Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 816: Mechanical Nirvana Flame Demon Radiant Root

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Da Tuan wants to re-optimize his life structure. If he succeeds, he will still be a radiation flame demon, but he will find another way to integrate into the "metallic key", sublimate the blood lineage, and his foundation is far more than other flame demon. It will become a more "true-metal life" than "Fire Dragon Golden Demon Body"!

Despite the delusional component, Li Momo's theory is not without foundation, but is full of feasibility. Radiation fibers and mechanical fibers are the key to breaking the game. If they can be combined perfectly, it is equivalent to the mixed bloodline of Kryptonite and is even better.

However, this level of testing is far beyond Li Mo's ability. He even suspects that even the current Krypton emperor can't do it. Fortunately, he is now a "combined body". Everything is not based on himself, but on the creation of creativity by DC heaven.


Li Mo mobilized all the resources of the red of sentient beings, focusing on the evolution of his own "Blood Demon Blood Vessel", restoring the smallest living material structure, substituting "radiation fibers and mechanical fibers" as known quantities, trying to achieve the most perfect communion status.

This step is both the core and the most difficult point. He found that there is still a lack of another 'metal bond', which serves as a bridge connecting 'radiation, machinery and flesh and blood'. This "metal bond" is beyond the biological deduction category of "red beings" and does not exist in the database of DC Tiandao. It ’s as strong as heaven, and it ’s impossible to be out of nothing, so his bloodline mutation evolved into a deadlock.

But the platinum team never fought the battle without preparation, immediately communicated with Li Mo, and gave his own solution.

Xiao Momo said at this moment: "Big Momo, let's fuse the 'Zhenjin Element' together and break through to the real sanctuary-level force field!"

Li Mo's radiation force field should have been upgraded, but he has been stuck between the road tire and the sanctuary. Because of the lack of a main material (magic gold) that satisfies him, he has refused to evolve and seriously dragged the flame demon. The combat effectiveness of the system embarrasses the radiation force field.

Since he first entered the sanctuary to the present, he has been fighting with defective products (radiation field), but he still has a lot of contacts with many saints. It is a pity that with more and more enemies hanging, the ‘twisted golden character’ seems to be unable to do so, leaving his holy domain force field intact.

This is not that his force field is not good enough, but that he still lacks an upgrade to reach the standard state.


"Zhenjin? Why?"

After listening to Li Mo's surprise, he had so many rare metals to choose from. Edman, Zhenjin of the Marvel Universe, Dionysus Metal of the DC Universe, O'Harry Steel of the Beheaded Sister, Mountain Copper of Saint Seiya, Gammannian, various mechanical side relics obtained from the Ruins of Rose ... Each has its own characteristics and is difficult to choose.

The best choice in his mind is man-made cabana alloy. The radiation alloy is highly compatible with the flame radiation, but unfortunately this man-made metal is inferior to natural magic metal. He dragged on for so long, just looking for opportunities to optimize again, unwilling to waste the only upgrade opportunity.

Now the big group recommends ‘Zhenjin’ to completely overthrow his plan.

Hearing Li Mo's doubts, Tuanzi explained: "You chose 'radiation alloy' just to increase the 'Flame Radiant' and increase the fit, right?"

Li Mo nodded, he majored in radiation, and naturally he had to take "radiation" as the foundation.

The dumpling said again: "You are too obsessed and blinded. Think about it, any kind of 'metal bond' now selected is to absorb your 'heavy core element'. So no matter which metal you choose, It will all become a perfect 'radiation metal', radiation is the least to be considered. And only the radiation characteristics of Cabernet, but should be eliminated first. I chose Zhenjin because it has' stable, stern-resistant, suction Can't three major characteristics! "


After listening to Li Mo, his eyes lit up!

He has also studied Zhenjin in depth, and he has created a great sword of Jinjin for the US team who lost the dog set!

Zhenjin is a metal element that does not exist in the periodic table of the elements. It has two forms: the inert Waganda Zhenjin and the active Antarctic Zhenjin.

