Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 469: This F96!

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The parallel earth in 1996 is still a familiar taste.

Li Mo kept reading through an English-language newspaper, and now the northern hemisphere has just entered the spring, just at the beginning of the year. Hong Kong has not returned, it is still under the shadow of Britain. The king of the film world has already sat on the throne of three generations. Atlanta, United States is about to host the 1996 Olympic Games. The world's first Cologne sheep is about to be born. The author of "Doraemon" is about to die. Sorry, "Doraemon" does not exist in this world.

In short, everything is so familiar!

The parallel earth in 1996 was a strange formula.

This is a parallel earth with active energy elements, where fighting has become the mainstream of the world, and the world is still martial. The limits of human beings are constantly being broken, and abilities are endless.

Superman is real. Flesh | Body can beat bullets. Human beings can contend with armored combat vehicles. Myth is not illusory. Going back thousands of years in ancient times, the planet, Gaia, the planet ’s will at that time, has not slept, and the power of mountains and seas is true.

Because the laws of the world have different foundations, the two earths are completely different even if they are similar.

This is a world that is both familiar and unfamiliar. In the past 95 years, a KOF contest that does not exist on other planets has been held. For example, the old woman of Athena at the Palace of Miyazaki, who has just passed her eighteenth birthday this year, is at an age when young and beautiful sailor suits sell meat. It is the hottest idolist female star in Asia. Poor learning scum grass Yajing is still troubled by the difficulty of graduating from high school. As for his scum rival Engamian, he has already given up his studies to join the funeral family, leaving a bright red killing **** comb head to play bass in the bar.

When the doorbell rang, Li Mo put down the newspaper in his hand and walked outside.

It was late at night. At the door of the mansion where he lived, a black car was parked. Two staff members wearing uniforms with the NEST-S logo on the back were welcoming him respectfully.

A gust of wind blew, and it was clearly the season of early spring, but the leaves began to fall, and this ghost place in Australia really did not take the usual road.

"Dr. Victor, please get in the car." The staff opened the door and said.

"Huh." Li Mo nodded and glanced at the sign on the other person's back. Without much words, he got into the car directly.

The car started, drove away from the villa at night, and continued to advance along the road.


It has been two days since he arrived in the world of reincarnation. It was also surprised + unexpected when he first confirmed that he appeared on the Earth in 1996. Technology is so backward, the environment is so familiar, and it is too similar to the earth he lives, which makes Li Mo have a strong doubt. Which earth is this?

The earth is a very wonderful place for the aborigines of Hittarheim, because the reincarnation hall can always be connected to all kinds of ‘earth’. The big brothers of the main world have not been able to confirm what the "Earth" is. In short, this is definitely not an ordinary planet!

The concept of parallel space, of course, the master of the world understands, but the gods and demons firmly believe that these countless ‘Earths’ are not as simple as parallel space, and there must be something stupid behind it. Every earth is a cosmic level test site.

When Li Mo realized that he came to ‘Earth’ again, he was completely confused. Soon, the reincarnation hall gave him an unclear message of ‘decayed martial earth-number 025’, which made him confused.

The naming power of the reincarnation hall can be described as powerful and awkward. Only the ghost can connect the ‘Magic Warrior Universe’ with the ‘Marvel’. Fortunately, the big man who named him hired him to pay points and causal value for Li Mo, and bought him an aboriginal identity template.

Professor Li is already familiar with this kind of thing. This time, he is also an outstanding genius of the Principality of Luxembourg, Victor Lee. The appearance changed slightly and became mixed Asian. Age is disguised as a twenties and looks more mature.

When he turned over his ID, he found a work card printed with the NEST-S logo, and immediately understood what the world was, King of Fighters 96.

This company, Yinchao, has the status equivalent to an umbrella during the Resident Evil. It is a global super consortium that engages in world peace trade and has branches around the world. The industry involves many fields such as medical treatment, biopharmaceuticals, new technology, aerospace, etc. It is mysterious and low-key, and is best at ‘living body experiment’.

Yinchao Biological Black has the world's first technological power! After the explosion, the ‘Clone Sheep Dolly’ will be born, leading by 100 years without pressure. The great genius Dr. Victor, because of his outstanding talent, was early robbed by Yinchao and engaged in related research within the group. He is already a middle- and high-level cadre of the group at a young age and deserves great respect.

Judging from the timeline, it is now the early 96 of the past 95 years. Under the leadership of the old nests, Yinchao Company is engaged in peaceful trade, and its scale has grown rapidly. Soon after, the company leader will be killed by his 50-year-old, but a 20-year-old son with a secondary illness, and then start the god-level prodigal child model. In just three years, it will be a super business enough to subvert the earth The empire was completely defeated.

