Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1795: my dad!

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

The "quantum domain concept" and "time-space shuttle formula" proposed by Sister Green temporarily shocked Tony, and even the little widow's doubts were slightly shaken.

However, the agents of SHIELD are tenacious, and the little widow still does not trust the big widow completely. She also has a secret weapon in her hands.

Before Tony was informed by Widow Sister (Green) of the "parallel universe", he secretly contacted S.H.I.E.L.D., and Director Nick Halogen also knew about the explosive intelligence.

At this moment, Fury felt a sudden move, remembering that two powerful "space-time hackers" appeared in New York not long ago.


About a month ago, two strangers suddenly appeared in New York City. The picture of them passing through time and space happened to be captured by the monitor. If this is the case, naturally it is not enough.

Subsequently, S.H.I.E.L.D. organized a group of magical “Marvel physics experts”. After completely unscientific on-site exploration, the ghost made a conclusion that this is the trace of energy fluctuations left by the space-time shuttle, and vowed to be afraid The chest promised that, after being convinced by the rationale, the Director of Braised Eggs could not help falling into deep worries.

Immediately, he arranged Agent Aegis to conduct a quiet trial and confirm from various aspects. Although these two "space-time hackers" are powerful, they have normal thinking and weak personality. There is no obvious criminal tendency, good and evil views are within his acceptance range, and you can indirectly control them to sell their lives through money, which is a very useful piece.

Therefore, in addition to strict surveillance, Braised Eggs made an exception to recruit them to the "Avenger" and became a reserve. This approach seems to regard them as companions? In fact, it is placed under the eyelid and monitored, and it can be used at any time to send dead cannon fodder.

Not long ago, one of the "Avenger Reserve A" suddenly lost contact, which made him vigilant again; while the other B stayed in New York, and showed his conscientiousness and diligence, giving him a little peace of mind.

But soon, he got a part of the intelligence information about the future from the mouth of B, who has no mouth!

However, the director of "everything can be suspected" has been suspicious of ghosts all day long, and has never trusted the ghost words of B. Instead, because of these "future information", he has fallen into a self-tangled self-confidence, and the more he struggles, the more he loses hair! With no hair at all, he felt his scalp shone brighter than usual.

Suddenly I received Tony ’s emergency notice this time, and it was accompanied by a voice of the Green Widow sister describing the bad situation of ‘Parallel Universe’. I think a huge conspiracy network is quietly opening to the "Aegis Bureau".

Intuition tells him that these two "parallel universe" visitors must be inextricably linked to the previous two "space travelers". So he not only sent the "True Widow" to confront the "False Widow", but also sent the "Avenger Reserve B" to confront the two space-time travelers.

If the three of them are together, they will certainly show some unusual traces, which will be the key to breaking the game! What if they are not a gang but hostile? Then the flaws will be more easily exposed!


So after ‘Little Widow’ entered, she turned on the positioning device of SHIELD to allow that ‘Reserve B’ to quickly track herself.

At the next moment, while Victor et al. And Tony discussed the various conditions and variables of the 'time and space shuttle', a black spot suddenly flew out of the sky outside the window.

The black spot grew bigger and bigger, and flew towards the top floor of the Stark Building with a strong wind. The black shadow is constantly zooming in, and a figure can be seen vaguely, and the building's defense system is activated at the same time, and a defensive attack is about to be launched.

At this time, the widow (black) suddenly said: "Tony stop! Don't attack, it's a member of the Avengers!"

"Jarvis, lift the defense!"

With Tony's order, the weapon that was about to be activated again fell silent. The figure also approached at a rapid speed, and finally slammed heavily against the glass wall overlooking the whole of New York.

Victor looked at it, a young girl dressed in sports shoes, squatting perpendicularly to the glass wall at this moment, and then using her fingers to light the window, made a gesture of opening the door and let Tony let her in.

A window opened automatically, and the girl ignored Newton's law, walked straight on the glass wall, and then jumped in from the window: "Um ... finally found."

At this time Tony was staring at each other with curiosity. If it wasn't the Hulk's muscular stick, this was his first close observation of a 'superpowered person'. Well, the "Green Sister" who opened the space door with his bare hands just now is one.

