Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1747: Dance with vigor and victory

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

When the ultimate fighting dance is over, only the last group of players has yet to appear. They are the red group-Gang Tian Shilang; the white group-Liudong 10%. Although the mentors did not mention this in the face of the competition, they have secretly defaulted to the ‘Battle of the Ultimate Crane’!

Although the dumb king deceived himself and shook his head and refused to admit it, she actually understood that after this game, there must be one person between her and Li Bai who can make a fortune! However, she didn't want the money to come from her heart.

"Shilang, you must lose! How many big guys are betting you to lose, if you dare to win this game, even if I don't take action to clean up the portal, I will be counted by countless people in the future to return to Hittheim! Remember, remember! "

Before coming to the scene, Li Bai suddenly borrowed a large-scale loudspeaker from Quantum Demon, cheered Shilang and cheered, so that the other party's not so high arrogance was completely extinguished.

The young man who was stepping onto the stage suddenly stiffened, and his heart was extremely melancholy, and there was an urge to die. So bleak! Why do you feel so cold? Did n’t you rest well last night and got a cold?

At this moment, not only Shi Lang was trembling, but also 10% of his stride on the stage also froze. Because he is very clear that he is a player who has been bet by the other half of the big brother, the strongest scrap Chai Wang will be selected between him and Shilang. If he wins, he will also face the ultimate liquidation of terror!

After looking at the ignorant dumb-haired king, and then comparing the old salted fish's Qinglian sword fairy, his tutor is not good!

At this moment, Yicheng has also born the idea of ​​"do you want to lose?" But soon he was thrown out of his mind: "I must win! This is not only about the future, but also about the personal way, whether the idea is accessible."


The first show begins!

The discouraged Shi Lang, who wore an ordinary student costume on the stage, could only say that he was ordinary, decent, neat and clean, and no other adjective could be found. As for himself, he looks pretty, but he is not handsome. He had just taken a shower last night, and his reddish-brown hair was fluffy and soft, giving a refreshing impression.

His physique looks average, but it is rumored that his physical fitness is very bad because of years of exercise! We suspect that Shi Langjun is very ‘strong and strong! ', But unfortunately no rich woman appeared in court to testify.

The other 10% player is completely different. He chose the traditional Japanese monk costume of Liudong Temple, wearing a sash and a bare arm, walking between the tigers and the wind, showing the looming and strong body, and after seeing it, he couldn't help but praise the good man ! ’.

At the end of the scoring session, a set of Luohan Fumo fist was performed, and did not let go of any chance of showing the beauty of the body, directly exploding the motionless and innocent Shilang.

For this final round of competition, Shilang, whose total score is very poor, was not very motivated. In particular, the content of the competition was "art fighting", which further restricted his performance and also affected his mood to participate. In addition, Li Bai's voice just broke the last point of his aggressiveness, completely holding the idea of ​​destiny, preparing Had a game with Yicheng.

In this battle, he completely let go of his knot, and he didn't care what he would do to deduct points? How can I lose the powder? He just wanted to play a game upright and end the game as soon as possible, even if he lost.

This is also a kind of "no desire is just".

"The poor monk Liudong is 10%, Tulang donor, please move!" Yicheng put on a shape and began to mobilize the magical energy in the body. Under the blessing of the ring, he felt that his small universe remained stable at the eighth sense, and the Six Dao realm also evolved into an inherent enchantment, never feeling so good.

"It's Shilang, please!" Shilang completely ignored his opponent's psychological tactics. He deliberately called the wrong name and could not shake his state of mind at all.

At the same time, he also launched the "inherent enchantment-Zhu Xian Jian Tu" that he can master completely in the future timeline, trying to pull the entire ring space into his "Zhu Xian Jian Hei".

"Six Dao realm, open!" Yi Cheng also opened the enclave and wanted to capture Shilang. Eventually, the two inherent junctions eroded, merged, and attacked each other. Immediately zoom in as soon as the opening begins and start the most intense battle.

The battle between the two males has once again returned to the fighting style of the 'Rin Team', but they both remain rational and deliberately suppress the power system without crashing.

One of them turned into an immortal sword array, and he shot four kinds of sword qi for unlimited shooting; the other made six self-made fists and punched endless miniature black holes. Under the impact of Jianqi Black Hole, all kinds of spectacles beyond imagination were produced, which made the audience hooked ...

Who is stronger in this battle? Obviously, Shi Langjun has seen through the red dust and has no desire in his heart.

When the power system of the two people swelled to the apex at the same time under the blessing of "Laitai" ... behind the attention of a "real gangster", they were cultivated into "Zhu Xian Jian Zhen Dan Ding" Shilang, no matter what the gold content is, It's a lot higher than the 10% that is made up of "cheap little universe, second-hand six realms, and relics of different worlds".

Yi Cheng's 'peak strength' at the moment is his ceiling in his current state. Unless he has another adventure in the main world, he can reborn and obtain a more precious and promising fundamental method, it is possible to go further.

In contrast, Shilang's potential is endless, or the gold content of the "Zhu Xian Jian Zhen" is so high that it explodes, but unfortunately it was incomplete, and the two were not satisfied with the soil and water. 'Congenital Treasure', but to strengthen Shilang is definitely a great achievement.

