Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 805: Borrow a knife to kill

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The devil threw out the ideal door in his hand, and the door full of flesh and blood was constantly expanding. It seemed that there was a vigorous and powerful heart hidden inside, making a loud bang and shaking. Eventually, the door grew to a hundred meters before it slowly stopped.

"The road to the void opens, connect ... Gotham Pure Land!"

At the time of speaking, the devil continued to inject his own power into the door of idealism, and finally slowly opened the door of flesh and blood. The Idealist Gate was originally a sacred field of variation, but under his continuous strengthening, it was linked to the ubiquitous DC sky in the void, and an irresistible force broke out. It looks like a heaven-level vacuum cleaner.

On the other side, the Emperor Krypton was put together by the Goddess Krypton, too late to track Blanche ’s whereabouts, and he did not want to be influenced by the goddess interference again, so he blocked the space and suppressed the just sent Blanche, and was distracted. Take care of Li Mo's Gao Lengluo.

Taking advantage of this gap, the devil took a coffin out of the storage space that he carried with him and threw it into the ideal door, with a conspiracy smile on his face. During his actions, he did not forget to wink at the Emperor Krypton, who immediately urged the six-forbidden ban and rolled up the violent wind with the "wind disaster", tearing the goddess of krypton in the cooling period and the earth around her. Cracked and thrown into the door of idealism together.

Under the protection of the goddess, Li Mo felt a whirlwind, and Gao Lengluo beside him just sent Branch away, too late to breathe, and was simultaneously suppressed by the krypton emperor, the devil, and DC Tiandao at the same time. .

The most important thing is that her strength is far from the normal level, and the cause and effect are washed away early. Although he is not hostile to DC Heavenly Dao, he is also not to be seen. His strength is severely restrained and cannot be exerted, but he is exiled into the other end of the gate.


Seeing that Gao Lengluo and Li Mo disappeared together, the Krypton emperor and the devil looked at each other and attacked the idealistic gate together.

Before the goddess Krypton was fully suppressed by the Krypton Emperor, and the door was protected by the devil, she also had to protect Li Mo and send Blanche, and she had no chance to shoot this door. At this moment, the Krypton Emperor and the Devil both released their hands, cut off the connection between the gate and the Heavenly Dao, and then launched an attack together, directly knocking it out.

The gate of the Sanyu Force Field collapsed into the mutation of the road tires and collapsed, bursting into countless large pieces of flesh with a breath of life, and once again condensed under the rule of ‘idealism’, trying to blend together.

"Fire-Devil's Day!"

The Krypton Emperor lifted with one hand, condensed all the power to a point, and created a dark red sun that was rising, burning, and the temperature exceeded tens of thousands of degrees Celsius in a moment, and was about to burn everything.

After proofreading the coordinates, he threw the "Magic Day" in his hand to the ideal door of reintegration. The flesh and the sun collided with the sun, and the dry wood instantly ignited the fire. I saw the demon flames skyrocketing, and completely burned the broken phantom image of the "door of idealism".

A scream was heard between heaven and earth, and the clown that had been swallowed and refined by the gate fell again from the ashes. His body became transparent, there was no heart or brain inside, and there was only a ‘Dionysus Redstone’ in the center of his chest.

His sacred domain force field was permanently destroyed, his realm of strength plummeted from the sacred domain to the lower level of the road tire, and his body was reshaped under the protection of the broken road tire. Eventually turned into a human form. However, he was tragically murdered, slammed, dropped into a bowl, refined, and eventually lost everything. At the moment, his eyes were numb and indifferent.


Seeing that the clown was not dead, the Krypton emperor would cut the grass and get rid of it, but he was stopped by the big devil around him.

"His growth experience, under the supervision and guidance of hell, the achievement of the Idealist Gate was also born of the unique bond between him and Wayne and Gotham. It is not replicable. The Idealist Gate After being destroyed, his life was completely lost. In popular sayings, we deprived him of the "Boss template of Wayne's enemy", squeezing his potential to create an entrance, and now the entrance is ruined, others are wealthy, Not even a supporting role can be counted, and it can't be turned over at all. "

Hearing the devil's explanation, Krypton sneered: "Since it is an insignificant garbage, why stop me from destroying him?"

"It's a trash in your eyes, but after all, he is too generous. He once condensed the soul of the sanctuary of the ideal door, which is much higher than the general trash. He signed a devil contract with me, I want him to let him Experience extreme despair, and then reap an interesting, high-quality soul, which is also a cost recovery. "The devil replied.

The clown has lost his special aura of ‘Wayne ’s Friends + Enemies’, but the essence is still beyond ordinary NPCs. In the eyes of the frugal devil, there is also the value of recycling and rescue, to drain his last potential.

After listening to the Krypton Emperor, he did not insist on bombarding the dumb and clumsy clown, and then waved his arm, connected to the part of his law that eroded the DC Heavenly Path in the void, summoned a group of ordinary Krypton that is not powerful, but a large number. magic. This is the DC cosmic cannon fodder he created using the pool of Lazarus to fight against the cannon fodder of the Gaita Empire.

The Krypton Emperor shook off a golden scale and penetrated into these Kryptonian demons to serve as the core of energy, shaping them into puppets of the level of 'pseudo road tires', and then using flames to condense the image of Blanche and said: " Find her, grab her, and bring me back to see me! "

"Follow your orders!" Hundreds of kryptonite knelt uniformly and responded.

The Krypton Emperor waved his hand, and many Kryptonian demons instantly turned into traces of fire and disappeared. The big devil also took the opportunity to receive the clown and looked at his partner.

The Krypton Emperor asked: "How many chances do you have? How long will it take?"

"At least 70% sure, it won't take long, ten days!"

"What about the Kryptonite?"

The devil's face was bright: "Relax, where she enters, she can't escape anymore. It's really a good idea to borrow a knife to kill someone."

"Farewell to each other."


The door of idealism is a door tailored by the forces of **** after he found the clown.

When Hittarheim invaded the DC universe, the earth had not been reduced to a colony, and the invaders were strongly countered by the will of the planet. At that time, the "Gaia" of the earth distributed welfare to countless children of luck through the red path of all living beings and the green of all things, hoping that they would grow up quickly against the invasion of foreign enemies.

DC Earth will promote a large number of heroes and excellent villains in accordance with the principle of "wide spreading the net, fishing more fish", and the starting welfare of the clown is called "The Source of the Pool of Lazarus", and the starting point is not low. Son of Wayne's much lower.

As the invasion intensified, the will of the earth collapsed, and the main world fostered the puppet heaven in the Permian belt to consolidate the colonial status. The lucky clown was selected by **** and completed all kinds of sales tasks along the way. At the same time, he also experienced many adventures and perfected the "ideal door".

This door may have other magical points, but what **** value is that it can open the deepest space where Gotham and the will of the planet blend, where is the magic domain belonging to Wayne, and it is connected to DC Heavenly Dao and can be Before it was perfected, an inborn **** and demon of the earth version were artificially bred.

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