Chapter 150

One: “…”

Don’t worry, you are enmity with them, and they are the ones who are upset.

Taiyi understood what Duobao meant, and looked even more weird: “So, you are planning to…”

Dobo: “Yes, I intend to use this as a favor when I meet them in the future. Maybe, I can live in peace?”

Taiyi said silently, in a very strange tone: “Don’t worry, as long as you are willing, you will get along very peacefully.”

Duobao shook his head in disbelief: “How do you know?”

“That’s the supreme demon clan… his mind is unpredictable.”

As he said, he sighed: “Hey, let’s watch again when the time comes. I don’t know if these nine little guys can solve the problem between us.”

Tai Yi had nothing to say. After a while, he said, “Then I’m leaving?”

“Well, let’s go.” Dobo waved his hand: “If you have nothing else.”

“Nothing.” Taiyi shook his head: “See you next time.”

“Well, see you next time.”

Seeing Taiyi leaving, Duobao turned to look at the chaos and stepped in.

“Chaos breeds the world… The world grows by swallowing chaos.”

“My simulated prehistoric world seems to be able to swallow chaos and grow.”

“Furthermore, Tai Chi diagrams and Pangu flags need chaos to simulate.”

Duobao pondered slowly, his eyes gradually lit up: “The Chaos Qi I created by myself is too little and too weak, so the simulation speed has never been able to rise.”

“If you simulate here… these chaos are also a little weak.”

Duobao thought, and slowly shook his head: “The stronger the simulation environment, the faster the simulation speed.”

“It’s really chaos here, and the speed of simulation also has Ascension.”

“But…” He glanced at the own Magic Treasures simulation speed: “The speed is still too slow.”

“The Qi of Chaos is also different from strength to weakness.”

“The chaos here is too weak, maybe the deeper chaos will be stronger… However, I don’t dare to go deeper.”

Dobo sighed, it was too dangerous.

“Although I dare not go deeper, but I can swallow the power of chaos, and then use the method of folding and compression to compress and condense them infinitely.”

“This can also create small chaos in disguise…not as powerful as chaos, at least stronger than chaos here.”

“The speed of Magic Treasures simulation must be able to Ascension.”

Thinking about it, Duobao was a little excited, and even more looking forward to it: “Just do it!”

Tai Chi Tu, Pangu flag has been in his hands for a long time, and he has not simulated much progress.

Most of the reasons are because the simulation environment is too bad.

Now that he has an idea, he can simulate the environment with Ascension. Then, the simulation of Tai Chi diagram and Pangu flag can also be put on the agenda.

Three thousand infinite black holes appeared in front of him, constantly devouring chaos under Dubao’s excited manipulation.

As the infinite black hole is swallowed, the endless chaotic air falls into the infinite black hole.

The infinite black hole not only has the power to swallow, but also has a huge space, enough to hold a considerable amount of chaos.


With a shock, Tai Yi left the shop and returned to the Monster Race Universe Star Fight, looking in a trance.

On this road, the experience in Duobao’s shop has been lingering in his mind, not only has not disappeared with the passage of time, but has become more profound.

The shock in the heart is like a beautiful wine, and under the action of time, it becomes more and more heavy.

“Taiyi…what’s wrong with you?”

Di Jun looked at Tai Yi worriedly.

Looking at Taiyi’s appearance, even the most basic perception of danger to the outside world is gone.

It feels that as long as there is no big danger, he will not react.

“Dage…” Di Jun’s voice awakened Tai Yi, and Tai Yi looked at Di Jun, the shock on his face could not be concealed: “You can’t imagine, what exactly did I meet?”

“What did you meet?” Di Jun looked at Taiyi strangely: “You didn’t go to Duobao…”

Before he finished speaking, he had already reacted, frowning and asked: “Did he find your identity?”

“Or… he shot you?”

Tai Yi shook his head: “How can I find out?”

“He is now in a deep cognitive barrier. It seems that he will not be able to react in a short time.”

“As for the shot…” As he said, Taiyi suddenly smiled bitterly: “Given the strength gap between him and me, if I really shot, how could I be able to come back?”

Di Jun frowned tighter: “What nonsense are you talking about?”

“That Duobao, yes, I admit that he is indeed a genius.”

“Strength Ascension’s speed is even more incomprehensible.”

“But, we are all the strengths of the quasi-sage pinnacle, and at the top, apart from Sage, who dare to say that we can easily win us?”

“Don’t even have the ability to come back?”

“He hasn’t been sanctified yet… Taiyi, are you devilish?”

After that, Di Jun was a little worried: “Although Duobao is powerful, you should not think too much about him. This will easily form a devil. If you don’t break it, I am afraid that Dao’s heart is unstable.”

“Don’t think about it, that Duobao is not Sage yet, and it hasn’t suppressed us as much, the gap.”

Di Jun believes that Taiyi thinks too much about Duobao because of what happened before.

