Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1782: The past and present of a generation of "model gods"

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Inexplicably, Bai picked up a disciple, and because of the excessive weight of the small group and the pale promise, this master-student causally grew to the level of a "personal disciple."

This is his own pot, even if he kneels, he must carry it on his back.

Therefore, he can't just leave the little guy to go to the parallel universe, so he suspended the plan to shuttle the universe, and let the widow wait a little longer.

And he happened to perform the duties of a "plastic master", caring about this newly acquired cheap apprentice, and by the way testing her talents and qualifications to see if he is qualified to inherit his own mantle?

Bring the small potmate to a separate room first. After a short conversation, Victor began to calculate her roots and the depth of her fate?

Speaking of which step he has come to today, it is considered to be well-informed. What creatures in the heavens and the world have he never seen? Even the monster in Fantasy Township is not the first one! I heard that Ben Zunmo last traveled on vacation and saw a mentally retarded person (⑨)?

Once, when he participated in the Abyss Auction Festival and secretly promoted the "Moon Eye Online Mall", he saw a "Xieya Suwa" returned by a high-priced auction that was used by the Slavonic tribe as a tool for racial revival.

The little toad's roots are quite impressive, and it comes with 'ethnic divinity + divine personality', but it is one of the orthodox world's eight million wild hair gods, and it has great potential for magical reform in the main world. Human refining, refining incarnations, refining artifacts, or refining divine pill ... are all first-class choices.

However, the Slachan tribe is not short-sighted, but instead regarded her as an ancestor god, worshiping it day and night, and hurriedly created an ‘artificial deity god’ before the Tiandao closed beta.

However, he later heard that this 'Suwako' was reluctant to perform the duties of the gods (breeding offspring?) After successfully using the Slavonic tribe's heritage to 'magic change to God', and refused to create a Slavonic tribe. The son of the luck of the blood (semi-sacred son?) In Tiandao tested for the race of ancestry of the ancestors. Instead, he spent a lot of money and ran away directly ... This made the history of those waiting in line to get on the train. The elders leaped like thunder and issued a high-reward wanted order throughout the astral world.

Compared to the ‘God Shrimp’ who escapes marriage, the ‘Kappa’ in front of him is much worse!

One is Tian Huang Gui Zhou, the other is the poor Kappa.

Not only does he have no divinity in his body, but his life is also so-so, even the blood of the monster is common, and his luck is only stronger than that of ordinary passers-by. . It is not a ‘God of God’ reserve, it is just one of the many little Kappa in the world.

In terms of strength and state, it is also very poor, actually hovering under the road foundation? Not even a legend! Weak unexpected.

This year, the Tao has started to be tested internally. There is no "legendary diploma" let alone looking for a job. I can't even raise my head to say hello. Victor was also amazed. What on earth did the little guy live to today? Is it just courage? !

"You are so powerful, how did you survive these years? No surprises!" Victor couldn't help but wonder.


Kappa's mouth pouted, and a very strange look slowly narrated.


There was nothing to introduce in her previous life, and it has been completely destroyed by the time and space storm. Let's talk directly about this life.

When she appeared in the main world and regained consciousness, she happened to be on a life planet in the Old Star Realm.

The Old Star World is the earliest meeting place of ‘Mechanical Heavenly Path and Cultivation Heavenly Path’ in Hitaheim. It is also the most chaotic and complicated place where major forces interweave and various civilizations collide.

The rise of the abyss is due to the main theme of "chaos and disorder". The mother of the abyss never sets tariffs, opens the market, and welcomes the entire universe to come to invest. This open atmosphere has attracted a large number of forces to invest in home ownership.

The development of the Old Star Realm is more of an advantage in space location, and it is also connected to 'outer space, the material plane community, and the twisted Star Realm.' Find.

Thanks to the work experience of the previous life, Hecheng Hetuo is an experienced ‘technician’, proficient in car milling and grinding pliers ... has super hands-on ability, it will be disassembled immediately after discovering artificial artifacts, and then assembled. Exquisite craftsmanship, good at making mechanical props.

