Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1041: Nguyen Chamber of Commerce

Under the sun, there must be shadows. On the way of development, obstacles are inevitable. The benefits are gratifying, and there will be people who are moved by the benefits. These are human natures, but also natural principles.

As a family whose ancestors once established a kingdom, even if the country is destroyed, the family has continued in a different way. Even after the branches and leaves are scattered, the kingdom is stronger than ever.

The Ruan family, someone suspects that they are the descendants of the time-traveling people—in fact, they are—, if their development model is unfolded in the eyes of a current time-traveling family, they will inevitably blurt out a term: the East India Company. The super crocodile in the era of earth colonization, the pillar of the empire on which the sun never sets, also used shadows to cover up the uncivilization belonging to the empire.

In order to expand commercial activities without the support of the state and not be regarded as fat sheep that can be harvested regularly by powerful people, the two major weapons of the Ruan family are: food and private troops.

Even on a modern Earth where the time-travellings once lived, famine still exists in certain areas. There are many reasons, and it is difficult to describe in a few words. However, in Midi, where the transportation capacity is quite backward and the social structure is relatively backward, having enough food is still a major issue for ordinary people, and it is also an important issue that the lords cannot avoid. If you don't have enough to eat, you will rebel, both in ancient and modern China and abroad.

Utilize advanced technology—well, the agricultural technology of the 19th century on Earth is indeed advanced enough compared to Midi. ──The Ruan Chamber of Commerce, which grows a large amount of food, is tantamount to holding the lifeline of many noble lords.

Perhaps in the past hundred years, wars, that is, the occurrence of man-made disasters has decreased, but natural disasters have been avoided; not to mention the natural counterattack of the land, the counterattack of monsters. When these accidents happen, sufficient food can be said to be the most important key to maintaining the stability of the territory. Therefore, for lords big and small, the importance of the Ruan Chamber of Commerce is self-evident.

Of course, it is not that no one covets this organization that has no state protection and has even been rich in most countries. But the family private army of the Ruan Family Chamber of Commerce dispelled all thoughts of stretching their claws. Those who are unable to eat, of course, don't need to mention it; those who are able to eat will also consider whether the spoils of war after their own encounters are of value to offset their losses.

Gunpowder weapons, a type of weapon that a certain traveler thought Midi didn't have, actually existed in the private army of the Ruan Chamber of Commerce. It is also a gift from the earth, and it is not an arquebus or a flintlock, but a single-shot rifle that uses magazines and bullets. It is an early form of single-shot rifle.

However, these rifles have not been well developed in Los Angeles. Because the ancestors of the Ruan family regarded these weapons as the lifeblood of the family, they could not hold guns without the relationship of relatives, or join the guards to protect the core people, all the essence was trapped in the family.

In terms of research and development strength, the investment is even smaller, or it is not safe to let outsiders with research and development capabilities get in touch with too much, and those who are relieved are all unworthy descendants... Basically what the weapons created by the first generation look like, today It's still what it looks like. This is also one of the reasons why the kingdom established by the Ruan family was destroyed despite possessing weapons beyond the times.

But even if these hot weapons have not improved for a hundred years, they can still keep the family that has cast off the shackles of the state. Utilize the small and fine core force, and through the form of cooperation with the locals, master key resources, and then gain greater power and benefits.

Perhaps in the climbing of the technology tree, the Ruan family who lost the first generation of patriarchs is no different from the natives of Lost Land, they can only keep their success and retain the skills left by the first generation. But the family that has already branched out has made good use of its own advantages and established a huge business.

Today, the Ruan family is no longer a simple 'family'. In order to manage the affairs of different regions in this world with inconvenient transportation, their divisions are like feudal lords. Not only are regions segregated, but rights, responsibilities, and interests are also segregated, forming a situation where each region and each industry is responsible for its own profits and losses.

There is no one 'big head' to manage all the affairs of the family. Instead, there is a family annual meeting at the end of each year. All branches will spread out the harvest of the whole year, complementing each other. This kind of display and internal trading behaviors invisibly give order to all the divisions. The more fruitful the harvest, the more people choose to trade with it, and such pursuit will certainly improve the branch's status in the family.

As for the two brothers who dealt with Lin, Ruan Wenyue and Ruan Wenzhao were in charge of the branch family. Among the Ruan family whose main industry has always been food, why is it responsible for minerals. This is because noble lords who need food may not be able to produce enough goods to buy them.

Even with barter, there must be 'things' to trade. At this time, some lords simply took out the mines in their territories as collateral, and even used the ownership of the mines as a bargaining chip in the transaction.

If the mine produces natural magic metal or magic stone, this kind of rare ore with high unit price. Then the noble lord can sell it himself, and then use the money he got to trade with the Ruan Chamber of Commerce. It is conceivable that the nobles will directly take out the ownership of the mine as a mortgage, or even use it as a bargaining chip, to what extent it will be crooked.

After all, these are all mines, and after digging one is less. So how to deal with these mines, this kind of problem once made people who were talking about the Ruan family worry for a while. In the end, the method they chose was to send the children of the family who had offended many people to separate the family for management, so as to solve two problems at once.

The branch of the two brothers Ruan Wenyue and Ruan Wenzhao just guarded a pile of tasteless and abandoned mines, struggling to survive. You must know that the mines that will be abandoned by noble lords are not only, they may also be located in some places where birds do not lay eggs, and transportation is extremely inconvenient.

Every generation of ancestors of the two brothers is trying to improve their own plight, or find some way out for these minerals. There are also people who try to escape, but no matter how they choose and how hard they try, they cannot change the fact that they are marginalized people within the family.

Even after several generations of management, there has been a slight improvement, but the low status of the two brothers within the family has not been changed.

You know, in agricultural activities, metal tools are also used. However, in the past, within the Ruan Chamber of Commerce, when they needed to purchase additional tools, they were more inclined to order locally from local craftsmen. Instead of working hard to transport raw ore or metal ingots from the mines managed by separate families, they return to their own sites and then build agricultural tools.

This kind of behavior has invisibly made the two brothers separate their families, and their status in the family has been weakened. Until someone turns out to be out of nowhere.

It is not that the Ruan Chamber of Commerce does not have craftsmen and talents who are good at metallurgy. It's just that these people are not only few, but the skills involved are all professional skills related to rifles, and it is impossible to hand them over to a branch that is regarded as an abandoned child. Let them make rough processing of raw ore to increase its commodity value.

In order to attract the 'Yuan's Chamber of Commerce' to join in, Lin established an automobile manufacturing and R&D center together. He taught the personnel sent by the chamber of commerce unreservedly the supporting technologies needed for manufacturing cars.

It can be said that the appearance of Lin has made up for the lack of technology in the branch of the Ruan Brothers. Not to mention that the car is placed on the ground, which is also the most advanced and eye-catching technology.

After mobilizing the assets in their hands, the branch led by the two brothers fought a beautiful turnaround. But the long-term low status has also made other branches of the family move unnecessary thoughts.

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