Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 772: Yourself! Stop it, don't fight, it's an ally!

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

After the explosion of the ninth day of nuclear explosion, the hearts of both sides were at the same time, Li Mo's expression gradually dignified, and his momentum became more and more fierce.

He temporarily gave up the idea of ​​running, with the mood of the Yanmo Yuantai overview, the warfare was boiling like fire, and stared at the other party fiercely, decided to stay and go all out, and fight hard with this suspected trumpet. This is not only to test the other party's bottom line, to verify their conjectures; but also to have the idea of ​​using the trumpet trumpet as a training goal and measuring his own strength.

At this stage, he has too many additional questions, and his strength has been unbalanced. It is difficult to use the same level of salted fish as a conversion unit. I dare not say that he is invincible of the same rank, but he is also on the upper reaches of the pyramid. Only a school bully who is also proficient in additional questions can threaten him. Even, he dared to talk to ordinary legends and laughed.

However, no matter how much you master the additional questions, you can't limit the vertical stacking combat power, but develop it side by side, mastering multiple "pseudo legend" level exclusive magical powers. Compared with other talented elites, nothing more than richer means, more comprehensive development, more comprehensive.

Before the true spirit is broken through, the field is not formed, and the legal system is not perfect, he is still essentially different from the legend. Now, he is confused about his own positioning and happens to use the other party as a test target to test himself.

On the opposite side, a woman whose spirits are constantly volatilizing feels Li Mo's fighting intention and becomes serious.

She disguised her false disguise and couldn't play anymore. She also decided to go all out. This body is too important for her, so I have to use some non-special means, it is really wronging this little guy!


"Taiyin Killing Field!", "Poison Ivy Field!"

When both sides shot at the same time, Li Mo only had four more success forces, and once again called out more than one hundred lunar lenses, spreading all over the woman's side, acting as nodes, and vaguely forming a simple complex three-dimensional space model.

The other party also uses itself as the core, connects tens of thousands of vines, and forcefully collects and absorbs all the small force fields. Trying to absorb the power of this group of cannibalistic vines in their own bodies, with the 'green of all things' as the core, to enhance their strength to the level of the realm.

This is a conspiracy, and there is no concealment. When Li Mo's heart net detected all this, he naturally dared not give the other party a chance.

In a hurry, he first released five sword spirits, and the "Sura Sword Prison" broke out again, chopping off countless vines with a devastating storm of killing, and set off a sword-storm of stirring.

After seeing the 'Sura Sword Prison', the woman also changed her face and asked, "Invisible Sword Soul! Who are you invisible Jianzong?"

It's a pity that she spoke a step late and her voice was blocked by the Taiyin killing field, and Li Mo couldn't stop at this time!


This kind of legendary killing supernatural power requires huge amount of preparation when starting up, which consumes a lot of energy. Once the special killing is started, he can't even control it.

The woman caught in the Taiyin killing field looks very strange. Faced with the faster and faster Xuanyin sword spirit, she twitched her eyebrows and whispered with her wide sleeves waving: "Even because the game is flying the Excalibur, it destroys the end The first peak in the south. Traveling towards Beiyue and Cangwu, the green snake in his sleeve is bold. "

During the talk, she flicked her sleeves wide and her cuffs burst into countless green lights. The handle is small and exquisite, only a small flying sword with a size of Xu Chang and green like jade. It seems to be writhing in the air, and the sword is fast and sharp. When cutting the air, it is like a snake, and hissing, and The five-handed non-faced sword souls collided continuously at high speed, making a series of explosions.

At the same time as Li Mo's "Sura Luo Jian He" was cast on his left hand, his right hand was simultaneously infused with the power of Qi and Blood and Radiant Demon Radiation, and a high-energy sun condensed in the palm of his hand. He gave birth to a red crow with the concept of the sun, and then he strangled it to death, and guided the destruction of the killing intention with his grudge.

"Red Ravens!"

The small sun collapsed and collapsed, simulating a man-made black hole, and the infinite flame radiation inside it began to collide and annihilate, producing unlimited suction and destruction, and then was put into the Taiyin killing field by Li Mo.

Seeing this, the woman shouted angrily: "Damn you dare!" Then she was dragged into it, and there was no sound.

The red crows were in a state of grief and became mad and enemies. Li Mo was afraid of being injured by accident. He quickly withdrew the Taiyin killing field and received the Xuanyin sword soul. Immediately afterwards, the cannibalic vines within a few tens of meters were swallowed by the black hole, and even the soil on the ground was not let go. They were sucked into the unidentified mixed hole.

Countless vines were extinguished by the radiant sun in the mixed cave, producing pure destructive power, and began to feed and nourish Li Mo, so that the already dried-up "Yan Mo Yuan Tai" quickly returned to life, while rejuvenating the body A round of scouring.

However, all this has nothing to do with the Taiyin system. The reserves of the four-month plate have fallen below the passing line and cannot be recovered in a short time.


Li Mo continued to receive the ‘destructive power’ that he fed back after destroying the vines in the red cave, while continuing to inject radiant power into the unknown space as fuel, further aggravating the reaction and trying to refine the enemy.

However, this enemy is too tricky. Just for a moment, the red crow's burrow becomes unstable. Even if Li Mo injects much fuel, he still can't change the situation of collapse at any time.

