Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1753: My 24 sets of wives are grouping Sue Tiandao wool

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

When Li Mo returned to the 403.8th floor of the abyss, his elder sister, the eldest wife, had long disappeared.

He clearly remembered that he was inside the "Chipmunk Private-Time and Space Kingdom Observation Station" attached to the 403.8th floor, and accompanied Branch to play the game of "Crystal Wall Fishing" of Laozizi. After accidentally fishing out a "small earth", I accidentally activated the 'Four Star Dragon Ball' before I was involved in the Moon World and participated in the Dragon Ball Carnival.

Now when he returns with the small earth of ‘magic achievements’ and Dragon Ball Battle for the fifth ‘Championship Trophy’, the abyss has passed several days, and his wife has waited impatiently to return to the old astral world in advance. Only a group of ‘wife avatars’ were left, and films of different styles were filmed in the specially developed ‘Dongtian Small World Television Base’.

After Li Mo entered 403.8, he was using Shennian to cross countless levels, chatting with the abyss of many “magic gods”, chatting, chatting and farting. Suddenly, he felt that the deity was coming, and then he did n’t have any birds. He continued to chat and fart and played the role of leading brother, sprinkling a little bit of sweetness to many business partners. I saw countless devil lords in the minds of the big brothers, nothing Nodded and bowed in integrity, shouting 'Blood Tree Master 666' in 'Yuedu Township', the atmosphere is harmonious, and the spiritual civilization construction in the new abyss is evident!

Castim, who is working madly in God ’s homeland and approving the reports of the “Ministry of the Environment” after another plan, sent a congratulatory message across the sky after the arrival of the deity of the induction deity. After the fart, continue to work seriously and perform the duties of a master god. This professionalism makes Li Mo very satisfied!

Well, it ’s the right way to report yourself. For high-ranking avatars like Blood Tree, you should format and reshape your personality!

Then, Li Mo tried to contact his wife. Regardless of the chipmunk deity, or the other 24 chipmunk avatars, he wrote text messages one by one personally, and sincerely a B, called a perfect model husband.

However, no matter how big Kiki or other small Kiki, the business is very busy, especially as today's official test of the internal test, there is no time to take care of him, let alone praise.

After about ten minutes, the only ‘Blanchi’ who was still in the form of loli on the 403.8th floor was despised and rejected by other avatars for transferring to a ‘children ’s cult film’. (The other Lori Blanche is placed in different planes by the chipmunk.)

Now that she has been aloof by many avatars, invaded and divided the shooting resources, and passively stopped, she grieved and came to Li Mo for comfort. Facing a catapult, he jumped into Li Mohuai and complained to him incomparably: "Da Momo, help me to teach those groups of avatars, OK? They don't take my big sister at all!"

"Are you bigger than 'Daqiqi'?" Li Mo coaxed the child, coaxing this immature childhood version of Blanche, and rolled his eyes and asked.

"Okay, I'm only a little younger than my deity. I'm barely trying to be a" second sister "!" The young chipmunk broke his fingers and calculated.

Li Mo is already quite familiar with this group of genuine legal wives who bought one for 24.

When Blanche initially "cut off", he didn't think about it well. Because of her large number of "Astral Dharma Bodies", in order to save trouble, she refers directly to her own "timeline" to cut it out.

The elf girl started her own "history". According to the human age standard, starting from the age of six or seven, she cut out the first dharma body and set a place for her carefree childhood; followed by seven-year-old Blanche, eight-year-old nine Years ... Every dharma body represents her age group, a different mentality, way of thinking ... from childish to mature, only the last "Lao Yao" does not exist in the past and is always locked. "The future" is also the most interesting part of this "Future Star Tribulation".

In short, this set of 24 genuine wives was cut down, and Li Mo and Blanche had headaches at the same time. As the first batch of avatars to be chopped out ... this group of loli is obviously the most senior, the highest position, powerful, and immature. Only match with Little Earth.

What a sad story.

