Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1684: The bombing failed?

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

At this moment, the tree demon has been blown out of real fire. It ca n’t move but it ’s not a fool. He clearly knows that his opponent is ambushing in all directions and is attacking from a location of at least twenty miles away. The strength is cunning and concealed. Real body, can only be beaten passively!

In fact, desperately arranged the **** storm to arrange automatic artillery positions in the four directions of the east, west, south and north of Lan Ruo Temple. The deity hid in Guobeizhen's remote control and carried out round after round of blows.

With only one thought, you can take the chastity of a person eight hundred miles away in order to display the ‘Guankong Imperial Cannon’ method!

Although the Tree Demon could not determine the location of 'Despair', it has long been integrated into this land and turned into its own demon realm.

When it was awakened from the first round of bombing B, the magical domain with Lan Ruo Temple as its core suddenly exploded, countless branches whipped, supernatural demon power distorted the interference signal, those who flew around and could automatically avoid obstacles' The flying stick annunciator instantly disconnected and became a headless fly, and then was squeezed into a "big hand" by the demon.

As far away as Guo Beizhen, eating the melon and looking at the screen of "Despair", after the round of artillery fire, he completely lost contact with the "flying sticks", and it is not clear what their conditions are, and he is also prepared for the worst in his heart.

Because he did not report any hope at all, he was not disappointed at all. He only counted 20 seconds silently, and he assumed that this round of exploration failed, so he launched a second round of air strike.

Immediately, the Quartet Artillery Array replaced cloud detonation bombs and incendiary bombs under his command, attempting to destroy the Lan Ruo Temple and the surrounding jungle from a scientific point of view, the overpressure, temperature field effect and high temperature generated by high-pressure detonation , Destroy the true body of the tree demon, and achieve the effect of clearing the field.

However, science is not against the demon law. This is, after all, a "non-scientific world" of monsters. Although the simple physics artillery shells are very powerful, they can only "injure" the tree demon, and even "injury hurts" rather than "injury". Very heavy, as for "bombing" is impossible!

Even after eating desperate rounds of "Justice of Heaven's Fall", the Tree Monster reacted no matter how silly.

The enemy's attack was strong, fast, and abrupt, and at first it could not even respond. However, after adapting, it was discovered that there was no ‘demonstration, mana’ in this attack. Although the flame burned violently, it was a mere fire.

This seemingly fierce and huge attack is actually all ‘mortal’?

"Flawless ... seal me!"

Living in a big house, wearing a black robes with gold rims and a female bun on top of her head, she grew an old man's face, and turned into a demon with a make-up. Hermaphrodite, male and female switching back and forth, is creepy.

Behind him (her), a group of beautiful, cool-dressed female ghosts, surrounded by a hustle and bustle, tremble violently in the continuous explosion. Among them, there are two of the most beautiful, acting as ‘Big Sister ’s Head’, forbearing to speak out to comfort the rest of the female ghosts.


Before the cloud burst bomb ignited the sky and landed completely, the ruthless tree demon stretched its root system and connected it with the underground spirit veins, extracting the spiritual energy accumulated for many years.

Suddenly, the sky is enchanted by wind. From the perspective of the ground, the light of the time and space where Lan Ruo Temple is located is swallowed by the mysterious power and hidden in the darkness.

Subsequently, the time and space where Lan Ruo Temple was located was cut and sealed by the tree demon with his own strength, forming a special space and disappearing from reality. The original site of Lan Ruo Temple, including dozens of miles away, is now filled with mist and a vaguely obscure world. It exists between non-existence, and numerous artillery shells fall and disappear, even the light of the ignition To this, it is impossible to shake the endless fog.

These mists are getting thicker and thicker, they are still expanding, and even spread to the sky, even the sound can be absorbed.

I saw a drone that was tilted overhead, silently disappeared, and the signal immediately lost contact, disappearing into the unknown unknown, more unacceptable than before.

"Can it still be like this?" The despair froze.

The feedback information is getting less and less, and even Niutou has been disconnected. Do n’t know if he is dead or alive? The power of the tree demon is somewhat beyond expectations, and the situation of Lan Ruo Temple is even more bizarre! Poured cold water on him.

Especially at this moment, after the tree demon cut, folded, and hidden the dense forest space around Lan Ruo Temple, he not only stood invincible, but also seemed to have no weaknesses? At this moment, no matter how he bombed, there was no response, just like smashing the boulder into the quicksand river, without seeing any waves.

