Chapter 106: You Know Me? (It will be on the shelves tomorrow, please first order)

“???” Hearing this sudden sound, he took a long time to take a breath, this familiar voice, he suddenly widened his eyes and looked into the coffin: “Duobao?”

Duobao lay in the coffin and had been asleep for a long time, at least in his opinion.

Chaos deserves to be called Chaos, it really is endless.

Those demon shadows were also endlessly killed. He had been killed for a long time, and he was tired.

The original anger, grief, and various emotions slowly dissipated with the continuous killing.

He was tired of killing, but the demon shadow continued to appear.

Simply, he directly made a coffin again, set up the program, automatically killed the Demon Shadow, and then lay in.

Let the coffin float in the chaos, wherever he goes.

Anyway, it is estimated that Hong Huang will not be able to go back, so it doesn’t matter where he goes.

After making the coffin, he lay down, sank his own heart and gods all down, waiting for each day to suddenly wake up.

As he fell asleep, he suddenly became vague, as if he heard someone calling himself?

After awakening from a deep sleep, Duobao pushed aside the coffin and sat up.

His gaze passed from the countless demon shadows around him, and quickly fell on Tai Yi in the distance.

“You are?”

Duobao stood up quickly and came out of the coffin, looking at Taiyi with some excitement and some doubts: “Do you know me?”

He has not forgotten that the voice that awakened him before was called his name.

There is no one else here, only such a stranger exists.

Therefore, it can only be him.

“Do you know me?” Doubao continued to ask in the Donghuang Taiyi’s suspicious and vigilant gaze, and then added a little excitedly: “Are you also a man of the wild?”

To know myself, I must have seen myself before.

And he has always been in the prehistoric, so if this person really knows himself, then he must also be a prehistoric.

Maybe, he knows where the land is.

I can go back by myself!

Duobao was very excited.

Tai Yi was at a loss, puzzled, and wary. He stared at Dubo, pointed his finger at himself, his eyes full of incredible: “Don’t you know me?”

“You?” Duobao looked at Taiyi seriously, searching carefully in his mind.

“Could it be that I have seen him before?”

“Um… it’s really familiar, but… can’t remember the name!”

This is a bit embarrassing.

Perhaps this person knows where the prehistoric is, and can bring himself back, which is his own hope.

However, it was very embarrassing that he couldn’t call his name.

Embarrassing, he no longer knows how to say it, let him bring himself back to the original words.

After thinking about it for a long time, in Tai Yi’s increasingly weird gaze, Duobao scratched his head and said, “That, I’m sorry… dare you to ask?”

One: “……”

He did not answer, but looked at Duo Bao carefully.

Duobao’s eyes widened with great effort, facing Taiyi, fully expressing own sincerity and apology.

I really didn’t forget you on purpose, I just… really didn’t remember you!

who are you?

From the look in Duobao’s eyes, Taiyi saw that he was serious and apologetic. There was no trace of acting.

He was sure that this guy did not know himself.

Or… he forgot.

Taiyi remembered the previous meeting with Duobao.

Looking at Duobao in front of him again, thoughtfully.

“Well, ask a question, can you drink?” Taiichi asked.

Duobao: “Drinking? It should be… okay?”

Duobao was a little uncertain. Before crossing, although he was not very good at drinking, he could still drink a little.

After crossing, it seems that I haven’t drunk it… No, I drank it once.

Remember, when he was on the shore of the East China Sea, he drank the fruit wine offered by the human race.

Then… he was fragmented.

Thinking of this, Duobao lowered his head in embarrassment, and corrected: “I shouldn’t be able to drink.”

So a little fruit wine, the degree is not high, just like this, he is fragmented, and he can still drink a ghost.

“Oh.” Oh, I understood it suddenly.

I understand everything.

He stared at Dubo weirdly: “So, this guy’s previous state is because he was drunk.”

“It was also because he was drunk, so after the incident, after he woke up, he forgot what happened?”

Tai Yi suddenly felt a little grateful, and the vigilance in his heart also dropped a lot.

It’s okay if you don’t remember, it’s okay if you don’t remember.

This guy is now a hedgehog, and his character is too strong, his background is big, his own strength is also strong, it is better not to provoke or not to provoke.

He doesn’t remember what happened at the beginning, which means he doesn’t remember himself, and he doesn’t remember the identity of his enemies.

This…this is really great!

The thoughts in Tai Yi’s mind kept flashing, and soon a smile appeared on his face: “My name is Di Er. I have heard of your reputation before, but your reputation as Dao Zun is spread all over the world.”

“I was fortunate enough to meet Dao Zun at the beginning, but Dao Zun has not seen me. Therefore, it is normal not to know him.”

“Di Er?” Duobao looked at Tai Yi strangely, wondering why someone called this name.

Emperor two, second…

Muttering in his heart, Duobao couldn’t help asking: “Don’t you still have a Big Brother called Diyi?”

Tai was taken aback for a moment, and quickly nodded: “Yes, yes, I still have a Big Brother named Diyi.”

“Do you remember?”

Acting requires a full set.

He does have a Big Brother, which is why he named it Di Er.

“No.” Duobao shook his head neatly.

May I know you still have a Big Brother?

I can’t even remember you, how could I know you Big Brother.

It’s just a guess from your name.

“Well, don’t talk about this, do you know the way back to Honghuang?”

Duobao asked expectantly.

Tai Yi was at a loss, looking at Duobao suspiciously.

The way back to the wild?

Isn’t Honghuang right there?

Why do you want to ask this?

Moreover, you are all in Chaos, can you still find your way back?

How can this be?

Too confused, such a common sense problem is not a problem at all.

He suspected that Dubo was playing on his own.

It was another careful observation, too sure, he was actually asking very seriously.

He’s not playing tricks on himself, he really doesn’t know the way back to the wild?

Suddenly, Tai Yi felt very absurd.

Now Duobao’s strength can’t even be felt by him. Such strength is actually in the chaos, not far from the prehistoric world, can’t find the way back?

Who can believe this?

Who can believe it?

Isn’t this a joke?

It’s just that such a drama-like thing actually happened.

Under Duobao’s serious gaze, Taiyi nodded at the end: “I know.”

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