Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1591: 100 poses for entering the robbery

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Feeling the dramatic changes in the body, Li Mo's thinking simultaneously connected the five major avatars, as well as several high-end avatars, and had a deep understanding of the practice system after the 'Daoji'.

His “Destruction Doppelganger” has the strongest strength, high weight, and extensive knowledge. He has learned many secrets in recent years; 233 Xiaodianyin Temple has expanded its business madly, so “Nuclear Explosion Comes Incarnate” has become the king of the human network, and has many third-line small The fellows meet each other and collect a large amount of internal data; in addition, the pale master has multiple dimensions, crazy wholesale and retail, and has a wide range of contacts, and has a deep understanding of the major mainstream practice systems; and Victor, the Lord of Flame Demon, leads by example and completes in person. Several upgrades to provide the most intuitive data.

With so much ‘self’ to support, Li Mo ’s practice experience at the moment is rich enough to explode in place!

Regardless of the mechanical side or the practice side, once stepped into the legend (Dao Ji), the "Private Law" will be condensed and imprinted inside the crystal wall Tian Dao. From then on, there is a foundation for "Feng Shen Fei Xian into a Buddha". Therefore, it is called the "base of the road". On the basis of Dao, it is necessary to cultivate "True Spirit, Yin God, Yang God" one after another.

This ‘three gods’ is difficult for different practitioners, and is usually regarded as three progressive small levels, but in fact they are side by side, regardless of heights, and represent different paths.

Any one of the three gods, or three of them at the same time to the peak, are regarded as legendary completion (different gold content), the next step is to enter the robbery. (The robbery does not leave the category of legend, = Advanced Legend)

The so-called "into the robbery" is the "trans-day robbery" of the Immortal Dao civilization, one of the three gods, once the robbery is successful, it is recorded as "one robbery". In the old era, it was regarded as the "Legend of Destiny" or "Demigod", and the fairyland universe called it "Sanxian". After entering the robbery, the Sanxian have many ways to choose according to their own conditions:

Insufficient qualifications, transfer to the mechanical side, mech certification; Insufficient qualifications, jump to the belief side, condense the virtual deity; Insufficient qualifications, liberate the potential to fly directly to the immortal (the lowest immortal); The qualifications are good and continue to improve the level of robbery; the qualifications burst the table, and the three gods go deep into the robbery simultaneously.

After the robbery, the foundation is insufficient, those who give up their future, and liberate their potential, whether they become immortals or gods, or change careers, their power will inevitably increase sharply, and their level of life will jump to a higher dimension. But its essence is ‘the miscellaneous fish among the gangsters’. (Correspondence: True Immortal. (Weak Divine Power))

If you want to go further, you need to withstand the loneliness, the pressure of being beaten by the "high latitude school slag", and have the "three gods at the same time", and "arbitrary". One crosses into three robbers' two conditions. (How to do it depends on hobbies and similar credits.)

As long as the ‘three majors’ are cultivated into ‘5 points’ (1 robber + 1 robber + 3 robbers), they can synthesize ‘Yuanshen’ and enter the higher realm ‘Earth’ from ‘Sanxian’. (Not weaker than true fairy)

However, although the 'five robbery and scattered cents' are the lowest threshold of the earth cents, practitioners tend to accumulate in the 'six calamities' for promotion in the future. Because after achieving the Earth Immortal, Yuanshen needs at least three more robberies before he can ascend or ascend to become ‘Tianxian (weak divine power)’.

In the world of spiritual practice, it is called "Nine Tribulation Heavenly Immortals"!

From entering the robbery to the final soaring, accumulating 'nine robbery' can only achieve the positive results.

(The above is the minimum configuration of Ascension Celestial! 5 + 4 is allowed, but 6 + 3 is relatively easier.)

According to intelligence feedback from teammates such as Blood Tree Majesty and Nuclear Explosion, the mainstream of the abyss is "into robbery and scattered immortals". After accumulating a large number of "5 robbery and 6 robbery", a large number of demons entering the robbery are not satisfied with the "low-evolution", and they are willing to join the gods to enter the immortals, but continue to go through the robbery in the form of scattered immortals and accumulate education.

The difficulty of the "Three Gods" increases dramatically every time it is robbed; and for each accumulation of three robberies, the difficulty of crossing the robbers increases exponentially, and the gap is so great that the practitioners are desperate. Therefore, it is relatively easiest to repair the three gods at the same time to the "three calamities". ‘Nine Trial Sanxian (3/3/3)’ is also regarded as the ‘Senior Powerful’ standard line. In the future, it will enter the fairyland of the earth.

