Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 496: I came to St. Juliana, not to ...

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

St. Julian's Hospital, from a distance, the main building is a chic high-rise small building, surrounded by independent gardens, not in the downtown area, so the quiet environment is very suitable for cultivation, is a typical European private hospital style, guests Not much.

When Li Mo arrived by car, the senior management of the hospital already knew that the new owner was coming. The former minister of the SNK Investment Department has done everything before, from economic crushing, public opinion guidance, government squashing, gang threats ... Various means of forcibly winning this hospital have also brought serious psychological shadows to the senior officials here .

Therefore, the hospital was cleaned early, waiting for the arrival of Elder Victor. Although there were no dazzling bright red banners and no grumbling "warm welcome", the high-level officials of all departments stood at the gate with a humble and respectful attitude, and bowed and greeted them earnestly.


The black extended car stopped at the door, a black bodyguard first got off the car to support the umbrella, and then Li Mo appeared slowly.

Behind him, many bodyguards with sunglasses accompanied him, exuding the indifferent aura of no one to enter, turning everyone away. Same eye-catching as Millie beside him, with a lovely face, burgundy curly hair, plus a Gothic Lori maid costume, and the expression of the master of the little adult, Li Mo was instantly placed on the column of shame for Lori control.

However, Li Moxin felt like a stalemate, but he was not distracted by his criticism. He had already reached the point of indignity and did not care about the eyes of outsiders. He firmly believed that he was not a lo*ic*n, so he would not be!

Seeing the big guy get out of the car, the senior management of the hospital greeted each other bitterly, trying to make a good impression on him. Professor Li nodded, and the casual politeness encouraged a few words, and then sent these people off one by one.

In the end, his gaze stayed on Cheng Mei, the chief of the gynecology department. This is a mature elder sister, looks beautiful and intellectual coexist, should be a gentle and virtuous woman. However, the reality is shocking. She is the planner of the "special sick building", the source of all evil. Although in the end, he also put himself in to play dead.

Li Mo was too lazy to pay attention to the criminal acts secretly in this hospital. He was not interested in the game of doctors and nurses. He came to St. Julianna this time, not to experience the feeling of **, but to guide talents to rescue talents!

Yes, Professor Li is compassionate and wants to spend all the lost lambs and bring new hope to the world.

"Secretary of the Jingu Temple, is Dr. Ryuji Biliang here? I want to interview him."

Li Mo glanced at the woman, and then turned to look at the scenery of the hospital. She dismissed her, and the scenery seemed more attractive. This made the Secretary very uncomfortable and secretly scolded the **** lo*ic*n!

This Jingu Temple is thin and graceful, but it is difficult to enter the eyes of the professor. In the realm of Li Mo, the appreciation is no longer limited to the appearance, but more on the inner. It is necessary to refer to the combination of the attributes and temperament of the practice, the fluctuation of the spirit and the external traits displayed by the mind, considering the will, character, soul, etc. factor.

Think of the magical life such as Xiaoqiqi and Ke Mi Li as tea cups with delicate textures, then mortal beauties such as Jingu Temple are high-like imitation stoneware. If you do not practice the fundamental method, you will find the weather in your body, and it is difficult to dig deeper into a person's inner beauty. Only when cultivation becomes deeper and the soul continues to sublimate, will it exude a breathtaking beauty.

What are fairies and fairies? It is the baptism and sublimation of the Jingqi nerve Kung fu method, and the cleanness of the lead jade bones and jade bones. This is the real beauty!

If the beauty of the skin is everything, then Professor Li can completely wave his sleeves, clone thousands of books, and benefit the world ’s countless hard-working otakus free from the sea of ​​suffering, gaining immeasurable merits.

"You want to see Long Er?"

The Jinggong Temple couldn't help but doubt. A little doctor in every district, what qualifications deserve the attention of this mysterious big man? It's so strange!

Li Mo looked at her with a hesitant look, and then stared at a clump of flowers and plants, and said quietly: "I heard that he is a personal talent, a little interesting, so I want to see you and talk about it. Your" Sick Building Project " Being creative, I really like his ability. "

Hearing this, the Shrine Temple was struck by lightning, his body trembling abruptly, and his face was pale and ugly, as if he were drowned in the water.

Was found! Was found! His biggest secret was discovered by outsiders, and he was still his big boss. It's over, my life is completely ruined ...!

Just when she lost her fear, Li Mo's voice came into her ears again: "Relax, although your actions are unsavory, but I am not a policeman and I am not interested in bringing you to justice."

Hearing this, Jingu Temple seemed to grab a life-saving straw, and a hot light erupted in his eyes, staring at Li Mo. In order to cover up his secrets, and in order not to expose everything, it is only necessary to drag this person into the water.

Then, in her eyes, there was an amazing charm, and she turned to exude a strong flesh. Desire, in a tempting crime tone, said: "This adult, if you want, we are willing to tailor-made for you A brand new 'Private Sickness Plan', personally adjust | Teach many pure and delicious little nurses in the hospital, if you are not satisfied, we can screen new employees according to your requirements nationwide, to ensure that you experience Supreme treatment at the emperor level. "

This woman's dramatic transformation is simply wonderful. Just now, she is a gentle and intellectual elder sister. In a blink of an eye, she is filled with a strong temptation | confusing breath, causing crime. Many of the bodyguards behind Professor Li were not determined, but they couldn't control their swallowing.

Seeing the other party's intention to stick up, Li Moxin was disgusted, and you can also taint this seat? Then go back half a step without trace. But Millie intervened step by step, blocking him. The child laborer just snorted and controlled the ‘sun fire ability’, the extreme high temperature erupted around him and then disappeared instantly.

At that moment, everyone saw a round of the sun in a trance. The blazing temperature seemed to burn all things, and burned to ashes together with the soul. This horrible illusion is fleeting, making people unable to distinguish between truth and illusion, but the heart is occupied by infinite fear, and the tip of the nose vaguely smells a burning smell.

Jinggong Temple became a mortal and was frightened by Kermily's hands and feet. She really felt the hair on her forehead and cheeks, curled by the heat. The previous careful thought dissipated, the mind was dominated by the spirit of the little succubus, and his head shook with uncontrollable fear.

Li Mo looked at the quail-like Jingu Temple and sighed. This woman is amazing, she is obviously a mortal, but her soul is full of sin, and throwing into the abyss can definitely hatch succubus from ‘desire | desire’ Then he lamented again, how good would Xiaoqiqi be like her? The chipmunk's emotional intelligence is obviously very high, but a little stupid in the emotional field.

"Go tell Biraban. I have limited time and don't want to delay too long, do you understand?" Li Mo asked.

"Yes! Yes! I will inform him."


In the office, Li Mo looked through the employee files in his hand. Qi Yinglian had already joined this hospital as an alternate nurse and stepped into a trap.

As for the plot development to a point? He was unclear and too lazy to pay attention. After all, knowing too much about this thing will cause spiritual pollution and tarnish his strong heart of learning! Xueba does not need **!

Subsequently, he read through the other victims' information. The story of Biraban did not end because the hospital was acquired. However, Li Mo did not intend to let the tragedy develop in the direction of the tragedy, and decided to personally end the evil life of the other party and make virtue for all beings.

At this time, a series of footsteps sounded in the corridor, and a smile smiled on the corner of Li Mo's mouth. Doctor Long Er, who had been so close for a long time, we finally met!

Squeak ... The door was pushed open, and a thin figure came in.

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