When the vibration gold is inert, the structure is extremely stable, the atom is constant at absolute zero, and it does not have the conditions to conduct force / energy. It is the strongest material in the Marvel Universe, which can withstand almost unlimited shocks and never pass it on.

All the energy absorbed by Zhenjin will be stored in the chemical bonds of metal elements. The more energy absorbed, the stronger these chemical bonds, resulting in the stronger the vibration gold, extremely difficult to be destroyed or destroyed. If you absorb this kind of 'golden nature' to practice the gold body, it will become a horrible flesh shield, the stronger you will be beaten.

The energy absorption effect of Zhenjin has theoretical limits, but it has never been studied. When he was the boss of Pipi shrimp, he bought a military research report. After absorbing energy, the chemical bonds of the above-mentioned vibration gold will enter the endless quantum level. Once the magic gold is induced by magic, it will destroy the chemical bonds and will enter an unstable state, which is likely to cause a terrible explosion.

Another active state of Zhenjin is even rarer. It was first discovered in Antarctica and is called Antarctic Zhenjin.

The structure of the active vibration gold is completely reversed, and it no longer stabilizes energy absorption. Instead, it continuously releases the vibration field to the surroundings through chemical bonds and destroys the chemical bonds of all metals within a certain range. The weapons created by the Antarctic Zhenjin, which collide with all iron, will make it liquefied, also known as anti-metal.

In order to get the "Resistance Gold" to do research, he played at a super level, creating a masterpiece for the US team that can be called his peak at the time. One piece can be attacked and defended: Osuya is the anti-vibration gold Nirvana sound-absorbing magic. sword.

And Li Mo, who has two kinds of Zhenjin at the same time, found that they can artificially induce a reversal. Inert vibration gold = active vibration gold, Antarctic vibration gold has no cherished imagination.

So for the African chief who loves to wear tights, he wholesaled various Pipi shrimp gene fortifiers, strengthened the **** in Vaganda, and exchanged Pipiou gas for a large amount of gold resources.


In the end, Li Mo was persuaded by the dumplings and decided to use ‘Zhenjin’ as the raw material to refine the high-grade gold and merge it with the ‘twisted gold’. Bypassing the laws of the Marvel Universe, you can directly master the characteristics of vibration gold and use it as a 'metal bond' to transform the flesh.

In the view of Tuanzi, once Li Mo succeeds, his flesh and blood will possess the metal characteristics of vibration gold: the flesh and blood structure is extremely stable, and the physique, strength, agility, and red and blue bars will break through the limit, which is what the body refiner desires most.

In addition, there are more and more beatings, the defensive power is against the sky, can absorb all forms of conventional impact, use quantum metal bonds to reserve radiation power, and reverse the metal bond form if necessary, from extreme shaking M to extreme shaking S, release Horrible radiation damage.


Li Mo only absorbed a small piece of 'Zhenjin', he had been sacred to the limit already, and he was hungry and irritated by the radiant force field, madly swallowing it and refining it, opening a prelude to perfect transformation, and successfully extracting a new 'distortion' Nirvana gold **** '.

However, it takes a lot of time and massive resources to complete the force field sacrifice, but the first step has been taken and it is very stable.

After obtaining the first-hand ‘Zhenjin Element’, he moved it to the kingdom of the red of sentient beings as a core resource and invested it in the evolution of the suspension. At this moment, everything is only owed to Dongfeng, and Zhenjin soars as soon as he arrives.

Under the pressure of DC Heavenly Dao, the two demon fibers of different camps began to spontaneously merge under the hustle of the "Zhenjin Element". Soon, the expected "primitive metal life basic substance" was not born, but instead a more high-end demon fiber, with the characteristics of Li Mo and big dumplings, was named by Li Mo: 'Mechanical Nirvana Flame Radiation Linggen '.

This morphology resembles blood vessels or red worms, with metallic blood-colored fibers twitching, and gluttonously devouring Li Mo's radiation power, and then exuding oppression.

This is the essence of his fusion with Da Tuanzi demon fiber, the potential far exceeds the threshold of legend. The blood is connected, but they dare not touch it.

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