If one of the three gods breaks through the three catastrophes, as long as they are not partial, "Ten Tribal Sanxian (4 + / 3/3)" has no pressure to start; in the future, if you enter the immortal, you can also look forward to the "3+ Tianjiao" and accumulate 14+ 'is regarded as the future' quasi-big guy ', the founder of Jingbi Tiandao 3000, generally started with this education.

(Nine Tribulation Immortals is not worthy of being the CEO of Jingbi 3000!)

If there is a **** hanging B to break the 'six robbery', then it must be the first line of evil spirits in the scattered fairy (6 + /? /?). Even if he is not in harmony with the Yuanshen, does not enter the earth immortal, and does not prove the way of ascension, he can still sit down with the big brothers of the main world to discuss metaphysics. (Single six robbery scattered immortals, one-handed rubbing ‘study true immortals’ without pressure, kneeling on the ground and calling dad!)

For example, in the bottomless abyss, the Yin God proved:-Krypton Emperor of the Abyss-Six Sinister Dragons-Clark.


Theoretically, the crystal wall Tian Dao in "From Tribulation to Soaring" supports "Four Nine Sky Tribulation", which is the ultimate freak of 4 × 9 = 36 heavy sky tribulation.

But in fact, this algorithm is neither scientific nor desirable. After all, ‘True Spirit, Yin God, and Yang God’ always have a core to do. 15+ is the quasi-big guy, and 20+ is the true big guy.

(The beauty of crossing the robbery is one-minded. The specific differences are difficult for the author to quantify. Please speculate on the basis of metaphysical induction. Be sure not to substitute levels 1, 2 ... 10, 1x, 2x ... 10x Stereotype algorithm.)

During the period of ‘into robbery and scattered cents’, practitioners were broadly divided into two main streams: ‘Yangshen-World Egg’ and ‘Yinshen-Physical Sanctification’ according to their genre, personal laws, talents, and preferences. These are also two "Tongtian Avenues" recognized as being able to come to an end in one go. (Preliminary support and minor training)

The ultimate form of the Yangshen route is to cultivate a private "world egg" into a real world, connected to the crystal wall heaven. Eventually, the "private Daoguo" became Xiaotian Dao and was certified by the crystal wall system. If ‘World Egg’ grows into ‘Abyss, Hell’, you ’re ‘Abyssal Will, Hell Will’, and he is in charge of the Thousands with his own way, more than Hong Jun.

The ultimate form of the Yin-Shen route is ‘to prove the Dao with strength, to form the inner heaven and earth by the flesh’, to ignore the Heavenly Dao of the Crystal Wall and not to invade. It devours millions of substances, absorbs various laws, and maps them into the inner world, ‘the self-sufficiency is self-sufficient, and the tens of laws self-generate’, becoming the ultimate individual like ‘Pangu’. Once it explodes, it explodes like a singularity, opening up a new universe.

It can be seen from this that the route of Yin God and Yang God is opposite, and the conflict will become more serious in the later period. Therefore, the 36 robberies are doomed to not be established, but concurrent cultivation is allowed in the early stage.

After determining the ultimate form, you can use the other party's ‘achievement’ as a nutrient fuel and let yourself go the ‘way’ to go further.

It would be embarrassing to enter the robbery and scattered immortals without talents in the field of ‘World Egg’ or ‘Physical Sanctification’. These spicy chickens that should have been eliminated have a slim future.

But ... if you have a strong family background, strong luck, extraordinary life, noble help, or especially rich money, you can still struggle to rescue. If a certain high-quality 'magic weapon' is used as a 'pseudo-dao fruit', it can be combined with the true spirit.

This Sanxian can not prove ‘Yangshen’ or ‘Yinshen’, use ‘magic weapons’ as the core, merge into one, and fly together with B together.

The higher the quality of the magic weapon, the stronger the rule of implication. Even if it is a ‘rule branch’ recognized by Jingbi Tiandao, the cultivator is as if the pig teammate is being played by the god-level high play and lying down to win, comfortably cultivated into a positive result. Proving the Tao with ‘magic magic’ is often regarded as the ‘Banmen Waidao’ outside the ‘Tongtian Avenue’.

As far as the blood tree lord sees and hears, throughout the abyss, there are many 'super rich second generation, **** second generation, demon second generation, which are integrated with' innate spirit treasure 'and' true spirit ', all the way to the sky ... … Three generations, four generations, five generations ... '

There is a high-level magic weapon or artifact that is a mortal thing, and the "motivated by instincts" inspirational force who often can fight is forcing people to doubt life. (The rule of krypton gold is everywhere ...)

(The second and third generations laughed and proudly said: Hitahheim is so unfair, I reborn by my own ability, that's why I'm so angry, are you angry? Are you angry? What shouldn't you bully the poor? Be convinced, have the ability to commit suicide and solve the problem, reincarnate and cast a good baby, better than 'very good qualifications + hardships.')

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