Chapter 135

“Heart Arrow Technique?” Hou Yi took the Heart Arrow Technique. As soon as he saw the first page, he couldn’t help his heart trembled, and his breathing started inexplicably short.

[The so-called heart arrow method, cultivation is the heart arrow. 】

[The so-called heart arrow, taking the heart as an arrow is a heart arrow. 】

Hou Yi didn’t fully understand the meaning of these two sentences, but he felt inexplicably that he had come into contact with something extraordinary.

Duobao slowly said to the side, “Hou Yi, do you know what is the biggest thing in this world?”

After thinking for a moment, Hou Yi replied: “The world.”

“Yes, for the world, the world is the largest.”

“But, it’s not right, and chaos is bigger than the world.”

“Chaos breeds the world. There can be countless worlds, but there is only one chaos.”

“So Chaos is bigger than the world.”

“And is there anything bigger than Chaos?”

“I don’t know, no one knows.”

“But, I know there is one thing that must be bigger than Chaos.”

Hou Yi trembled, glanced at the arrow technique in his hand, and had an answer.

Replied with a trembling voice: “It’s the heart.”

Duobao nodded: “Yes, it’s the heart.”

“The so-called heart is as big as the world is.”

“The world is finite, and even chaos may be finite, but the heart is infinite.”

“With the heart as the arrow, the heart is as big as the heart arrow is.”

“If you can hold a world in your heart, then the heart arrow will have the weight of a world.”

“The heart can contain chaos, then an arrow shot is chaos, and it may not be impossible to annihilate.”

Duobao was speaking slowly, with a calm tone, but Hou Yi was frightened.

The world, chaos, these existences are connected to the heart.

In a world, the weight of chaos is contained in a heart, and then using the heart as an arrow, the future in Dubao’s mouth may not be impossible.

“The arrow of the heart is the arrow of infinity.”

“Hou Yi.”

Duobao called out suddenly.

Hou Yi immediately responded: “Yes, yes.”

He was completely shocked.

Everything that Duobao talked about was something he had never thought of before.

In particular, the meaning of the arrow of the heart, as he listened to him in a cold sweat, his heart trembled even more inexplicably.

Xinjian’s future and prospects made him extremely excited.

He could feel that the blood flow in his body was speeding up, which represented his mood at this time.

If the heart arrow can be repaired, it does not necessarily need to reach the power that Duobao said, one arrow can be comparable to a world, a chaos, but it is enough to make him comparable to the ancestral witch, or even…exceed!

Among the Witch Clan, blood determines everything.

The Wu Clan was opened up by Pangu god-tier and transformed into Blood Essence after incarnation of all things.

Among them, twelve drops of Blood Essence turned into twelve ancestor witches.

The rest of Blood Essence was used by the Twelve Ancestor Witches to create their Witch Clan.

Among them, the more Blood Essence is consumed, the stronger the Witch Clan formed in the end.

Now, among the witches, all the great witches consume more Blood Essence than other witches.

Blood Essence represents blood, the existence of blood, so that the witches do not need too difficult cultivation, naturally they can have the corresponding strength.

Even if he sleeps every day, he can reach the upper limit of his bloodline strength under long days.

Catching is also blood, and failure is blood.

Blood has made them, but it has also restricted them.

Among the witches, the Twelve Ancestral Witch may not have the strongest talent, but after all, there is only the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

No matter how strong other witches are, they can’t reach the Realm of the ancestor witch.

This is the limitation of blood.

Even his Houyi, as the most powerful witch of the witch clan, did not report any illusions to the breakthrough ancestral witch realm.

It can’t be done at all.

But now, after obtaining the Heart Arrow Technique, Hou Yi just realized that the limitation of blood may not necessarily be able to break through.

Future generations may not be inferior to the predecessors.

The great witch may not be inferior to the ancestral witch.

Hou Yi looked at Duobao in shock.

“Who on earth are you?”

He couldn’t imagine that all that Duobao had shown had made him understand that Duobao was very strong, at least he was a powerful person comparable to the Ancestral Witch.

This was his previous cognition, but now, he has changed his own cognition.

The person in front of him is not comparable to the ancestral witch, but a powerful person far surpassing the ancestral witch.


A word fell into his mind, Hou Yi looked at Duobao, not sure.

Because Dubo does not match those Sages.

“Maybe it was transformed by Sage, or it could be…unknown powerhouse.”

Duobao looked at Hou Yi earnestly: “If you have obtained the Heart Arrow Technique, you have to cultivate well, this…maybe it can change your destiny.”

Hou Yi was counted by Taiyi and Emperor Jun, from a god-tier to a weak chicken.

Although he didn’t know it, Dubo knew it.

Moreover, he became like this because of himself.

Feeling guilty in his heart, he passed the Heart Arrow Technique to him.

Even among the series of Taoisms he created, the Heart Arrow Technique is also the Taoism on the first stairway.

