Chapter 158 Samsara Dao Fruit


Hou Tu’s eyes widened and looked at Samsara in Dubao’s hand in disbelief, but couldn’t react for a long time.

Is this Samsara?

This is Samsara!

Two thoughts echoed in his head.

Hou Tu couldn’t believe that the small disc in Dubao’s hand was Samsara, but the throbbing from her body was telling her that this was Samsara.

Moreover, in my heart, there is still a feeling inexplicably.

Now, the Samsara disc in front of me, perhaps, is not much worse than the Samsara that she has transformed into herself.

“Is this little Samsara?” Houtu asked in shock.

Duobao shook the Samsara disc in his hand and said with a smile: “Of course, with the great Samsara coming out of the prehistoric world… Uh, you just pretend that you haven’t heard anything.”

Halfway through the conversation, Duobao suddenly reacted, Samsara has not yet appeared, this is still a secret.

If he knows it, forget it. If he says it, he is afraid of causing trouble.

He quickly exhorted to Hou Tu: “In short, you don’t know anything, Samsara is Samsara, regardless of size, don’t ask me what Samsara is.”

“Understand?” Duobao stared at Houtu closely.

Houtu: “…”

Who wants to ask you what Samsara is?

Am I not sure?

Size Samsara… Houtu shook her head. The little Samsara that Dubao made a joke, in her sense, was no worse than the real Samsara.

It’s her own sacrifice, which is probably at this level.

“…Understand.” Thinking, Houtu nodded amidst Duobao’s serious expression.

“That’s all right!” Duobao was relieved, and instead shook his hand to toss, the Samsara disc fell into the simulated prehistoric world.

Samsara spawned, turned, and emitted a strange suction, sucking all the ghosts in.

After the ghost walked around in Samsara, it turned into a series of creatures, and submerged in various places in the simulated predicament, followed by a series of breaths appearing.

Duobao was surprised: “Why did it all fall to me?”

According to his guess, after these ghosts Samsara, they should go to the real prehistoric land, and then stop some of them by himself, turning them into the creatures of him imitating the prehistoric star, and make this quiet world more lively.

But he did not expect that after these ghosts Samsara, none of them went to the real prehistoric land, but instead stayed in his side of the simulated predatory land.

“What?” Hou Tu asked, looking at the doubt in Duobao’s eyes.

“Why did they stay with me?”

Hou Tu puzzled: “If you don’t stay with you, where should you go?”

Duobao wondered: “Should I go to the prehistoric land?”

Hou Tu rolled his eyes unconsciously: “You built Samsara, and Samsara is still in your world. After Samsara, of course they are in your world, how can they go to the prehistoric?”

“Oh…that’s oh.” After Hou Tu said, Duobao was suddenly stunned.

“Hey…it’s not right.” Duobao stared at Houtu suddenly.

Houtu blinked: “What’s wrong?”

Duobao eyes reveal suspiciously: “How do you know Samsara?”

Houtu was almost laughing angrily, how could I not know?

Originally, Samsara was created by me, right?

If even I don’t know Samsara anymore, who else can know Samsara?

“Aren’t you an ordinary witch from the Houtu tribe? How did you know Samsara?”

Duobao stared at Houtu closely: “Say, how did you know?”

“It seems that you know a lot?”

Hou Tu was helpless, she would be surprised if she knew less!

Besides, I never said that I was an ordinary Wuzu, but you said it all, okay?

I said at the beginning, I am Houtu, but you don’t believe me!

What can I do?

Staring at Houtu for a moment, Duobao suddenly realized it and said, “Oh, I understand.”

Houtu: “……”

I was really curious, what did Dubao understand? Houtu couldn’t help asking: “What do you understand?”

Duobao: “You must have a very good relationship with the Houtu ancestor witch, so good that she even told you this kind of thing.

Houtu: “…Forget it, you just want to be happy.”

Duobao was a little excited, and smiled at Houtu: “Speaking of which, if I go out for a walk in the future, you have to take good care of me.”

“Well, we can be regarded as knowing once, and now we are also friends, right?”

Houtu raised his eyebrows: “Friends? Are we friends?”

Duobao was anxious: “Why not a friend?”

How can I let go of this thigh that was hard to come across?

Although his background is very strong, who would dislike own thighs?

Ancestral Witch Houtu, that is the ruler of the Witch Clan.

If he made a good relationship with Hou Tu, it does not mean that he has made a good relationship with the Wu Clan in disguise.

In this way, in the predicament, really, he can basically say that he walked sideways.

“Look, you came to my world somehow. Legally speaking, you are a private house, and I can kill you.”

Hou Tu doubts: “The law?”

“Don’t interrupt, listen to me.”

“But, I didn’t do anything to you, so are we still friends?”

Dubao looked at Houtu with eyes: “I treat you like this, you can see my sincerity, so, are we friends?”

