Chapter 156

Zhu Rong reacted with excitement like a child. He didn’t care about being beaten up before. He almost jumped to the side of Houtu and said excitedly, “Little girl, great, you’re all right.”

Houtu frowned and looked at the black hole: “Zhurong Big Brother, I think there is something in there, I want to go in and take a look.”

“What?” Hearing this, the ancestor witches were all startled.

Gong Gong hurriedly persuaded: “No, this is definitely not possible.”

They still can’t understand what that black hole is.

However, judging from its destiny that can reverse the earth, it can be seen that it is powerful.

Strong also represents danger.

Houtu had just escaped from the danger of being Samsara, and could not encounter any more danger.

They absolutely do not agree to this.

Di Jiang looked at the firmness in Houtu’s eyes and walked over: “Sister, if you really want to know, you stay and Dage goes.”

“No!” Houtu suddenly became anxious: “It’s dangerous, Dage, you can’t go.”

Di Jiang smiled: “Since you know the danger, why do you still go?”

“I don’t know your Big Brother, will Big sis worry about it?”

Houtu’s complexion was tangled, and he also reacted.

However, looking at Dijiang and the others who were worried about own Big Brother, Big sis, and then turned to the black hole, he still hesitated.

Looking at her performance, Di Jiang understood.

Reached out and pulled Houtu behind: “I’ll go, don’t worry, Dage controls the laws of space, and is best at escape. If you encounter danger, you can escape.”

“Let me go and see for you.”

With that said, Dijiang was about to enter.

However, as soon as the body moved, it was pulled.

Turning around, it was Houtu.

Houtu looked serious and looked at Dijiang: “Dage, let’s go to the little girl.”

Without waiting for Dijiang to speak, he continued to say seriously: “I can feel that there is a way to completely solve my problems.”

“Problem?” Di Jiang was stunned.

Houtu: “Sister’s destiny is still there, Samsara must appear.”

“This time, it’s only a temporary relief. Sooner or later, the little girl will become Samsara again.”

“If you, Big Brother, Big sis don’t want my little sister to have an accident, let the little sister go and see it.”

When Di Jiang heard this, he looked at Houtu deeply.

In Houtu, Dijiang didn’t dodge his eyes at all.

“That won’t work either.” Di Jiang: “If there is a solution inside, then Dage will definitely find it for you.”

“You, just stay honestly and wait for Dage to come back.”

As Di Jiang said, he stretched out his hand to push Houtu, to push Houtu away.

This push was empty.

Di Jiang snorted in his heart, the secret path was not good, and he turned to look at the black hole. Sure enough, Houtu had already appeared in front of the black hole without knowing when he smiled.

Houtu: “Big Brother Big sis, wait for me here, I will be back soon.”

After saying this, for fear that Dijiang and the others would stop him, he turned around and entered the black hole.


After Houtu stepped into the black hole, the black hole trembled and quickly disappeared.


The figure of Di Jiang shuttled over, but he flew into the air.

The black hole and the earth have disappeared.

All Ancestor Witches: “……”

“Really capricious.” Di Jiang reprimanded helplessly, and then said half helplessly and half praying: “Hope, my little girl is okay.”


“Who are you?”

In the simulated Star, Duobao stared at the woman who appeared suddenly.

Why did someone suddenly appear?

He just cleaned up the karma in the simulated prehistoric star, Ghost Qi, and Yin Qi, how could he get a person?

“Is it created by me?” Duobao shook his head quickly.

He didn’t use the power of good fortune, and it was impossible for him to create birth spirits at all with these actions.

He stared carefully at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him, and after looking at it for a moment, he suddenly said, “Are you a creature in the prehistoric world?”

Houtu looked at this world in shock, and had no intention of answering Duobao’s question.

She thought there would be some dangerous area in the black hole.

Therefore, we are fully prepared.

However, she never expected that this black hole actually contained a world.

Moreover, this world looks a lot like Honghuang.

However, compared to the prehistoric, it seems more illusory.

It’s like fake.

But even so, such a world made the Hou Tu’s heart tremble and shocked.

This world has exceeded her understanding.

Although weaker than the Primordial World, in some places, it seems to be stronger than the Primordial World!

How can this be?

Houtu was stunned, looking and feeling stupidly.

“Who are you?” Duobao frowned, looked at Houtu, and asked again.

Houtu finally recovered, heard the voice, and saw Dubao.

The moment he saw Duobao, Houtu’s pupils shrank rapidly and backed back again and again.

Dubao stood there, seemingly ordinary.

However, in the eyes of Hou Tu, Duobao at this time seemed to be a supreme ruler, with endless majesty, high above and inviolable.

The Wu clan does not cultivate the soul, but the sixth sense is particularly powerful.