Taking advantage of this short period of time, he gave up continuing refinement, turned around to rescue Bido and Amnesia, and stuffed the two poisonous, poisonous worms into the apartment.

Although he does not know the secrets of Gu poison, he is proficient in genetic engineering. Gu Druids, Blood Warlocks, Demon Factors, and Taboo Undead Mysteries all share the same path in many places.

Li Mo's immortal caressed the spirit roots, planted a blank demon fiber for the two, and engulfed the poisonous evil spirits in both of them, purifying the vitality of blood.

It was at this moment that the 'Big Brother Trumpet' also broke out!

She can't be easily destroyed like Ye Yi. Li Mo clearly felt that ‘Red Crow ’s Cave’ would not kill the other party, and even collapsed from within. Both of his two legendary kills failed, he deeply realized that he had a huge gap with the big brother, and immediately summoned the elf sister to prepare to run.

"Little Kiki, let's go!"

"Who left?" An angry female voice was heard from the void, the red crow hole was blown out from the inside, a gap was cracked, and the terrible power of destruction was leaked, igniting this space.

The elf sister locked the previously arranged spatial coordinates, and then all spatial connections were destroyed by this force. The destruction energy evolved in the red crow mixed cave completely penetrated several layers of space, causing huge destruction and chaos.


If the concept of space is quantified, then the back of the real world, the shallowest void is set as the first layer. In the first layer of space, there are countless parallel bands, or frequencies. Li Mo's murderous intention wave can penetrate the shallowest spatial nodes. The deeper the number of layers, the greater the difficulty. The fairy girl eats the bowl of rice in the space, which can be seen through three consecutive large spaces and countless parallel small levels.

At this time, the red crow was mixed in a hole, and was slender with a line, wearing a figure in **** armor, torn from the inside. The leaked destruction energy destroys the two layers of the void, can't stop the earthquake, fold, and fluctuate, completely destroying the chain of the elf girl laying in the void. This connection was broken, and she could not complete the transmission.


Feeling the familiar power, seeing the dazzling blood-colored armor, Li Mo's eyes widened incredulously, exclaimed: "Tuen? !!!"

After hearing Li Mo's shouting, the elf girl who tried to connect the space coordinates was also stunned and made a puzzled voice: "Tuen?"

She hasn't seen Little Loli for more than a year (the elf girl's timeline), and is not sure about the expired Luo's fourth soul position. She chose the blood thorn. It is even less likely to connect the younger sister of 152cm in front of her with the little loli of 108cm.

However, Li Mo is very clear, this is definitely the expired Luo's 'thorn armor'! Different forms, the same taste.

"Tongen !?"

The blood-clad woman heard the words, and the grotesque voice suddenly went up to an octave, and the final voice wore a doubtful tone, but revealed undoubted confidence. These two short words contain different moods such as resentment, ridicule, sneer, murderous intention, and depression.

Li Mo swears that he has never heard such emotionally rich words! One word contains countless emotions.

"Yuan Du Yuan Qi! Biqing Qingsi invisible sword, nineteen vertical and horizontal!"

The blood-colored armor is like a booster, suspended in the sky, transformed into an energy vortex, and madly extracting the plant power of the entire primitive forest. As the spirit recovers, the coercive class climbs, and Li Mo is breathless.

Longevity! The big guy is hanging! This is definitely not the poison loli she knew, but it must be inextricably linked with Tong En!

"Predecessors misunderstood! The men are merciful. I am Tong En's brother! My own!"

"Own person ?!" Blood Armor's voice was full of doubt and anger.

What do you call yourself? Harassing the old lady taking a bath, ruining the dojo, removing the bathtub, disturbing the practice, self-explosive magic weapon, sword soul strangling, destroying the mixed cave ... What hatred do you and I have? What kind of person is this? Thinking of anger, blood armor is even harder.

Twenty-nine green sword lights flew into the sky, then turned and swooped towards Li Mo, then escaped into the invisible, Li Mo burst into an instant, the radiation force field was fully opened, the golden solidification, the form of armed flame demon, and finally The platinum queen sacrificed her in front of her.

However, the invisible sword, silent and interestless, invisible and phaseless, completely escaped from his spiritual perception, and then the next burst of pain all over the body suffered torture in a flash.

The empress, who was standing in front of him, was unscathed, glancing at the same stunned face, and the expression of Blanche on the spot, her expression began to become wonderful.

"Ahhhhh ...!"

The violent venomous vitality enters the body, spreads frantically, and spreads throughout the body in an instant, continuously amplifying his senses and feelings, and he is better off in death than in pain.

Blood Armor descended from the sky, pointed at Li Mo again, and said, "The pulse of fire is agonizing, and if you don't die, you will be frightened!"

A large number of lives, a green snake spit out the letter and flew into Li Mo's chest. Then the blazing power of the flames in his body suddenly ran out of control, and he began to release flame radiation into the body, hurting himself.

Although he himself is the blood of the Flame Demon, the flesh and blood have long been integrated into the "radiation robbing force", and it is impossible for this oolong to appear. But the other side's point out is like traffic jams on the city's main roads, causing paralysis of traffic and causing various internal diseases.

The more abundant the power in Li Mo's body, the more pain will erupt at the moment.


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