Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1628: Inside the truth-Journey to the West Protest-Fengshenbang!

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"You have condensed the clergy of film and television for each avatar? As for such exaggeration, this will ruin their development potential."

Li Mo was dissatisfied with the wayward spirit of the elf sister. The "24-Star Dharma Body" is a high-end atmospheric class combat avatar with great potential for development. It is also the product of the chipmunk using its own monthly disk as a collateral, and Xiaofa's wish for "Tiandaodai".

Although Xiao Qiqi has paid off her causal debts, this batch of avatars is not only his own wife in the palace, but also mortgaged with his moon plate, just like his own.

A sense of responsibility for ‘brother-in-law ’s upbringing” came to mind. He is the one who should have the right to speak. They are all mine!

To consolidate the film and television priests of the "Star Dharma Body" is like installing an antique program to a high-end computer, which simply spoils the configuration and insults performance! Throughout my doppelganger, apart from being pale and good at making garbage newspapers, opening a leather bag company, passing on causality, and professional dumping, there is only a waste wood report for the 'eight treasures of merit and departure from the Buddha.'

"Hee hee!"

Blanche smiled and said deliberately: "Why is it useless? Each Xiaoqi's race is different, and the three perspectives set when splitting are different. Therefore, the concept and style of filming are different for different avatars. Not the same. For example, Blanche and my family are more suitable for the small and fresh literary film of the elven tribe. Her work specializes in the main world elf group and has won a good reputation in the "Oak Church". "

"Another example is the beast **** generals of the Ministry of the Environment, not only humanoid figures, but also non-human beings such as Hypajeton, **** cows, and evil spirit roots. Cannot be packaged in mainstream routines, of course, change the director. Hai Pajdon is best suited to Godzilla ’s special feature film of cool monsters, while Fel Roar is going to shoot anti-hero dark movies from a villain angle ... "

The elf sister Zhenzhen has a word and talks about her 'director's new journey', and she talks about the flirtatious dance, but Li Mo is uncomfortable.

"So you ruined the future of all my wives for personal hobbies?"

At the moment, Li Mo felt sad and indignant. He suddenly raised a kind of sullenness that would not allow his 'age-aged daughters' to read, but sent them collectively to learn the 'women red'. Unfortunately, this delicious Chinese cabbage , It is so nourishing.

Blanche saw that Li Mo was so concerned about the future of 'self', and his eyes immediately smiled, and there was a loud voice: "Look, it's really shameless and contrived! Is your wife in front? Or my avatars first What you all understand, I wo n’t notice? Do you think I ’m stupid just to abandon your future for your own selfish desires? "

"Huh?" Li Mo looked up.

The elf girl proudly said: "Do you want to know the truth about" The Journey Inside the West "?"

"Hear your ears!"

He returned from the examination room and explored through multiple channels. Naturally, he had some speculation about the "Journey to the West", but the key point has been covered by the inheritance camp, which is difficult to detect. Only when Xiao Tongen returns from the examination room can I consult with my mother-in-law.

However, Blanche has long talked and laughed with the main world tycoons, and cooperated in the development of the trans-crystal colony, and the high-end news channels are more informed than himself.

"Since Ai Fei is so sincere, I will show you compassion and give me one or two, so that you will be pitted after going to the" Westward Journey "and fell into the name of lonely." The elf girl reached up and lifted Li Mo's chin, fingers gently from his face I've been caressed and teased.

Then, with a stern expression on her face, she asked seriously: "Feng Shen Bang, you know?"

"Tiandao internal test, the Westward Journey, and" Feng Shenbang "related?" Li Mo Ruo thought, feeling the main point.

"Good! The main world has come to this day, the demise of the old crystal wall will be inevitable. But the new" crystal wall sky road "contains not only the" Xiandao side ", but also the strong" mechanical side ". Even the" Xiandao " Inside the system, it also covers abyssal radiation, magnetic field rotation, dark forces ... These are unorthodox heterogeneous cosmic force systems. As the earliest source of the strong growth of the 'crystal wall heaven', the inheritors not only have the privilege, but also Worried about his future position in Hittarheim. "

"So the internal test of Heavenly Dao is not only the end and unity of all the" branch Heavenly Dao ", but also the second reinforcement of the immortal civilization imprint on the" Jingbi Tiandao "by the" inheritor camp "to enhance the" Xiandao immigrants "in Jing. The status of the wall system! The title of God is the key! "

When Li Mo heard this, his face became serious, and he felt that he had touched the core secret of the universe. Should n’t this be another ‘cosmic engineering project’? And it seems to be the main task of the highest sequence?

