Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1838: Leopard and Orange Catman's Wakanda Raiders plan

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A week later, Victor handed over to Kirk Monger (Leopard Panther) who successfully received a full set of ‘electrical therapy re-education’, and gave him a black technology phone, saying that the plan can begin!

This phone can call at any time and summon yourself to come. Bigger than Nicole, who called Amazed in her hand, had to wait a few more days for the "broken pager".

Director Black Skull took the coma state "Prince Wakanda Reserve", nodded with satisfaction, and then quickly contacted SHIELD's confidant young fish to act on a global scale.

One day later, Agent Green Widow, who was also able to open the ‘Space Gate’ all over the earth, took Agent ‘Venom Girl (Little Widow)’ in Australia and captured the internationally wanted criminal ‘Ulysses Crowe’.

This guy long ago, under the leak of his father, "Jian Ermeng", once grabbed a vote from Wakanda. Since then, he has never missed Wakanda's "Zhenjin" and "Black Technology" and has been doing illegal vibration. The gold business is the biggest enemy in Wakanda's eyes! none of them.

It is a pity that, regardless of the previous generation of black panthers (this generation of kings) or this generation of black panthers (reserve of the crown prince), although they have mastered the black technology that has surpassed the earth for nearly one hundred years, and have a sword and gun that is invincible in the contemporary invincible war suit, in addition to With a "heart-shaped grass" enhancement comparable to the super warrior serum ... this is almost flying dragon face.

But the two generations of Black Panthers couldn't catch such a lowB enemy, and still dominated the throne and refused to retreat.

It was the father of "Chicken Brother" who had grass on his grave. When he settled in the free and harmonious beacon country, he was brutally discriminated and humiliated. He could n’t help but ask himself, because it is clear that Wakanda has the technology that overrides the earth and lives the most luxurious life, why do n’t we rescue the uncles who help the whole planet , Share this wonderful world together?

Beat a **** dynasty! Then rule the earth, and the powerful chromosomes dominate the world, wouldn't it be beautiful?

So he was killed by his brother, the contemporary king, 'missing' ...

(Marvel Universe, Baipi Dachang, this is God's will. Those who go against the sky will be traumatized.)

Today, the big widow sits and monitors personally, and comes with a trumpet to brush experience.

The Venom Girl provides a wave of attacks, and takes away the big criminals who can send ultrasound waves, and packs them back to the SHIELD as a knocking brick for Vakanda's strategy.

After some preparations were completed, Director Nicole called Victor's phone, and the latter dispatched Sheming Pill to deliver the Prince Prince's token of the year "Prince Job (chicken father)" and a diary.

Nicole Fury studied hard for half an hour, filtered information from it, and made up a true origin for himself. When the chicken father competed with the leopard father (the father of this generation of black panthers) for the throne, he once left Vacanda to enter the human world to study.

At that time, they all had reliable personal guards around them, but it was a pity that the ‘Leopard Father’ had a better way to arrange the confidant next to the ‘Chicken Father’. In the end, he ended up with a talented chicken father ...

However, in this note, it is also recorded that ‘chicken dad’ is likely to have a ‘dark guard’ hidden deeper, which is the origin of ‘Orange Catman Nicole Fury’!

Three days later, when the space door was closed again, he was thoroughly brainwashed, but he did not lose his mind. He still maintained the original personality and thoughts of the "Leopard-Kilmonge", and the "Orange Catman" who met with a big gift bag Nicole Fry 'appeared at the border of the Kingdom of Wakanda.

After deliberately walking on foot for two hours in a high-profile manner, and taking out modern weapons, slaughtering two ‘Wakanda free-range rhinos’ who were eating well-behaved grass, they successfully alarmed the guards of the border tribe!

Soon, the soldiers of the border tribe surrounded the two intruders. At the moment, Director Nicole also understood that relying solely on self-reported identity, claiming that Kielmonger was a ‘royal member’ in exile, it was likely that not only would no one believe it, but he might also be killed as a provocation.

So "Orange Catman and the Leopard" glanced at each other, dropped the "Gift Pack" and entered the battle form, and broke out with the border soldiers holding the "black technology cold weapon"!

In the days when S.H.I.E.L.D. enlightened ‘Captain of the Predator’, Director Nicole has not been lax about the study of ‘American Team Fragments’.

‘Super Warrior Serum’ is always unable to replicate perfectly, which leads to its ‘Unique Uniqueness’. In addition to the ordinary ‘gene potentiating agents’, another special meaning is attached.

Now after the American team wins, his body fragments are collected by SHIELD. Nick carried out a bold experiment, and extracted a "American Team Essence" from the "American Team Fragments"!

In the end, before this operation, with the help of S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists, he completed a "human training" with "Marvel's biological means". Successfully transplanted the first-generation target cells ... Infused the body's "essence" of the first-generation American team into the body.

