky.

“Brother Zhu Rong, Brother Dijiang, Sister Houtu… I am not to blame, I can’t help it!”

Seeing all the laws turned into stars, a yellow grass appeared in Duobao’s hand, and his face was helpless: “There is no way, I can only wrong you.”

Magic power in the body slowly fell into the yellow grass, and then, the power of the yellow grass continued to Ascension.

The curse power in it is constantly increasing.

Soon, a powerful cursed shell of one party was formed.

Next, just fill in the appropriate curse effect, and it’s done.

“What kind of curse should I use?”

Duobao pondered for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up: “For the Wu Clan, the greatest joy is fighting…So, let’s eliminate their life span!”

Duobao split the power of Huang, strengthened the power to reduce life span, and threw it into the yellow grass.

Then, a cursed yellow grass was formed.

“Hmm…” Looking at the yellow grass in his hand, Duobao was still a little dissatisfied.

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