Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1641: Yusanjia Liudong Temple Fat Tiger! With the clock tower ...

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

In the family of Tong Tong, Li Mo ’s power is declining due to the influence of the “Dragon Ball”, so he canceled the three-style **** used to hold B and used the residual magic energy to study the four-planet Dragon Ball while exploring the world ’s colony Heaven's way, while listening to old bug reports, understand the changes and development of the power system.

Not far away, an independent 'Little Earth' that does not consume his magical energy, is not restricted by Dragon Ball, is wearing a children's napkin, and tasting the local hot spring stones in North Hyogo. Xiao Gangya opens and closes up and down, seeming to chew on a small biscuit, shattering the bite of the stone, and shocked Shen Er!

The tense Teng Ying served on the side. She had never seen such a terrible cute thing. The love in her heart was missing, leaving only awe, and occasionally shattering some coriander and shaking it. Although she is good at cooking, she has no experience in cooking stones, so she is very afraid of turning the table over.

Fortunately, Little Earth does not mind these ingredients, but eats with relish. At the suggestion of Yingtuo, he began to try to spread peppers and mustard on the stones, as if to open the door to the new world.

Now that the power is restricted, this can only eat the lion with molar teeth and crushed rocks, but it has become his strength. Li Mo had a thought in his heart, and took advantage of this vacation to cultivate the 'Little Earth' talent, and gave Branch a surprise after going back!


If you think of yourself as a computer, then all of Li Mo's abilities are in a dormant state and can be activated at any time, but corresponding energy is needed, and the magic energy in the body is limited by the 'Four Star Beads'.

Sixingzhu acts as a ‘valve + monitor’, suppressing his fiber-like flow to a mega-small water pipe level, providing only the most basic daily consumption. If you want to use more abilities, you must get it from his student, which is the "enchantment link" that everyone likes to see.

The good news is that Dragon Ball's restrictions are very weak, and it can be torn apart with a little struggle and easily return to its peak state. But doing that is equivalent to giving up the qualifications. Four Star Ball is bound to him, has a set of intelligent algorithms, and monitors his and student changes at the same time.

After the daily ‘Basic Magic Energy Data Package’ is consumed, it will automatically power off and change to student energy supply mode. In the same way, the body, soul and power system of Jian Tongying are also under the supervision of Dragon Ball. If Li Mo makes a small move and secretly opens the capacity for the student, it will also lose the qualification for the game.

This mechanism ensures the fairness of the game.

As for the "colonial heaven" change, it is even more interesting.

He found that the original "Magic System" was weakened and suppressed immediately after the invasion of the crystal wall. Therefore, the traditional path of the "Magician" became extremely difficult, and the indigenous people had to switch to the magic reform to adapt to other systems.

The attribute tone of ‘colonial heaven’ is locked into ‘Budo-Yin God’ and is compatible with all systems of the main world.

It can be deduced from this that the batch of reincarnations who first completed the pioneering is obviously the martial signpost. They built the "colonial heavenly path" into the "martial heavenly path" and laid their own advantages in this world as a privilege.

Two people with similar strengths in the main world come to this world at the same time. The non-Budo-Yinshen route obviously has to be suppressed and suffer some losses. However, the indigenous peoples chose the path of magic reform and chose ‘Budao’ to be clearly superior to ‘Xiandao’.

With the colonial development of the Crystal Wall, the 'Budo Road Side-Colonial Heaven Road' has been further opened up, and various systems have been accepted, but the status of 'Budo' in this world has always been high.

As a result, the aboriginal people's "Magic Reform Trend" is also shifting closer to "Budo".

Take a simple chestnut:

A clock tower veteran magician finds that his body's magic reserves haven't changed, and his strength has dropped madly, so he has to seek a new way out. At this time, he had multiple choices, but the conversion of magic power into the "magic qi" on the side of martial arts had the lowest loss, the most preservation strength, and the strongest power after conversion. Obviously, he would not stay close. (Gandalf reveals a grim smile of evil spirits.)

Therefore, on the premise that the complete inheritance of other systems cannot be obtained, the Budo side has the highest cost performance!

Of course, no one would choose 'Wild Magic Martial Arts' if they were given the immortal method by the immortals, or inherited the armor of the mechanical gangster, or other opportunities.

Over the past decade, Error002 ’s greatest achievement on earth has been to transform the ‘magic loop’ into the ‘budo loop’.

After the magic was suppressed by the world, the magicians ‘abandoned the demon from the martial arts, and the devil and the martial arts united’, and made a new way. They transformed the magic power into ‘magic qi’, which is more powerful than the ‘True Qi’ that ordinary humans practice.

Therefore, instead of eliminating the ‘magic loop’, it became a ‘spirit root’ to measure martial arts qualifications, an ‘extra magical meridian’ overriding the ordinary meridians.

