Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1668: Zombie rally-seven luxury cars!

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

In the early morning three days later, Kobe's downtown square was crowded, countless melons were whispering around, and the slivers of the police station surrounded the four sides, pulling up the banner with fear, trying to maintain order.

At this moment, the dragonfly captain Genji cut a huge bronze sculpture with a knife-cut waist, kicked the upper half, then jumped forward, hugged his hands on his chest, and stood tall on the chest section of the bronze statue. Forgive the color cloak is blown by the wind, hunting hunting ...

The first ‘Parallel Space Time Class’ in Kobe! "Zombie Obstacle Rally" is about to start. As the host + commentary, he is very excited and excited. This is a gold-plated opportunity for unlimited promotion of one's own B grid to enhance professional quality and value.

"Ben ruler really can't wait!"

In the past two days, everyone has been working hard to prepare for the second round.

The old bug was not on the street at this time. When he learned that 'Li Xianchang' asked for a factory, some materials, and it was better to be equipped with a high-level laboratory, he immediately made connections without saying anything. , Arranged a low-end physics laboratory ...

In this regard, Li Mo has nothing to worry about. After all, he was able to unleash Gundam men by hand with a file wrench in the basement, but he missed the happy person who was the highest person in charge of the "Ningchao-Neon Division".

In the past two days, Li Mo has continuously used the power of the Platinum Queen with the daily flow package that comes with Dragon Ball, has successively extracted radioactive materials by hand, and used the nuclear fusion reactor ... A bunch of 'Shit Treader-Reactor'.

Subsequently, two vehicles were created by hand for the lovers Tong Ying and the accompanying spare tire Shen Er.

Not only this, but the "mechanical demon" from the cyber realm of Cybertron, as well as the pilots of the old astral world, both fired fully to create fantasy vehicles for the agents. (Pride of craftsmen)

However, these two are slightly different from Li Mo:

Professor Li went all the way to today, from low to high, one step at a time, the knowledge and action combined learning to apply, the knowledge reserve is comprehensive and solid. He is really a man who can start from zero, even if the power is off, he can use the abacus to calculate the detailed data of the nuclear bomb. Therefore, the "Earth Science Upper Limit" proposed by ruler can not fail him.

He can start from scratch, based on the various theories, materials, and industrial conditions of the contemporary earth, and deduce the "technology" that meets the world's upper limit in a reasonable and legal step by step.

So ... even if the final crystallization looks exceptionally full of black technology, a detailed analysis will reveal that every step is within reason, and there are no violations.

But the other two are different! The mechanical demon is born to be a 'mechanical realm-transformers'. The knowledge instilled from childhood is a cyber technology that conforms to the Hetaheim's mechanical law and has no intersection with the earth.

Even if it constantly cuts down the mysterious "high-end mechanical law patents" from high to low, those common application technologies and low-end application technologies still contain a large number of "extraterrestrial technological factors".

Give a simple chestnut, even a simple ‘headlight’. Li Molu ’s “Hundred Times Bright Light Blind Dog Eyes Cool Laser Light” is a properly enhanced version of ordinary science and technology, and the judgment passed; while the mechanical environment ’s “eight cents special effects are weak and cheap fluorescent lights”, but it contains 13 Alien patents were found to be incomprehensible illegal illegal conversions, fouls!

This problem is also applicable to astral pilots, and the "Machinery Turnip Code", which has been in contact since childhood, is also full of "Mecha Rules" and is not recognized by the Moon Moon.

Therefore, the two bigwigs have a huge amount of Hitaheim black technology, and they have a unique ability to fight against the sky, but it is difficult to play it out, and it is very suffocating! In desperation, they spent a whole day detrimentally supplementing the knowledge of the earth. On the condition of these existing theories, laws, and laws, they reproduced and compiled their own technology, and the effect was greatly reduced.


If the three Li Mo belong to different schools of ‘mechanical side-opening tyrants’, then the other four are properly practicing side-salted fish. The content of the completely inferior game made it difficult for the remaining four to play and could not help, so he chose a different coping style:

An ancient sword immortal in Li Bai, if he compares it to a poem, he can bombard the audience with a single hair, but is it better than a modern drag racing? Sorry! He was blinded by the elderly, and he simply left the mess to Shigeru Kada. He directly went to the custom shop of a street in Kabukicho, Tokyo to experience life.

Dragon sacrifice, a guy who knows nothing but hand-to-hand combat and dragon hunting sacrifice. But he had a sense of responsibility and he did not want to watch the strong dragon roaring down, so he took the initiative to help Ron looting several banks, make up a huge sum of money, and let the girl play by herself, ordering top luxury cars.

The Silly King, a stereotyped ancient man who is only better than the dragon sacrifice, although she came from the heroic spirit, she passively gained common sense of modern life at the moment of leaving the factory. But this kind of system comes with "common sense" which is very garbage and cheap, almost all heroes have it, there is no depth at all.

Take driving, for example, when Altria rides a motorcycle, she immediately knows how to drift and turn, and a simple flush toilet will not be mistaken for a washbasin, but when she leaves the motorcycle, she can't call the handbrake name. Can dig rice from the rice cooker, but do not understand the simple common sense of rice cooker maintenance.

As far as ‘racing’ is concerned, Liu Dong, who was seven years old, knew more professionally than her.

In the end, the Elia team was the most harmonious. After all, it was a girl who had studied ‘mechanical engineering’ by herself, and she made it into a main battle tank by hand. Various ordnance drawings were engraved in memory, and she had a solid foundation. Although the instructor is a ‘technology-side illiterate’, Miss Elf has a sense of responsibility.