"Daughter-in-law, talk carefully!"

The elf sister gave him a white look and replied: "Since the five years of reincarnation, he has come into contact with a huge number of" Xiandao universe ". The inheritance camp has been screened and finally locked in the" classic westward universe "as a partner, not another. 'Classical Fengshen Universe'. "

"First of all, the" Xiandao Yunwei "of the Journey to the West is very authentic; secondly, the level of this universe is not high or low, and it also has special needs for the main world. It is not afraid that they will betray their faces; finally, this world also has" Fengshenbang "and it is already in operation. Over thousands of years, many loopholes have been improved. It is far more reliable than the "Feng Shen Bang Universe" trial operation "Feng Shen Bang". "

In the fairy girl's narrative, Li Mo knew that the "Classical Journey to the West" in cooperation with the main world, the source is not another "World of Gods," but the two have a plausible history, and a set of "Fengshenbang-system program" covering the world.

The "Fengshenbang" of the Journey to the West is a congenital spiritual treasure. Its B grid and quality are not the highest, and there are more spiritual treasures and treasures than it. However, the function of "Fengshenbang" itself is unparalleled. It can serve as a "backend server" between heaven and earth, bound to the world's law and avenues, and artificially endow the selected life with a "divine position", and exercise the corresponding law on behalf of heaven. CEO authority.

Inheritance camp is fancy, it is this set of "law of heaven and earth-the seal of the gods-universe background program system"!

In the past four reincarnations, the world ’s top powers and behind-the-scenes giants have gone through many rounds of consultations to rule out one after another world of fairy tales. Finally, many parties compromised and reached agreement:

Decided to re-enact the "Fengshenbang Program" from the Westward Journey World, insert it as a key into the "Wall of Heaven", and officially open the sequencing screen in Heaven.

The quality rank of the "Fengshenbang" itself is not important. It may be just a first-line spiritual treasure in the journey to the west, the gods, or the wilderness. And the ‘replica’ engraved in the main world may not even count as the second line.

However, if you inject this 'system program' into the crystal wall heavenly path and open the 'sky path internal test', then the 'Fengshen program' will use the 'crystal wall skyway' as the carrier and become the entire Hitachiheim crystal wall universe. 'One of the main system programs' (comparable to the law of cause and effect), forced to explode instantly, surpassing the original.

After all, B's highest "God of God List" is only a prop used by Hong Jun to control, manipulate, and enslave the spirits of the whole world in the wilderness world. In the main world, it is lifted by everyone to the position of the "Heavenly Dao Program" and overrides all Daoist masters. No one can control it. Instead, it is really used to constrain the entire world and the Daoist Master, naturally supreme.

At the same time, after the unification of 'Jingbi Tiandao', the first system program installed is 'Fengshenbang'. Naturally, the brand new universe will be strengthened by a round of 'Xiandao Civilization', which defines the future of 'Hitaheim' It is a "celestial universe", not a mechanical universe, a magic universe ...

"The real internal test is actually the" Fengshenbang "and the 3000 sequence, and even the laws of the outer Dao are bound to each other to create a series of" Heavenly Dao Fruits ", and then let the devil and demon reserve of the main world rob the battle."

When the ‘Jingbi Tiandao’ swallows the ‘God of Gods’ list, a series of vacant avenues will be created for the Daoists to compete for.

After grabbing vacancies, they are in charge of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth. Through a series of complex mergers, infighting, and growth, they are finally reshuffled and ordered to establish a new ‘avenue sequence’, so that the entire universe becomes orderly.

It is predicted that there are two systems in the brand-new ‘wall-mounted version of the Gods List’:

Really dominate and master the 'fruit position system' of a heaven and earth avenue. As well as being unable to master the avenue, relying on faith to conquer the gods, as the CEO ’s ‘God system’ working for Jingbi Tiandao.

"The Journey to the West is nothing more than to seize the" God of God List "procedure in the main world before entering the program with a ticket, seize the opportunity to strip the corresponding" God Position "from the" God of God List "in advance, so as to seize the opportunity and dominate the pit Bit. "

Then, the chipmunk raised a chestnut:

In the fair version of the internal test, Tiandao released the "Tain Avenue to the High Position", Li Mo competed fairly, shot and killed countless opponents, and won the highest "Tai ** Fruit".

In the shady version of the internal test, Li Mo sneaked into the West Journey World with the ticket, stripped the "Tain God Position" from the "Fengshenbang", when the closed beta was opened, he alone occupied the "Tain God Position" to crush other opponents, and then Youya Youya refined Taiyin is the highest fruit, invincible in the industry!