The "Magic Engraving" passed down from generation to generation was also transformed into an alternative "Magic Dantian" through special techniques, and was successfully incorporated into the "Magic Martial Arts System" to create a series of martial arts magical powers.

Through the combination of boxing and cosmification, it seems to have become a trend in this world.

With the fist of magic, the roots are smashed, and you become a miracle, and you become sanctified and broken into the void, and become the supreme pursuit of all magicians!

(My fist of miracles is the unbearable weight of the root vortex!)


In the story of the old bug, although "Magic Martial Arts" has become the mainstream system, other systems in the outside world have also taken root, spreading and spreading, and the stamina is getting stronger and stronger.

The prosperity of ‘Magic Martial Arts’ is related to the magician ’s final struggle.

At the beginning of the alien invasion of heaven and earth, ordinary people have no resistance, and the magician with the power to maintain his own position, choose the most cost-effective 'martialization' is obviously the most correct choice. Converting the magic power to the magic energy of the Dao Dao is still at the top of the food chain.

And it has no power in itself. Ordinary people with a blank paper have no magic power to transform. With the emergence of a large number of systems, each genre actively spreads the apostles, they have more choices. Over the past ten years, more and more systems have emerged, impacting on the status of the "Magic Martial Arts" and ushering in an era of doomsday where hundreds of schools contend.

Kobe City Misan ’s ‘Jiantongjia and Yuanbanjia’ did n’t get any high-end heritage. Only by transforming ‘Magic Reality’ would it be the most cost-effective way, so they had no choice but to embark on the ‘Wild Mowuliu’ route.

The former "Ein-Einz Belem" in the imperial family, now incognito, the "Gungong Family", was lucky enough to get a copy of "Alchemy Inheritance" and embarked on another path.

"Infuse listen! Let's talk about this Dragon Ball War again."

"Okay!" The old bug lowered his eyebrows and said unreservedly.

This 'Dragon Ball War' not only resulted in a fierce battle for the right to compete in the main world, but also the competition for the place of the moon-type earth.

The history of the past does not need to be discussed in detail. In short, those who are extremely valuable, special, powerful, hard bones, and rebels have long been killed, sold, and refined ... The remaining indigenous people today He is a handsome person who is aware of the current affairs, adapts to the new changes of the earth, and maintains close contact with the main world colonial institutions.

A week ago, the creator of Dragon Ball lowered his mind and would restart Kobe's "Holy Grail System" to conduct a Dragon Ball War and give seven places.

The original plan was to radiate Kobe's native land. In the local Suiqun original academy, which is a battlefield, seven juniors with good luck were selected to participate. However, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hold thighs alarmed the clock tower in Europe.

After fierce competition, Kobe won two places locally. As the creator of the Holy Grail system, the Misan family passively occupied three places. In addition, the clock tower also received the last two places.

"Which two locals are participating in the war?" Li Mo curiously said that he was very interested in the changes in the world.

"Liudong Temple, and Fujimura Group." Said the old bug.


"Yuanzang Mountain of Liudong Temple, as the first spiritual place of Kobe, has a special status and is the quiet place of the Great Holy Grail. The behind-the-scenes work of the" Dragon Ball War "is the responsibility of them throughout the process. As for the Fujimura group, it was originally just The local ordinary pole organization, but after the arrival of the exotic powerhouse, Miss Fujimura ’s family was spotted by a big man, and the whole family rose up instantaneously, becoming Kobe ’s first magnate. "

In the description of the old man, at the beginning of the establishment of the colonial heaven, the city of Kobe, the ancestral court of the Holy Grail, was taken over by a big brother and was designated as the Holy Grail Cultural Heritage Reserve.

Although there are still adversaries committing crimes, they have converged in Kobe, so the safety index here is extremely high. Kobe City's Misans have been preserved. The Liudong Temple's Yuanzang Mountain was also not affected by the "trans-crystal wall cutting" disaster, and was transported to the main world to perform the magically revised holy war.

In Li Mo's questioning, he again revealed what happened in the past:

The magic of the Jiantong family and information about the holy grail system have been robbed three times before and after. Older insects are more aware of the current affairs, they are surrender faction, by selling knowledge to change to several magic reform martial arts, and a cheats of Gushu practice. These years have been ridiculously developed and decent.

The time of the ruined gentry of the Yuanban family is more arduous. Not seeing the big picture, in order to improve the status of the family in the magic world, gain more resources from the clock tower, reappear the glory of the ancestors, actively run and cry in the Far East, call for and organize the indigenous people to join the resistance, and in an unequal battle Was beaten. (Yes! It ’s the betrayal behind Emperor Yue.)

The Yuanban family, who had lost the owner, was found bankrupt by the invaders. Only the orphan Yuansaka Rin inherited the real estate and was raised by the ‘big wet chest-mapo tofu’ that was abandoned by the demon. Fortunately, Emperor Yu Yue is not a mortal. He has a kind of eight-handed punching. He has created a new "Magic Fist" in just ten years, and Rin Tosaka has benefited from it.

