Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 858: Crimson Devil's Small Vault

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Li Mo turned his eyes to the final "Evil God Engine" and couldn't help but ask: "How can this be divided?"

Red Queen thought about it for a while and said, "You are the cultivation side, and the Platinum Queen takes the route of data gods and has no connection with the pilot. It is useless if you leave it. Would it be better to leave it with me?"

However, Li Mo disagreed and shook his head shamelessly, blocking: "Slow! Really don't hide Honghou's sister, I am also very interested in the pilot!"

"You are just an amateur mechanic, even the Platinum Queen has not cultivated, and many potentials have not been discovered, and now you are coveting to kill the evil god? You need to know how much you chew, do you want to order Bilian ?!" Lucky, this Victor is really greedy.

"It's a bypass!"

Li Mo was unimpressed. He asked for the engine to be somewhat curious. It may not be really necessary, but he had to. At the moment, the default red post view is no different from sending a resource. If he opened his mouth, even if he couldn't get it, he would get compensation in other areas. This is what will call the child to have milk to eat.

After thinking for a while, Red Queen asked solemnly, "Are you really interested in the pilot system?"

"Yes, even if you are not qualified for this profession, you can be close to each other and make preparations for the future battle with the pilot." He told the truth.

"Since that is the case, then I will help you out." Hung Hou also thought about it himself. He couldn't see any reluctance and agreed directly.

"So, I ... eh ?!" Li Mo, who was sitting on the ground and asking for money to pay attention, was preparing to continue the fight. As a result, the other party really agreed. Instead, he was caught off guard and surprised, "You actually agreed ?!"

"Otherwise what do you think?" Red Queen looked at him.

"I thought you would refuse."

"I was originally preparing to get involved in the field of" pilot ", to develop a group of potential intelligent life on the material plane, not only to expand the influence of the Crimson Devil Palace, but also to gain a firm foothold in the material plane; Strengthen my strength. But after getting the technology in the black disk, I have a better choice. This engine has a lot to do with the emperor Gaeta. There is a cause and effect that hasn't disappeared. Why don't you want to take it? "Red After straightforward.

This engine helped her, but she also had trouble. Now that she has a better choice, she is less concerned.

‘Divinity reveals metal’ is a mechanically heavenly-recognized, semi-open huge basic rule. Any mechanical deity involved in this field, as long as the technology is accumulated, can develop its own unique extension on this basis, and will not be limited by the core technology.

But for Li Mo, the value of killing the Evil God Engine clearly surpassed the troubles behind it, so he didn't feel the loss and decided to take an additional 'Mechaology'. Anyway, he loves learning sincerely, and doesn't feel reluctant.

In the astral evil supplementary common sense, he not only learned that the mechanical side will often hunt gods and demons to strengthen his body, carry divinity and have activity; the practice side can also capture and disassemble the mechanical side, and train them into puppets, Magic weapon, or for other purposes. Even if you do not take the pilot route, this engine may not be turned into its own use.

After talking in two words, Honghou thoughtfully said: "Once the Evil God Engine is activated, your soul space can no longer be carried. Even if you can carry it, your heavenly machine information is no longer a pseudo legend, but a pseudo god, I am afraid that it will not be covered. There is a risk of exposure. If you enter the reincarnation hall in a hurry, the value of cause and effect will surge to a terrifying point. And the model of this engine is too old, it is better to store it in the magic palace first, I will help you to make it, let it get Evolution. When you are stabilized in the abyss and have your own territory, I will let Blanche open up a space channel for you to carry over? "

"Yes!" Li Mo listened to his heart, and he was afraid to put it in a platinum apartment.

At this time, Red Queen took Li Mo out of the test area and entered an unmanned companion, while advancing while instructing: "Geta Metal Essence can be carried with you, but don't try it hurriedly, until the platinum queen's mechanical radiation synchronization rate exceeds 100%. , Complete the first 'Great Resonance Awakening', and absorb it after entering the legend, otherwise it will destroy her. Similarly, you can read the research technique first, but don't try it easily, because it is the legend. the power of."


Between the two of them, they had already taken the lift to the deep core of the Crimson Devil Palace. Li Mo could feel that he had received layers and layers of irresistible scans of divine power and realized that he had reached the depths of the red nest. When the door opened again, he entered a dark space with dim lights.

When the feet behind the red stepped on the ground, the light above them suddenly turned on, and the dim space instantly entered the same day. In front is a huge metal castle with a unique taste and some cartoon style. It is also the treasure house where the red back and forth twisted the astral world for so many years and collected the collection.

"Nuo, here is my treasure. There are many artifacts in it. You can choose one that suits you."

"Is there only one?" Li Mo was a little disappointed. Honghou was so tyrant, he gave an artifact and was stingy.

Feeling the resentment of Li Mo's spiritual leakage, she said: "Does it feel like giving you an artifact, something is missing?"

"That's what you said." Li Mo looked curiously at his surroundings and didn't answer positively.

"Owning an artifact and completely controlling an artifact are completely different concepts. With your current ability, it is already a miracle to be able to fully exert the power of an artifact. If you do not take the dual system route yourself, you have a huge energy base. I wo n’t open it to you if I raise a lot of pieces. Even if I give you ten artifacts, you ca n’t use it but you can only put mold on it, is that interesting? "

Red Hung explained Li Mo while entering the password to open the door of the treasure house.

The cultivation side usually sacrifices a magic weapon of life, and life cultivation becomes a part of itself, and grows with the realm. But this mortal magic weapon is like another small body, it also consumes its own energy. Only those with extraordinary talents and spirits are capable of cultivating the second piece.

Those who receive magic weapon blessings will increase their strength and lethality become stronger, but the speed of their practice will also be dragged down. Even ordinary geniuses with insufficient foundations will rashly try to lose their energy, damage their souls, and destroy Daoji.

In the view of Honghou, Li Mo's foundation is enough, but Yan Mojie has selected the "Phoenix Saint Cloth" as his lifelike magical soldier, and the potential is not weaker than an artifact; the core of the big group is another. The 'Avalon' of quasi-artifacts. Although his Daojie is powerful, his own pressure is not small. In addition to the refining sickle, he can choose another artifact, which is the limit. No matter how much, his cultivation practice will stagnate, or even a crisis of retrogression.

Knowing this, Li Mo is not nonsense, but just staring at the slowly opening door, ready to show his skills in the treasure house. Big dumplings also bounced around his head, bouncing excitedly.

"Okay, would you like to get my treasure? I can give you one if you want! They are all here, go, go and find!"

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