Chapter 101

The magic shadow is endless and endless, isn’t it the best sparring opponent?

“If this is the case, then the strength of these demon shadows still needs to be limited.”

Mo Ying still has strength, but for him, it is very weak, but for a group of juniors and younger sisters, it is somewhat strong.

“Hunyuan Jindou!”

Duobao whispered, and nine mixed-element golden buckets appeared in front of him.

With a thought, a hand stretched out and a finger, Magic power fell into the nine mixed-element golden buckets, setting various restrictions in it.

Limit their respective powers to a certain degree.

With a movement of the wrist, the nine mixed-element golden buckets turned, taking over the work of the first mixed-element golden bucket, dividing the magic shadows into nine parts and sucking them into the golden bucket.

The golden bucket was running, and the strength of the demon shadow was constantly eliminated.

However, this time, it was no longer like the original mixed-element golden bucket, which was completely eliminated.

But it left some strength.

According to the strength of the strength, they are in the nine golden battles.

Duobao raised his hand, the mixed yuan and the golden battle changed, and his body disappeared and turned into a world of nine directions, falling outside the simulated prehistoric star.

A force is shrouded in the simulated prehistoric Star.

As soon as countless magic shadow cubes appeared, they were immediately absorbed by the golden bucket of Hunyuan and swallowed in.

“Well, that would be great.”

Duobao looked at own masterpiece and was very satisfied.

“Big brother, big brother…”

Just at this moment, Bi Xiao’s call came from Dubo’s ears.

Duobao had a meal with a smile on his eyes: “It’s just right.”

The figure turned around, disappeared from the same place, and appeared in the black hole channel.

Staying in the last stage of the passage for three nights, each took a piece of Magic Treasures.

Feeling the power of Magic Treasures in hand, the three of them are very excited.

In front of the three of them, Duobao’s figure slowly emerged.

“Big brother, big brother, I got the baby.” As soon as Duo Baofang appeared, Bi Xiao rushed into his arms: “How to get out, I’m going to show the other brothers and brothers.”

“Look? I’m afraid it’s showing off, right?” Duobao touched Bi Xiao’s head: “No hurry, no hurry.”

“Big Brother, I just happen to have something to find you here.”

“Something?” Bi Xiao tilted her little head, her little appearance was indescribably cute.

“Yes, you have taken the benefits of the senior brother, and do the senior brother a favor.”

Hearing this, Bi Xiao suddenly slapped his own chest, and said with a loyal and dry cloud: “No problem, big brother, if there is anything, it is incumbent upon you to order.”

Duobao Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, where are these words?

“It’s not a big deal, it’s just that the brother has just completed a baby, you can help me test the effect.”


Hearing this, San Xiao’s ears were all pricked up, and then he stared at Duo Bao with piercing eyes.

His eyes were filled with excitement and eagerness.

They have already seen Duobao’s methods.

That is really strong.

Especially the Magic Treasures he refines are really strong and unspeakable.

Now, the big brother has refined another Magic Treasures. Of course, they want to know, what kind of Magic Treasures are, and what are the effects?

“Big brother, what kind of treasure did you refine? What is its name? What effect does it have?” Bi Xiao asked excitedly.

Duobao thought for a while and smiled mildly: “Call the fight to defeat the world.”

Ninth Stage world composed of nine mixed-element golden buckets.

In each First Stage world, there are countless magic shadows with different strengths.

The First Stage is the weakest, and the Ninth Stage is the strongest.

The demon can’t speak, has no intelligence, and will attack immediately if it finds a stranger.

Those who enter will experience countless battles, and only if they are all defeated can they come out.

In the endless battle, only constant victory can go to the end.

The person who can go to the end is worthy of defeating this name.

“Fight against the world?”

Yun Xiao repeated the name again, slightly lost, inexplicably, and a sense of excitement.

The three of them were infested by the killing intent of Chong Xiao, and they liked fighting.

All things related to fighting can arouse their great interest.

Suddenly I couldn’t wait to fight against the world.

“Big brother, take us to have a look.” Bi Xiao said anxiously.

Duobao nodded: “Good, good.”

With a wave of his hand, the three of them came to the side of Douzhan Shengjie.

Bi Xiao looked at Douzheshengjie curiously: “Is this the Douzheshengjie? It doesn’t seem to be special?”

She was slightly disappointed.

I originally thought that something as tall as Douzhanshengjie should naturally have a corresponding pomp, but now it seems that this is the case, and it looks ordinary.

It was too far behind her imagination.

Duobao concealed the Demon Shadow, so Bi Xiao did not see the Demon Shadow that was constantly being sucked into the world of fighting and conquering.

All she saw was the Ninth Stage world standing in front of him.

Moreover, this Ninth Stage world is still very small.

Yun Xiao stared at Douzhe Shengjie in a preoccupied manner. She didn’t know why, in this Fang Douzhe Shengjie, she could always feel a familiar aura.

It was as if she had seen it before.

However, she was sure that she had never seen it before.

Moreover, the fighting and victory world was just refined by the big brother.

Naturally, she was even more unlikely to have seen it before.

But, although I think so in my heart, what is the familiar feeling?

Duobao smiled softly and waved his hand, sending the three of them into the world of fighting and victory: “Don’t just look outside, go in and take a look.”

The three of them hadn’t reacted yet, and in a blink of an eye, they changed their world.

As soon as I saw the scene in front of me, I suddenly saw a group of hideous ghosts rushing over.

The demon’s figure is vague, and his face is not real, he can only feel a hideous look.

Countless Dao Fa, the attack followed the appearance of the demon shadow, fell on the three of them.

The three of them had no time to think, subconsciously used methods to protect themselves, and began the battle.

Infinite Red Sword Practice, Extreme Blue Emperor Whip, Infinite Yin & Yang Scissors… The three Magic Treasures that the three had just obtained, immediately used them.

The murderous intent was rushing into the sky, and the killing intent was pervasive. Under the attack of the endless magic shadow, the three of them had no time to think about it, and they were caught in an endless battle.

With the battle, the eyes of the three of them gradually turned blood red, and the strong killing intent on their bodies was aroused by the battle.

The more mad the fight, the deeper the killing intent.

In an instant, the entire First Stage Fighting Victory Realm was enveloped by the killing intent of the three people.

One side of the world becomes a killing world.

“Hmm.” Duobao touched his chin and watched the performance of the three: “Sure enough, it is worthy of the killing intent.”

Sanxiao’s strength is similar to that of the magic shadow in the First Stage Fighting Victory World.

Normally, they should be caught in a hard fight, not such a one-sided massacre.

It’s just that, under the intent to kill, in the endless battle, the strength of the three people actually increased with the battle.

The killing intent on the amount of robbery on their bodies was stimulated, which greatly increased their strength.

This caused them, who were originally similar in strength, to slaughter a group of demons.

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