As for the most ambitious ‘Einzbelen’ in the Royal Family, because of mastering the artificial man technology, the little holy grail technology ... with his crimes, he was exploded by the clan at the beginning of the crystal wall invasion. Fortunately, the messenger of justice cut off papa for a rainy day, stole her daughter in advance, changed her surname and took the ‘Wei Gong Iliya’ to hide in Kobe City, and escaped.

However, the messenger of justice was seriously injured in the battle that year, and he spent another five years in the local area before he let go.

Judging by the words of the old bugs, Kobe's five local contestants, Yusanjia, are the most dismal and have been looted many times, which is not true.

They can get the qualification to participate in the competition, so it is the cause and effect of the "Dragon Ball Fighter" to undertake the "Holy Grail War". As the founder, he has to give a place, which is a disguised promotion and compensation. At the same time, Yusanjia also has the capital to condense luck.

As for the Liudong Temple and the Fujimura Group, they have developed well in the past ten years and are at home. They are equivalent to the local errand brother of the organizer of the Dragon Ball War. The last two places were taken away by the clock tower.

Of the seven agents, two foreigners arrived in Kobe City yesterday. The Jiantong family is no longer able to find the specific information.

The five local agents have been identified, namely: Kobe Menghu-Rin Tosaka, Magic Bullet Girl-Wei Gong Iliya, Relic Shouquan-Liudong Yicheng, and ... on behalf of the Fujimura group, fat Tiger-Konoda Shiro!

Asked about the life experience of 'Gang Tian Shi Lang', Li Mo was amazed and sighed: he is worthy of being chosen as the son of luck, and he will never escape from you.

Ten years ago, Kobe did not fight the four wars as scheduled, and there was no major fire. However, the large-scale escape of heroes also caused considerable killing and chaos.

In the end ... a teenager who was unfortunately hit by a vending machine with a broken head and forced to be caught between the road and the machine was caught in a coma. It was promptly discovered and rescued by the local backbone of the Fujimura group who passed by in a hurry.

The unlucky orphan lost his memory, and the backbone of the Fujimura group was originally a moon-seeing person in the Nerima district of Tokyo. When he was young, he made a mistake and faced his childhood partner with no face, so he came to Hyogo North alone. Kobe, I went to the Fujimura team and vowed to break through the world!

Because of his burly figure, fierce appearance, daring to fight, and courage to know others, he won the title of "Tengcun Group Tiger". His talent is so powerful that he can wield great talents, and once used simple martial arts practice, he defeated the killer king Gemu Zongichiro who was invading the Fujimura group with one hand. In the early days of embarking on a magical diversion, he completed the feat of "handling the heroes" and was hailed by the Fujimura team as the "top of mortals", insurmountable!

Such a powerful man, but for some reason not close to female **** (the mistakes he made when he was young, worthy of XX.XX), so he adopted this amnestic orphan, named 'Gonda Shirou', nickname 'fat Tiger ', commemorating his lost youth!

Gang Tian Shi Lang lived in the Jidao family from an early age, adoptive father Gang Tian Wu bravely and vigorously, once became the deputy team leader of the Fujimura group, but he did not want to let his black hands become bloodied, giving him a perfect childhood. Gang Tian and his son have a very good relationship with the Fujimura family. Shilang followed his elder sister's head and gang, and was regarded as a righteous brother.

Four years ago, Takeda Takeshi, who had made a lot of achievements in the field of magic reform martial arts, finally fell in one enemy and ten misfortunes.

This incident caused a million-ton mental shock to Shigeru Gotada, which was once muddled. Finally, on a rainy day, he swore that he would not live up to his father ’s expectations of him and become a ‘just partner’.

In recent years, Konoda Shirou stayed at Fujimura's home and practiced martial arts. This time he represented the 'Fujimura Group'.

"Is this teenager very strong?" Li Mo asked curiously.

"Very strong, very strong in will and belief! Although he is a mortal he has picked up, he is born with a" Budo circuit "and has talents in the field of kendo and bow. In addition ... His father-in-law is a true hero, who has been attracted since childhood. There is an extraordinary courage! In addition, the Fujimura team secretly developed the "Magic Talent" for him, suspected of awakening the origin. "The old bug, as a ground snake, knows Kobe ’s wind and grass.

"Okay, I already understand the situation of this game. It is exciting to look forward to just the side. I can meet your longevity dream, but I am now constrained by Dragon Ball and I ca n’t use my power, so you have to wait for a long time. Now, it ’s time to test my student ’s condition. Sakura, right? You come with me. ”Li Mo got up, ignoring the old worms who were looking forward to him, reincarnated toward the bedroom, and the numb and empty girl puppets accompanied him. .

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