Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 818: Bloody Sky

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There was not much time left for the joint, Li Mo clearly felt that the redness of all beings began to repel him.

He played too much this time, and gained too much knowledge and sentiment in his mind, as if there was an additional mountain range, and squeezed the way out of the matter into the corner early, and unconsciously ignored it. At this time, the outside world changed drastically. Krypton and Tianjing were forced to join forces with Wayne to resist the **** pseudo-god. No one could spare time to remind him.

Li Mo has forgotten his original intention, seized the last moment, and smashed all resources on the fragments of information about ‘Red Dragon Battle Scale’ in the real blood of Kryptonus, and will take advantage of this last chance to perform another legendary magical power. Once this meeting is over, he may not have encountered such an adventure for a long time.

The outside Kryptonian's heart felt a little cold again, and he shook uncontrollably, his mind was wrapped in ominous premonitions, as if he had been peeped from head to toe, his heart was so angry that he calmed down, and his eyes were cold meaning.


Li Mo did not follow the path of Krypton Emperor, the two sides had similar power systems but no intersection. Li Mo comprehensively borrowed from Krypton's development model, but he used his own technology and achieved extraordinary results. Therefore, he even more coveted the "Red Dragon Battle Scale" derived from "Six Disasters Forbidden".

This is a set of mortal armor forged from metal organelles and metal dragon scales. It is both a magic weapon and a supernatural power. Battle Scales correspond to the Golden Demon Body, one inside and one outside. The superposition of the two makes Emperor Krypton's defense so hard.

It happened that Li Mo also had radiant armor and the Phoenix Saint Cloth, and the two overlapped slightly, so it was better to reintegrate. More importantly, "Nirvana Radiant Spirit Root" is the core of the legendary level. His flesh and blood can't bear it today, and it will collapse once it merges.

Neither the flesh, the foreign minister, nor the road tires are suitable for carrying a new spirit root, so he needs a carrier to hold and store the demon fiber to avoid the embarrassing situation of dying before he can die. The first choice is the sturdy Phoenix Cloth.


At the moment when the red of all beings were exhausted and the bright red door collapsed, Li Mo, sitting in the divine space, suddenly opened his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the blood demon dying and struggling to set off a torrential blood wave, but was violently broken by a group of **** evil spirits, and then was repeatedly rubbed and beaten on the ground. The Kryptonian goddess was trapped in the divine space, and kept trying to control it remotely, trying to find some trouble for the evil god, but it was useless.

At this time, he was surprised in his heart, and quickly recalled the memory before the setting. At that time, the blood demon Wayne was so arrogant, why did he suddenly counsel? Still beaten into a dog, rubbing repeatedly on the ground? And the guy who had the upper hand and exuded the coercion of the gods, could it be the helper Krypton invited?

This is too cruel, throwing a **** into Wayne ’s nest, how much did Krypton once love him? Actually hurt him like this? This is the love killing newspaper? Is it a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?


After Li Mo regained consciousness, the rules produced by the union suppressed the smoke and disappeared, and Kryptonian Lori regained freedom.

She immediately appeared in front of Li Mo, grabbed his collar, and shouted: "Quick! Tell me the coordinates of leaving this place, and I can't carry it anymore. The guy has his own personality, and there is only one way to stay , Let's run away quickly. "

When Krypton Lolita spoke, Tian Jing's voice also passed into Li Mo's soul: "Wait, Victor! You have to listen to me, don't tell her coordinates, I have ..."

Although only 50 minutes have passed in this world, Li Mo's spiritual time is in a disconnected state. The memory is filled with huge information shocks, and I feel that I have spent several years. Not only did he save dozens of centuries of hard work, but it also obscured the memory before the joint.

The shouts of the two goddesses are familiar and strange. He tried hard to recall and finally remembered the ‘find the route to the earth’ in the Red Kingdom of All Living Beings. This sense of confusion is like some inexplicable recollection of a promise made a few years ago. Did Zao forget about it, okay?

"Huh?" When he heard the words of the two, Li Mo first looked stunned, and then he was startled, "Ah!"

Kryptonian Lori saw his bear-like appearance, a heart sank to the bottom of the valley, his eyes quickly turned red, stared at him straightly, and asked with a trembling Loli sound: "You ... you should never forget Is that right? "

"Uh ..." Li Mo cooperated with an awkward expression to let her understand it.

Seeing this, the Kryptonite goddess who had been bracing for four days and resisting under the wicked power of the evil blood king finally couldn't help but quickly wet his eyes, and then all the thoughts were gray, and the cry of grievance broke out: "Wooah ! hum hum ...... "bitter heart baby, the baby is to speak out.

As she punched Li Mo's chest with a small punch, she cried and cried: "You pit B, you tiankeng, woo woo ..., this time it's dead, bang bang ... you hang to me , I ca n’t escape, ah ... I ’m dying, I ’m dying, what should I do? ... It ’s all you! You are punching your chest with a fist, bang ... "

"Wait, listen to me, don't be discouraged, I have a way!" Tianjing's remnant soul plugged in again, and finally attracted their attention.

"What way? You talk." Li Mo also knew that the problem was with himself and wanted immediate remedy. But even Tianjing has no solution. He made a great profit this time, and he can struggle.

Krypton gold loli is also the incarnation of the gods, and his eyes have been higher than the top in Gotham for ten years. Tian Jing is only a ray of residual soul. She has never looked at each other flatly, and there is a kind of arrogance and superiority underestimating each other in her heart. Therefore, before Tian Jing, the goddess of krypton gold was not at heart.

Hearing the other party's confidence at the moment, Krypton asked: "What can you do?"

"The evil blood king's reliance on suppressing Wayne is precisely that divine personality. As long as the divine personality is taken from him, the situation can be reversed and the Lord can be mastered ..."

Before Tian Jing finished speaking, he was interrupted by Krypton Lolita: "Of course I understand these, but it is all nonsense! This false **** soul is invincible by virtue of his divine personality. We are just because he cannot take away his divine , Just step by step to the point of desperation and wait for death, so lightly said, do you think the divine personality is yours? "

Tian Jing's remnant soul did not refute, but affirmed: "You are right, this **** belongs to me!"

"What? Is this your dignity?" Li Mo dumbfounded, feeling that he had auditory hallucinations.

"That godhead was the 'blood sky' that I was divided when I fell!" Tian Jing's soul was a bit cold, but he could not hide the excitement from his heart.

When the genuine Goddess of Skyfall fell, he was attacked by the Lord of the Elven Gods. Not only the soul of the God was destroyed, but also the countless remnants of the city were burst. Ten of the Goddess of Heaven were also taken away by the Lord God. The rest of the divine personality is divided by other powerful people, and the value of ‘Blood Sky’, which is second only to ‘Mysterious Universe’, falls into hell.

Strictly speaking, the original "Goddess of Heaven" had a lot of water. She was only a weak divine power, but inherited the Nuwa mantle to get ten Heavenly Crystals. Her strength and realm increased sharply. But after all, there is a difference between ‘Tianjing’ and ‘God ’s Spirit’. The ‘King of Evil Blood’ at this moment has not found a way to refine this ‘Blood Sky’, it ’s just control, pure use of its power. This is a fatal flaw in Tian Jing's eyes.

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