"Why do you have to make a movie? Don't take a break, do you make a game? Look, I have prepared a little partner for you!" Li Mo let go of his body, exposing the small earth behind him.

At the moment, Penny is a cartoon-looking lion skin, but he is very elegant, full of noble ladylike temperament, salutes his master's childhood form, looks more mature than 'No. 1 Qi'.

"Wow, she is so beautiful, so cute!" Xiao Qiqi is worthy of Blanche's "childhood pre-state", the aesthetic view is the same, no change. Her attention was attracted by the earth-eating beast, and she was conquered with no resistance, and her eyes showed pink caution.

"Thank you for the compliment, I invite you to ride a bicycle." Eating earth beasts is generous, and facing the God (No. 1 avatar) is still neither humble nor overbearing, and suddenly a fool liberates his own "Lion concept vehicle" and changes into two Three rounds of children.

Then, she put on a pair of sunglasses, took the lead on one of them, and played a big loop of in-situ drift. The tire leather drew three circles on the ground. This was the invitation to Yu Shengqi, and she seemed to be preparing for a friendship. 'S drag racing competition', and secretly gave Li Mo a look of 'I can get her done'.

Compared to the unreliable lazy servant like Slag Storm, although Little Earth was born less than 1 year old (probably?), But she is a big devil, naive but not lacking in calmness.

Especially after condensing the "five mentally disabled avatars", as a deity, she matured overnight and had to pull, feed, and take care of the five avatars that were three times higher than herself. '! It's really sad and mature. (Small Earth: I feel so happy when I eat, I ’m so happy!)

Now that she has returned to Hittarheim, she not only has to take care of the five mentally handicapped evil **** avatars, but also a group of minor childish hostesses waiting for her to pull, the pressure on her shoulders is even heavier!

("But, I'm not afraid! Even if you come here, the maximum number of vehicles I have is 9999! How many cookies do you add up?")

After seeing the brand-new Musan round, No. 1 Qi shook his mind, but when he thought of the bad behavior of other avatars, he resisted the desire in his heart and shook his head: "No, I want to make a movie!"

"Why?" Li Mo wondered.

"Tiandao internal test started, do you know?" You Shengqi asked.

Li Mo nodded: "Yes. I just received some information, but I don't understand the specific situation."

"Tiandao internal test has not been fully opened, but many projects have been piloted and opened for the first round of running-in and data collection. Among them, the" Auxiliary Department Rule "is the first to open ..."

Listening to the explanation of the young Blanche, Li Mo kept nodding. Those ‘laws’ involving 3000 sequences are obviously the core program that constitutes Hitaheim ’s ‘Tian Dao System’, the cornerstone of this universe, which is of paramount importance. To open the internal test, it must be compatible with several branches of heaven and earth at the same time, and no error can be made at each step.

However, the status of the ‘Law of Life and Auxiliary Department’ in the secondary ‘Outer Dao Sequence’ is obviously not so high in status, nor is it so influential, and can be readjusted and corrected if something goes wrong. So use them to test water, collect data, accumulate experience, optimize ... obviously the best option.

"So ... you have the" Film and TV Boulevard "at your fingertips already in beta? So you only worked overtime to shoot movies?" Li Mo asked.

"It's not just that simple! She has unearthed a bug! A super big bug! Our family is stuck with bugs, take the time to pay attention to the wool of the heavens, and you don't care about anything like your stinky conscience. In the cosmic vacation, a female apprentice was also accepted! "

"How do you know?" Li Mo was startled and asked in a low voice.

"In seven games, the entire universe has been broadcast live! We all win you, but unfortunately too little private room money, all invested in the new film, did not make a fortune. Vivienne and Tongen and their mother and wife made a big profit this time. My sister Tongen brought me good polysaccharides ... "

"Tui En is back?" Li Mo froze.

"On the 233rd floor, I have sent a message to inform them before I come, and I will be there in a minute."

"Then talk about your heavenly bug."

"Okay, this bug is terrible, knock it hard!" You Shengqi jumped one foot high and spread her arms as far as possible to describe the size of the bug!

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