Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 813: Crazy theft of Kryptonite core technology

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

In the Scarlet Red Kingdom, Li Mo spent some effort to finally unlock the secret of Krypton's true blood.

He can easily crack this drop of blood. Except for the invincibility of all beings, the big reason is that the Kryptonian wiped out the secret lock in the blood. Of course, the most important reason is that his basic skills are too solid. It is a top geneticist, and it matches well with the red of sentient beings.

Looking at Hittarheim, there are few children of the same age and the same level in the sanctuary who love learning more than him and have rich scientific research results.

If it can be played, Li Mo may not be ranked. But when it comes to research and development, he dares to talk and laugh with the big brother. Da She Wan who runs fast when he escapes, don't you know? Li Mo doesn't know how many streets are better than him?


Powerful people like Krypton Emperor have very control over their life information. Unless he allows it, even if flesh falls into the hands of the enemy, it will destroy itself before cracking. (Unless the enemy is far beyond him)

Powerful people who have crossed the realm of legend will spontaneously imprint the principles they have learned in the depths of the blood, and reproduce them to the next generation. This is the origin of the bloodline. Emperor Krypton, as a strong man in Yang Shen Realm, has already realized many laws, all recorded in the depths of the blood.

However, when Emperor Krypton gave Li Mozhen blood, he had completely erased the information of the comprehension laws and the main practice methods. Only traces and fragments that cannot be erased are left, and with the help of the red of sentient beings, it is possible to reversely restore them.

In addition, the basic bloodline information about the species "Krypton Demon" cannot be erased. This thing is similar to Li Mo's ‘demon factor’ and is the foundation of the kryptonite species system.


Under the magnification of the red of sentient beings, Li Mo discovered the so-called 'Krypton Demon', which is a mutant demon lineage formed by the fusion of two primitive bloodlines. According to his wishes, the red of sentient beings reversely restores the 'Krypton Devil Lineage' into two original bloodline fragments. They are: Kryptonian lineage, and ancient dragon blood lineage from the abyss.

Clark was trafficked to the abyss, was contaminated by the will of the abyss, and became a thug. Eventually, the ancient evil dragon was hunted, the essence of the dragon was devoured, and the six evil bans were cultivated. After receiving the baptism of the abyss, he became the devil prince.

Since then, his bloodline has been completely demonized and mutated, becoming the "Six Sinister Dragon-Krypton Tyrant". And according to the enchanted "Krypton Demon Fertility Code", created the "Abyss Krypton Demon" this powerful race. The bloodline of Krypton contains blood factors such as the sun, the abyss, and the body of steel; the blood shards of the magic dragon contain bloodline factors such as the abyss, dragon, fire, and darkness.

The Krypton Emperor is the first Kryptonian in the main world, the source of the 'Krypton Star Bloodline', and it reigns 100%; and the evil dragon is not the first dragon in the main world, and it is similar to Li Mo's blood demon blood line. Domination, only grade suppression.

If Li Mo directly refines the real blood, it will inevitably absorb the blood veins of Krypton. The more the proportion of refining, the more severely controlled by the Krypton Emperor. If he only absorbs the part of the magic dragon's bloodline at this moment, he will not be controlled, but he will be suppressed by the dragon power of the magic dragon's vein.


After unraveling the mystery of true blood, Li Mo was overjoyed, but he was not in a hurry to refine it. He is best at stealing core technology and taking it for himself. For example, hell's killing intentions fluctuate (Hell's Haunted Ghost), his artificial soul species (Heart Demon Lord).

He divided the two blood lines into two parts, each of which was merged with the blank ‘demon factor’, and quickly derived two types that belonged to him alone: ​​the krypton factor and the dragon factor.

When Lao Xian developed the "Demon Factor", he was clearly in the Marvel Universe, but was able to shock the reincarnation hall and the crystal wall heavenly path of the quake. Then the smallpox crashed into the golden lotus, showing the vision of the sage's death, and his merits were praised in countless merit !

The biggest reason for this is that the Demon Factor can reproduce and damage the bloodline in a non-destructive way, changing any bloodline magic to the abyss version, contributing to Heavenly Dao and contributing to the diversity of the abyss species.

Any X-Men falling into his hand will generate the corresponding 'X Demon Factor', which will lead to different varieties such as the Shark Demon, Quick Silver Demon, Golden Anal Demon, Yimei Demon ...

Every time Lao Xian conquers a world, and collects new demonic factors, they will be recorded, adding new information to Heaven ’s Bloodline database. And the abyss will also produce a variety of demon varieties, cross and multiply each other, creating unlimited possibilities, and a large number of powerful super demons will emerge.

So this 'demon factor' is where Li Mo steals the blood of Emperor Krypton! His demon factor law, hand-picked by Heavenly Dao, is committed to theft (maliciously plagiarize the bloodline).

However, compared to the magic dragon factor without side effects, the krypton factor will still be affected by the krypton emperor, but the side effects are greatly reduced, so you can eat with confidence.


After harvesting two high-level ‘demon factors’, Li Mo was not satisfied. He turned around and continued to study the complete "Kryptonite Bloodline". How did he get in touch with "Fire Dragon Golden Demon Body" to complete the body refining?

According to his requirements, the Red of All Living Beings quickly gave birth to a low-level ‘Kryptonite’, and ran the “Fire Dragon Golden Demon Body” in the body to observe the flesh and blood changes of this Kryptonite. This kind of deduction can't go wrong, but the small details are full of uncertainty, and the difference is far from the truth. But fortunately, when analyzing the real blood, there was a piece of information left by the Krypton Cultivation "Fire Dragon Golden Demon Body".