In her feelings, Duobao was like a wild and wild beast, and it was the kind of wild and wild beast that could not be beaten, and could easily slap her to death with a single slap.


Houtu’s throat rolled and he couldn’t help swallowing.

Duobao was helpless, looking at the terrified Houtu, and shook his head: “Don’t be afraid, the poor Dao is the big disciple of the Heavenly Dao seat, Daoist Daoist.”

“I’m not a bad person, you don’t have to be like that.”

“Look at your aura…you should be a witch clan, right?”

Duobao spoke in harmony, for fear that he would frighten the timid woman in front of him.

In his heart, he is also very helpless.

It’s reasonable. Although his appearance is not peerless, he is handsome, at least he can be seen?

No matter what you think, it won’t make this woman look so scared, right?

Without Hou Tu’s answer, Duobao had the same breath from her as Hou Yi, and understood that she should be a witch.

“It’s just… shouldn’t the Witch tribe be afraid of the sky and the earth?” Duobao looked at Houtu curiously: “Are you really the Witch tribe?”

“Senior Brother Tongtian’s disciple?” Houtu’s eyes widened, and he looked at Duobao in disbelief, “How could the disciple of Senior Brother Tongtian be so strong?”

Such strength has far surpassed their twelve ancestor witches.

In Houtu’s perception, even Duobao’s strength estimate is about to catch up with Sage.

“I said, you have to say something anyway!” Duobao was speechless.

The woman who appeared suddenly didn’t look like a fool either?

A graceful and luxurious temperament, at first glance, it is a high-status existence. Although the strength is a little lower, the background should be very strong, otherwise it will not be able to cultivate this temperament.

Seeing her eyes are bright, her momentum is smooth, and she doesn’t look like a fool, why don’t she know the answer?

“Is it just appearance, in fact, a fool?”

After the shock, Houtu slowly returned to his senses. Looking at the helpless eyes of Dubo, he also found that Own was in a gaffe, and shyly tidyed up the tips of his hair.

“I am Houtu…”

Without finishing a sentence, he was interrupted by the sudden Duobao: “Are you from the Houtu tribe?”

“Do you know Houtu?”

Duobao looked at Houtu and said confidently: “I want to come. I should know each other. Otherwise, with your strength, how could you develop such a temperament?”

“What’s your name?”

Duobao stared at Houtu, while asking, thinking carefully in his heart, is there any name for her in the legends of the previous life?

“I…” Hou Tu introduced the words “own” in his chest, and looked at Dubo stupidly.

Duobao’s words echoed continuously in his mind: “Do you have this strength?”

Houtu looked at Duobao in disbelief: “What is my strength?”

“Am I weak?”

“I’m the Twelve Ancestor Witch, how many dare Hong Huang say is better than me?”

“Am I a little bit of strength?”

“I…” Staring at Duobao for a long while, Houtu lowered his head slumpedly: “Yes, I am weak.”

She admitted it!

Not to admit it!

If others said that, she would definitely tell him with her delicate fist, what is strength?

However, this is what Dubao said.

He just felt his breath like a wild beast, and Houtu couldn’t even think of fighting.

“In front of you…I really don’t have the strength.”

This is a fact, Hou Tu is very sad and sad, but I have to admit it.

“My name is Houtu.” Houtu said.

Duobao was speechless, his eyes staring straight at Houtu.

Hou Tu puzzled, what’s wrong?

Duobao rolled his eyes and couldn’t help saying: “It’s really interesting to say you people.”

“Obviously, the strength is not strong, but they are all brave.”

Hou Tu couldn’t help asking: “What’s wrong? Is there any problem?”

Why are you so bold?

She said that she did not understand.

Besides, what she said is okay, right?

Why does Dubao look like she has made a big mistake?

The point is, she couldn’t figure out why, where did she make a mistake?

“What’s wrong? What’s the problem?” Duobao really didn’t know what to say.

“This is a big problem, alright!”

Duobao shook his head: “The heart is higher than the sky, and the fate is thinner than paper.”

“Is the name Houtu also something you can call?”

Houtu was silly, looked at him blankly, and blinked blankly: “What’s wrong? What’s wrong with the name Houtu?”

“Any questions?”

“Do you know who Houtu is?” Duobao asked.

Houtu: “…Of course I know.”

Nonsense, she is Hou Tu, can she know what she is?

“…” Hearing Hou Tu’s answer, Duobao didn’t recover for a long time.

“Since you know, why dare to say that you are Hou Tu?”

“Don’t you understand that in the predicament, names can’t be barked.”

“Since there is already a Houtu ancestor witch among the witch tribe, unless you want to fight Houtu and seize the name, you will really be the ignorant and fearless.”

Duobao sighed: “But, again, since you are a witch clan, and you are a witch clan of the Houtu tribe, shouldn’t you not know this?”

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