Compared with the Ice Bow Xuanjian, this heart arrow technique is much stronger.

If it weren’t for Hou Yi’s guilt, how could he have passed down this method.

“Change own destiny?” Hou Yi was puzzled for a moment, and soon understood: “Yes, what senior said must be the blood limit of my witch clan.”

“The senior wants to tell me that if I cultivate my heart and arrow well, I may not be able to break through the ancestral witch in the future.”

Hou Yi received his heart and arrow technique, and bowed to Duobao solemnly: “Yi, thank you senior for giving the technique.”

“Yi, I will definitely not disappoint senior’s expectations.”

Hearing this, Duobao was very pleased: “So, you just understand.”

“Hope, heart and arrow method, can help you get rid of your own destiny!”

Duobao sighed, full of sympathy for Hou Yi.

Being Taiyi, Dijun didn’t say anything, but even being calculated by Xihe and Changxi, it became what it is now.

This looks very pathetic.

“Destiny, destiny.”

I only hope that Hou Yi can cultivate the heart arrow technique. Even if Chang’e flies to the moon in the future, he will follow him closely, and he will not be trapped in the lunar star again. He can use the heart arrow technique to break the shackles of the lunar yin.

At that time, whether to be with Chang’e, or see through Chang’e’s true face, or what other behavior, at least he can choose for himself.

It’s just that now Hou Yi has been in the calculation, he is in the game, and there is not much time.

Duobao was not sure whether Hou Yi could cultivate the Heart Arrow Technique in such a short period of time, and whether he could have the power to change his destiny.

He has done everything he can, and Hou Yi can only rely on Hou Yi for the rest.

“So, you go.”

Duobao waved his hand, inexplicably uncomfortable.

It’s really not in his heart that a great and famous god-tier has become such a look.

Even such a god-tier has been transformed into such an appearance. He really doesn’t know how a little shrimp like himself will live in this dangerous predicament.

Hearing this, Hou Yi bowed respectfully: “Yes.”

In the voice, Hou Yi’s figure slowly disappeared.

After Hou Yi disappeared, Duobao stared at Hou Yi’s figure for a long time in a daze.

After a long time, I walked to the side of the coffee table, filled the flowing stream with water, made a pot of tea, and drank it myself.


A faint sigh slowly echoed in the shop.

“What’s the matter? Why is it so?”

At this moment, a figure stepped in.

Before the person came to the front, the voice came first: “I knew that this place must be yours.”

Duobao looked up and saw that it was Di Er. He barely showed a smile, and said in front of him: “You are here, do it.”

Too Yi looked at Duobao in confusion, strode over, and sat down: “What’s the matter with you? What happened?”

“It seems that you are in a bad mood.”

Duobao poured a cup of tea for Di Er, and then he held the teacup in a daze.

After a long time, he said quietly: “Di Er, you said, why is Life so difficult?”

One: “……”

He looked at Duobao up and down with weird eyes.

Life is difficult?

Do you have any misunderstandings about Hong Huang?

It seems… there is indeed a misunderstanding, and it is not small.

I wanted to tell him the truth, but after thinking about it carefully, I was worried that after he discovered the truth, he would understand his own identity. Then, what accident would happen.

Several thoughts turned, and finally pressed the thought.

He picked up the teacup and took a sip. The mouth was soft and refreshing, especially the Tao Yun contained in it.

One bite, even Taiyi’s Taoism is also a trace of stability.

Tai Yi’s eyes lit up: “What kind of tea is this? It’s amazing.”

Duobao casually replied, “It’s just some ordinary tea, there’s nothing to say.”

He is now in low spirits, and the end of Hou Yi makes him very sad, and he thinks of many messy things.

These things made him confused.

Taiyi looked at Duobao with a sigh, and secretly said in his heart: “As expected of you, this kind of tea is just ordinary.”

“It’s just for you, normal.”

He is the quasi-sage pinnacle’s strength. Although Realm has been reduced to Da Luo because of Duobao, his strength has not been reduced.

A sip of tea in this mere mouthful of tea has so much benefit for him, which shows the powerful effect.

Even compared to the top ten Xiantian Spiritual Roots, it is not much worse.

Taiyi took another sip, looked at Duobao and asked, “What’s the matter with you, why don’t you tell me, let me listen, maybe I can give you some suggestions?”

Hearing this, Duobao glanced at it for a long time, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, and shook his head.

One: “……”

He saw the trace of disapproval in Duobao’s eyes.

He knew what Dubo was disgusting.

He disliked his low strength. If he changed someone else, he would immediately take out the Chaos Clock, put it under the opponent’s forehead, and ask him, is he strong?

However, with Duobao, he can only say…this tea is really fragrant.

“That’s you.” Taiyi said in his heart.

Duobao shook his head, suppressed his thoughts, and then asked Taiyi: “Di Er, is there anything wrong with you this time?”

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