Not long ago, the big boss Lucar of 1995 exploded, and Gonzitz, the head of the four kings of the heavenly gods, was about to debut. As the ultimate boss of this year, he was defeated by the three artifacts, which opened the curtain for the arrival of the next year ’s snake Orochi. And the sound nest company that he works for wants to officially leave the country, at least another three years.

But with the strength to debut as the ultimate boss three years later, how could it be weak three years ago? How could it be unknown? The development and growth of any force is not achieved overnight. The Yinchao International Consortium in early 96 is already a behemoth hidden in the shadow of the earth, a giant super empire.

The person standing behind Li Mo paid a big price, let him be in one step, became the middle and high-level of Yinchao, and instantly took over huge resources and connections. However, this doesn't work, because all this is frozen!

A week ago, Li Mo had not yet arrived. Dr. Victor, the highest person in charge of the Australian Department of Biology in Yinchao, was reported anonymously by his staff. It was found that private human experiments were carried out in violation of the company ’s pacifist purpose and violated. The international humanitarian spirit was suspended from all work at hand, and was placed under house arrest for investigation.

In just two days, he was barely familiar with everything around him. After contacting the five newcomers through the phone bug, and confirming that they were all arranged in Yinchao, he told them to act low-key and wait for his call. Other things.

Today, during the day, he shot and killed a few muscle kangaroos who were sneaking into the house, and then he was entangled with a little succubus crying and making double repairs all afternoon. Then Professor Li showed great mercy and kissed her well, so that the succubus, who didn't know what Shuang Xiu was, was about to suffocate, and then his face flushed with joy all afternoon. At dinner, he also showed off unlocking three kissing skills, and said he must make persistent efforts to make an excellent small furnace.

In addition, he has an extra piece of kraft paper in his hand that can be continuously changed. The person who hired him infused a hint of soul into this parchment, forming a treasure that he could think about, similar to the diary of the Horcrux of Voldemort.

After entering the KOF Earth, this thing has been completely isolated from the main world, even if it is the idea of ​​a god, it can't be connected with the main world. But even so, the other party can still communicate with Li Mo on the basis of parchment, and the wisdom shown is not in the normal person's home, which is a bit horrified.

Li Mo is very polite to his employer. At this time, the vehicle was driving smoothly, and he was the only one in the carriage, not worried about the secret being discovered, so he took a pen to write and write on the parchment, all in abyssal language.

‘Mr. Lan, what is my mission? Can I always say now? Li Mo wrote. The mysterious owner did not want to be named, so he code-named 'Blue'.

‘I do n’t know. I only know that this world is called Earth. In the distant ancient world, there was a planetary will named Gaia, which can be regarded as the‘ little heaven ’of this celestial body. My goal is this. And what I hire you is to investigate relevant information and assist me to get it. ’

‘Are you kidding me? You let me deal with the heavenly ways of this planet? I am not even the Holy Land. ’

Li Mo's eyes twitched for a while. The situation of this KOF earth was very strange. It was clearly marked by the reincarnation hall very early, but it was not developed very much. The queen did not investigate any information of the reincarnation in these two days. The main world has been infusing energy into the KOF earth through the reincarnation hall, resulting in the increasing concentration of the earth ’s elements. The strength of fighters in this world can no longer be judged by previous information.

‘Gaia on this planet has long been asleep, to be precise, is almost dying, and has officially entered the age of the end of the Fa. It is not dangerous to target it. You just have to cooperate with me as much as possible. You can refuse anything beyond your ability. But if you are slack and do not do your job well, I am also qualified to punish you. ’

‘Are you sure you ’re really just a mind thought? Instead of hiding the avatar in it? ’

Li Mo feels that this sheepskin roll is too smart, and he can monitor his movements throughout the process, making it clear that he must squeeze out his maximum residual value. Fortunately, however, he does not have the right to interfere in all actions in the reincarnation of the world. All the proceeds of his farming here are also his own. He only has the obligation to complete the other party's tasks, and any excess and excessive requests can be rejected.

‘Notify me again if something happens. ’The sheepskin roll was reluctant to talk to him, and the writing soon disappeared, temporarily ending this round of communication.

Obviously, the other party only knows a little about KOF Earth, and the goal is locked in the sleeping ‘Earth Consciousness’. But Li Mo knew all this shady, the employer's goal should be the God of God. In the process of completing this task, he just can play his special skills, brush a point on KOF Earth, and create a large amount of karma.

Thinking about it, Li Mo took out his mobile phone and began to communicate with the queen, constantly recording inspiration and preparing to organize a development plan.

The reincarnation hall does not limit the task time, but the longer the task time is delayed, the conversion of the point cause and effect will continue to decrease, and the final evaluation will also be dragged down by time, so he tentatively sets the time for one year.


In 1996, that was my childhood.

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