"This is the truth of Heaven's inner test?" Li Mo was suddenly cheerful at the moment.

Regardless of engraving the God List, constructing the crystal wall reincarnation, and reshaping the fairy road magic net ... this is another kind of cosmic project, which is to condense the countless fragments of Hittarheim and let the crystal wall system merge into one.

The internal test of Tiandao means that after the unification of ‘Jingbi Tiandao’, the trial operation phase of supporting hardware equipment and software programs will fix the loopholes that have emerged and transform into a new universe.

"It's just a part of the truth of the internal test." Blanche shook her head. Her source was wider than Li Mo. "As far as I know," Journey to the West "may just be the first step of the internal test of Tiandao, and there may be others later. Variety?"

"This is inevitable, the main world has been preparing for so many years, and obviously there are still back strokes. How do you avatars relate to the closed beta?"

"As we all know, the laws are divided into major and minor, like heavy industry and light industry. The future 3000 sequence, especially the 360 ​​core sequence, is bound to be an important rule that constitutes the cornerstone of the universe. Tiandao internal test, all strong eyes are focused on these avenues But neglected those 'laws of life'. "

"Now not only is the" outer robbery, the inner demon "more powerful, but Tiandao's suppression of the" laws of the life system "is also weakening. In fact, I learned from Vivienne that Jingbi Tiandao has swallowed a part of the" God of God ", Brand new gods have been born outside the twisted astral world, but unfortunately, you haven't noticed ... "Elf Girl said.

Li Mo said: "Do you mean that Heaven's repression of the divine personality has begun to weaken, and allow the insignificant" law of life system "to condense the physical divine personality and appear a real deity?"

Xiao Dianyin is dedicated to professional "virtual **** manufacturing", but specializes in all kinds of combat department priests, and seldom gets involved in the garbage rules in the middle and downstream of the outer path sequence.

"Yes, these Mao Gods and little gods who condensed their gods with the inferior life system rules, they are weak and unremarkable, and they are hiding in a remote place. They are low-key and unobtrusive, and they are naturally not noticeable. The category "Life Department Avenue" is not worthless. The inheritance camp promises that during the Tiandao internal test, the "Life Department Avenue" will enjoy the preferential policies of Heaven Avenue, and it is very difficult to consolidate and expand. , And will specify the top 100 avenues in the sequence, and empty down to the 3000 sequence. "

The elf sister explained again that the launch of the "Fengshenbang" program has three main purposes:

The first is to strengthen the crystal wall system's "Xiandao" imprint, which needless to say.

The second is to forcibly punch 3000 Series Avenue to create pits, fruit positions, and dignity. That is to say, it will trigger the fight of the powerful on the United Avenue, select the Gu Gu, and use professional procedures to facilitate the management of the universe.

The last is to completely wipe out the old crystal wall's "religious belief system" and destroy the old gods! The brand new Gods List still uses the ‘power of faith’, but the Gods ’Road is monopolized by Heaven ’s Dao, and it is changed to dominate the King ’s Book by the main roads…

This new system will inevitably shake the old order, causing a large number of old deities to be laid off passively, triggering more turbulence. In order to appease a large number of demons and demons falling, in order to attract more opposition natives and reduce cosmic contradictions. The big brothers of the main world decided to force hundreds of ‘Life Department Avenues’ into the 3000 series.

These avenues of life lack combat power, but can expand the low-end 'divine vacancies' tenfold and hundredfold, provide low-level **** posts, swallow unemployed gods in large quantities, prepare a heavenly path, eat cosmic royal food, reduce cosmic contradictions, and stabilize cosmic order … (Refer to Zhaoanbi Mawen)

"Do you know 'Hundred Thousand Heavenly Soldiers' General?' Do these garbage have strength? Not, but each of them is a fairy! If there is only one vacant road on a avenue, only one fairy is supported. Then, what about the Thousand Heavenly Soldiers? Do n’t occupy the law of one hundred thousand avenues? Can the heaven be afforded? This is obviously impossible! All of them, together, only share one avenue. And the “life department avenue” carries the responsibility of large-scale employment of gods and demons. ”

"Like the neon eight million grass-headed gods?" Li Mo looked at the elf girl.