In the constant imagination, the infinite strength of Duobao, Ascension went up.

This can’t work!

For people of cultivation, there can be opponents that cannot be defeated, but they can’t completely lose their cognition, and they will never be able to keep up with themselves.

In this way, great problems will arise.

“Taiyi, listen to Dage, in the future, I will rarely see that Duobao.” Di Jun said solemnly.

At the same time, he also sighed in his heart: “I hope, the number of meetings is less, Tai Yi can slowly recover on his own.”

After hearing Dijun’s words, Taiyi smiled bitterly: “Dage, where did you think of all this?”

“My Dao heart is not that weak yet.”

“It’s just that Duobao…the gap between our strength and ours is really too big.”

Di Jun didn’t believe it: “No matter how big it is, where can it go?”

Taiyi stared at Dijun and said word by word: “Dage, can you imagine that my strength is only more than 80 million dragons?”

“Long Li?” Di Jun wondered: “What is Long Li?”

Taiyi explained: “Dragon Power is a unit that Duobao has created by himself to measure strength.”

“My quasi-sage’s strength, with him, there are only more than 80 million dragon powers left.”

“Oh.” Di Jun nodded, seeming to understand, and then asked again: “Then you have more than eight thousand dragons, is it strong or weak?”

After hearing Dijun’s question, Too looked even more bitter: “Dage, do you look at me like a strong performance?”

Di Jun nodded, but he didn’t feel much surprised by this.

After asking the question, he roughly guessed it.

“Then, if it’s weak…how weak is it?”

“Are there any specific explanations?”

Tai Yi said bitterly: “Golden Immortal!”

“What?” Di Jun thought he had heard it wrong, and asked again: “What did you say?”

“Jinxian.” Taiyi replied.

Di Jun is stunned, Jin Xian?

What does it mean?

Why is he a little confused?

What is the golden fairy?

Taiyi sighed and slowly explained: “My strength is just a golden immortal to him.”

“What do you mean?” Di Jun asked again.

He still doesn’t quite understand.

“Perhaps it is due to cognitive impairment, or it may be due to other reasons.”

“Duobao has created a set of measurement units on his own.”

“According to the normal Realm strength, a new strength classification standard has been formulated.”

“From Celestial Immortals to Golden Immortals.”

“My strength can only be regarded as a golden fairy in his set of strength classification standards.”

Listening to Taiyi’s explanation, Di Jun slowly understood, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes, and asked in disbelief: “You mean, he has recreated a strength Realm himself?”

“No.” Taiyi corrected: “Realm is still those Realm, but the strength of each Realm… is elevated by him.”

“How high is it?” Di Jun asked.

“To put it simply, my normal quasi-sage strength is just a golden fairy with him.”

Tai Yi said bitterly: “Moreover, it is far from reaching the limit of the Golden Immortal.”

“What?” Di Jun was startled, and continued to ask inconceivably: “Then what is the strength of the Golden Immortal Limit in his Realm standard?”

“Can it still be Sage?”

Tai shook his head: “actually is not Sage.”

“He uses dragon power to measure strength. My strength is only more than eighty thousand dragon power, and the golden immortal limit is…”

Di Jun asked in amazement: “How much is it?”

“One hundred million!”

“Hiss~” Di Jun couldn’t help taking a breath, and confirmed in disbelief: “100 million dragon power?”

Although he still doesn’t know the concept of dragon power, judging from Tai Yi’s strength being only more than eighty million dragon power, he can know the gold content of this dragon power.

One hundred million dragon power…what is this concept?

It is almost impossible to imagine!

Too First Stage nodded: “Yes, it is 100 million dragon power!”

Obtaining Taiyi’s affirmation, Di Jun almost stayed there: “What on earth does he want to do?”

The golden immortal of 100 million dragon power?

According to this standard, in comparison, even he himself is estimated to be far from reaching the standard of the ultimate golden immortal.

How far is the difference between the quasi-sage and the golden immortal… It should be the difference between the sky and the moat, but here, it seems to be the other way around.

However, it is no longer that the golden immortal is not comparable to the quasi-sage, but the quasi-sage is not comparable to the golden celestial.

“I don’t know what he wants to do.” Taiyi sighed: “But, he did it like this, I suddenly felt a feeling.”

Taiyi looked at Emperor Jun bitterly.

Di Jun knew it instantly, and said, “Did we fix a false quasi-sage?”

A dignified quasi-sage is not as good as a golden immortal… if you say it, who will believe it?

But such incredible things are facts.

“How can Jinxian’s strength reach this level?” Di Jun still couldn’t believe it.

“Each Realm’s strength has an upper limit. As long as it reaches the corresponding strength, it can’t be suppressed, and it will directly break through.”

“How could it be possible that the golden immortal is comparable to the quasi-sage…no, it is far more than the quasi-sage?”

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