Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 465: The magical performance of the magic weapon

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A perfect body lay in front of him. Subconsciously, Li Mo reached out and grabbed the high chest device. The meat ball trembled very elastically, shaking, soft, elastic and warm.

"Fun?" The quiet female voice reached her ears.

"Fun! Uh ..." Li Mo froze, he raised his hand in embarrassment and looked back. The queen, who had grown into a big girl, was staring at him with a grudge.

I can still see the lovely silhouette of Lori, but I have grown into a beautiful and beautiful girl. A bright red shawl with long hair and an unusually familiar dull hair in the middle. The silver-white armor battle skirt is shaped, and an oversized white bow is wrapped around the back waist. Looks cold, pure, domineering, cute?

Li Mo witnessed the whole process of the 'natural magic weapon' sensing heaven and earth from scratch when she was in her own way. She naturally understood why she was like this.

The devil's elder sister's figure, because the 'mechanical fiber' completely engraved the magic circuit in the body of Aoi Saki as the base plate, so the small loli matured instantly, and also inherited the body structure of the Aoi Saki, but the size is more over-leg Long, more in line with the title of the empress.

The long red hair, the original hair color of the dark red clockwork, was successfully inherited. But the original curly hair became straight hair, which should be influenced by the oranges of Cangqi. The stupid hair above the head is obviously Avalon's additional genetic information leaked out during the transformation of Heavenly Path, the stupid hair of the king of the stupid hair.

Similarly, the empress's silver battle skirt armor at the moment is also the information of Avalon's dull king. The huge bow at the waist is the product of the four mechanical octopus tentacles, and it is also the hidden tool + weapon of the empress. As for the garter or something, it's all a pot of oranges from Cangqi.

In the end, the beautiful face of the magician Awanang combines the different advantages of the clockwork loli, the orange of Cangqi, and the three of Altria. Under the influence of heaven, the perfect face naturally developed. Among them, the trace of the clockwork loli is the heaviest, and it combines the characteristics of the other two. It looks very beautiful and comfortable.

Li Mo looked a little dazed, and this stand-in messenger is getting more and more beautiful? Where to place my elf girl and little succubus?

Just when he was distracted, a pair of glasses suddenly appeared on the Queen's face, blocking the eyes from looking at each other, and he was released from the bewitched state.

"What's going on?" Li Mo asked curiously.

"When the Dao Demon changed, it gave me a pair of insight into the magic eyes, with its own charm effects."

The empress tilted her head, feeling a brand new body, and nodded in satisfaction. Her low ‘Tuanzi Emotional Intelligence’ has also been significantly enhanced under the strengthening of the mechanical heavenly path. It is no longer cold and cold, and more humane.

This steel body, also under the action of 'mechanical fibers', happened in a subtle adaptation, exuding temperature, having elasticity, between machinery and living things, and became a 'taboo doll' in the category of detached pure machinery , At the same time, it is also a "surrogate messenger" is also a "magic weapon".

Seeing Li Mo still staring, the young lady of the magic weapon shrank quickly, and the battle skirt became a silver-white children's dress. The bow on the back was still huge, and there was not much change. It restored the look of Lori from the previous clockwork era.

"Why are you getting smaller?" Li Mo was not happy, but you are the magic weapon of this seat, your heart is connected, and you haven't finished the appreciation of this seat.

"Stupid! Power saving!" The Empress gave Li Mo a blank look. The loli form is significantly more energy-efficient than the younger sister form.

"Come and come, tell me what your dexterous core has?" Li Mo was not angry when he was despised, and he pulled over the Queen Lori and asked excitedly.

This is his first magic weapon! It's still a magic weapon of life, it also brings its own spirit, and it's still humanoid, but it seems to have nothing to do with weapons. The body is a scabbard, and after being humanized, it is less likely to be used as a weapon in your hand. The picture of a beautiful girl fighting is so beautiful, Li Mo dare not think about it.

Just now ‘Avalon’ attracted ‘Mechanical Heavenly Path’ for a free magical reform, which has given him huge benefits. An original "mechanical method of refining magic weapons" was added to his mind. This is the mystery of the power method given by heaven, just like the natural enlightenment of the gods and beasts. This is similar to the "Demon Fiber-Demon Factor", which is the basis of his enlightenment.

The Queen ’s body was turned into a magic weapon, Avalon became the core of ‘ingenious magic circuit’, and a series of unconscious changes in the body were all benefits to the Queen. He did not know the specific content, so he asked.

Bai Jin Loli leaned beside Li Mo and closed her eyes carefully for self-examination, and then said: "The eyes have become more powerful, with more insight, perspective, analysis, charm and other functions! The body is very powerful and the feeling is infinite!"

As she said, she squeezed her little fist and gently waved forward. The fist hit the air directly, bringing out a white air wave spreading around, and at the same time making a sonic boom, blowing Li Mo's hair flying.

She is now an expensive magic weapon accumulated from a pile of super magic metal essences. The artifact body and human-shaped Tyrannosaurus can not be considered from the human perspective. It is somewhat polite to say that she is compressed into a Lolita-shaped super tank armor.

In terms of physique alone, the magic weapon can be described as overbearing, with both the Edelman King Kong immortal body, the positive and negative vibration golden golden bell cover, the shadow steel phantom body, the Cabernet radiation war body, the congenital star star treasure, the Mithril The magic element is friendly to the physique ... As for the weight: kill you!

