Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 782: Plan to die (Part 1)

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Kao Luoluo, who came out of the box, was very quiet. Although he did not want to contact and communicate with everyone, it did not cause any trouble. She sits alone in the corner thinking about life and is in harmony with the environment, as if to open the ‘Akalin aura’, even the insects of nature ignore her existence.

If it were not for Li Mo ’s deliberate attention to her several times, he would almost forget that there was such a person. Hitomi also turned out the "Instructions for Use" by Gao Lengluo from the bottom of the box.

Vivienne pointed out in it, that Gao Lengluo has several major functions: First, as long as you bring this Gao Lengluo with the team, you will get lucky blessings. This is a very unnatural thing, go out to pick up money, buy lottery tickets to win, the maximum chance to evade unknown enemies, and even increase the rate of monsters.

Secondly, carrying this high-cold loli with you can disturb the shielding calculation. Fortunately, trouble can not come to you, but Li Mo wants to die for some goals. At this time, the effect of luck is not great. You need to confuse the opportunity to reduce the risk, cover the sight of the big brother, and improve the success rate.

In addition, this high-cold loli also has a treasure hunt ability, which can help them search for various targets. And will be limited to answer questions and give guidance. In the end, Gao Lengluo, as she said, was constantly engulfing energy to recover from cultivation, and it became obscure from a blank piece of paper. In just a few hours, even Li Mo couldn't see her depth.


Therefore, after taking the initiative to talk to each other, the other party said that they would give everyone some help when necessary. And at the critical moment of life and death, he rescued Hitomi and others once, and then ended this cooperation, completely separated.

With this hole card, a few people suddenly had confidence. Li Mo, Blanche and Tong En got together and discussed again.

"Yesterday the Oak Sage passed on my cause and effect for me. This morning I consumed a fortune-telling tool and recalculated my fate with" The Hand of Life ". I found that the karma entangled in the body really dissipated a part. I Guess, the church has already dealt with the empire and continues to convert good deeds for me, and the amount is very large. I do n’t want to be able to wash away the karma for a long time. "

Hearing this, Blanche felt a little regret: "Unfortunately, it is not the cause and effect of the good works of Jingbi Tiandao. The DC heaven is too weak, and the good works of this world have little use."

"This is a bad word!" Li Mo retorted. "When you apply for my Dao tire as a mortgage and apply for the Shen Dao tire mortgage, our causal life is exactly connected. I can apply for the DC Earth Tiandao couple joint causal account. Transfer excess charity to you, repay part of your causal debt for you, and reduce your future burden. "

Seeing Li Mo's shameless and straight-hearted spirit, the fairy girl blushed instantly and felt warm in her heart.

Tongen, who was caught off guard by a bite of dog food, suddenly looked at Li Modao and made a grimace: "Well ... !!! Forced to be the deadliest girl!"

(* /? \ *)! ! !

The chipmunk was teased by Xiao Tongen and immediately covered his face, feeling ashamed and shameless.

Hitomi sees that Blanche is in a wrong state and hurries to change the topic: "If the reincarnation hall management is still here, the cause and effect of this heterogeneous universe will be valuable. Converting the success score, I wonder how many reincarnation privileges can be opened? Or accumulate, Prepare for samsara. "

Li Mo opened the mouth and said: "Before I was in this forest, I mainly waited for Tianjing to complete the reincarnation, and then used her power to pass on the cause and effect and share the pressure, **** us and improve the success rate of the plan. But now the number of lives has changed. There is a continuous flow of good deeds, and with this Lolita ace, Tian Jing ’s role is greatly reduced. I am not going to continue to stay here and waste time, let the opportunity be lost in vain, and prepare to take the initiative to attack! "

After Li Mogang finished his speech, Tong En and Blanche nodded in agreement. Both have risk factors in their bones, but have been depressed for too long. When we come to the sky of the earth where the chance is, and act too conservatively, what chance can we encounter when we stay in this virgin forest? In today's world of great controversy, the opportunity for enlightenment has always been your competition, and you will be eliminated if you are not strong.

Then, Li Mo said: "There are many small goals in this trip to the void, but there are two main purposes to help Kiki complete the" God Mortgage of the Divine Wealth "and step into the sacred sanctuary in one fell swoop. And I intend to Snatch the opportunity of the 'red of all living beings', take a peek at the mystery of the Yin God, and take the opportunity to digest the 'True Blood of Krypton Emperor', and perfect the short board of the Demon Refining Body in one fell swoop! "

Li Mo thought that he planned to help his sister improve the ‘Ziwei Astrolabe’ first. After the team ’s overall strength has grown, it will be more certain to fight for the red of all living beings.

As soon as he finished his thoughts, he was rejected by Blanche: “Let ’s fight for the red of sentient beings first. This thing is limited in quantity and is consumed all the time. The longer it is dragged on, the less chance it will be. The more difficult it is. The difficulty will not change sooner or later. If this loli is really as stated in the manual, you can increase luck, then my road tires should be stable and advanced! "

Li Mogang wanted to refute, and Tong En also opened his mouth: "Sister Qiqi is right. The red of all beings is different from the green of all things. It is controlled by the oak church, but it is split into several parts and many sporadic fragments. This thing is a martial art monk. The coveted treasure can understand the mysteries of the bloodline and condense and strengthen the Yin God in advance. Once it is obtained, it will be quickly used and completely consumed and integrated with ourselves. We have wasted a lot of time and can not delay it any longer. "

"Okay!" Li Mo thought carefully, it was indeed this reason, and he was not hypocritical, putting himself first: "Vivienne told me that the two forces that hold the most reds of all living beings are the" Shake the Devil Palace " With the 'Oak Church-Bloody Druid Branch'. Others get fragments, most of them are secret and not difficult to lock, and are probably already used, or the scarcity is not worth fighting for. "

Hitomi nodded and said, "The Shamanian Demon Palace entered the Tao with martial arts. The individual's combat power is extremely strong, and it is quite tricky to gather together. It is best to put the target on the oak church! Bloody druids are anti-traditional alternatives, and The church ’s disagreement is not well-connected, and it ’s like a stranger. It ’s just that there is a lack of a powerful person who respects Oak Oak in name. We go to rob these guys, as long as we do n’t do too much, it wo n’t attract the church ’s attention. ”

Hitomi's attention was exactly the same as her mother's. Before Vivian left, she also informed Li Mo that he had stolen those **** druids. She greeted some senior members of the Oak Church and opened her eyes to her actions.

"Who should choose to start?"

"Of course it's the 'beast soul messenger'! This guy is a **** druid young generation genius, and also the fourth generation of reincarnation, which is higher than ours and is hailed as the bloodiest druid of this generation. Yiwu After entering the Tao, he became the unprecedented "The Secret Beast of Ten Thousand Beasts", which is very powerful. The most important thing is that I came to the new 27 practice this time, and he was cut off by him. The origin of my planet should be revenge. "

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