As the ‘Radiant Demon’ allotrope next door, the ‘Black Skeleton Director’ of the movie universe is also well-established, successfully carrying the impact of the ‘Super Warrior Serum’ and becoming the new ‘Captain of SHIELD’!

Originally possessing this coveted power, Nicole should be happy and satisfied. But in the last month, he has seen too many incredible things, such as magician, futuristic man, parallel space-time traveler, super alien, dark overlord purple sweet potato ... These pressures made him breathless.

The "Orange Catman" created by the "Super Serum" is just a trivial starting point. He needs to become a "Super Black Panther" and wear a Zhenjin suit to get a little sense of security. Even ... Nicole recalled Captain Marvel's experience and experience, and was eager to try a similar enhancement, so he has secretly arranged scientists in recent times to carry out analytical research on the "Cosmic Cube".

At this time, at the Wakanda border, not only the "Orange Catman Black Skull" surpassed humans, but the leopard also gained an extraordinary power when receiving treatment from Victor.

The two superheroes joined forces and soon defeated the border fighters. But in order to show sincerity, no one was killed.

When the scene was quiet, the leopard kicked the unconscious 'Ulysses' and said to the group of soldiers: "Look clearly at him! Ulysses Crow, Wakanda's biggest enemy! He brutally killed The people of Wakanda stole Zhenjin and sold them in the outside world, but the incompetent Techara and his sons could not catch him, and could not revenge the people of Wakanda! "

"I, Eric Kilmonger, the only son of Prince Job, did not use any external force, but used his own power to investigate, track, and arrest the great enemy of Wakanda. Now you are a group of right and wrong. The guy with points, should stop my path? If I have malicious intentions towards Wakanda, can you still listen to me alive? "Leopard stepped on the face of the spree and questioned his soul.

As honest and simple, even if they have the technology to lead the human world, but they have not received any basic education since childhood, and they have lived the life of foolish primitive tribes, the "border warriors" who were quickly conquered by Kilmonge ’s rational argument , And sent a team of people to promote "a wandering prince, who seized Wakanda's old enemy with his own strength, and now recognizes that his ancestors have returned."

This wave of operation quickly disturbed the Wakanda royal family, and it was too late to cover up.

The leopards and orange cat man as VIPs were brought to the capital, and they have seen the perennial life of obscenity. They have been obsessed with contemporary kings. They are already young and fierce, with good body maintenance, and their faces are mature and convincing. Techara.

When I officially saw Kielmonger, from his young face, I could discern the younger brother's demise of the younger brother from the bottom of his heart and said "I'm fucking" in the bottom of my heart, and then showed complex emotions such as guilt, regret, sorrow ...

Just as he was brewing his emotions and preparing for the peak outbreak, his wife, Black Panther's mother, and the Queen Mother Lakanda of Wakanda, jumped out first, angering Eric for lying, and was a liar.

Afterwards, the old king opened his mouth to persuade, singing white faces and red faces one by one, trying to save some impression points in Kielmonger's heart. And thinking, how to dismiss this poor relative who clearly hates? The hereditary system of Wakanda's throne, your father's failure to win the heir, you must find an excuse to let him pounce on the street, don't threaten my son's status.

However, at this time, the old minister Wakabi stood firmly on the side of 'Chicken Brother', and the royal ring found from him was the relic of 'Chicken Father'. The old king was inexperienced in that year. After the murder, he did not cut the grass and remove the roots. Even the scene was not cleaned up, leaving such a huge flaw.

Without this ring, everything will be different

"Speaking without proof, I asked to verify my lineage! Prove my identity."

At this time, Kielmonger took out the 'Daddy's Diary' and pointed to the gift package 'Ulysses' and said aloud: "Thirty years ago, my father died in the lighthouse country for unknown reasons, and our mother and son were suffering. After waiting for many years, I never saw someone from Wakanda come to rescue us. Eventually, my mother died in a slum, and I took my father ’s relics and understood my life experience. I vowed to go back to Wakanda and ask. Why? Why should I do this to me? My father is clearly a prince, but this is the end? Even his wife and children have been persecuted. Who is targeting him? "

"During my adulthood, I accidentally learned that the villain Ulysses was the enemy of Wakanda, so I joined the army for training, only to catch this sinner and give it to the people of Wakanda. Judgment! Now, I ’m back, I want to prove everything, I want the truth, I want to regain my father ’s glory and status! The King of Wakanda, following ancient traditions, I ’m going to ask you issue a challenge!"

"Kilmonge", who is strong and has a devil's muscles, raised his finger to the old king who was obese and stupid, and said that he would follow the custom of Wakanda to a duel of life and death.

The old king secretly said, ‘My fuck! ’

Do you want to be so hot? I knew you were such a bastard, and even you and your mother dealt with it! Really worthy of being a mixed blood polluted by the genes of the evil empire.

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