Chapter 125 Ten-Day Survey

“That’s… the ten Golden Crow princes of the Yaozu?”

The knowledgeable cultivator recognized the identity of the ten Golden Crow, and was even more puzzled.

“What is Yaozu going to do?”

“All ten days, is this to exterminate living beings?”

“They don’t know that this will produce huge karma, isn’t it a good thing for the monster race?”

“Is the Yaozu crazy?”

The cultivator was amazed, but he didn’t dare to take any action.

The demons are so famous that they dare not provoke them.

Although he was puzzled by Yaozu’s behavior, he didn’t dare to take action.

Among the prehistoric, the human race is the weakest, and it is also most affected by the Ten-Day Survey.

On the shore of the East China Sea, in the Ancestral Hall of the Human Race, a person rushed in: “Report to the Three Ancestors…”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted.

You Chao said: “I will know the matter. If the order is passed on, let the people gather around the ancestral hall, and I will set up protection to block the real fire of the sun.”


The man hurried back again.

The Suiren clan is worried: “This 10-day sky survey has the greatest impact on my human race, I hope it won’t be too long.”

The ten-day survey is not a normal astronomical phenomenon, and it will definitely be resolved.

However, how long it will take to resolve is a big question.

The ten-day survey, temperature Ascension, and those prehistoric alien species, monster races, and witch races are not very significant.

After all, they are physically strong and can withstand higher temperatures.

The human race is different, the human race’s physique is a little weaker. Unless the Cultivation Base is successful and the Magic power is repaired, the temperature it can withstand is very low and very low.

And most of the human races have not cultivated Magic power.

The impact of this 10-day sky survey on the human race has caused even greater damage.

“It’s better…” Zi Yi’s eyes reveal cold light, looking at the ten Golden Crows in the sky, with a sharp tone: “Why, slaughter these ten miscellaneous birds.”

Duobao established Taoism, Taiqing preached, and the current human race is not as weak as before.

Especially the third ancestor of the human race, in the continuous development of the human race, got a huge amount of luck.

In addition, their original talents were not bad, and after obtaining the Tao of cultivation, they already had a huge Ascension in strength.

Although the ten Golden Crows in the sky are not bad, they are still not in their eyes.

If they really want to do it, they can slap those ten Golden Crows to death.

“Don’t be impulsive…” You Chao clan hurriedly pulled Zi Yi clan: “They represent the monster clan.”


The appearance of this word made the Ziyi clan and Suiren clan quiet down.

Yaozu is indeed a big problem.

Seeing the two people calm down, there was Chao’s sigh of relief and said again: “Moreover, have you forgotten the bitter path passed down by Dao Zun?”

Hearing that the Chao clan had moved the Taoist priests out, the Ziyi clan and the Suiren clan died down completely and calmed down.

“Remember, before you have absolute strength, you must not provoke an enemy…” You Chao continued, “This is the Tao passed down by the Dao Venerable.”

“We don’t cause trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble.”

“However, in the absence of ability, the word forbearance is the first.”

“Sink down to recuperate, and when you have the strength, you will knock your opponents down to prevent them from having the ability to fight back and resist.”

Suiren and Ziyi were silent for a long time, and for a long time, they finally compromised: “Okay.”

You Chao sighed slightly: “Actually, the ten-day survey, as long as my human race handles it well, it won’t cause much damage.”

Ziyi clan and Suiren clan did not speak.

Although there will not be much damage, there will always be damage.

On the shores of the East China Sea, the human races gathered together, including the Chao family, Ziyi family, and Suiren family.

The emergence of a powerful space force separates the entire coast of the East China Sea from the prehistoric world, and is not affected by temperature changes.

Following this, the temperature on the shore of the East China Sea suddenly dropped.

After doing all this, You Chao said: “Okay, it’s okay now, let’s hurry up and cultivate.”

All the human races dispersed.

Suiren sighed slightly: “When are we going to hide like this?”

“When will we let this happen?”

You Chao’s eyes flickered: “Hidden when we have the strength to confront the demon race head-on, and have the ability to press down the demon race in one fell swoop.”

“Remember, my human race is not fighting for a momentary victory, but for a victory over thousands of years and endless years.”

“Heaven and earth overlord, my human race may not be qualified to sit down.”

Zi Yi, Sui Ren heard Chao’s words, and looked at him in shock.

This is the first time they have heard Chao say such things.

It was also the first time that they knew that Chao’s ambitions were so great!

“Why? Don’t you believe it?” You Chao looked at the two and said word by word: “One day, my human race will also dominate this world.”

“You guys… believe it or not!”

Zi Yi and Sui Ren were shocked, staring at the confident face of Chao, and nodded involuntarily: “Believe.”

As soon as the words came out, the Suiren clan and Ziyi clan looked at each other, and they both saw the blazing flames in each other’s eyes.

Suddenly, they really understood their own heart.

Their hearts are surging, their blood is boiling, and even the little annoyance and shame that they had caused by avoiding before have disappeared.

For the future, they can endure everything.

Like the Chao family, in fact, they have an ambition to let their clan dominate the world.

It’s just that, before, they all settled this matter to the bottom of their hearts and didn’t tell anyone.

Even they themselves are ignorant.

However, under Chao’s words, they suddenly thought of all this, and everything that was ignorant in their hearts was instantly clear.

“For the human race!” Suiren cried loudly.

“For the human race!” Zi Yi’s.

You Chao nodded heavily: “For the human race!”


Among the Witch Clan, the Twelve Ancestral Witch still did not appear in the Pangu Hall. Even after it appeared on the tenth, there was no movement after the earth was roasted.

As time passed, sentient beings originally thought that the ten Golden Crows appeared only by chance and would soon disappear.

Unexpectedly, after his appearance, he never left.

Flying in the sky, day and night, day and night.

In the entire precipice, there is no longer the existence of night.

Eternal day is here!

As the ten Golden Crows stay in the prehistoric land for longer, the temperature of the prehistoric land will be higher.

Gradually, it has reached a level that the Wu Clan itself cannot bear.

“Damn the miscellaneous bird, you won’t go back if you kill it!”

Among the tribe of Wu Jumang, the ancestor of the wood, a big bearded man with a mahogany warrior in his hand, watching the witch tribes in the tribe, sweating like rain, each slumped, no longer seeing the energy before, and could not help being angry. , Scolded fiercely at the sky.

“It can’t go on like this. If it goes on, my Wu Clan will suffer casualties.”

Kuafu secretly said in his heart, he took another look at the witches, and his body turned, revealing the great witch, who is as huge as a mountain, holding a peach-wood pole, facing a group of Golden Crow, and chasing after him.

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