As far as the ‘hands-on ability’ is concerned, she is no weaker than Tony Stark, the god-man who spun out the fusion reactor in his bedroom. But Kappa's strength is only at the level of "hands-on".

In terms of 'knowledge reserve, theoretical design, and creativity', she is still very weak. After all, she lived in a backward and closed 'monster village' in her previous life. She has not experienced a systematic education, and only a few inventions are accidents. The product, put in the high-tech universe of Hitaheim, is almost at the level of the front-line operators in the workshop.

It can only be said that she is a ‘female technician’ with very rich practical experience, and once recognized as the ‘God of Fantasia Fitter! ’. The alarm clock in the old lady ’s house was broken, the rice cooker in the old lady ’s house was fried, the bicycle in the old grandma ’s house was off the chain, and the dog in the Xixingsi house was lost….

But unfortunately, because of his low B grid, there are too many monsters who apply for ‘God of God’ to improve his B status and status, and she ca n’t even pass her ...... Even ⑨'s applications are ranked in front of Kappa.

That is to say, before the explosion, Fantasy Township would rather consume resources and add an "god popsicle god" to improve the quality of life in summer; there is no need to train a "fitter god" to expedite the collapse of the Great Boundary .

(Hecheng ’s old technicians cried and ran in tears, blamed the myopia and ignorance of the five elders in the rural areas, and Hetong Technology was the first productive force! Then it was strongly suppressed.)


Can you count on a 8000-level 'national treasure master' to go to F22? Impossible, that's the scientist's job! So Hecheng is like a chicken rib.

But fortunately, the novice village she was born in is just right in the old astral realm of 'mechanical civilization', the home of the mechanical gods, a large number of pilots need to maintain their own equipment every day, various third-rate 'mechanical maintenance shops , Mecha cleaning shop ... 'It's like a lot of hair, and it recruits various apprentices all year round.

So the fantasy old-school technicians of the nostalgic level were confused and mixed into a third-rate ‘low-end mecha repair shop’, starting a part-time job.

During this period, the open-eyed little Kappa accepted the brainwashing of the 'Mechanical God Religion' and finally realized the truth that 'technology can suspend magic + fairy art', then became fanatical and vowed to worship under the famous teacher. The mechanical avenue mixes up!

Then, with her super powerful low-end manual maintenance capabilities, she has been perverted in the "Mecha Maintenance World" of the Old Star Realm for many years. In addition to more skilled car repair technology and higher efficiency, she also did not buy a decent because of her personality defect. The "medium and high-end mechanical law skills textbook" has always stayed in the circle of bottom-line first-line operators, step by step, and has grown into a "king of first-line repairmen." (But not eggs)

Have to say, this is really a sad story!

Before she finally got the courage to come to the magic warrior universe gold rush, she did not get a decent 'drawing' or 'system education' at all. Instead, she was always used as a 'operator god' (a boy on top of a team, The salary only needs to be paid in half), even if I try my best, I have no chance to touch the threshold of legend.

However, due to his diligence and timidity, Xiao Hetong succeeded in gaining fame, and was madly scrambled by various ‘Mecha Repair Shops’ in the Old Star Realm. It simply existed as ‘Treasure of Town Shop + Mascot’.

If any store can sign a contract with this' Kappa ', the business will definitely be prosperous .... Gradually, Hecheng's body has condensed the' lucky virgin, the birth of the rich Kappa, the golden law, the mascot ... 'And other concepts.

If she abandons the 'mechanical road' and chooses the same development direction as 'Krypton', she may not be able to hug the thighs of the goddess of wealth and confuse him as a 'god' However, she is obsessed with stereotypes, but she keeps her dreams.

The simple little group pityed her, and although she still used her as a brute force, she paid a lot of second- and third-line drawings and ‘Marvel physics textbooks’, which gave her the hope of evolution.

She personally arranged for her own father to be a mentor to ensure a smooth future! This is also a kind of stupid person who has a stupid blessing.

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