Victor is also observing this girl. This is an oriental girl who should go to high school. She has black hair and black eyes, and she has short and smart hair. She wears a daily dress of European and American girls, and her lower body is a pair of sweatpants for running.

The opponent's body exudes a faint enchantment, there are traces of practicing the 'fundamental law', and he entered the Tao with martial arts! The foundation is very solid, and this martial arts he is also familiar with "Fengshen Legs"! The opponent is not an aborigine of the ‘Magic Warlock Universe’ but a ‘gold digger’ from the main world!

The advent of the main world actually appeared in the "Marvel Movie Universe", it seems that she is the fifth person!

"It's you!" × 2

When the girl and the green widow stared at each other for a moment, the two sides were simultaneously surprised. And the girl was nervously making alert movements and blurted out: "It's you? Green poison woman! Didn't expect you to chase this world?"

"Do you know her?" Victor looked at the widow (green) curiously.

The other party nodded and said ugly: "It was she who was under the direction of your two artificial intelligences, snatched the equipment of Ant-Man and arrived in this universe one step ahead."

At first, this group of people killed halfway and hit her by surprise, only to let the small group successfully cross the parallel universe, and her side could not be completed.

Natasha, who saw everything in her eyes, secretly knew that these people really knew, and quietly passed the scene that happened on the scene back to the intelligence satellite of SHIELD.

Just when Sister Green and the girl did not deal with the stalemate, Tony suddenly interjected and asked, "Who is she? Another stranger?"

"The Avengers Reserve that the Secretary just recruited is suspected to be from the" future "space-time traveler, code-named" God in the Wind "!" The black widow replied.

The girl glanced at Victor strangely, then turned to look at Tony and proudly said: "Yes, I am the" New York's fastest legend ", the first reporter of the Horn Daily, running faster than Wallace's wind "God of the Middle", the Avengers Shooting Maruman! You just call me "Fengshen". Mr. Stark, please meet me for the first time. "

The God of the Wind had heard Tienini ’s famous name as early as in the ‘Magic Universe’ and knew she was the richest woman on earth. After arriving in the movie universe, I have seen Tony's steel battle suit that is so gorgeous that there are no friends and once blew out the eyes of the bully. I deeply understand that this goods is the first short and rich handsome on the planet!

As for the Wakanda non-emirates with mines at home? Ha ha ... she was n’t the ‘Wakanda’ who had never seen the pinnacle. She even witnessed the first village in Africa turned into ruins under the attack of Da Pa. Black Panther is a hammer! The sand sculpture that was launched as a target to attract hatred, really thought that he was more rich than 'Moneyman'?

Tony Stark is the big man worthy of her respect. This is a potential ‘golden master dad’. It's about whether she can live a good life on this earth? Vital existence.

"You are the" crow "who betrayed" Kappa "?!" Victor first reacted to Tony after hearing the girl's self-introduction and frowned.

He was wondering which one is kind, and dare to betray his own disciples? It turned out to be this brave crow!

"What kind of person are you?" Lao Di's **** of the wind, who was uncovered, suddenly became a thief and looked at Victor with a horrified expression. The big secret in my heart was revealed, and my confidence and calmness collapsed instantly. I looked at Victor with a vigilant face. "Are you the rescuer invited by the Green Poison Woman?"

"I'm your boss! Where is the grandson who died ?? Where is he? Pale and your two bosses, where are they now ?!"

The **** in the wind was scared back again and again and asked anxiously: "Are you really a big boss?"

"Nonsense, what tokens are on you, take them out, and I will show you."

"Okay!" The Crow Girl also realized the task given to her by the big brother, and immediately took out three items from her pocket, which were pale, bean paste, and sesame. As long as Victor can open anything, he can prove his identity.

After receiving the three items, Victor completed the ‘verification’ without any hesitation. These are all 'verification devices' made by Zunmo in accordance with the internal communication methods of New Moon.

Seeing this scene, the hot pants girl no longer hesitated, kneeling down in tears, and hugged Victor without a shame. Shouted loudly: "Dad is on, and my daughter worships!"

Compared to ‘this ultimate gold master dad’, ‘rich man-shit walker’ is just a shit!

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