Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 809: The red of all living beings

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Li Mo spent another day in the divine space. The blood pool was calm and no accidents broke out, which made him anxious. He didn't want to pin his hopes on outsiders, whether it was the dark hands left by Krypton Emperor and the Devil, or Krypton Gold Lori's ultimate counterattack. He hoped he could seize the initiative and did so.

In the past few days, he has not wasted anything. In addition to brushing the favor of the goddess, he also took the time to organize the items in the platinum apartment, and found two collections of "Krypton Emperor's True Blood" and "Red of All Living Beings" whose rarity exceeds SSR. A bold idea!

If the Krypton Emperor does not put a hand in hand, after helping Blanche, he will also find a safe place to retreat, and at the same time use the two treasures of the red of all living beings and the blood of Kryptonite to digest the huge 'legendary robbery accumulated in the body "Strength", try to glimpse the mystery of Krypton Emperor's six misfortunes, build a fire dragon golden demon body, and use the redness of all beings to stimulate the "yin god" and hit the legendary threshold of the "fire demon robbery system" in one fell swoop.

Now he is in danger, but he may not be able to seize the opportunity and turn the crisis into peace.

The blood demon domain is inextricably linked to the red of sentient beings, and the divine power space is indestructible and cannot be broken, and there are two big men around to guide you throughout the process. Although he was in a hurry, it was a closed place.

On the site of Gorefiend, under the condition of being slammed in full swing, the live retreat performed as a death certificate, and it was exciting to think about it.


In a few days of totally closed life, Li Mo and Krypton Gold Lori got along with each other, and the relationship between them has warmed up a lot. With the passing of the divine power in the body, Gao Lengluo no longer has the restraint of the past, and is happy to communicate with Li Mo, so as to resolve the uneasiness.

Li Mo had an abdomen draft and suddenly asked: "Is the kryptonite goddess, is this blood demon realm related to the 'red of all living beings'?"

"No need to guess, this is part of the separation of the" red beings of all beings. "The original red of beings on this planet is connected to all animals on the earth and is the ultimate destination of all flesh and blood creatures. It records the origin and evolution of species on the earth and is also composed of Earth consciousness-one of the important bases of Gaia in broad sense, similar to Hittheim's 'branch heaven'.

After the invasion of the main world, the earth was reduced to the Permian belt and was completely polluted. The red of sentient beings is also eroded by the Crystal Wall Heavenly Dao, a branch of the Heavenly Dao that represents the bloodline of all the monsters of Warcraft races, and has become an important branch of the DC Heavenly Dao. The change of the red of sentient beings, from the roots, distorts the life attributes of the living beings on the earth, giving them the potential to practice.

The pool of Lazarus in the depths of Gotham can come into contact with the polluted red of beings. And Wayne has inherited from the abyss demons, trying to strip the law of ‘blood’ from the red of all beings, and wants to become a demon god. "

After listening to Krypton's explanation, Li Mo's eyes lit up: "That is to say, this is the location of the 'red of beings'? If I have the key, can I open that door?"

Krypton Lori witnessed Li Mo's robbery of the beast soul messenger, and of course he understood what he was thinking, and replied: "It is not. This is the private territory of the blood demon, and it is also connected to the red kingdom of all living beings. Wayne will ' The rule of blood in the Red of All Living Beings is owned by itself, just like the gods of the main world, occupying a part of the rule, having ready-made priesthood and building the kingdom of God. "

Li Mo understood that this is indeed a direct connection to the red of sentient beings. He also had the key to open the door, but he was locked in Wayne's room and could not be reached without breaking the wall.

"But ..." Krypton Lolita's voice changed, "The blood demon's realm is lower than mine, and the experience is not as rich as mine. He is still some distance away from condensing divinity and achieving demigod. His demon domain is perfect for you. Solution, but in my eyes, there are still loopholes and flaws. I have a way to help you! "

At this time, the remaining soul of Tianjing also came in and made a plan: "Do you want to analyze the real blood of the Krypton Emperor through the red of sentient beings? It's a good note. It can not only greatly improve the realm strength, but also have a short chance to join together. If you go together, before the time runs out, the blood demon ca n’t move you. This is our opportunity! The red of sentient beings is everywhere, covering the entire earth, if you can find a way back to the node of the earth, we can follow Get out of this passage. "

The Blood Demon Realm is an independent closed space, but it is established by the blood rule of the red of all living beings. The Devil is forcibly breaking a passage through the connection between the "Mental Door" and the "Blood Demon Domain", and excommunicating a few people. If Li Mo could find a way out of the red of sentient beings, Kryptonite and Tianjing would be able to escape with the same principle.

Over the course of the day, the two goddesses began to open a small stove for Li Mo, inculcate various knowledge and precautions, and conduct pre-combination training.


At the end of the third day and the fourth sunrise in the blood pool, Krypton Gold Lori was full of energy, fully supporting the ‘divine space’, and did not give Wayne a chance to break. Tian Jing came off to assist Li Mo in this practice.

After finishing the training, Li Mo grabbed a small group of burning blood in his left hand, like the golden blood of a pocket sun, and squeezed a group of continuous worms in his right hand to split the **** substance with short succulent tentacles. Then take a deep breath and prepare for retreat.

When Krypton Lolita made Domin, he acted as a distributor, dumping local products for the world's leading figures and purchasing various rare materials, including the 'Red of All Living Beings'. The value of this thing is huge and rare, but it is of little use to her. I have used it a little curiously.

Therefore, she can be sure that the group of 'reds of sentient beings' in Li Mo's hands is enough for him to go deep into the red kingdom of sentient beings and join together for fifty minutes or more.

"The feeling when you are joining together will be disorienting. Remember not to indulge in it. At least fifteen minutes should be reserved for finding the way. I will stimulate your soul to give you a hint in half an hour. And you must be in the soul. Set the 'Thinking Seal', otherwise you may not remember what to do. 'Tianjing warned, and passed to Li Mo a soul secret called' Thinking Seal '.

Li Mo glanced at the secret technique. With his accumulation in the realm of the soul, he could get through it in a moment, and at the same time perfunctoryly said: "Ah, anh, I'm fine!"

Pure human souls and spirits may be lost in the extreme beauty of union, and even when many powerful demigods condense their divine personality, they will do their part together without paying attention, completely abandoning themselves, and the soul will disintegrate and dissipate and become the supplement of heaven.

But Li Mo is different, there is another 'mechanical seal' in his soul. This is the foundation of the mechanical side, which can coldly and objectively monitor his soul and record everything when he joins. Whenever Li Mo plays off, Da Tuan can give him electrotherapy at the first time to correct it, which is a hundred times more powerful than any ideological stamp.


When everything was ready, he pressed the infamous 'Red of All Living Beings' on his chest. Numerous small tentacles were ejected from the **** substance, pierced into his skin, instantly integrated into his chest, and crawled all over his body in an instant. Spread wildly in the body.

In a blink of an eye, Li Mo's face and skin were covered with densely twisted and creeping blood-colored lines, and his soul was pulled by a mighty force, and entered the state of soul out of the way.

On the other side, the goddess Kryptonite, which had been prepared for a long time, detonated the divine power above the blood pool, the blood demon domain appeared turbulent, and the divine power guided the power of the red of sentient beings, rushed into a flaw, penetrated the blockade of the blood pool, for Li Mo opened the door to the 'red kingdom of all beings'!


At this moment, the blood demon who was also logging in the "Red of All Living Beings" for the final transformation, noticed the violent turmoil of his own demon domain, suddenly awakened, and then realized that the `` network speed '' dropped, and there were strange accounts in his home rubbing the net!

And two! !

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