One big and one small, small hands-on DIY, and the big one shouting 666, it is not difficult for them to modify a good car. —Ilia did n’t find it difficult? The **** elves don't think how difficult it is to shout.


Three days later, under the siege of the police and the curious crowds of melon-eating crowds, vehicles of various shapes successively drove into the central square in preparation for the game.

At the moment, I stood for two hours. From the "Purple Air Comes East" until the "Sunrise", the fog and moisture condensed on the mask. The ruler, who still maintained the B position, finally looked back. A total of eight players, Eight different vehicles!

The number one team is Cybertron. Gree drove a flat, streamlined, silver-gray concept sports car. Its ground is not high or low. The biggest highlight is the wheels! It is ‘four spheres’ instead of the traditional four tires.

Li Mo can see the design concept of the other party at a glance. This kind of car is very stable. When going straight, it can move sideways easily and quickly, and even make various technical actions that violate common sense. Cornering is also different from traditional cars. It can even Keep the direction unchanged, switch from straight to parallel and then straight ...

"The cyber life of Cybertron can't be underestimated!" Li Mo said with emotion, as far as the concept is concerned, the other party got rid of the constraints of human thinking and took a big step.

The second is the dumb king team, Liudong opened a motorcycle, also the only motorcycle player on the scene. His car is obviously a new product brought from the dealership. After a simple renovation of the auto repair shop, there is no bright spot at all, and it is satisfactory.

The only feature is probably that the motorcycle is more portable. In this "Kobe Zombie Rally", only a few important target points are specified, and the specific route is not limited. Many alleys that cannot be traversed by cars can be fastened by motorcycles. This is probably the real plan of Liudong classmates.

"Ordinary, too conservative!" Li Mo commented, directly passing him away, not worthy of being Sakura's opponent.

The third one is the Star Division Pilot Team, a red-colored gold-patterned spray car driven by Luvia, a flamboyant magnificent sports car, which is different from the first style but also full of alien technology.

If the No. 1 car is simple, restrained, and low-key, this golden and red sports car is domineering, public, high-profile, full of mechanical beauty, angular and sharp, and there are a lot of armor decorations with unknown meaning, but it looks very hard.

This competition has a triple standard of size, weight, and technological content. The size cannot exceed the scope of small cars, the weight is within 8 tons, and the technological content does not exceed the limit of the earth. And this car's data touches the bottom line in all aspects, and it is overbearing ...

In the fourth group, there are two cars, which are repainted with bright red paint. And a dark ‘Batman-only motorcycle’.

The "Red Suns" driven by Sakura are memories of Li Moqing's youth. At that time, he got the "God of the Colony" certification battle in Gotham City, and his opponent was this still-remembered "bat car".

(This "priesthood" has been preserved so far, and Jingbi Tiandao also has a backup. You can apply for one of 300 large and small "car gods" virtual gods in Hittarheim.)

At that time, his opponent was the night wing of DCK, the new generation of car **** ‘NightKids. Although Ye Yi lost his trick, he lost ‘human skills’ instead of sitting down! Although Li Mo was victorious, he relied on solid car skills, not the dirt car underneath.

In this race, he recalled the past and sighed. He specially imitated the Batmobile to create this brand-new painted "eight-core parallel-fusion reactor super muscle reload sports car" for Sakura. It was named RedSuns, which is perfect with the origin of the melting pot Sakura Fit together, pin the beautiful meaning of 'new and old two generations of car gods alternate'.

On the left-hand side of Sakura, there is Shinji who has no sense of presence. Because Li Molu accidentally dumped an extra semi-finished product during the fusion reactor, he easily used scraps to piece together a "Bat Moto" and gave it to Shen Er. The boy was very grateful.

In the fifth group of elf squads, Ilya drives a luxury sports car that she has modified, second only to the three mechanical side players, and can rank fourth in gold content.

However, in Li Mo's view, it is still a contemporary earth standard.

The ‘vehicle’ level of the four non-professional teams is more like buying a computer from the computer city. Ilya is obviously proficient in assembly machines and can match the highest cost performance. For the Silent King Squad, they asked the store to equip a legendary "gorgeous version".

As for the sixth group of dragon sacrifice squad, it is a proper local tyrant. Buying a machine doesn't ask about performance at all, just looking at the price. Rin Tosaka's car is one of the most expensive, most popular and most public sports cars in the local area ... Well, yes, without any modification, it was driven directly from the Four Sons Store.

As for the final Li Bai group, it completely shocked everyone's eyes.

I saw Gang Tian Shi Lang's crotch, riding a sculptural, cool, pulling wind, extremely exaggerated ... ghost fire pedal little sheep, battery car version!

Yes, you read that right, Shi Lang rode a simple and simple, high-profile traditional lady's battery car, but all the plastic shells were replaced, and the colors were gorgeously reflected to a weird point. The anti-human color scheme and even some horse killing Very dazzling ...

In the direction of the rear seat of this 'Ghostfire Pedal Sheep', the 'small cargo box' that was supposed to be delivered for delivery was removed, and two vertical flags were erected. It was very taste of Peking Opera, written in authentic traditional Chinese characters: Furinkazan! Yelu die!

Dazzling can no longer be described.

"My second Olympics! I seem to see the penultimate beckoning? Is this an illusion?" Li Mo turned his head quickly, daring not to look at it again, for fear of damaging his eyes.

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