Houtu took a deep breath and felt helpless: “Okay, okay, it’s a friend, okay it’s a friend.”

She didn’t even think about rejecting it. After all, Duobao was so strong, it would be a great thing for the Wu Clan to befriend him.

She has no reason to refuse.

“Well, that’s great.” Duobao was satisfied.


In Samsara, following a group of ghosts Samsara, a buzzing sound suddenly rang, attracting the eyes of the two of them.

At the next moment, I saw a black dragon flying in front of the two with a black ray of Dao Guo.

Houtu’s eyes couldn’t move away in an instant, and he stared at Dao Guo closely.

The body’s blood was boiling, and the huge desire in the bloodline made Houtu forget everything, and only the black Dao Guo was left in his eyes.

“Samsara Daoguo?” Duobao called out, and grabbed him with his hands. He felt it carefully and was a little surprised: “No fruit position?”

It’s just that Samsara, a small party, has turned into a supreme position comparable to a quasi-sage… This is really beyond Dubao’s expectation.

You know, even if he condensed the first stage black hole sky with an infinite black hole before, he only got a big fruit position comparable to the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

“It’s Samsara… it’s really extraordinary.” After Duobao was surprised, he was delighted.

Of course he is happy when he has the highest status in Bai.

Suddenly, a fiery gaze fell on him.

Duobao turned his head and looked at Houtu.

Houtu’s eyes fell tightly on Samsara Daoguo, without even giving Dubao a trace of light.

Duobao was silent for a moment, holding Dao Guo in his hand, and moved to the left. Houtu’s gaze immediately followed to the left, and when he moved to the right, Hou Tu’s gaze followed to the right.

“What’s the matter with you?” Duobao puzzled: “The eyes are just like sticking to them.”

Duobao’s voice awakened Houtu.

She glanced at the Samsara Daoguo in Duobao’s hand, and then looked at Duobao, and her face suddenly burst into a smile like a hundred flowers.

That’s so beautiful, so that makes people’s mind tremble.

Dubao looked dumbfounded.

Houtu’s voice was softer than ever before: “Duobao, you just said that we are friends, aren’t we?”

Duobao woke up, and subconsciously hid Samsara Daoguo behind him, and looked at Houtu warily: “What do you want to do?”

A trace of regret flashed in Houtu’s eyes, and then his smile remained unchanged, and he continued: “Well, as a friend…Can you give me this Taoist fruit?”

“???” Duobao was surprised, staring at Houtu for a long time, and took out Samsara Daoguo: “Do you want this thing?”

“This is the inferior status. Although we are friends, you just want to take it away with just one sentence. Isn’t it too much?”

Houtu’s eyes flashed, and he heard the meaning of Duobao’s words, and quickly said: “I can change it with something.”

“Exchange with something?” Duobao glanced at Samsara Dao Guo in his hand: “What can be compared to my Supreme Dao Guo?”

Duobao looked at Houtu again, and his thoughts turned.

“This poster has a very good relationship with Houtu. If you give it to her, it won’t work.”

“After all, with Samsara Daoguo, the relationship between me and the Wu Clan can be pulled in a big chunk immediately.”

“Moreover, the relationship between Houtu and Houtu… She won the Tao fruit, and it may not be for her own use, it must be for Houtu.”

“If Hou Tu gains Samsara’s Tao fruit, when Samsara is transformed into Samsara in the future, he will definitely have more confidence. Maybe… with this confidence, he may be able to become holy.”

“After all, the transformation of Samsara is the first meritorious thing since the creation of heaven and earth, and the greatest merit is second only to Pangu god-tier.”

“If it weren’t for Hongmeng Ziqi, sanctification is almost inevitable. Even if there is no Hongmeng Ziqi, there will be an existence named Pingxin in later generations… Legend has it that Pingxin is suspected of Hou Tu.”

“Among the underworld, Pingxin is not inferior to Sage.”

“Perhaps, after getting the Samsara Tao fruit this time, Pingxin is no longer Pingxin, but can it be Houtu?”

“In this case… I might even get a favor from Sage… It doesn’t seem to be bad.”

Dubo thought slowly.

“Look at these things… okay?” Houtu waved his hand, and a lot of babies appeared in front of him.

Duobao was still thinking, and suddenly, he felt the 24 Dinghai God Orbs in his body were beating constantly, extremely active.

Mind was pulled back, and turned to look among the pile of things that Hou Tu had made.

“Huh~” When he saw those things, Duobao’s eyes were almost instantly attracted by the twelve shining beads.

“Dinghai Shenzhu!” Duobao exclaimed in surprise.

That’s right, among these things that Houtu took out, there were twelve beads that were the Dinghai God Pearl.

“Here you are!”

After seeing the twelve Dinghai God Beads, Duobao immediately did not hesitate and threw Samsara Dao Guo to Hou Tu, and immediately grabbed the twelve Dinghai God Beads in his hand.

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