At this moment, it is like solving equations. Li Mo has the red of beings to provide heaven-level calculations. There is a complete 'Krypton Demon Model' and a complete formula of "Fire Dragon Golden Demon Body". There is known data: Krypton Devil Bloodline, and backstepping Obtained 'Krypton Star Lineage' and 'Dragon Blood Lineage'. Coupled with a small part of the variable: the "information fragments" left by Krypton Emperor, it is not difficult to push back the detailed data of the Fire Dragon Gold Magic Body. (It is not difficult to have DC Tiandao to help cheat!)

Under the crazy study of Li Mo and the deduction of the anti-celestial creatures of the red of all beings, he is like a broken bamboo to unravel the core of the krypton emperor's body, the foundation of the fire dragon golden demon body, an organelle that is smaller than the cell level.

If Kryptonite's 'bloodline factor' is equivalent to a genetic gene in the nucleus. Then the practice of the Fire Dragon Golden Demon Body is to create an organelle through the 'Krypton Demon Blood Vessel', slowly change the cell structure, change the flesh and blood form, and finally completely change the life form to achieve the purpose of refining the body and repair the power body (Fire Dragon Gold Demon Body) .

This thing combines the information of laws such as 'dragon, iron body, metal, flame', etc., using 'blood flesh, fire element, gold element' as raw materials, absorbs the magic energy of Krypton Emperor, and creates a cell matrix, which is equivalent to 'mitochondria' Such things are densely distributed in the cell.

This 'organelle' perfectly blends the two elements of gold and fire with flesh and blood. After crazy proliferation and full of cytoplasm, it can greatly increase the storage capacity of magic energy, making each cell as hard as steel, which is both flesh and metal life, And perfectly adapted to store the true fire of Krypton Emperor.

"Fire Dragon Golden Bodies, it turns out to be the same, Fire Dragon Golden Bodies! The Krypton Emperor is really a longitudinal wizard, the fire of the Abyssal Sin Dragon is merged with the Kryptonite's steel body, and the golden element is integrated into the flesh, between flesh and metal Between! The Dharma body is formed at the beginning, and it is also the golden body of the "Dari Kryptonite True Flame", and it can also fit the laws of the sun and prove the sun's personality. It is really wonderful, wonderful! "

Li Mo is happy to decipher the Krypton Emperor's body. This kind of 'organelle structure' is the value of the Fire Dragon's Golden Demon Body, and it is above the Krypton Demon Factor and the Demon Dragon Factor. , He could not even copy directly.

Because of this core, all of Krypton's private patents are built, and he tailored them out!

Li Mo found that the way back again, unless he absorbs the true blood of the Krypton emperor and abandons the flame demon into a krypton demon, otherwise he will not be able to practice "Fire Dragon Golden Demon Body"! No wonder Emperor Krypton is so bold that he has handed over all the basic methods of body training. Nima is a tiankeng!

But this kind of thinking has benefited him a lot, and is equally valuable! This seat is the best, is it not to steal the core strength of people for their own use?


With the help of the red of sentient beings, Li Mo madly cracked the secrets of the Krypton Emperor. Although they were all the most basic information and could not go to the next level, it was also the foundation of the Krypton Emperor.

At this moment, the Krypton Emperor of Branch has been lost, and his face is somber and unmoving, and his expression is very ugly, as if he died a mother, the world owes him 350 million and one hundred thousand little aunts.

Suddenly, his face changed wildly, feeling the mysterious stranger, layer by layer cracking open the obstacles he set up, prying into his core technology. Suddenly, his eyes were red, and layers of murderous intentions broke out in his body, violently impacting all around.

Then he could not bear it anymore, and once again hit DC Heavenly Dao, wanting to interrupt the other party's behavior, but unfortunately was bounced off again, and under the agitation of his soul, he spouted ten pounds of old blood.

"Ah! Hate hate hate hate hate hate! Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill!"

At this moment, the Krypton emperor hated his choice of martial arts, and the waste study did not refine the curse and detect the heavenly machine. Otherwise, he must follow this link and reverse the curse to kill the **** king 8 egg! !

Helpless in his heart, he waved his fists wildly and fought around. Wind disasters, flame demons, military disasters, and drought disasters appeared alternately. This land he was exposed to was devastated, turned into scorched hell, and finally collapsed and collapsed completely.


Li Mo fully studies the mystery of the 'Fire Dragon Golden Demon Body', and two models appear in his heart at the same time:

One is that ordinary kryptonian magic has grown to the stage of legendary kryptonic magic and magical body through refining the body. And the other is his radiation flame demon, whose natural growth reaches its limit and impacts the state of the legend (unrefined body).

The foundation of the Fire Dragon Golden Demon Body is based on the mixed bloodline of 'Krypton Star and Demon Dragon'. This has no intersection with his "Sunfire, Radiant Flame Demon" mixed lineage. The deduction is in a dead end.

At this moment, the red of sentient beings also helped Li Mo, refining the 'golden totem' and the 'dragon totem' from the animal soul messenger into two martial arts foreign ministers.

The **** Druid's "Beast Soul Totem" Li Mo completely does not understand, this is the core of the power of blood virtue. So the red of sentient beings restores it to two 'external phases'. If he gave birth to a pie today, in addition to his desperate foreign appearance, he has two more deputy foreign appearances. In particular, ‘Jin Wu’ is as valuable to him as picking a moon dish.

Subsequently, the red of sentient beings successively deciphered several 'law fragments' from the true blood of Krypton Emperor, and became Li Mo's nourishment of knowledge.

"My second Olympics, the Krypton Emperor really deserves to be the devil prince, the reserve of reserves is really too strong, and the removal of the remaining garbage also inspired me! I am blessed by the redness of all beings. No one wants to stop me, the queen helps me, I want to develop a legendary martial art magical power! "

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