The despair calmed down, and there was a hunch in my heart. I feel that the Tree Demon can ignore his position bombardment only by the side effect of 'Folding Time and Space'. At this rhythm, even if all the ammunition is used up, it will not produce any effect.

"I don't believe you are invincible! You can hide indefinitely! Small scum, change ammunition!"

Although it did not meet expectations, despair made every preparation when it received supplies.

After the "Physics Department" shelling failed, he conducted another "elemental version of ammunition" test firing, followed by "Abyssal Power Enchanting Edition" test firing, "Holy Light Edition, Industrial Evil Edition, Faithful Force Edition" special Ammunition test firing ...

And the tree monster is also unexpectedly strong, and the foggy space does not seem to change at all?

But according to a new batch of "new special sensors" floating around the fog area, feedback. In this fog, when I ate "element artillery shells, holy light shells, industrial evil shells", there were fluctuations of varying degrees.

What is the specific bombing effect? Despair is unknown. But he had a hunch that the loaded version of the shells would definitely come into effect. As for the effect, it is difficult to determine whether the effect is good or not, but the tree demon is not at the moment!


Is the Tree Demon more difficult at this moment? It's almost annoying!

First of all, she didn't know who was dealing with herself until now. This kind of trouble can't tell who the Chou family is, and he can't fight back. He can only be passively beaten. cake! through! top! She made her heart mad, but there was no place to pour at all, only to endure!

However, the more she endured, the more angry she was!

Secondly, although the first round of sneak attack did not really hurt itself, it accidentally blew a lot of woods, and even her individual ‘avatar’ was destroyed. The anger caused by this sullenness cannot be vented, making her even more violent!

Finally, if the initial sneak attack was unpredictable, letting the shells fall and explode on the ground would make her furious, but it did not hurt the roots, only the ‘land’ would bear the attacks.

Then, after she blocked, covered, and moved this time and space, the bombing of all kinds of shells that fell into the mist was entirely her own responsibility!

After a long time of cultivation, the root system of the tree demon spread all over a dozen miles of the Lan Ruo Temple. This huge land was infested by her "demon, devil, and yin qi", forming a demon on the ground. Although it hasn't grown to the point of being a small hole in its own side, it can also distort reality to a certain extent, ignoring and offsetting the bombing damage on the technology side.

But the ensuing "Elemental Edition, Holy Light Edition, Abyss Edition, Industrial Evil Edition ..." attacks were also accepted by her. ‘Magic Domain Time and Space’ does not seem to be the main body, and it has not been able to directly harm her, but the tree demon has been depleting it for thousands of years.

Assuming that the tree demon night worked tirelessly on this land, he could strengthen the ‘space’ by +1 every ten days and deepen his control.

Then as this process continues to deepen, when she cultivates this space-time sacrifice to +10000, she can become a part of herself, grow into a 'magic cave sky', become the master of this square cave sky, and live with the moon and moon. .

However, at this moment she has been bombarded by 'despair' one after another, passively unable to resist, although the body is unscathed, but the space is subject to a damage judgment of -70, which is equivalent to losing his two years of hard work by nothing.

With the rounds of bombing, the "effects" and "returns" were not visible. Despair finally ended the first round of testing after launching the last "radiation corps-party version-middle-level nuclear bomb Fengluo". Mark as 'failed'.

Although it failed, it gained a lot of useful information. Then, he left a batch of detectors to continue to monitor the changes in the "foggy area", while summoning Slag Storm to recover his artillery array, and left with satisfaction.

The tree monster grandma, who can't shrink on the other side, is also very crazy.

The sudden appearance of the mysterious enemy, and left again, brought her a strong sense of crisis, thinking that she was being targeted by some big demon! As for why it is not the right way? If you really have the right way to deal with yourself, you will definitely shout and kill, not such a mean attack.

Although the opponent failed and showed real strength (the tree demon thought that all kinds of feeding shells were to go all out), he also continued to be angry and angered for a long time (think fancy test shooting of despair is a manifestation of anger) In the end, she was helpless and defeated (thinking that despair has exhausted her strength and has to retreat), but she is still not at ease.

Intellectually speaking, what can the enemy not do to her in the case of a sneak attack with all her might? After understanding the absolute gap, naturally no more harassment. But because the opponent didn't show up from the beginning to the end, just sent a "bull demon" to attract her attention, and kept enough mystery. And ‘mysterious, unknown = fear’, her heart is still full of uneasiness.

Because of this lingering ‘worry’, she decided to use a hole card just in case, so she secretly contacted the big brother in the prefecture, the old demon of Montenegro.

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