Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 867: Abyss homology, demon mark

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After the departure of No. 3, Li Mo calmed down and communicated with the Pan-will of the 597th layer through the real name in the Yanmo Yuan's womb.

He originally settled on the 597th floor, joined the abyss to obtain the real name of the demon, and became a less orthodox radiation flame demon. But at that time, the strength was weak, and there was no self-preservation to escape the tracking of heaven and earth, so I chose the remote ‘big Gobi’.

There are abyssal radiation, lack of strong enemies, remote and low-key, but resources are also scarce and not suitable for cultivation. Then he went to the 233rd floor to start a business. Want to penetrate the kindergarten copy first, set up the foundation and then feed the 597 desert. In the future, 233 will serve as a logistics base and will continue to deliver resources to the Gobi for him to expand further in 597, forming a virtuous circle.

After careful calculation, he settled in 597 for a short time. There is no other industry except for an underground base, so most of the time is devoted to a better environment, 233, and hegemony.

Because he never stayed on the 597 floor for a long time, he did not seriously study his real name (Victor), nor did he resonate with his plane, and enjoy the welfare benefits of the local devil.


A demon that has received attention from the abyss is like a genuine Windows user, whose real name is a unique account and password. With his real name, he can activate the account on the 597th floor, update the software content, obtain the authority and resources assigned to him by the abyss, and then control his own territory, among others.

In a similar situation, Li Mo can use the mechanical imprint to log in to the "Li Momo account" in the mechanical heaven, and use the "mechanical Lingbao Tianzun IP" to swim the mechanical magic net. In addition, due to his special soul form, he also has an account of 'Heir-Li Mo' which has not yet settled, and can bind any outer space to obtain a second household registration.

This time I calmly felt, and soon locked the pan-will of the 597th layer through the "real name", and then communicated to the abyss heavenly path, began to be in harmony with the abyss, and received a deep baptism.


Three hours later, Li Mo ’s pool was boiling and tumbling, and hot bubbles continued to emerge, and the flame radiation was leaking wildly. Bido and the cat girl could not bear to leave early. Only Coco Milly ’s face was happy in the boiling soup, Absorb the radiation released by Li Mo and enjoy the joy of absorbing the master.

Suddenly, his body floated from the water, and his body exuded pure radiation. Then opened his eyes, his eyes were red, mixed with the violent demon's violent and Taiyin's murderous intention, and the madness and calmness were wonderfully integrated.

In the abyss, he is dominated by the flame demon primordial fetus, while absorbing the killing aura to strengthen the soul, the moon plate retreats to the second line to provide assistance, and another perfect martial mode is born.

Just below the right eye, a blood-colored pattern with an inverted i shape appeared, with one end connected to the lower eyelid, which looked like a tear line, dripping a drop of blood.

He reached out and touched the weird pattern under his right eye, with a bumpy texture, and then murmured: "So this is it! Is this my demon mark?"

Abyss's co-ordination did not bring him a substantial improvement, but he carried out an optimization and integration, which enhanced his overall strength.

Although Li Mo has changed his bloodline, it is not an original radiation flame demon, but a higher demonic descent transformed by humans, and also stripped of the real body to only save the human form, which is very different from the orthodox flame demon.

Although he joined together in the Red Kingdom of All Beings, his optimized body is more suitable for DC Earth, and there is no small difference from the demons of the main world. These problems may seem to be insignificant, but the accumulation of less and more will seriously restrict the growth potential and cannot be 100% perfect.

This time he used the power of the abyss to re-optimize his body structure and become an authentic abyss creature, no longer a foreigner. The red tears under the right eye are the unique marks formed by the entanglement of the abyss will under the extreme activity of the radiant fibers in the body.

If the real name of the demon is spread casually, it will become its own weak handle and be restricted by others. Therefore, every big demon with a name and surname in the abyss will form a unique coat of arms, which is equivalent to the coat of arms of the nobility and the holy emblem of the gods. It is used to replace the most important real name of the demon and be marked under the opponent.

According to the information fed back by the will of the abyss, from now on, all demons controlled by his exclusive ‘Demon Law’ will form a unique mark under his right eye to a certain degree, representing his immediate lineup. This is not something that can be enjoyed by any cannon fodder, but a symbol of identity, at least one demon fiber needs to be accepted.


"Master, what is under your eyes? It's so beautiful and so kind! I feel hot and soothing. Hug me, it's hot, please hug!"

Coco Milly, who had the same source of radiation as Li Mo, after absorbing excessive radiation from the elder fairy, his cheeks were reddish and fell into a slight state, and he was holding his arm confusedly, sticking to his body and moving, spreading Jiaolai.

If anyone in this world is closest to Li Mo's bloodline, it is not the brother who is studying on the material plane, but the cocoa millie beside him. After accepting the same "solar fire radiation fiber" transformation, the basic method of practice is the same. Under the influence of Li Mo, a mess of blood appeared under the right eye of the little succubus, and finally intertwined with each other to converge and condense into an inverted i.

If this pattern is continuously enlarged, you can see the complex blood pattern intertwined inside, which is equivalent to the two-dimensional code of the abyss bound by the old fairy for life.

The appearance of the demon mark means that he completely integrated with the 597 layer and became a reserve of the abyss lord. At the same time, he also clearly felt that the Gobi connected to the bloodstream further away was closed and isolated by a huge magic circle, and the internal land was also occupied by countless foreign bodies, giving him a sense of disgust that crawled with cockroaches at home, ca n’t wait to kill insects Fan.


The ancients said that the ‘Fa Caifu’ land, the simplest meaning of ‘land’ is the site, which can provide wealth and resources for self-cultivation.

At a higher level, it is a blessed place for spiritual practice with abundant spiritual power and suitable attributes. Regardless of the construction of the mage tower, the dojo, and the arrangement of the magic circle, it will eventually become its own position and practice with less effort.

The higher level of 'ground' not only needs to adapt itself, but also needs to pay attention to feng shui and luck, and the number of days in the sky, like Li Mo's big Gobi. 'Consistency, the fate of one's own nature is here, very special.

After seeing Blanche transforming the trajectory of the stars in the astral realm and creating a home for himself, Li Mo has the idea of ​​choosing a high radiation level in the abyss to create a home.

The hukou can change frequently, but his birthplace is unique, and the Gobi is unique to him. In the Gobi of 597, he is equivalent to Wayne standing on Gotham, and the son of destiny enjoys the blessing of the abyss. Even if you give him a site that is 100 times more prosperous, he will not change it, but both sites will be snatched.


After finishing this co-ordination, Li Mo felt the advantage of the home court. His strength on the 597th floor could increase by at least 10%, and based on his own territory to radiate the Gobi Desert, it could increase by another 20% (can fluctuate). It's a pity that the radiation well was blocked by others. These 20% are afraid to make a discount. It is still an unexpected joy to go.

"Let's go home and look at these guests coming from afar." Li Mo stood up from the pool, reached out and rubbed Ke Mi Li's head, and pressed the little succubus like a floating ball.

Xiaoding furnace is good everywhere, but it is too young. It ’s still a mature person, Miss Zhu Li, the succubus is cute. It is a pity that the form of human columnar energy is too expensive to maintain for a long time.

Hearing Li Mo's words, Cat Maiden and Storm Steadicam cheered up and prepared to fight.

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