"Mechanical Linggen is very good, it makes me feel alive, and mechanical radiation flows in the body. I can imitate the state of your practice and further strengthen myself by training and strengthening the mechanical magic energy. The mechanical runes are very powerful and can only be resolved by 1%. . Clever circuit-Avalon has brought many abilities, the force field has been regenerated, and officially entered the sanctuary level but there is no birth tire. There are many new abilities, much like soul position supernatural powers. "


After the scrapped clockwork evolved into a magic weapon, the relationship with Li Mo became closer.

Since then, the empress has gained the ability to practice on her own, and she has neither exercises nor exercises. Her essence is a magic weapon, as long as she keeps tempering herself to improve the quality and level of the magic weapon. Although the queen has life characteristics, the essence is still an object rather than a living thing. Therefore, there is no ‘tractor’ in the body, but a similar core ‘Avalon circuit’.

After the production of ‘Magic Man’, Li Mo felt the looming call, and the fourth reincarnation was about to start in a day or two, leaving him little time.

Fortunately, he has been gaining a lot of money recently, "Three Fires Return to the Origin" has successfully demolished, and the system of Yanmo's robbery has been completed, and the golden body of Yanmo and the immortal golden body have not fallen. Xuanyin sword soul Xiaocheng, slaughtering a lot of evil life to supplement the spirit of resentment sword, Taiyin Qingqi has condensed 14 ways, and its own strength is steadily improving. His current strength is beyond the mid-term level.

Coupled with the bodyguard of the ambassador Fabao Niang, who was just released, he is full of confidence in this reincarnation. The empress fed back a set of data to make him more at ease. After becoming a magic weapon, the strength of the regiment stood firmly at the level of the sanctuary, and the pseudo force field has become a real sanctuary force field-fairy town.

Subsequently, Li Mo withdrew from the apartment and appeared in front of Blanche with a new version of Li Momo.

The elf sister is also sorting out her fundamental law these days. He purchased several star-level exercises in the reincarnation hall, each of which pointed directly at the avenue, which made the elf girl choose and dilemma. Blanche is now intercepting the essence of several magical skills and wants to tailor a super basic method for himself.

But Li Mo is not optimistic. He thinks the elf girl is too ambitious and greedy. According to the framework of the Three Fires, he had a lot of difficulties in tailoring the magic book for himself. Is there more than two digits in the death test? The elf girl wants to be compatible with the strengths of several companies. The difficulty behind this can be imagined.

"Take a break and show you my latest secret weapon!" Li Mo pulled the doll-like queen from the apartment.

"Queen Platinum? Did you change the shell for her again? Why is it a child, the combat effectiveness is too low." Blanche raised her eyebrows, confused. She has no prejudice against ambassadors. Recently, she has also acquired senior arrows in the abyss market and wants to get one.

Soon, the little succubus also ran into the house, pouring tea to the two people diligently, and then staying beside Li Mo, the little fan-like **** looked at Li Mo and listened carefully. Li Mo has already begun to show off the miraculous hobby of Millie to the elf girl and the little succubus.

The little succubus EQ is very appreciative. After learning the identity of the queen, she voluntarily ran to falter the magic weapon and got a cold response. The elf girl's love for big dumplings is 100 times better than Li Mo. She has always been salivating the hidden "law of space" inside Avalon, but unfortunately, her limited strength cannot be deciphered.

Now Li Momo uses the scabbard as the core, turning this ‘conceptual armament’ into a ‘magic loop’, and Blanche is excited all day. She has always relied on Li Mo to examine the body and conduct various tests on the hands and feet of the platinum queen.

In the end, Li Mo and Blanche determined that the new queen had the following abilities:

1 Space ability, far away from the ideal hometown of the world. Hundreds of pieces can be decomposed to construct an absolutely independent field of force field, a space that cannot be touched-Goblin Township. It can rebound attacks, interfere in time and space, and seal. This space can be used not only for fighting and acting as a single fortress, but also for research and shielding from outside observation. The specific content is to be developed.

This ability endows the magical treasure with spatial attributes and endless potential, so it is coveted by the elf girl. Blanche strongly wants to accept the magic weapon of life and death as a disciple, to cultivate and study hard, but Li Mo refuses to ...

2 immortality-mechanical nanny. The empress has its own immortal characteristics and can be repaired automatically after being destroyed. You can also take the post of nurse, giving Li Mo blood back. But the greater ability is to repair all local machine items covered by the force field. If Li Mo builds a mechanical army in the future, then the queen is the priest of the gods, who can perform mechanical treatments on the puppets who have been exploded. To be developed.

3 scabbard attributes. As a human-shaped scabbard, the queen has an inexplicable connection with the sword's attributes. Li Mo has determined that she can act as a ‘sword box’ to help herself to cultivate her sword spirit and assist in the cultivation of Xuanyin sword spirit. As for other functions, to be developed.

4 The body of the artifact. Because of the high cost and precious materials, coupled with the mysterious ‘mechanical spirit root’ (uniqueness), the Queen ’s body is incredibly expensive, possessing incredible capabilities, and an indescribable weight. (Magic Eye is included in this item) to be developed.

5 magic loop. The mechanical fiber replicates the magic circuit of Cangqi Orange as the base of the body and reshapes the mechanical root. Therefore, the mysterious characteristics hidden in the queen's body are suspected to be related to the doll technology and have not been developed.

6 bows. Based on the four mechanical tentacles made by Dr. Octopus, it is a fusion of a variety of rare metals, which has been transformed into a large bow tie through heavenly transformation, decorations + tools + weapons. To be developed.

7 hours? The time capability is suspected, the details are unknown.

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