Blanche waved his hand: "Your one is too watery and has no gold content. The main world randomly cuts 8 million copies, and in theory can support 8 million gods. But every grass-headed **** divides the divine power. It ’s not even as good as a Taoist fetus. Eight million gods are not as good as eight million salted fish. There is only a "fame". "

"So the inheritance camp has to select 100 life department avenues to join the 3000 sequence, that is, use the B grid of" three thousand avenues. "The three thousand sequence of cosmic origins will provide large quantities of salted fish demon. After all, it is the 3000 sequence, Tiandao official The establishment, the cosmic priest civil servant, and the fragmentation is also a huge amount of sage, and it is worthy of the name of "the **** designated by the heaven."

Li Mo thought carefully and realized that the belly of the ‘Jingbi Tiandao’ was dark. In the old era, even if there were many defects, it was quite gold. A deity's priesthood covers several avenues of law, and many are exclusive to the law.

However, after the internal test of Heavenly Dao, it completely shattered the past "God System" and changed it to the Enclosure of Heavenly Dao. A huge divine position appeared, changing its direction to dilute the real power of the gods and increasing the control of Heavenly Dao.

Of course, a 3000-sequence ‘sacred system’ can still dominate the same way as it used to be. However, he changed the court and entered the system of "The Crystal Wall Sealed God List".

"Mainstream Avenue still needs to go westward to compete for opportunities, and the second-class" Life Department Avenue "has been opened, but no one pays attention. I also found business opportunities after I also communicated with Vivian. If I can monopolize a few in advance "Life Department Avenue", the first to enter the Top100, in the future will not directly jump into the 3000 sequence? It is easy to mix a few golden cents, even the big Luoguo position? "

"So I like two avenues: 'film entertainment (culture)' and 'plane trade (wealth)'. The former need not say more, you think about how large the number of Gong'e in the heavenly court? If I master 'entertainment star making' The full series of "Secretary", and then swallowed the "Gong'e Book Sealing System" of the heavenly court, looks like a group of insignificant weak chickens, but the "God" behind it has gone to sea! "

"In the future, the internal test will be over. The entire 3000-sequence gangsters will go online collectively to form a 'crystal wall system'. How many top-ranking gangsters need the fairy palace to fill the facade? And these 'weaves' are in my hands, don't look These are all Mao Shen San Xian positions, but that is also a fairy, just selling these 'Heavenly Dao Weaving Positions' can make a lot of money. Besides, you can also insert your own personnel in different forces to create an intelligence system! If you are training a few A female celebrity, placed in the position of a top fairy, casually packed, is the "seven feminine combination". "

"As for 'Star World Trade', the focus is on making money! 597's desperate Red Devils company spontaneously condensed the 'drink law', and I was inspired by this to let the avatars start potato chips, candy, juice, clothing, luxury goods The company ... engaged in plane trade in the distorted astral world, has gathered a lot of relevant laws and priesthood. "

"Now each of my avatars has two sets of different priesthoods. If one or two alone, it ca n’t become a climate. But the combination of 24 groups of priesthoods will surely attract the attention of Tiandao and condense the" integrated life department avenue "to let them quickly Seal God, seize the 3000 sequence. "Blanche said wisely.

In fact, this kind of thing is not a secret in the inheritance camp and even the top forces, and it happens frequently.

This is also a compromise of the inheritance of the power, and the 100 'Life Avenues' are designated as 3000 series, which gives a good opportunity for the rich relatives who are qualified to know the shady.

This is simply the most cost-effective "Three Thousand Avenue Investment" in this era!

For example, Shengguang Rulai learns the inside story and arranges the righteous girl to engage in a 'life department testimony'. In the future, the dark box operation will become ‘Da Luo Jin Xian’ smoothly. This is a kind of friendship! The kindness of the Holy Light is worth a ‘Holy Throne’! This is the human investment tactic of the inheritance camp.

However, the arrogant sect such as the "Invisible Sword Sect" or the force that disdains the life line of the "Radiation Legion" will not go to pick up this cheap. On the contrary, the shameless Da Nu Lijiao has already started to manufacture private 'Putian Shoes Avenue, Jieshibang Avenue' ... preparing to train a batch of 'Twelve Gold Spirits of Life Department' and 'Da Nu Lijiao 12 Gold Jing 'echoes away.

Relatively speaking, the two paths chosen by Blanche are already very B-style, with both arts and arts, as well as krypton gold and wealth ... Her 'plane trade avenue' has already been combined with 'krypton gold loli' Linkage.

However, the latter's "Krypton Avenue" does not compete for 100 life systems, but is chasing the orthodox "3000 sequence" and taking the road of kingship. (The three old ladies are all dignified! They disdain evil spirits.)

"That is to say, my wives will become gods soon? And not only the big entertainers, but also the rich little ladies with krypton golden domineering?" Li Mo asked excitedly.


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