The two men fought for about ten minutes, and they showed a clear decline. They had been suppressed by the "Jianxianshilang". As long as the battle was entangled for a period of time, the victory and defeat could be divided!

At this time, the audience had discussions:

"Hey, look, the handsome monk is almost gone! I'm sorry, I like him very much."

"Look, he is as strong as he was, and it is not as good as another boy. It is really a silver gun candle head."

"Your Excellency is bad, you see the red-haired young man, under the smashed clothes, his muscles are looming, his strength is also very strong!"

In the audience's discussion, Yi Cheng's mentality became more and more anxious. Unlike Shilang, who put down all his light outfits, Yicheng wanted to win this victory.

In the past half a month, he learned from conversations with other mentors that Shilang had a great luck and was looked at by a certain big man with a promising future. And this battle is likely to be his last chance to win in his lifetime. If he misses it, he will regret it forever.

Ruosheng? He can take a slice of the monstrous fortune from Shilang and let his slim future get a first-line turnaround. Losing a game is insignificant for Shi Lang and does not affect his future at all; but for himself, it is an opportunity to change his life. And Liudong's success is precisely the one who dares to take the initiative and seize all opportunities.

He was dragged down by the dumb king, and he has not been struggling all the way to the present, would he give up easily?

"This can only be done!"

Bleeding blood in his heart, clenching his teeth, straightened his arms, a note of "Six Reincarnation Black Hole Meteor Fist", and slid Shilang backwards by ten meters.

And 10% also took the opportunity to suddenly open his soul BGM! He watched three matchups in a row and found out the tricks of the "Art Fighting Contest". Although he was very reluctant, he had to say that ‘song and dance project’ is definitely a sharp weapon!

If you want to defeat Shilang, there is no way out of the front, but you can only win by singing and dancing!


In the sudden dynamic electronic rhythm, Liu Dong stood in the face of Shi Lang. In the latter's confounded eyes, he suddenly tore apart the jaws that were cut and broken by sword gas, revealing the majesty of women's shame. The pectoralis major muscle, and enduring the shame of the bottom of my heart, put a black and white bow tie on the neck!

He looked around first, suddenly turned around, completely ignoring Shi Lang, unpretentiously pointed at the women screaming under the stage, raised his right arm, pointed to the stage, as if telling every teacher, I chose It's you! Then he retracted his right arm while holding the bow tie with his left hand to adjust the position, and then rotated 360 ° in situ, blinking the electric eye at the audience, full of energy, and the scream suddenly overturned the ceiling!

Afterwards, under Shilan's stunned gaze, Yi Cheng jumped ‘Kendall Gay ’s Mother \’ s_Day Hot Dance ”! Perfect as the body of an ancient Greek sculpture, making various swaying and twisting postures, sometimes with both hands over the top and applauding in the air; sometimes twisting the waist like a python; washing the hair with both hands and touching the sides of the hair; washing the soap bubbles Usually playing on the chest ...

At this moment, 10% of male hormones burst into the table, and the passion is called the hegemony in the base! The terrified Shilang forgot to attack and stood there foolishly; and the eyes of Miss Fuji in the audience were also splendid.

suddenly! Turning around 10%, gave the audience a tall, strong, handsome and strong back. The muscles of the back are prominent, and the male dog's waist is constantly beating. The muscles coated with olive oil reflect the brilliance of bronze and are dazzling!

A pair of hands slammed the waist of the trousers and showed **** flat-angle beach yoga pants, which were printed with bright red dazzling Japanese hiragana noun groups.

I saw 10% of the boxer pants ripped off, and the pants were printed with a group of words, and finally spelled a coherent sentence! The screaming of the audience never stopped, but became more and more high. The ghost knows how many people have passed out and died.

And Shi Lang felt dull, disheartened, lost in spirit, guilty and stricken at the moment.

Yes, he took the initiative to admit defeat. If he continues to fight, he still has the inertial strength to fight to support; but 10% suddenly changed his move, from martial arts to textual fighting, paid such a big price, and harvested greater cheers and applause. If he still wants to win? You must take the trick and continue to win in the same field!

However, 10% is too fierce. This is a lore that has both defeated and destroyed. It is clearly to drag yourself to the same level and be defeated by the other party's rich and shameful experience!

Shi Lang, who didn't expect much from victory, decisively counseled and quit the game willingly.

"You ... won!" Shi Lang stepped back and forth and took the initiative to jump out of the ring, convinced.

"I ... won?" Yi Cheng listened to the cheers of the audience, looked at his hands blankly, and then suddenly fisted, waving his arms excitedly against the audience, and took the most classic posture of the fierce and fierce man. My heart is hot!

Li Bai also stood up from the judges' seat and applauded madly: "Well! Nice job! Well done! It's so wonderful and touching, I will give you a perfect score! I'm rich!"

Li Mo, Dragon Sacrifice and others, because of Li Bai's nagging and urging, had to applaud one after another, send blessings for 10%, and gave him a high score against the wish of the vest to help him win and let Shilang get the lowest score.

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